The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2825: Heavenly treasure

Everyone set their sights on the new continent in the sky.

"Oh my god, it's still getting bigger!"

"Boundless! This is over a million miles !?"

"Well! It ’s more than a million miles, I guess it's about to catch up to more than half the area of ​​the Holy Mountain!"

"It's terrible! When is this going !?"


In all directions, strong and influential teams have been rushing, and crowds like the tide are eager to witness the process of making the world.

When they arrived at the scene, looking at the scene in front of them, they were all shocked.

Although they do not know what the significance of this new continent is, they do know that this is the only creation in the history of Shifang Starfield!

Of course, it may have happened a long time ago, after all, there are ten continents in the ten-square star field.

However, what happened in the era of chaos has nothing to do with them, and they can't see it with their own eyes.

On the other side, Godhead battlefield.

Yueling Long, Chang Tianhe, Shen Shengjie, and others all awakened from the Fusion Godhead, and stood up together.

Soon, they knew everything about a shocking change just now.

Under various rumors, they also dispersed and returned to their respective camps.

After all, now, like the anti-shinto, they can do nothing but wait.

At this moment, in the New World.

The sky is glowing with light, covering the whole new continent, and lighting up the entire continental world.

Various powerful laws of heaven and earth, as well as the will of God, flooded this new continent world and swept through it like a squall.

These strong winds are extremely powerful, no matter who is, dare to touch them a little, even if they are powerful, they will be instantly damaged.

"This power seems to be related to the power of the gods ..."

Chu Yan sat on the top of Lingfeng in the new continent, watching everything around him, feeling carefully.

On his body, there is an extremely mysterious law of heaven and earth wrapped in power, completely isolated from this new continent and the ten-square star field.

The Jin Jia spirits seemed to have some jealousies about Chu Yan, and did not take any action against Chu Yan.

In this way, Chu Yan would have time to carefully understand the confrontation of the will of the two gods, and everything that this new land was born.

After all, he is in a unique position.

Moreover, such an opportunity cannot be encountered for millions of years.

"God's will, soul determination!"

Chu Yan's eyes were closed lightly, her senses were put out into the world, and she perceived them carefully.

Time passed slowly, and a few glances were days passed.

Over the past few days, the area of ​​the New World has continued to expand, as if there is no end.

All the practitioners present were stunned by the now huge new continent.

Not only is the area one-third larger than the original, but the expansion rate of the new continent has doubled.

Now, all the practitioners standing under the new continent, when they look up, they can only see the sky above, a darkness.

Except for the new continent, even the ray of light in the original sky could not be seen at all.

"This ... this is in trouble!"

There are ancient masters, pale, and startled.

"How can the volume of this new continent be further expanded? This thunderfire continent cannot bear it at all!"

This sentence was spoken, and immediately attracted all around, countless eyes seemed.

At the same time, everyone understood what he meant.

If the situation they are worried about really happens, then there will be a natural disaster that will sweep the world.

And this confrontation between Shinto and Holy Pavilion may evolve into a disaster of world destruction.

However, this worry lasted only two days, and everyone was relieved.

Because it seems that the New World has really reached its limit and suddenly stopped.

Hum ....! Hum ....!

After the expansion of the new earth ceased, various sky and earth rules and the power of the law filled the entire sky and continent, and in the endless void, the sound of rolling air was rolling.

The sound sounded creepy, and all the practitioners were all in awe.

However, they all know that this new continent finally changed after the launch.

Boom ... Rumble!

A huge thunderbolt exploded from the sky, and suddenly the whole dark sky was completely illuminated.

Everyone just feels that their eyes light up and their pupils shrink.

"This ... this is the end !?"

Looking at the lightning in the sky, after passing through the sky, the huge tree-like electrical traces left, someone was surprised by the sound

"Yes! It seems that the birth of the new continent should have ended, and the confrontation between the two powers should also have results! I just don't know ..."

When talking about a camel, everyone was stunned, and then they looked up and looked at the new continent.

"What's wrong !?"

Aoki Sword God is also extremely anxious, his whole body is tense, staring at the New World.

In this level of fighting, they do not even have the qualifications to participate, only to wait here.

Not only is it against the Shinto side, including the holy heaven pavilion, the holy heaven hall, the holy **** of the heavens, the **** of the heavens, etc., but also staring tightly.

This new continent, the last master, is the Emperor Xuantian, or the golden armor! ?

Wow ...!

The vision of the whole new continent suddenly reborn.

Countless divine lights poured down from the sky, as if nine days above, a gap was blasted, forming a divine light waterfall that burst into a dyke, and flowed down.

These divine lights, like the source of heaven and earth, have extremely powerful spiritual power.

Poured down, irrigated on the first inch of land in the New World, and on the mainland's ground, countless green plants began to grow wild.

A little bit of starry light, the mist rising, a world of heaven and earth Lingbao, also gave birth at the same time.

Various heavenly steps, steps, and even divine spirits and elixir broke through the earth and appeared in the world of the new continent.

"I rely! Look, that's the Promise of Promise!"

"Oh my God, Jiushuang Ghost Blood Branch!"

"The ox soul wears heaven armor !? Isn't that the spirit armor of the soil system !?"

"How is it possible that so many heavenly treasures have been born !? These things are extremely rare in Shifang Starfield ~ ~"


All kinds of exclamation sounded, all the big brothers and warriors, all with a big change in face, full of astonishment.

On the ground of the new continent, various auras of light continued to emerge out of the earth, releasing a variety of different colors of light, dazzling people.

The point is that among some auras, those natural treasures that have been bred have never been seen before.

However, as long as you feel those breaths, you can find that the aura of these natural treasures is rich and horrifying.

It is very likely that it is the treasure of God's Land!

"This ... how is this possible !? Could there be countless heavenly treasures in this new continent !? All of them are more than original products !?"

Everyone, trembling with spirits, bloodshots continued to appear in countless pairs of eyes.

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