The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2589: Step by step

The golden array has been formed, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger. It collided with the breath of the Thousand Realms tree from all around, and it even formed a close match.

Boom ... Rumble!

Another sound of sky and land mines exploded, and the huge golden teleportation spirit array burst into motion.

"This ... this is to start transmission !?"

"Oh my God, what does the Holy Pavilion do ?!"

"Teleport !! Is anyone going to leave! Or is there anyone coming in !?"

"I rely, Niubi, Shengtiange is amazing!"


Everyone's attention was all attracted by the huge round of teleportation.

But, at this moment, the metamorphosis regenerates.

"Mongolia, do it!"

A figure rushed out of the crowd, and he waved his hand, ordering directly.

This command from the Mongolian gangsters immediately made the audience stunned, but some mixed Mongolian strongmen also quickly reacted and shot together.

Boom! boom! boom!

A series of powerful imperial arts and attacks burst out and blasted into the huge golden spirit array in the air.

"Haha, Elder Montaigne, come, let's do some tricks!"

Just as the Mongolian people shot, a white-haired old man rushed out, laughed, and shot directly at the elder Mongolian with a raised palm.

"Hum! Jiang Ruowang, it's up to you!"

There was no trace of hesitation or hesitation. The elder Mongolian elder who sent the order recoiled and instantly fought with the white-haired old man who shot.

These two shots were all powerful emperors, and the blast of air was like two huge waves crashing together fiercely.

突然 This sudden scene seemed to be ignited by a fuse, which instantly exploded the audience.

"Do it!"

"Hurry up, stop them!"

"Can't let the teleportation array affect the Thousand Realms Treasure Tree!"

"I rely, how did it fight !?"


Whether it is the mixed Yuanzong, Tianyulou, the seven major war clan forces, seeing the outbreak of the war, as if there had been an agreement, all shot.

Also, although these forces are mixed, they are clearly divided into two waves at the moment of shot.

Some want to destroy the Sentinel Pavilion's teleportation array, while others want to protect the Sentinel Pavilion's teleportation array.

Boom! boom! boom!

Around the Qianjie Xuanbao tree, the sudden explosion of gas exploded, shaking the sky, one after another.

A series of horrific attacks and killings, like the turbulent waves of the world, surging in all directions, countless emperors and holy breath, filled the whole world, killing the sky.

This battle was thrilling and almost swept nearly half of the talented men present.

Even, those geniuses and big brothers who have been sitting under the mysterious tree of the Thousand Realms wake up and join the fight.

Moreover, this kind of battle is not a test or comparison. It is a battle of life and death. Everyone puts his best effort in it. Without killing his hands, he kills the dark and the sun and the moon.

The entire place where God is forbidden shuddered in such a terrible battle.

Those forces and strong men who did not participate in the war, looking at the sky, the outbreak of war, but with a look of embarrassment.

"This ... what's the situation !?"

"Why did you suddenly get up !? Who hits who !?"

"I rely on! The three major forces, the seven major war clan, all have joined the battle !? The Holy Pavilion is also playing !?"

"But what do they fight !?"

"I also do not understand!?"


这场 At least half of the geniuses and gangsters in this terrible war on the opposite side were all confused.

However, those who are interested will soon find that those geniuses and big brothers who have not participated in the war are basically some small and medium forces and ancestors in the Shifang Starfield.

And all the big forces and Zongmen laughed and all participated in the battle.

接下来 Then, what made people even more unexpected was that even the Jiuman Emperor, who guarded the Xuanbao Tree of the Thousand Realms, suddenly roared and joined the battle.

"Drive me!"

Shouting loudly, the Emperor Jiuman turned into a flood, sweeping out, surging in all directions, and powerful.

Boom ... Rumble!

The Jiuman Holy Emperor, how terrifying the might, once he shot, a large group attacked the strong men in the Shengtian Pavilion teleportation array, and they were immediately bombarded by the individual.

"Hmm !? Jiuman !?"

A group of big brothers, seeing this scene, all looked stunned, and looked at the Lord of Forbidden God in amazement.

Did the Lord of the Forbidden God intervene in this battle! ?

Hey, why should the Lord God help the Holy Pavilion! ?

"Jiuman !?"

Above the sky, the God ’s Word of the Lord of God forbidden opened, like a thunder blast, which changed the face of Jiuman Shengdi.

"My lord! I ... was forced! They arrested my son!"

The emperor Jiuman said with humiliation and guilt.

"Hum! Traitors must not stay!"

The word fell to the ground, and above the sky, the eyes of the God of Forbidden God, the light of the eyes of the two gods, burst out, like two magic guns, piercing the Jiuman Holy Emperor.

Uh ...!

Emperor Jiuman's face suddenly changed, his body flashed.

Uh ...!

However, he flashed the first attack, but he did not pass the second one. The eyes of the **** passed through the body with a spear of blood.

"My lord! See you in the next life!"

Boom ... Rumble!

The holy body of the twenty-nine savage emperor burst open, blasting a wave of weather waves, sweeping the sky and the earth, rushing the battlefield crowd to the west.

"Jiuman Shengdi is broken !?"

"My God, a Holy Emperor has fallen!"

"The Lord of Forbidden God has shot !?"



Seeing the violent waves coming in, Yan's face screamed, and all the forces changed.

"You go on, I'm just cleaning up the traitor, I won't interfere in the battle between you!"

At one stroke, the Jiuman Holy Emperor was destroyed. All the powerful men shrank their necks and hid far away. They looked at the Lord of Forbidden God in horror.

At this moment, they finally understood that the horror of Fengshenqiang was by no means comparable to them.

It was a horror of strength to chill a sacred emperor who was at the peak of his power.


Hearing the words of the Lord God, everyone's eyes, at the same time, glanced at the Thousand Realms tree not far away, under a roar.

Two waves of people, like two wave peaks, once again hedged and ran into each other ~ ~ The war broke out again in an instant!

The sky is full of vigor, emperor power, all kinds of palm prints, and the tricks of the emperor are endless, just like layers of turbulent waves. Wherever they pass, there must be damage to the emperor.

The cruelty of the battlefield made both sides instantly red-eye.

But, at this moment, the mutation suddenly occurred!

Buzz ....!

Between the heavens and the earth, the huge golden teleportation array began to emit dazzling golden light, and three blurry figures appeared in the teleportation array.

"Look, someone is coming out!"

With an exclaim, everyone in the battle looked up.

Sure enough, above the golden teleportation spirit array, three figures have rushed forward, out of the teleportation array, and appeared in front of everyone.

"Hahaha, so lively!"

The man headed by a cricket, a gold robe, carrying his hands, a proud look on his face, and a **** knife on his back, majestic

"Step ... step by step !?"

Someone saw the appearance of the comer, and his face suddenly changed, and he began to exclaim.

还有 "Also, Qin Yuyao and Yunhua God!"

"Three geniuses, come together !?"

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