The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 23 Annexing the Bamboo Tribe

Good man.

The old man threw himself in front of Xia Tuo, shouting hoarsely with snot and tears.

Thank you, my lord, for taking in Xiaobu.

Xia Tuo: ...

How come there is a feeling of being fooled, the old man in front of him is simply better than him.

At this time, Xia Tuo felt his trousers being grabbed, a doll was still bubbling with snot, and his shiny fur coat was scratched with black marks by his little dirty hands.

That's too much, little guy, I can hit people, and I can hit three people who are not as high as my knees.

The little guy's face was black and his clothes were patchy and purple, and there was no clean place at all. He looked up at him, his big dark eyes blinked and blinked, making it impossible for Xia Tuo to express his anger.

Seeing that you are young, bear with it.


This guy, he couldn't take care of it all at once. Although the war based on the annexation of Takebe was different from what he expected, the result was as expected.

Not only him, but all the warriors of the Xia Tribe are also in a state of bewilderment at the moment. They are coming aggressively, and they can't wait to brighten their muscles. How can this be the result, at least give it a fight.

Just hit it.

We are all totem warriors, give us a chance, let us beat you up.

Picking up Naiwazi at his feet, Xia Tuo looked at the hundreds of people from the Zhu tribe gathered in front of him, and said, Follow me and have food and clothes.


The breeze howled, blowing through the mountains and forests, and the people of the Zhu tribe stared at Xia Tuo and waited.

After counting breaths, everyone was taken aback, okay?

Not many words but tough.

For today's bamboo tribe, food and clothing are everything. For several years, they have been hovering on the line of hunger and cold, and they have extravagant hopes for food and clothing.

Yi and Xie introduced Xia Tuo into the bamboo tribe. Apart from a few bamboo houses, there were only a few bamboo soldiers in the tribe, and of course there was a kind of edible bamboo shoots.

It's no wonder that the Bamboo Tribe couldn't wait to agree when they heard that he came to recruit them. Apart from them, the Bamboo Tribe had nothing left.

At this moment, Yi and Wei carefully watched Xia Tuo's expression change, lest he change his mind again, after all, his family knew about their affairs.

Without the totem pillar, it would have been difficult to survive these years.

Not only Yun and Xie, but all the members of the Zhu tribe were looking at Xia Tuo carefully, fearing that they would turn around and leave because Xia Tuo saw such a barren tribe.

For Xia Tuo, what he valued was precisely the population of the Zhu tribe. As the saying goes, people are hardworking and not lazy, as long as someone is willing to work, then there is everything.

With the intention of both parties, the two tribes hit it off immediately, and Yi and Wei led their tribe to join the Xia tribe without the slightest hesitation.

what is this?

In the corner outside the bamboo house, there were several crimson stones piled up, big and small, with different rules. Xia Tuo bent down and picked one of them up.

Patriarch, this... was picked up in the mountains, and the texture is a bit soft, so it cannot be made into stone tools.

Seeing that Xia Tuo's eyes were attracted by the stones he had thrown outside the bamboo house, Yi quickly said: We used to take this kind of stones to the Lu Tribe to exchange for salt, but the Lu Tribe didn't accept them. It should be waste rocks.

Holding the fist-sized crimson stone, Xia Tuo repeatedly looked at it. It should be a piece of copper ore. He remembered that the bronze in his previous life should be smelted by adding several kinds of minerals.

As for what to add, he can't figure it out, it's a bit embarrassing for him, a scumbag from his previous life.

I miss the old system so much.

It seems that I can only go back to the tribe and let the tribe slowly figure it out. If the knowledge is not enough, the scumbags can make up for it.

Take them all back.

After pondering for a moment, Xia Tuo made a sound, and before Hong and the others could make a move, Wei had already grabbed a bamboo basket in the hands of the tribe,

He packed up the scattered crimson stones and carried them on his back.

It's nothing to memorize waste stones, as long as the tribe can stop starving and fearing, he doesn't care if he memorizes it every day.

Xia Tuo looked around the bamboo tribe again, except that the establishment of an early warning mechanism to prevent wild beasts in the tribe was interesting, and he was not interested in anything else.

Soon the group collected their things and set foot on the return journey.


Xia tribe valley.

The arrival of more than one hundred people from the Zhu tribe directly aroused the crowds of the tribe.

Seeing more than a hundred members of the Zhu tribe in ragged clothes, the members of the Xia tribe raised their chests one by one, completely forgetting that they were also in tatters a month ago.

I've seen that man. The last time I was hunting was the last time I saw him from afar.

It's a pity that the clothes are all torn like this.

Look at the skinny ones, they must have no food to eat.


At this moment, the clansmen in the tribe pointed at the newcomers, looked at the clothes they were wearing, and looked at their own, that was a tsundere.

In the crowd, Feng, who was next to Li, turned his head and ran towards the cave. After a while, he ran back with an animal skin coat and meat and potatoes in his arms. He squeezed into the crowd and came to a person from the bamboo tribe In front of the strong woman.

The woman has a big frame, but she is a little thin, obviously because she often doesn't have enough to eat.


Eat eat.

When Xia Tuo saw this scene, he couldn't help but get black lines, which was really embarrassing.

Feng graciously took out his leather clothes and meat, and suddenly attracted the eagerness of the woman in front of him, and grabbed the things in front of him without being shy at all.

Looking at this pair of men and women, Xia Tuo couldn't help feeling that the primitive society is better.

