The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 989 Witchhouse and Civilization

The original desolate land, after people's reclamation and arrangement, has rules and forms. The fields and houses are adjacent to each other, full of vitality, everything looks orderly, and it is no longer as barren and wild as before.

Xia Tuo consciously comprehends the Dao rhyme between the heaven and the earth, so in his perception, there is a faint connection between the earth and him, which he can't describe clearly for the time being.

Generally speaking, there is a tendency to push his flesh and soul to sublimate. It seems that the world is a little different in his eyes, but it is the original world again, which is unclear and mysterious.

He didn't use his strength, just walked forward like this, stretching for tens of miles, all were spiritual fields reclaimed and dams and ditches built by Xinhewei.

Pieces of spiritual fields are neatly spread out in front of you, filled with crops such as corn, potatoes, and purple rice. From far and near, there are old people and women squatting in the fields, pulling down the weeds that have grown.

He could still hear that a group of people gathered in the distance were discussing their experience in irrigation, weeding, and repelling birds and insects. In a few years, this spiritual field has grown from scratch, and the people who migrated from the Sanyang Realm , has become a good farmer.


The dull roar of the cow sounded, and on the path beside the field, an old cow with green and yellow fluff was walking lazily, with two baskets of grass on its back, and its small tail kept beating.

Along the way, people kept stuffing the youngest part of the weeds into the old cow's mouth, and the old cow sneezed arrogantly.

Xia Tuo didn't pretend, and greeted the people working in the field with a smile. When he met two old people who were returning with hoes, he said very familiarly, The two old brothers have opened up this large area. Lingtian, it looks like this year's harvest will be pretty good.

A total of more than 400,000 mu of spiritual fields have been reclaimed on the Xinhe Wasteland where Xinhewei is located. The barren land is fertile, and crops such as potatoes can harvest 20 shi in a season, and the rest, such as corn, can also be harvested for 10 shi. stone.

This is a lizard, it specializes in eating the leaves of purple rice.

Xia Tuo was on the side of the road, caught a fat little white bug on a plant with purple leaves, and chatted with the two old men with great interest.

Seeing that Xia Tuo also has some experience in serving Lingmi, the two old men who were still somewhat reserved at first let go of their doubts and started talking with Xia Tuo.

Xia Tuo claimed to be a wind-gathering envoy under the command of the clan, who specially walked in the territory and recorded what he saw and heard. The two old men had never heard of the wind-gathering envoy, but they also knew that they were inside the Xinhe Guardhouse.

There are inspectors and merit testers.

Chatting with the two old men, the three of Xia Tuo had already walked through the flat field and arrived at the settlement built in a place surrounded by mountains and rivers.

On the land with a radius of several tens of miles, Xinhe Guard has established dozens of gathering areas. Xinhe Mountain is regarded as the center of Xinhe Guard, and the station of Shunong Wei is at the foot of Xinhe Mountain.

Xia Tuo saw the north side of Xinhe Mountain running from east to west. There is a tributary of Xinhe River along Xinhe Mountain. Stone houses are built on the bank of the mountain and river. About 30,000 people live here, surrounded by wooden fences. As a simple defensive wall, there are stone-paved streets inside the fence, which look very neat and tidy.

In the settlement, some people can be seen picking up farm tools, and some people are feeding some poultry.

In the largest stone hall in the center of the settlement, there was a noisy voice, the voice was still immature, and the two old people told Xia Tuo with a smile that the stone hall in the center was a school, a place for literacy.

Ordinary characters do not have the ability to communicate with the world, let alone the power of ghosts and gods, but literacy can inherit civilization and make people understand the truth.

Over the years, Daxia has long ordered the city below to teach the school-age children to read and write.

It is not for these people to become strong when they grow up, but for this kind of literacy to be popularized.

quack quack ~~

On the branch of the Xinhe River outside the settlement, a group of fat, duck-like beasts covered in brown feathers came up from the water with quacking calls, twisted their fat bodies and walked towards the settlement.

After landing, someone came over and counted these poultry one by one to see if there were any missing. This was the property of the entire Xinhe Guard, and the eggs laid would be used to nourish the babies of the right age in the guard.

In the end, Xia Tuo didn't go into the Xinhe Guardhouse, but headed towards the west along Xinhe Mountain. Although he had only been away from the tribe for a few days and hadn't walked through a few guardhouses, what he saw and heard still made him satisfy.

From the beginning of the Da Xia Li clan, he has made the promotion of spiritual fields one of the basic clan policies. Over the years, Da Xia has been able to grow more than 20 kinds of crops.

Si Nong Dian has contributed a lot in these years, and has developed spiritual field cultivation into a systematic discipline. Perhaps the people of the Great Wilderness do not understand what a discipline is, but it is especially important for crop cultivation.

For many ordinary people, the clan family is too far away from them. Even though Xia Tuo has promulgated many edicts, the actual implementation is not always the same.

Each place has different regions and different environments, and many clan orders need to be adapted to local conditions. Compared with the high-level clansmen, ordinary clansmen are more inclined to ask how to domesticate poultry, how to prevent and control diseases and insect pests of lingmi, and how to weave fishing nets to catch more fish. many fish.

At the same time that Xia Tuo left Xinhewei, four figures, one old, three young, came to the southwest of Xinhe Mountain. The four of them were busy in the dust. bag.

