The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 974: Kingdom of Giants

Under the night, Phoenix City, a huge city with mountains as its city, looks like a giant beast lying on the wasteland.

There are sixteen city gates on all sides of Phoenix City, and there are sixteen gate guards. Each guard has 5,000 people, and they are all commanded by warriors at the peak of Shenzang.

The number of guards at the city gates totaled 80,000, and the commander of the guards was Gou Snake, a supernatural being.

The City Gate Guard is a branch of the Clan Guard Division. The Clan Guard Division includes elite fighters such as Habayashi Guard, Jinwu Guard, Dragon Sparrow Guard, and Fengluan Guard. The post of the guard in charge of the Guard Division is still vacant today. .

Recently, it has been rumored that the clan will reform the Department of Guards, and change the Shadow Guard and Town Magic Division. Of course, these rumors are spread by the warriors in the city themselves. As a chat, the actions of the clan are not something they can participate in. .

In the summer palace in the central part of Miquan Lake, the spirit trees are filled with a faint light, and the pavilions and pavilions are looming in the light. Outside the halls, you can see the Habayashi guards standing standing in blue armor with god patterns.

This is the residence of the patriarch, with 7,200 guards and more than 2,000 maids.

Those who can serve here are not only young, but at least they need to be able to serve spirit herbs, simple witchcraft, etc., otherwise they will not even be able to enter the door of the Summer Palace.

The Summer Palace was very quiet at night. Although Xia Tuo was not interested in the huge palace complex, the Habayashi guards would patrol the entire Summer Palace every day, which was their duty.

Gradually, the night became darker and darker, the laurel moon in the sky was also hidden in the darkness, and the maids who had been busy all day had already entered the rest.

Where to escape.

Under the night, a cyan divine light bloomed and turned into a strong sacred tree in the night sky, more than three hundred feet high, volleying across the void for several miles, and exploded in the night sky.


The roar was particularly loud in the silent night, and the bright blue divine light even illuminated the Phoenix City.

The moment some people saw the divine tree fall, an invisible blade light fell down, splitting the evolved divine tree into pieces. In the burst of divine light, a figure wrapped in a black robe, whose body was struck by lightning, slammed into the sky. Falling down in the gloom.

Habayashi guard listened to the order. The villain has been wounded by me. I will arrest him with all my strength, regardless of life or death.

Qingqi stepped into the void, her whole body was shrouded in blue light, her voice resounded like thunder.

That night, the city of Great Xia was filled with commotion and the roar of battles, which lasted until dawn and did not subside.

The next day, the people in the city suddenly discovered that there were many warriors in the sky and underground in the city, and the elite soldiers in Phoenix City were all searching for suspicious people.

At noon, the Great Xia Clan issued an edict.

A villain broke into the summer palace last night and stole a treasure, and he has now been executed.

The decree said so, but the people in the city found that the patrolling soldiers did not retreat, but became more strict.

Have you heard that most of the Habayashi guards were withdrawn by the clan master?

Are you kidding, Habayashi Wei Dadutong is the direct disciple of the patriarch, and even the place so close to the Summer Palace is entrusted to him to sit in it, which is enough to show the patriarch's trust in Dadutong, isn't it just a small thief, How could it be possible for Dadu to be dismissed?

Believe it or not, my Huo family is next to the Qingsong family, and I have seen with my own eyes that Da Du has returned home.


You are a transparent person in the Huo family, you can see Dadu coming back, and if you want to cheat a drink, just say so.

In the moon-watching palace in the city, in the stone building, four young and middle-aged figures sat around the stone table, drinking and talking.

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, look at these clan soldiers in the city. The middle-aged warrior who was being ridiculed drank a glass of wine, pointed to a group of clan soldiers in red armor passing outside the building and said: Look for yourselves, wearing red armour, tattooed with the flame-bathed phoenix pattern, these are the Phoenix Luan Guards who guard the Phoenix Terrace, what are they doing in the city if they don't guard the Phoenix Terrace.

The clan said that the villains who broke in had already been killed, and why do you need so many people to patrol the city? Use your brains, I'm afraid you really lost a treasure.

Qingsong Mansion, this is the residence of the Qingqi family, after returning from the summer palace, Qingqi returned to his small courtyard, announcing that he would avoid visitors, which made everyone in his family feel very strange.

Although the population of Phoenix City is not as large as that of the original Great Xia City, there is still no delay in delivering news.

The sudden intrusion into the summer palace by a mysterious person last night, and the sudden tension in the city today all indicate a big problem.

Qingqi went home to avoid visitors, and the news quickly spread throughout the city. Combined with what happened suddenly last night, everyone began to think about it.

