The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2602: Who can go against the sky

Squinting at nine thousand miles of thunder, he went straight to Chu Yan.

At this moment, all the geniuses and big men present seemed to understand.

楚 That Chu Yan really understood the way of becoming a god, so he drew the verdict of Shifang Starfield and Jiuli Thunder.

"This is impossible!"

This scene, for the presence of the marvelous world, Ning Zhitian, Qin Yuyao, and Hua Shenyun and other martial arts world geniuses, as well as the three forces and the Seven War Clan, and other big men, have produced a quake-like spirit shock.

The return of the land of imprisoned gods, the emergence of the Thousand Realms Xuanbao Tree, the major forces were extremely excited, and they were all deployed and participated.

Even, just now, he is still fighting for the initiative.

他们 In their opinion, this mysterious tree of the thousand realms, including the hope of becoming a god, should definitely belong to one of the three forces or the genius of the seven major war clans. This is reasonable.

However, no one thought that it was the Chu Yan who finally realized the way of becoming a god! ?

Boom ... Rumble!

Thunderclouds are thousands of miles, Pentium is like a sea, the whole sky and the earth are shaking.

However, the vision of the heavens and the earth doesn't stop there. When those 90,000 miles of thunderclouds reached Chu Yan's head and began to gather and evolve frantically, thunderous lightnings flashed in the clouds.

The violent Leiwei seemed to have gathered for nine days and ten places. All the thunder forces, blasting forces, seemed like thunder that opened the heavens and the earth, making the entire Wuhun world buzzing and shaking.

Originally, the ten-square starfield world that was not affected at all was also affected by this heaven and earth vision.

Those who are entangled in the ten-square star field, the powerful existence of the major Jedi realms, the eternal giants, all awakened.

"God Hope !?"

"Someone is enlightened !?"

不可能 "Impossible !? There is a heavenly way of Shifangfang, who can go against the sky !?"

"Yes! In ancient times, the vision of becoming a **** is exactly the same as it is now! Someone really did it !?"

哼 "Huh! The battle of ancient gods and demons is not the end. Everything will not sink. A new era is about to start. God Realm wants to control this martial arts world, for fear of delusion!"


巨大 Various voices, with different emotions and wills, keep ringing.

At the same time, a figure sitting cross-shaped above Jiuzhong Tiantian suddenly opened his eyes and looked down at the Wuhun World below.

As soon as he opened his eyes, a group of sitting and practicing figures behind him also opened their eyes and looked at the spirit of heaven.

"The people of Shengtiange are really sober !?"

Ling Tianbang's spirit with a sneer on his face, a flash of faintness flashed in his eyes, and a large number of Tianwei burst out.

However, when these heavenly powers flowed like cirrus clouds, swept across the entire Wuhun world, and stopped at the edge of the forbidden land, the complexion of the heavenly spirit instantly solidified.

"what's the situation!?"

Suddenly, the spirit of the heavenly path stood up directly, his whole body up and down, the original soft Tianwei, instantly became extremely violent.

He narrowed his eyes and stared straight into the land of forbidden gods. His face was full of astonishment.

"Chu Yan !? How could it be him !?"

Wu Tianwei was rolling, rolling up a large dark cloud, covering the entire ten-square star field, the spirit of the heavenly path stared closely at the scene in the place where the **** was forbidden, with a face full of dignity.

"What !? The heavenly altar has no effect on him!"

After a bit of exploration, the spirit of Tianbang once again appeared in shock.

楚 This Chu Yan, obviously also grew up in the Wuhun world of the Shifang Starfield, why his origin of the imperial spirit is not affected by the altar of the heavens at all! ?

Using the "Tianbang Spirit Altar" this time is the overall situation laid by the Spirit of Heaven.

Can be manipulated completely, all warriors and big brothers in the entire forbidden land, so as to control the final result.

For this reason, he also sent two angels of heaven.

However, he never thought that Chu Yan's loophole appeared in such a large-scale layout.

"He even cut off the heavens ... 桎梏!?"

The spirit body of the heavenly spirit trembled suddenly, his eyes were full of astonishment, and his face couldn't believe it.

Boom! boom! boom!

On the other side, the Holy Pavilion, above the Holy Mountain.

Suddenly, in the entire ten-square star field, the most peaceful place in the Holy Spirit Pavilion of the Wuhun world suddenly changed.

A ray of divine light rose from the holy sky monument on the sacred mountain to the sky. The dazzling beam of light seemed to pierce the sky and brighten the entire sky.

"what happened!?"

"What happened!?"

"Oh my God! Look, the wrath of God's wrath on the holy sky monument!"

"Oh my god, this level is even more powerful and horrible than when Jiujia was the emperor!"

"This ... this ... will not be, there is another one on my list of sins in the Holy Pavilion, a terrible enemy even more than Jiujia God Emperor !?"


In the Shengtian Pavilion, a big man was huge, woke up from his sleep and cultivation, and looked at the holy mountain. The road was shocking and angry, all of them were shocked.

"Who !? Who is it !?"

After the break, the angry roar in the Holy Pavilion resounded.

The next moment, the light of wrath from the Holy Pavilion was exploded, and a picture scroll evolved in the sky.

On the light curtain of that picture, a young man in a black robe, with a breath of nine colors, looked up to the sky, standing like a god!

"Chu ... Chu Yan !?"

圣 The eyes of all the sages and giants, when they saw the figure of the black robe, their pupils shrank.

They never imagined that the person who could cause such anger in the realm of God was actually the **** sinner, Chu Yan, of their Holy Pavilion.

At the same time, the martial arts world, the ten-square star field, the three major forces and the seven major war clans, one by one, are all powerful and forbidden places. Light.

These rays of light seem to echo the scene that is happening at the time of banning the gods.

God crystal spirit treasure, peerless spirit soldiers, etc., all martial arts world, the highest spirit treasure, at this time are crazy release the spirit breath in the body, and heaven and earth, if there is no breath, entangled and connected .

Soon, these heaven and earth spirit treasures swallowed a breath from heaven and earth, and returned to silence.

However, the breath that they devoured has already merged with their body.

After a while, as long as the master of this breath appeared, they would wake up again and then recognize the master to fight.

"Chu Yan !? It turned out to be Chu Yan !?"

"Is he the last one !?"

"The god's way in the forbidden land finally has a master!"

"This is impossible! How could it be him !?"

"The person who understands the path to becoming a **** is actually Chu Yan who is against God !?"

"This son, extraordinary!"


At the same time, the entire Wuhun world, the three major forces and the seven major war clans, some passed the secret method, and some got the message.

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