The four walked along the path in the field. The old man had a white beard but a ruddy complexion. He looked at the golden crow that was about to fall to the west, took out the animal skin paper from his bosom, looked at it, and said, The front is the Xinhe Guard. Alright, let's rest here today, and return to Phoenix early tomorrow morning.

Yes, elder.

The old man spoke, and the three young people around him all agreed.

When the group of four arrived at the settlement of Xinhewei, they were seen by a middle-aged man who came out of the field. The middle-aged man looked at the four of them. He was stunned for a long time, and then ran towards the settlement with his legs.

The benefactor is back.

Elder Xuegong Mu and the three young adults are back.

The middle-aged man ran all the way into the settlement, towards the stone palace where the peasant guards were stationed.

After migrating from the Sanyang Realm, they were organized into a collective. In the past few years, they have eaten and drank. Although their freedom has been restricted, they are still very satisfied with their current life in general.

Soon more than a dozen people rushed out of Shunongwei's office, and the leader was Xinhe Shunongwei Ji Qian.

The name Ji's is very honorable, but to Ji Qian, it doesn't matter at all. He is just a small warrior under the command of the Great Xia Clan, and his current realm is no more than the first level of Shenzang Realm.

Ji Qian led several officials from the guard to welcome them outside the settlement, and met the three disciples led by Muli.

Master Mu has led his disciples on a long journey for four years. It seems that the study tour has been successful, and the three younger brothers and sisters have also gained a lot.

In the blink of an eye, the outside of the settlement was surrounded by old and young, and a baby even stared at Muli with wide eyes, and exclaimed: You are the grandfather who saved me four years ago.


Muli greeted everyone around with a smile, landed on the Nongwei, and said: In just four years, a piece of wolf forest wasteland has been reclaimed into a granary. It's a good job.

Ji Qian welcomed the four of them into the settlement, and many people came to pay respects along the way.

Four years ago, the Xinhe Guardhouse hadn't taken shape yet, and the people from the Sanyang Realm who migrated here were not acclimatized, and all kinds of snakes, insects, rats and ants were tormenting them. It happened that Muli took three disciples to study here and took out a few The folk remedies in the witch house have saved many people.

The Great Xia Witch House is the most civilized place in the Great Xia, and the inconspicuous things inside may be luck for people outside.

After staying in Xinhe Settlement for three months, the group continued to travel westward, and now they have returned from a study tour westward.

Because of the arrival of Muli and his party, the Xinhuo settlement was very lively, and a bonfire event was held at night, which was one of their few activities.

Before the bonfire, Ji Qian grabbed the wine cup and said to the three young men, The three juniors and younger sisters are going on a tour led by Master Mu. After returning to the clan this time, the future is bound to be great. In the future, there must be a place in the clan. .”

When Ji Qian said this, the faces of the three young men flushed a little, and they drank the wine in one gulp, their eyes glowing brightly.

Not everyone has the opportunity to go out on tours and know the land and people's livelihood. Only those who have performed well in the academy and have been recognized for their talent and character have the opportunity to go out for tours.

Although a few years of time may be wasted during the parade, once they return, the academy will allocate resources to make up for the delayed training time.

Senior Brother, Junior Sister hereby toasts you. Filling up the wine cup in her hand, Qing He shook the wine glass as a signal, her cheeks blushing all the way to her neck under the light of the fire.

Although Ji Qian is said to be a Shunong Wei, he has no official position. He was also born in the Academy, but since he was promoted to the Shenzang Realm, he has made little progress in his practice for more than 20 years, and finally had to leave the Academy He also served in the clan family for more than 20 years, and was transferred to the Xinhe Guard four years ago.

Because I walked out of the academy, I know better that there are heavens and humans outside the sky and people.

Master Mu is a sorcerer in the Academy, majoring in spiritual planting, but for hundreds of years, Daxia has tried his best to develop the study of witchcraft, and sorcery is interdependent, and there is no clear boundary.

He is a sorcerer, so naturally the three disciples he brought are also sorcerers, and all of them have cultivated to the level of a sorcerer, and they are all less than fifty years old, which is a proper young man in the wilderness.

There is no doubt that the future of a wizard is much greater than that of Ji Qian, a martial artist. After many years of training abroad, Ji Qian also wants to make friends.

Muli sipped the wine quietly, looked at his disciple with a smile, and said, Lingjue has reached the late stage of the wizard realm, and he is very talented in witch doctors. After returning to the clan this time, the old man will ask the school It is recommended that Lingjue go to participate in the assessment of the witch house.

Then congratulations, Junior Sister.

Ji Qian showed a hint of surprise, and said: That is the most mysterious place in our Great Xia. Who doesn't know that the top inheritance of our Great Xia is in the witch courtyard.

Not only Ji Qian, but the other two young people were a little envious. Muli then said: After I go back, I will also recommend it to the academy. Whether you can pass the examination or not depends on your luck.

Hearing the sound, the two young men immediately showed excited expressions and bowed their thanks repeatedly.

The academy is just a place to practice, and the witch courtyard is the true meaning. They are genius disciples in the academy, but in the legendary witch courtyard, they may only be ordinary apprentices, but even apprentices are still fascinating. That's where civilization is.

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