This guy is probably the fastest blind date ever.

More than a hundred people from the Bamboo tribe arrived, and they were quickly resettled by the elders and the tribe. The scattered tribes without totem pillars have less barriers to integrate into the tribe.

Meat tonight!

Looking at the noisy valley, Xia Tuo said something, then turned and entered the cave. Behind him were the cheers of the bamboo tribe.


Above the vast mountain forest, a ray of blue light traverses the sky like a jade pillar, inside the jade pillar there is a phantom like a rabbit jumping, and the faint moonlight is scattered between the sky and the earth.

Compared with the vast mountains and plains, the valley exit was blocked by boulders, but the valley was full of excitement. More than a hundred people from the Zhu tribe officially joined the Xia tribe.

One clump after another of bonfires was lit, and the clansmen took out the stored meat and put it on top of the bonfires, and soon golden grease appeared.

A meal of meat wins people's hearts.

Xia Tuo was sitting in front of the central bonfire, surrounded by tribal totem warriors, tearing off the meat from the grill with big hands and stuffing it into his mouth.

Among them, Yuan and Wei seemed a little reserved, even though half a day had passed, the shock in their eyes still hadn't completely disappeared.

The Xia Tribe and the others knew what happened and why there was such a change.

The changes in the expressions of the two of them were under Xia Tuo's attention, not only the two of them, but all the members of the entire bamboo tribe were watching him inadvertently.

Having food and drink allowed the members of the Zhu tribe to join the Xia tribe without any hindrance after suffering from hunger and cold for a long time. Since then, the name Zhu tribe has never been called again.

Of course, this is only superficial. If you want people to fully integrate, you still need to sacrifice the totem, but right now Xia Tuo doesn't want to sacrifice the totem so early. It's not enough to sacrifice the totem for the sake of more than a hundred people.

What happened to the Bamboo Tribe today gave him an idea. It seems that it is not difficult to reduce the population. The situation of the Bamboo Tribe is by no means an exception. There are many such tribes in the entire mountain range.

The problem of too few clansmen that he was worried about before didn't seem to be a problem. Maybe he should consider how many people he can eat in one bite.


After eating the animal meat, Shao was somewhat gentle, and said to Xia Tuo, The land in the valley has been reclaimed, and the potatoes have been buried. I am going to reclaim the flat land outside the valley as well.


Xia Tuo let out an air from his nostrils, then thought of something, and turned his eyes to Yi and Wei next to him.

Elder Yi, who set up the traps and warnings in the bamboo forest earlier.

I did it with my clansmen.

Okay. Xia Tuo nodded, and said: The open space outside the valley is several times larger than the valley, and it stretches into the depths of the mountains and forests. Now that the tribe wants to reclaim the wasteland, it is necessary to arrange traps and warnings at the border between the wasteland and the mountains and forests. , to prevent wild animals from rushing in in the forest, this matter will be handed over to Elder Yun.

In fact, the land outside the valley is not too big, and there are mountains on both sides. The land is a bit undulating, and there are stones exposed outside, which is not suitable for farming.

But he didn't want to dampen Shao's enthusiasm, and he just happened to give the tribe some things to do, so it was just a matter of practice. If he really found a good place in the future, he would be proficient, wouldn't he?

Elder Yi, the leader of the Yuanzhu Tribe, is not young, so he is better than Elder Rein. Naturally, it is easy to arrange, and he is given an elder position.

And Wei was young and strong, at the time when his blood was at its best, so he was directly thrown into the hunting team of the military department to contribute to the tribe.

Elder Hong, traps can only be prevented. Your military department is responsible for patrolling the wasteland reclaimed by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Thinking of seeing two birdmen with bird feathers squatting on a big tree outside the Lu tribe, he felt that there are some things that need to be prevented in advance when the tribe is big.

There is no doubt that the more than one hundred people in the Yuanzhu tribe were quickly divided up by several major groups. Even the old man can at least reclaim the wasteland, right?

As for the children, forget it, let them make trouble.


The valley was still full of hustle and bustle, Xia Tuo walked towards Wushan Cave with a stone plate filled with barbecued meat and potatoes.

The bonfire was jumping in the cave, and the witch was holding a piece of animal skin that was almost a rag in his hand, and looked at it seriously.


Xia Tuo put the stone plate in front of Wu, sat cross-legged and waited.

After a long time, Wu put down the dishcloth in his hand, without worrying about the food in front of him, his eyes fell on Xia Tuo.

It's the same thing as last time, the power-measuring stone pillar, and the tempering method of the quasi-totem warrior.

Even with the support of the totem pillar, Xia Tuo is still in the situation of crossing the river by feeling the stones in his cultivation of totem warriors. Although his strength is increasing, he does not have an accurate judgment.

He also had a fight with Hong, and now Hong couldn't take a punch from him at all. He was also a Totem Warrior in the Stone Cracking Realm, and the difference was not well judged.

The other one is the foundation building method of dolls. Now that the Bamboo tribe has been annexed, there are no less than 30 dolls in the tribe. These are the reserves for the tribe to grow and grow. There was no condition before, so I have to try it now.

These two are the shortcomings of the tribe's development. Armed force is the basis for ensuring the stability of the tribe. Now that food and clothing are enough, these things should also be put on the agenda.

Let Wu sigh, Xia Tuo has discussed these two matters with him more than once, but the entire depth of the mountain range is too barren, there are no such things.

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