Don't think that there are not many people in Phoenix City, but there are many spies among these people, including Hubenwei, Queling clan from outside the region, and the Zhuwuhou tribe in the south. Of course, it is not ruled out that there is no mastery.

The wind and rain in the city were ups and downs. In the evening, in the summer garden, Xia Tuo was drinking in a calm mood, with four dishes and a pot of wine, and he was missing.

In the stone pavilion, Xia Tuo poured his own drink, while Jian Ling was holding his own small jade bowl, drinking the carefully brewed medicinal soup, the aroma filled his nose.

Xia Tuo was playing with a Wanling Stone in his hand. It was crystal clear like jade and contained a strong sense of death. He could vaguely sense that there was an illusory giant figure sealed in it.

As early as the time when the Da Xia Li tribe was not long ago, a giant formation was discovered in the north, and later there were giant tribes in the northwest land, and there were giant ruins. These indicate that a long time ago, there were giants living in the barren land.

Since it is a fake, it must be based on something, so Xia Tuo thought of the Giant Mountain Range deep in the wild ancient land.

You have reprimanded Qing Qi like this, and the outside world really thinks about Pian Pian. Putting down the jade bowl, Jian Ling said softly, People outside can hear that wind is rain.

Three people make a tiger. The more you hide, the more people will be interested. You have to give these people some time to prepare, don't you?

Xia Tuo put the Wanling Stone in front of his eyes, looked up and down, and said: These people have been spying on us for a long time, and they can't wait to sneak into the clan to take a look. What happened last night will attract their attention, but these are not enough , the fire needs to be added slowly.

Xia Tuo played with the Wanling Stone. Originally, he wanted to create a vision from the sky outside, but the frontier is so big, if the vision from the sky is in the north, it will definitely stir the hearts of the people in the territory.

If there were not many people in a million miles in the barren southern region, how big a vision would he have to create to be seen? At that time, the vision will come out, and if no one sees it, it will be a waste of work.

After much deliberation, I still have to start from the inside of my own clan. There are spies sent by various clans in Daxia City. Not to mention that the spies of the Que Ling clan have already checked clearly. Que Ling is also afraid that Da Xia will go To trouble them, so I arranged such a move.

Apart from the Que Ling clan, Hubenwei also extended his hands to the borderlands. Among them were not only the faction of Hu Ling. Although Lin Yao and Mo He were behind in their moves, they were not slow at all.

Among the news that Guiyou secretly sent back was the internal strife among the Bianhuanghu Benwei. Although Lin Yao and Mohe were suppressed by the fox spirit, their strength should not be underestimated.

These guys are very interested in Daxia. Now that something like this happened in Daxia, it is impossible for the various spies lurking in Phoenix City to hold back and not take any action.

You must also pay attention to the delivery of news. If he releases all the news in one go, it will definitely make people feel unreal.

So be sure to be ashamed, cover up, and procrastinate. The more you try to hide, the more people will be interested in it.


With a soft cry, a purple and green light flashed in the sky above Xia Garden, and the luan bird fell from the sky, opened its mouth, and a piece of jade slip emerged and landed in Xia Tuo's hand.

Spiritual thoughts were submerged in the jade slips, Xia Tuo then sensed the message engraved in it, and then the fighting spirit was burning like fire, melting the jade slips into molten drops.

The news came from Mr. Shadow Guard. What happened last night, coupled with the turmoil in the guards of the city today, the jars hidden in the city, as expected, have already taken action, and began to contact some low-level warriors in the clan, drinking and drinking. Get in touch.

Having settled his thoughts, Xia Tuo then said, I don't know what happened to Qiaoer and the others when they entered the Sanyang Realm.

Since there is no news, it means that they are still exploring. Jian Ling picked up the jug on the table and filled the wine glass in front of Xia Tuo.

It's been two months. The last time the message came, it was said that there was a crack in the passage, and the passage needs to be stabilized to enter the Sanyang Realm.

Xia Tuo drank the wine in his glass and shook his head. It has been two months since the last clan meeting. The old man and his party led the 30,000 elite soldiers secretly drawn by the clan and set foot on the road. The journey of the Sanyang Realm.

In the past two months, he has not been idle. He found a good-looking place deep in the southwestern land, arranged the signs of the relics of God's Domain, and now he almost triggered the fuse of the relics.

It's getting late, let's go back to the house and rest.

Xia Tuo lifted Jianling up and walked towards the sleeping hall. With one hand, he flicked the Wanling Stone in his hand and flew towards the distance, blocked by the illusory palm between the spirit trees.

Then the palm gradually solidified, turning into a figure in a black robe, walking towards the outside of Xia Yuan invisibly.

