The Strongest Auxiliary [Holographic]

Chapter 19 Dragon Soul Secret Realm

Because the owners of the treasure map are Ran Qi and Ye Xiao, only when they form a team alone can they break the seal of the treasure map and see the coordinates where the treasure is hidden.So the two of them withdrew from the team temporarily and formed a team alone.

At this time, the two of them took out the treasure map again, and the map on the parchment became clear, and a clear coordinate point appeared somewhere on the map.

Following the guidance of the map, the two passed through the portal and came to the Boneyard.

The Boneyard is a level 30-40 mid-level map. The monsters here are all high-level, and they are still threatening to Ran Qi, so Ye Xiao directly said to Ran Qi: "Follow me closely."


Although Ye Xiao has only just reached level 30, his attributes are much higher than those of ordinary level 30 players, so he doesn't pay attention to the mobs in this map, and almost goes straight to the coordinates to kill them.

Ran Qi, on the other hand, followed Ye Xiao closely, obediently rubbing his experience.The monsters here are not only high-level, but also rich, and basically drop some copper coins or materials.Relying on the fact that his backpack was big enough, Ran Qi picked up all the things dropped by the mobs without any waste. Mosquito legs are meat after all.

Ye Xiao saw that he was about to run out to pick up things from time to time, and then trot back to follow him, like a hoarding hamster, a smile appeared in his eyes: "You are also a top five rich man on the wealth list Why don’t you even let go of these rubbish?”

Ran Qi didn't expect Ye Xiao to notice his small movements, and his face immediately turned red.

"I'm used to it... More or less money..." Ran Qi hurriedly changed the subject, "We seem to be almost there! We should be right ahead!"

Ye Xiao didn't say anything more to save face, and led Ran Qi to continue walking towards the coordinate point.

Soon, they came to the location indicated by the coordinates.

With a small shovel for collecting, Ran Qi took the initiative to undertake the task of digging, but he dug in place for a long time, and he dug a deep hole and came out, but he didn't dig anything.

"Why don't we dig together?" Ran Qi thought it might be because the treasure map was owned by both of them, so they had to dig together to find something.

"I don't have a shovel." Ye Xiao thought for a while and said, "I asked Zhuihun to mail me one."

"it is good."

Zhuihun and Lingmo went back to the main city to visit the trading house, and asking them to help mail it was the fastest way.

Not long after, the email from Chasing Soul came. After Ye Xiao got the shovel, he also started digging for treasure.

This time, the two of them only dug twice before they heard a crisp "clang" sound, and they both felt that they had dug something.

They sped up their movements, dug up the surrounding soil, and then dug out two small treasure chests the size of palms together.What Ye Xiao dug up was a bronze treasure chest with dim light, while what Ran Qi dug up was a golden treasure chest with bright light. Comparing the two, the small box in Ye Xiao's hand was more shabby, tattered and helpless.

Night Owl: "..."

Ran Qi held back his smile and said, "Then let's open the treasure chest?"

Ye Xiao pursed his lips and opened his bronze treasure chest.

[System] Congratulations on getting the [fig leaf].

【fig leaf】

Grade: D grade

Explanation: The piece of cloth around the waist of the little goblin is useless in tatters, so sell it to the store.

"Pfft..." Ran Qi endured and endured, but he couldn't hold it back, and laughed out loud. It seems that Zhuihun and the others are really right, Ye Xiao's luck in opening boxes is really bad.

Ye Xiao gave him a helpless look, and urged, "It's your turn."

Only then did Ran Qi stop the smile on his face, opened the golden treasure chest in his hand, and got a rusty key.

[System Announcement] The player [Ye Xiao] [Bai Ran] found the key to the Dragon Soul Secret Realm during the treasure hunt.

At the same time as the system announcement was issued, the ground suddenly collapsed, revealing a gloomy and dark tunnel.

Ye Xiao and Ran Qi looked at each other and walked in together. After the two entered, the entrance of the tunnel slowly closed and then disappeared.

