The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2709: Who is coming

The order of the elder Tianchi was given. As the chief disciple, Qingyun the emperor did not dare to neglect, and hurried with the mad tiger emperor, with nearly thirty emperors in the realm of power, to start the spiritual formation.

The long-prepared spirit patterns and jade charms were sacrificed together, and the layout of the seven pillars and eighteen inverses covered all the pillars of the dragon.

"This formation, this tomb guardian, cannot interfere with us!"

Elder Tianchi looked at the black dragon statue in front of him and said.

In fact, this large array is said to be dealing with the spirit of the black dragon, but in fact, it is prepared for the other side of the ambassador.

Although they did not know why so many of them had rushed into the "Tomb of the Unknown God", the other envoy did not appear at all.

The reason is nothing more than two points. One is that the place they are visiting now is not an important place for the Tomb of the Unknown God at all.

The other possibility is that the other side is not worried at all, and there must be powerful means waiting for them.

These two reasons, no matter which one, are not what Tianchi elders want to see.

Therefore, including the elders of Tianchi, the big brothers of You Longshan and Tianbaozong all looked dignified and looked very nervous.

"Huh! These guys, their noses are spirited!"

In Tianbaozong's large law enforcement, the emptiness Taoist looked back, but when they entered the city gate just now, they found that a group of people were hiding far away from the buildings on both sides of the main road, and looked at the square with their brains.

For these small warriors, there are also some casual repairs, and the emptiness Taoist hummed with disdain.

No delusional forest, chasing and killing Huayang, when the other side of the ambassador appeared, there were two dozens of strong men.

People talked a lot, and the news inevitably leaked out. In a few days, it spread to most of the continent of the yin and yang circles.

If it is just ordinary chance news, it may not cause much response.

However, the news that the four major protection methods of Hades are appearing near the dead lake in the forest without delusion, such news can arouse the interest of many people.

As soon as they searched, they could find the same results as Tianbaozong and Youlongshan.

That is to say, the other side of the Mingshi appeared near the dead lake without delusional forest because there was a secret place in ancient times.

Although for thousands of years, no one has set foot in this mysterious Jedi because of danger and inefficiency.

However, since the other ambassador was hiding in this place for thousands of years, with his strength, maybe he really found something.

This is the method of condensing the gods, and it is hoped to break through the secrets of the gods.

Immediately afterwards, Tianbaozong and Youlongshan made a big move to the Wulei Forest, which was really big.

This makes Wuxu Forest near the Black Lake instantly become like a fat mass, attracting attention.

Each case has its own manpower, and wants to see what actions the two gates have. At the same time, it is also explored whether this thousand-year-old unintentional inheritance has been cracked by the other side.

If it is cracked, then the excitement will be great!

In addition, the four major protection methods of the Hades appeared, and there was a big collision with Tianbaozong and Youlongshan.

How can such a thing be missed! ?

Boom .... Rumble!

At this moment, in the other direction of the city, the sound of a huge thunder exploded, and the entire city shuddered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned his head to look at the gate on the other side, but found that the huge gate exploded directly, all kinds of gravels were flying in the sky, and a large air wave was swept over the city.

Among the billowing waves, a figure strode forward, walking towards the city center square.


Elder Tianchi, Emperor Qingyun, and Mad Tiger Tiger, including the two gangsters and strong men present, as well as those who practiced the distant observance from a distance, were all shocked and flashed their hearts. Make a question.

The other side was finally out! ?

I don't know if he is alone or with other strong men in Hades! ?

If the four major protectors of the Hades are gathered together, then a terrible battle is inevitable.

However, for this, both Tianbaozong and Youlongshan are prepared.

The two gangsters and strong men present were all vigilant and alert with high nervousness, ready to shoot at any time.

However, when the figure in the dust wave is getting closer, and the dust wave is slowly dissipating, the appearance of the figure gradually appears in front of everyone.

Seeing the appearance of the people, all the people present changed their faces.

"Wh ... what !? Yes ... Hwayang !?"

Not bad!

The visitor was at the gate of the city before, and was about to open the gate ... Chu Yan!

"Why is he alive !?"

"No way !? People in Hades, didn't kill him !?"

"It's impossible! The four major guardians of Hades, all cruel and violent, are all perverts. How could he keep him alive !?"


Hundreds of pairs of eyes, staring straight, Chu Yan walking along the main road of the city toward the central square, all with a round face.

They never thought that Chu Yan was still alive! ?

According to their guesses, the other side of the Mingshi took Huayang in the forest without delusion, I am afraid to listen to some external conditions.

Naturally, it is not difficult to ask these news, but after receiving the news, it is impossible for Huayang to live again.

This is totally beyond everyone's expectations!

However, regardless of whether they believe it or not, Huayang strode forward and came to them alive.

"Tianbaozong, You Longshan, so clever !?"

Chu Yan's double five-color thunder eyes swept across the central square ~ ~ Hundreds of strong men in Shuangzong, without the slightest surprise on his face, but asked blandly on the face.

From Chu Yan ’s cultivation in the palace, he can guess that Tianbaozong and Youlongshan will never give up.

What's more, after Chu Yan discovered that the underground palace was the "Tomb of the Unknown God", he became even more convinced that the big brothers from Tianbaozong and Youlongshan will definitely come again.

Sure enough, in just a few days, the two squadrons appeared directly in the Tomb of the Unknown God, even one step faster than themselves.


Elder Tianchi stepped out and looked at Chu Yan and shouted loudly

"Say! If you don't want to die, say it immediately, the other side is there!"

With a horrifying atmosphere, he rolled out, oppressing Chu Yan, and the sound of questioning rang through the city.

At this moment, everyone was screamed and awakened directly. Qi Qi looked up and looked at Chu Yan.

"I don't want to die !?"

Chu Yan heard that and glanced at the elder Tianchi, but sneered, "Do you want to die !?"

what! ?

Asking this question, elder Tianchi and the strong men present were suddenly shocked.

What does this Huayang mean! ?

Such a courage to dare to talk to the elder Tianchi in this way, is he trying to die! ?

However, people who did not wait for the Longshan Mountain to explode at all, but Chu Yan had already acted. With both fingers and sword in his right hand, he raised it high and pointed straight at the huge black dragon statue on the central square.

"What !? No ..."

After everyone's eyes followed the direction of Chu Yan's sword and looked at the black dragon statue, they were all shocked.

However, without waiting for them to speak, Chu Yan had already shot.

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