The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2630: Divine heritage

Back to the Emperor Huang, Chu Yan's eyes stared at the colorful thunderclouds that came slowly.

The shape of that cloud was as thick as a mound and like a big drum.

There were thunders and lightnings, smashing over the colorful thunderclouds, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

"Jingyun drum !?" Chu Yan looked startled.

Among the colorful thunderclouds, Chu Yan clearly felt a strong willpower. This power was similar to the will that he touched when he was enlightened on the road to becoming a god.

It can only be said that this ray of will is extremely horrifying, which makes him stunned.

And beside him, the powerful emperor was a look of dignity and tension, and his whole body was surging, as if he were facing an enemy.

It seems that this colorful thundercloud has a huge threat.

Otherwise, he won't, and will bring Chu Yan, who was killing, directly to take a breath to get back.


"What is shocking cloud drum !?"

"Isn't it just a thundercloud !? Very ordinary! How did the elders' faces change !?"

"This thundercloud seems strange!"


Those ordinary geniuses and big brothers, watching Lei Yun drift slowly, did not feel the supreme will among Lei Yun, so they were directly regarded as an ordinary colorful Thunder Cloud.

After all, this mountain-sized thundercloud is much weaker than the previous 90,000-mile thunderstorm.

For these powerful men, what a surprise to slap a thundercloud.

If it weren't for seeing all the big guys present, including the gods in the heavens, they were staring nervously at this thundercloud, plus the familiar name "Jingyungu", they would not What will happen.

However, including Chu Yan, all strong men above the demigod realm can feel the ultimate will contained in the colorful thunderclouds.

This mighty will far surpasses the Divine Power, which is why the giants are shocked.

Those ordinary warriors and geniuses, without feeling it, naturally feel very ordinary.

This is, fearless!

"Chu Yan, do you know this" shenyun drum "!?" The emperor's voice was unprecedentedly solemn.

"I don't know!" Chu Yan shook her head and looked at the Emperor at the same time.

"This is a shock, there is a period of history, let me tell you! Now you, you should also know!"

The Emperor Huang looked at Chu Yan with a serious expression on his face, which was completely different from the usual Emperor Huang.

"After the war between the ancient gods and demons, the Wuhun world is dying, but there are a lot of shocking and powerful people who exist and emerge. They are more or less related to the ancient gods.

"Just like the godhead that is being bred in your body right now, there was also a godhead strongman in Shifang Star Field!"

"This person is the **** Yunzong at that time, the lord!"

"Shen Yunzong !?" Chu Yan froze.

This **** Yunzong is not the old man in the robes who fought with the Emperor Xuanyuan outside the forbidden area of ​​Shifang, it seems that he is God Yunzong.

At that time, I heard that this **** Yunzong was a vassal gate of the ancient gods. Due to the war between gods and demons, he was lost to the Shifang Starfield and closed for millions of years.

"Nice! God of Xuanyuan is from God Yunzong!"

"At that time, the **** Yunzong, the condensed godhead, some people said that it was passed to a certain **** of the ancient gods, and some people said that he was the last godhead chance in the ten-square star world!"

"Anyway, he has become a powerful god, a powerful man, invincible, deterring the entire ten-square starfield!"

"Everyone thought that he would become the supreme power of Shifang Starfield and achieve the position of overlord. When he dominated Shifang Starfield, Batar chose to find a method and a path to break into the God Realm!"

"He behaved like this, offended the realm of God, ordered the Holy Pavilion at the time, and ruled it!"

"This man faced the ruling of Shengtian Pavilion, furiously fought, and led the entire God Yunzong with his own strength to fight against Shengtian Pavilion. Even if Shengtian Pavilion awarded the sin of God, he did not flinch in the slightest. , Against the sky! "

"But in the end, Shen Yunzong lost, and this person was damaged!"

"Since then, God Yunzong has been stared at by God's Realm. He can only choose to stay hidden, even after making a vow of Heaven, which will never be opposed to God's Realm, and he will not be destroyed by God's Realm and Holy Pavilion ! "

"So, you should now understand that Emperor Xuanyuan returned from God Yunzong, why would God Yunzong send someone to judge him!"

When the emperor came to this point, he glanced outside the Forbidden Land, the chaotic world.

In that chaotic star domain, there is the existence of Xuanyuan God Emperor.

"So it is!" Chu Yan nodded, and then asked, "Sect Lord Sect Yun, dead !?"

"No! There is no death! Fengshen is strong, it is so easy to lose!"

"After this person was damaged, the spirit turned into the wrath of the mighty god, sacrificed the heaven and earth with all his soul power, turned into a thundercloud, and spent his whole life wandering in this martial arts world!"

"This man named Shenshen, Jingyun, so the thundercloud is called ... Jingyun drum!"

This word landed, Chu Yan's entire pupils shrank, and suddenly turned her head to look at the thundercloud that was floating over there. The whole spirit was shaking.

"This thundercloud turned out to be the soul of the powerful **** !?"

"But, the thundercloud that turned into his soul ~ ~ Why wander in these ten squares !?"

Chu Yan looked at the Emperor Huang and asked with confusion.

"Because, in the Jingyun Drum, there is the **** power of the powerful God Realm. Anyone who can start Jingyun Drum will be blessed by the **** power!"

Ji Huang turned his head to look at Chu Yan, his masterpiece in his eyes.

"Why ... what !?"

Even Chu Yan was stunned by the words of the emperor.

"Since the endless years, the Holy Pavilion has been looking for this thundercloud, and wanted to defeat it and seize the power of the gods, but the gods of the gods are not the same thing! Over the years, Shengtian Pavilion has found this shocking cloud several times, but it has no way to take it! "

"The only person who can provoke it is against the sky! Chu Yan, do you understand !?"

The words of Emperor Huang let Chu Yan's whole body blood boil completely.

Previously, Chu Yan pulled himself back to the Emperor when he killed himself. If there is still a trace of opinion, now, not only is there no opinion, but it is all excited.

Compared to killing a few Tianbang Supreme, this shocking cloud drum has a greater effect on himself than Tiandu.

You know, at this moment, the group of gods in Chu Yan's knowledge of the sea has ceased to conceive, so he is suspended in the world of knowledge of the sea, without any movement.

Chu Yan originally thought that only when he broke through to the divine realm, this group of divine light will finally condense into a godhead.

But now, Chu Yan finally understands that the appearance of a godhead requires countless opportunities and conditions.

It seems that, in the legend, all the gods are born naturally, and they can only be inherited.

And now, the inheritance of the godhead has come to his own door! ?

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