The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2848: Get to the altar

The blue figure touched the surrounding world's spiritual tide, the color became deeper and darker, and gradually turned into a deep purple color.

紫 The closer this purple-black figure is, the stranger it looks.

"This ... this is the Nine Level Demon Emperor !? She ... She is the Demon Emperor !?"

Jinjia Spirit was staring closely at the purple and black figure, his eyes trembling.

What the Jiu Ji Demon Emperor stands for, of course, she knows it.

"Are you afraid !?"

Emperor Wu Xuantian turned her head and looked at Jin Jia's spirit, smiling slightly.

"The soul of blood, the spirit of essence, nine is the ultimate, the magic of Fanghua Wantian! Dominance is invincible!"

The moonlight exquisite brow location, a black spirit mark, glittering, between a pair of jade hands flipped, behind a huge magic shadow, slowly revealed.

That demon shadow is the soul of the ancient demon emperor!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The rolling tide of beasts below, and the ghost of the mountain spirit, seemed to feel something, and they all roared.

"Fighting days and nine nights!"

Jinjia's spirits face tightened, and the whole body's divine power converged, all infused on the two-handed knots, playing the Dao soul power, and merging towards the beast tide and mountain spirits below.

At this moment, all the monsters and mountain spirits, the cultivation in their bodies became breath, soared again, and directly broke into the virtual realm.

"Lands of magic, so follow the law and show yourself!"

Yueyue exquisitely danced with her hands. Between the strokes, a purple-black air current swam in the void.


The demon emperor's soul behind her snorted, and the sound of the devil was like waves, blowing up all the void around.

As the void exploded, countless black magic shadows continued to appear from the chaotic time and space, gathering behind Yueling Ling.


With a wave of her exquisite jade hand, the moon and the shadow of the Demon Emperor behind her, yelled at the same time.

As if under the command of a king, countless monsters rushed out.

"Whoever kills Chu Yan, kills me!"

With this cry, the demon of all heavens rushed towards the beast tide and mountain spirit below.

These monsters are not as powerful as the monsters in the abyss of the Shifang Starfield.

More importantly, these monsters, full body armor, holding magic flame guns, backed up with a degree, three or five formation, the battle is powerful.

Compared to those in the abyss, those monsters that have no intelligence and kill like wild animals are completely different.

"This ... this is the army of demon gods!"

Below, a ten-star star domain heroes, some experienced the ancient war between the gods and demons, at a glance, the identity of the demon army manipulated by Yue Linglong.

"how can that be!?"

No one thought that the young master of the dark temple had a relationship with the demons.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the exquisite blood of Demon Emperor is evident in Linglong this month, otherwise, even if she cultivates the "Nine-Pole Demon Emperor", it is impossible to mobilize the ancient Demon God Army.

"What's going on ?? What happened !?"

Whether it was the head of the Saint Heaven ’s Court or the head of the Seven Great War Clan, looking at a monster and a mountain spirit, they were stabbed to ashes by the magic flame gun, and all of them were pale.

主 The master of a small temple in a dark temple turned out to be subversive at this critical time.

"The order of the demon emperor, the indigenous peoples assisted the war, and in this way, the anti-shindo has the advantage!"

The big brothers of the Twenty-Seven War Clan looked at the situation on the battlefield with a solemn look.

However, there are some big names in power, but they are full of joy.

Because many of them hope that Chu Yan will succeed in this time.

"The opportunity is here!"

Aoki sword **** waved his sword, and uttered a long howling to the sky and the sky.

"It is now, every fellow infidelity, shock, destroy the Holy Pavilion!"

Hearing the orders of the Aoki Sword God, all the anti-Shinto strongs were boiling with blood and roaring.

"This this...."

Seeing the anti-Shinto army, the battle was like a rainbow, and the holy heaven was one of the men and horses, but they were all pale and frightened.

They were very clear that after the waves of support arrived, they could not fight against it.

"Holy God of Heaven, Holy Spirit of Heaven, Holy Spirit of Heaven, Holy Spirit of Heaven, you still do not move !?"

The tone of Jin Jia's spirit was still dull.


The four masters heard the words, nodded in unison, turned into electricity, and rushed towards the sky.

Their body is a spirit body. They robbed the body of a mountain spirit or a monster. They temporarily broke the restraint of the rules of heaven.

"Good! Come and break your spirits today, wait for me to seal God, and join the Holy Pavilion and your flesh, kill them with one sword!"

Wu Chuyan swept his sword, Jian Xiao was shocked.

Boom! boom! boom!

Puppet wars resumed, and the sound of the sword sounded like a thunder, blowing in the sky.

Whether it is above the sky or the mountains below, there are constant damages by the practitioners, and the body melts into the earth.

The mainland forces who had chosen to wait and see before, looked at this scene in horror, and did not mean to participate anymore.

After all, the saints are now clearly at a disadvantage, and even if they rushed up, they would simply die.

"A sword in the sky!"

Lu Chuyan was like a dragon, walking around the world, and the first goal was to follow the cliff plant that gave birth to the **** fruit.

Xie Yijian cut off, Ling Zhi collapsed, and sawdust flourished.

"Sacred Law!"

The spirit body of the Holy Spirit of the heavens urged a colorful streamer to smash down towards Chu Yan.

And the Holy God and the Heavenly Spirit made the three of them kill Chu Yan from the other three directions.

They are not ordinary killing tricks, they are powerful magical arts.


Xun Chuyan turned around with a sword and swept the sword vigorously, chopping all the three heroes' magic into powder, together with the spirit body they took away, also flew into the sky.

"A sword in the sky!"

Qi Chuyan held a sword and followed closely, and a flashing body arrived in front of Jinjia Spirit.

The sword power of the whole body is combined with the power of the martial spirit and the power of the Holy Rakshasa.

"Nine days of warfare!"

The breath of the golden armor ~ ~ Crazy rise, the whole body's breath, merged together, and turned into a huge gold sword, straight up.

Boom ... Rumble!

相 The two swords intersect, directly blasting the turbulent weather waves, making the whole sky tremble.

Xun Hao's might of the sword, directly chopped the golden sword of the nine-day warfare method, broke it into countless golden lights, and scattered shots.

Haotian sword Jianmang, after breaking the gold sword, without any stagnation, directly cut to the gold armor.

This sword, penetrated through the body .....

"Chu ... Chu Yan, it turned out to be the result ... finally liberated!"

Wu Jinjia looked at Chu Yan with a slight smile, without any pain on his face.

At this moment, all the control power that the domain of God put on her disappeared.

Since then, she is no longer a puppet of the **** domain, or the original one, one of the nine Gods of War Gods!

Uh ...!

The body of the golden armor and soul exploded and turned into a golden light of the sky, like a light rain, which filled the world.

In Chu Chuyan's body, a ghost image of the **** flashed, and he looked far away to seal the altar of God!

"Delicate, go to the altar!"

With a long howl, Wu Chuyan turned around and flew to Fengshen Altar.

"Chu Yan, you delusional!"

The spirit of Xuntiandao was closest to Chu Yan, watching Chu Yan fly to Fengshen Altar, and suddenly roared.

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