The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2605: damage

? The three major forces, the seven major war clan, almost all the geniuses and big brothers, all shot.


These powerful men at the peak of the Emperor Realm, and even some Holy Emperor Realms, shot all together and blasted out the Mantian Emperor's tricks.

Suddenly, the entire sky collapsed instantly, the earth collapsed, and the terrible Emperor Power that swept the world seemed to destroy the entire world.

too strong!

Although there are only nearly two thousand geniuses and big brothers, after all, they are the strongest warriors above the ten-square starfield sky.

Boom ... Rumble! Boom .... Rumble!

The provocative actions of the geniuses and the big brothers suddenly made 90,000 miles of thunderclouds, instantly furious, and the Tianfei Thunder Mountain suspended above the sky skyrocketed, and Lei Wei swarmed.

This kind of behavior that interferes with the punishment of thunder and thunder is tantamount to provoking heaven and must not be forgiven.

Therefore, a large area of ​​Leishan turned around and headed towards the large crowd.

"Broken them!"

Ning Zhitian shouted, giving instructions to all geniuses and big brothers.

These Leishan visions were all 90,000 miles from Leiyun, and were conceived in advance against Chu Yan.

Therefore, as long as these thunder mountains are broken, then 90,000 miles of thunderclouds will breed a new sky punishment.

At what level was the thunderous thunder at that time, even Ning Zhitian, the messenger of heaven, could not imagine.

Because, he is very clear that these days, the punishment of thunder and robberies is not ordinary thunder robberies. Among them, there is a trace of true supreme willpower.

And this breath power is the master of this day's punishment.

Therefore, what they want to rebel and provoked is not the heavenly thunderbolt of Shifang Starfield, but the **** of that will.

boom! boom! boom!

All geniuses and gangsters blasted out a large-scale attack on the torrent, collided with the falling Thunder Mountain fiercely, and blasted out countless groups of Lei Wei qi waves.

This confrontation was nothing less than a large-scale battle during the war between ancient gods and demons.

"How ... how could it be so strong !?"

After a few strokes, the geniuses and big brothers who took the shot changed their faces, and their faces were unbelievable.

Originally, they thought that so many people would join forces to attack and deal with a few thunder mountains that had a vision of thunder and thunder.

But after they took the shot, they realized that the power of these thunder mountains was extremely terrifying.

Because these thunder mountain disasters belong to Chu Yan!

And this is also the real gap between them and Chu Yan .....

"Step by step, unlock the seal on the holy sky monument, break through the thunderbolt barrier, and kill the **** sinner Chu Yan!"

Before the crowd, gazing at the sea with a frown, suddenly sounded the majestic sound of the holy mountain.

"Ning Zhitian, integrate the emperor's altar, and go all out!"

On the other side, the expression on Ning Zhitian's face was also suddenly frozen, and the sound of the Spirit of Heaven in the sea was buzzing.

Almost at the same time, the Holy Pavilion, hundreds of millions of miles away, and the Spirit of Heaven above the heavens, and at the same time sent absolute instructions to their spokespersons.

Chu Yan and Ning Zhitian may not know the secrets of Chu Yan, but the spirit of the God Realm and the Tao of Heaven are very clear.

Chu Yan, who has been rising since the beginning, has been rising against the sky. Now he is wearing the seal of emperor and Tao, and has been favored by the Lord of Forbidden Gods.

At this point, it is impossible to stay!

However, the most important thing now is time ...

Although Bu Jingtian and Ning Zhitian took everyone at the same time to attack Tianfen Thunder and Thunder, they wanted to provoke the plan to dominate the outbreak of the will.

But there is an important link in this, and that is the loophole in time.

The first wave of attack, breaking all the sky punishment Thunder Mountain, is equal to everyone present, helping Chu Yan survive the first thunderstorm.

However, no one knows how long it will take for the first layer of thunderstorms to pass before the second thunderstorm can be bred.

Because, now the sky punishment thunder and thief, due to the emergence of the will to control, even the spirit of the heavenly path can not control.

However, at this time, Chu Yan had already comprehended the path to becoming a god. During this time, how much he would understand the path to becoming a god, and no one would dare to guess.

But there is a point, but it can refer to ...

That is, it took less than a pillar of incense from Chu Yan to stand on the crown of the Qianjie Xuanbao tree to his path to becoming a god.

This is, however, the only hope of becoming a **** in the entire Wuhun world, which is considered by everyone to be more difficult to comprehend than to reach the sky.

That kid used only one stick of incense!

Therefore, no matter whether it is the Holy Pavilion or the Spirit of Heaven, they are unwilling to bet.

Even more unwilling, seeing such a possible time loophole gives Chu Yan any opportunity.

The best and most stable way is to kill Chu Yan directly!



Both Bu Jingtian and Ning Zhitian guessed the reasons for their orders in the first place.

The two looked at each other distantly, nodding at the same time, without any hesitation, the Emperor Weiqiqi broke out.

Boom .... Rumble!

Hum ... hmm ...!

Whether it is a holy heaven monument or a heavenly altar, the horrific mysterious light and breath of breath are gushing out at the same time, covering several great geniuses including Bu Jingtian and Ning Zhitian.

Qin Yuyao behind Bu Jingtian, Huan Shenyun, and Jiang Tianli beside Ning Zhitian, a total of five people, cultivated a surge of breath.

If you want to break through the obstacles of the sky punishment and thunder and complete the raid on Chu Yan, the number must not be large, you must be fine.

Therefore, five of them were the main force of this raid on Chu Yan.

"Eh !? They ..."

Above the sky, the Lord of Forbidden God noticed the five genius changes, and his eyes flashed.

"Follow me, kill Chu Yan!"

Bu Jingtian roared, and the body's breath and mysterious light bloomed at the same time. With a big wave of his hand, he took Qin Yuyao and Huashen Cloud and rushed towards Chu Yan.

The five streams of light are as fast as lightning, and the body is shrouded by the breath of God and mysterious light. Ning Zhitian knotted his hands and kept turning, and took five spiritual marks, and pressed on himself and others.

Each person had a Lingyin. When the five of them rushed to Leishan, those Leishan did not respond at all, as if they could not see them at all ~ ~ These guys thought of such a method! ? Now, Chu Yan is in trouble! "

Seeing this scene, including the forbidden **** and the emperor, of course, all the big brothers understood the plan of the five geniuses.

Borrowing the identity and means of Ning Zhitian's ministry, he concentrated on a small number of five people and directly deceived Heaven and Penalty and attacked Chu Yan.

In this way, Chu Yan has no time at all, and the path of becoming enlightened by the enlightenment.

Moreover, in the face of the ten-square star field, the five strongest geniuses joined forces to attack, Chu Yan still has a way to live! ?

At the same time, the remaining geniuses and gangsters are still attacking 90,000 miles of Thundercloud and those Thunder Mountains.

Even if Chu Yan's luck is undead, then a new wave of sky punishment and thunderstorms was born, and Chu Yan was also dead!

This is an absolutely perfect layout, with no holes, and no vitality left for Chu Yan!

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