The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2750: Master of Heaven

Huh! Huh! Uh ...!

Zi Linbing, Mu Wuda, Tong Tieli and other beasts, as well as a large group of demon repairs, like a tide, poured into the holy grave.

Among them, the old lion and tiger family who had been looking for the white robe lion and tiger before.

"Here, what happened !?"

"Who is stealing the ancestors of the Dai people !?"

"I rely on, these two guys, how is the breath of the Dai people !?"

奇怪 "Strange, how did the lion tiger mix with the Dai people !?"

"Nothing! It looks like a problem!"


A group of demon monks rushed into the holy grave and saw the situation in front of them.

Among the three of them, they only knew the white robe lion and tiger, and the other two had the breath of the Qiang people and did not know them at all.

"The lion and the tiger, who actually helped the robbers, wanted to use the Heavenly Charms and let them go!"

Tochigi Uda heard the sound of doubts around him and announced directly.

"What !? There is such a thing !?"

Everyone heard Mu Wuda's words, and at the same time Qi Qi looked at the white robe lion and tiger.

"Tuntianfu !? Huh! I'll sue and inform the Lord of the Gods and the Lord of the Deep Sea, the lion and the tiger, wait for your death!"

的 The Tong Tie force standing on the side, snorted directly, took out the clan order, the delusion flooded in, and thousands of miles of instant messaging flew out.

"It's over!"

As soon as Chu Yan among the gates of time and space looked at this scene, a cold heart rose suddenly.

In such a situation, the immortal **** can't be saved, and there is no room for maneuver.

Tochigi Uda moves extremely fast!

Within a short period of time, the demon message he sent has spread throughout the entire demon tribe.

The gangsters and giants of each demon tribe received shock messages from Mu Wuda.

I must know that if the facts are the same as those in Mu Wuda's newsletter, then the behavior of the white robe lion and tiger is a felony.

This is a big sin to be removed by the demon family!

"Lion Tiger!"

In the void, a thunder sound blew, and it was the Master's demon consciousness.

As soon as Wu received the news, his horror came directly, and the horror shrouded in white robe lion and tiger, his face full of rage.

Alas, he just said a word, and there was another sound above the sky.

"Tongtian, this is my demon genius you value !? Huh!"

The voice of the Lord Deep Sea shivered with ridicule.

"Lion Tiger, take back the Heavenly Charm immediately!"

Master Tong Tongtian glanced at the adult in the deep sea, and did not answer, but stared straight at the white robe lion and tiger below, and ordered directly.

"As long as you don't help them, I will protect you!"

To this day, even Master Tongtian wants to keep the white robe lion and tiger, this is the only way.

As long as the lion and tiger reclaimed the Heavenly Talisman as soon as possible, there was no fact that helped Chu Yan and the two to escape. At that time, with his identity and status, the lion and tiger could be punished at most, without serious consequences.

The voice of the Tongtian demon **** sounded in the holy tomb. Although the deity is thousands of miles away, the sound of the demon consciousness is extremely clear.

Recalling the Heavenly Talisman can not only keep the white-robed lion, but also take down two people who stole the corpse.

If they really let them go like this, it would be a great shame for the demon.

"Lion, don't do it yet!"

Even the deep sea adults urged.

"Through ... Lord !?"

狮 The white-clad lion and tiger faced the coercion of the two demon gods, but their faces were lost, and they muttered.

For a long time, among the demon tribe, Master Tongtian favored him, and even his cultivation was promoted. He also relied on Master Tongtian constantly to give various demon repair resources to improve quickly.

Although now it is just the practice of demon emperor realm, but like this demon cultivation that does not like cultivation, it is almost a miracle.

"Lion tiger, you are a demon tribe, no matter how trivial it is!"

Lord Tong Tongtian spoke again, and his voice went through the entire Holy Tomb Stone Hall.

At this moment, in the holy tombs of the Dai people, the will of the two demon gods sounded like bursts of thunder, and kept echoing.

Everyone is standing there, watching this scene.

Although all the beasts, monsters and big brothers are all angry, they all know that Master Tongtian wants to keep the white robe lion and tiger, therefore, they ca n’t help but save their face and wait.

After all, this matter is related to the condemnation of the tribe, and the matter is greater than the sky.

If the white robe lion and tiger really help others and steal the ancestors from the holy grave of the demons, then everything will be ruined.

Numerous demon eyes, coupled with the will of the two demon gods, all weighed heavily on the white robe lion and tiger.

怕 The white-robed lion tiger, who is usually heartless and heartless, is pale and stiff at this time.

For the Lord of the Deep Sea, he ignores it at all, but the Lord of Heaven, for him, is of great significance. Every sentence, every word, has an enormous impact on him.

From the time of his death in the Haotian continent, when he was accidentally rescued by Master Tongtian, no matter how much trouble he was in the demon tribe, Master Tongtian would stand on his side without any reason and defend him ....

The worst time I had ever been was was just a few words of curse, and I was closed for half a year.

Even if the lion tiger is careless, how can he ignore this kindness! ?

"Whew ...! This time, I count it!"

I waited for a long time, just in mid-air, when the seductive imagination of the deep sea adult gradually lost patience, the tiger finally spoke.

This sentence exited, and immediately made everyone look pale.

"Lao Tong, I owe you again!"

The lion and tiger looked up, and among a pair of demon eyes, the refined light was like a column, and the purple eyes were like two purple stars. The demon light was soaring into the sky.

Owe Master Tongtian once, what? ?

This time ~ ~ The importance of these corpses to Chu Yan, of course he knows.

Facing this choice, from beginning to end, the lion and tiger didn't hesitate at all, and only had a deficit in their hearts.

For the lion and tiger, Chu Yan, when he was among the demons, was at his own place.

From the very beginning, Chu Yan's actions against the holy tomb of Laoshan did not tell him anything.

what is this! ?

This is the trust between brothers!

Xun Chuyan believed him and had no defense against him. Even when a large group of demon Xiu rushed in, Chu Yan had never doubted it. It was his secret.

The lion tiger can be punished, and even the demons are eliminated, but the brother will never be sorry!

This is the rule of Liger and Tiger!

Moreover, Chu Yan is a human race, and this must not be exposed, otherwise, even if Chu Yan tried to escape the monster race by other means.

After the incident, I am afraid that all the demons in the world will chase and kill Chu Yan.

What are brothers?

Eliminate it!

With a gritted tooth, in his eyes, the sky was purple, the blood was like a star, and the white-clad lion tiger laughed suddenly.

"Ha ha ha, uncle is gone, go to the flower world outside chic!"

This chuckle laughed, and immediately made the two demon gods and all the demon repairs present, their faces changed.

"Lion tiger, you ..." Chu Yan looked at the tiger, suddenly shocked.

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