Holding the Wanling Stone in his hand, Gui Da did not leave Phoenix City, but came to live in a small courtyard in the city.

There has been no war in Great Xia for these years, and the number of times the Ghost Wei Army has appeared in front of everyone has become even rarer. They used to practice secretly in the dark, so that many people did not know the existence of the Ghost Wei Army.

As night fell, it became darker and darker. Gui Da's figure hid in the darkness, quietly found out the small courtyard, and headed towards the South Fire Gate in the south of Phoenix City.

The entire body of the South Fire Gate was dug out of a 20,000-foot sacred mountain, watered with divine gold and iron, and carved with runes. The two city gates are 500 feet high, like the mouths of giant beasts.

Since most of the outside of the city is desolate, every day after night falls, the sixteen city gates of Phoenix City will be closed, and the ghosts are like a gust of wind floating towards the South Fire Gate.

On the South Fire Gate, twelve figures stood on the excavated city wall, quietly watching the ghostly figure floating towards them.

Second brother, it's the first time I can beat the boss upright, I'm quite excited when I think about it.

There are not many opportunities like this, brothers, don't hold back.

Cough~ The martial artist standing on the far left, with a hazy face, coughed lightly, and said, That's our elder brother, everyone, enough is enough, the task assigned by the lord is important.


When the ghostly figure approached the city gate for three hundred feet, the sudden flames on the South Fire City Gate burst into flames, and bright orbs pierced into the sky, illuminating a radius of more than ten miles.

A blood-mouthed broadsword with a length of one zhang appeared in the ghost's second hand, and he slashed down in the air against the ghost, and even shouted in his mouth: You dog thief, trespassing on my Daxia clan, save your life! .”

Gui Er made a move, which stunned the remaining brothers of Guiwei Army.

Hand over what you stole.

All of a sudden, on the entire southern city wall, runes lit up one after another, forming a splendid light curtain, protecting the city wall and blocking the aftermath energy of the fight.

Brother, let's go~

During the scuffle, Gui Liu saw that Gui Da had been beaten to death, and immediately transformed himself, and sent Gui Qi flying away.

Stay here.

The patriarch has an order to kill on the spot.

The melee of more than a dozen figures was endlessly noisy, and the energy fluctuations caused by it spread even hundreds of miles away.

Boss, it's time.

General Ghost threw up the double-colored Wan Lingshi in his hand.


In an instant, the Myriad Spirit Stone was shattered, and blue and red flames emerged from nothingness, and a phantom of a giant with a height of three hundred feet emerged from the flames.


The dim figure of the giant roared, and the sound shook the city. At this moment, a blue and red giant appeared under the night, beating on his chest, and every blow was like the beating of a war drum, roaring endlessly.


The reason for choosing the gate in the south is also very particular. In the southeast area of ​​the city, a stone tower stands tall.

Facing the stone street outside the small courtyard, there is a ten-foot-high treasure pavilion, which is called Wanwufang.

This is a market where spirit items can be exchanged. The main products are ordinary animal skins, ores, etc. The stall is small but there are many hidden ones.

At this moment, an old man in a shabby beast robe inside the stone tower squinted his eyes through the stone bed and looked towards the sky outside. He could see the vision of the giant and the scene of fighting with several figures.

Behind the old man stood a strong man, who was also watching what happened in the sky.

Go and find out what the Xia Palace lost last night.

The old man pondered for a moment, and then he ordered: There is also Commander Habayashi Wei's family who want to take action, let's see where the person who made the move comes from.

Yes, I'll arrange it right away. Que Lingfeng took orders in a low voice.

Although they have not been in Phoenix City for a long time, they have already completed the preliminary construction of their own snooping network. After all, there are so many people in the Great Xia family, not everyone is a determined person.


Go and find out what's going on.

Go check it out.

Under the night, because of the vision of the South Fire Gate, many people were attracted, and the voices of orders rang out all over the city. They were not too nervous, and it was more like a random response to an emergency.

Although a battle over the theft of the summer palace caused quite a commotion, in the next few days, the situation gradually calmed down, and everyone's attention gradually decreased a lot.

In this way, time passed day by day, and half a month later, at the mansion of Qingqi, the commander of Habayashi Wei, a brother who had been friends with Qingqi was drunk and accidentally vomited a word.

What was stolen in the summer palace is the giant's relic, which comes from the kingdom of the giant god.

I don't know why the news spread like this. There are rumors in the city that Lord Qingqi, the commander of Habayashi Weida and the direct disciple of the patriarch, disappeared, and even the brother who talked nonsense after drinking disappeared.

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