"Holy shit, shit, shit, I really want to kneel down to brother Ran, but it's really an adventure! It's a dungeon of the secret realm!" Zhuihun was very excited after seeing the system announcement.

"Calm down, it's all basic operations." Ling Mo said calmly, "I have a hunch that Brother Ran will definitely come up with better things this time!"

"Brother Ran must be GM's own son!"


When the entrance was closed behind the two of them, the little light cast from above also disappeared, and the inside of the tunnel became pitch black again.The road under my feet was bumpy and uneven, and there were moss in some places. It was wet and slippery, making it very difficult to walk.

Ye Xiao's physical fitness is very good. After entering the game and undergoing data transformation, he still retains his strength, so his five senses are much sharper than ordinary people. For weak chickens, it is a shame.

After Ran Qi stepped on the hem of his robe and almost slipped again, Ye Xiao helplessly reached out to hold him: "I'll take you with me, be careful where you step."

In the pitch darkness, the sense of touch became particularly acute. Ran Qi could feel the temperature from Ye Xiao's palm, and his face blushed for no reason.

He thanked him with some embarrassment: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ye Xiao's clear and melodious voice came from beside his ears, and because he was so close, Ran Qi could even feel Ye Xiao's breath spraying in his ears when he spoke, and his face turned even redder.

Fortunately, the surrounding area is dark, so no one will find it...

Night Owl's fireball is an attack skill, and it can't be used as a lighting tool in the palm of the hand like in the cartoon, but it can be used to dry the accumulated water on the ground and remove moss, and lighten the way forward by the way.So every time he walks a distance, he will throw a fireball.

This tunnel is really very long. After walking for 10 minutes, the two finally came to an open place.

Ye Xiao threw the fireball again, illuminating the situation ahead.What appeared in front of them were three gates carved with simple and simple patterns. The gates were made of bronze and looked very heavy. There were spots of rust on them, which should be some years old.

The three doors are identical in appearance, so choosing which door to go is really just a matter of intuition.

"Which door to go?" Ye African Native Xiao Xiao looked at Ran European Noble Qi without hesitation.

"To the left?" Ran Qi was a little uncertain.

In fact, he didn't know which way to go, but there is a saying that "men go to the left and women go to the right, and shemales go in the middle", so he chose the left...

"Then on the left." Ye Xiao glanced at the door on the right that he instinctively wanted to choose, then decisively gave up his idea, and threw another fireball, illuminating the position of the door on the left, "Go and open the door. "

Ran Qi quickly walked a few steps, took out the key he got when opening the treasure chest just now, and unlocked the door on the left.

However, when he reached out to push the door, the door did not move at all.

Ran Qi: "..."

I'm really sorry that my physique is only E rank.

Ye Xiao smiled lightly and stepped forward to help, and easily pushed the door open. Because of the rust, the door made a toothache sound.

After pushing open the door, Ran Qi reached out and tried to pull out the key, but was unsuccessful anyway.

Ye Xiao said: "It's okay, just plug it in like this."

Inside the gate was still a dark passage, Ye Xiao took Ran Qi's hand again, and led him forward cautiously.

However, there were neither traps nor hidden weapons along the way, and the two of them passed through a stone gate smoothly and came to a spacious room, which was unbelievably smooth.

The walls of the room are inlaid with luminous pearls, and the radiant light illuminates the entire room.

The whole room seemed empty, except for the stone tables and benches in the middle, there were only murals on the wall, but the room was covered with a thick layer of dust, and it was hard to see what was painted on the wall. order something.

When Ye Xiao was thinking about how to get rid of that layer of dust, Ran Qi had already started to take out his backpack.

Just now Ran Qi picked up the rubbish along the way, and there were all kinds of mess in his bag, and then Ye Xiao saw Ran Qi took out a familiar piece of cloth and began to wipe the wall...

"This is..." Ye Xiao said in disbelief.

"Ah, this is the fig leaf you bought just now. I thought I could sell it to the store for 99 coppers, so I picked it up." Ran Qi felt a little embarrassed as he spoke, "Now it's used to wipe Gray is just right!"

Night Owl: "..."

In any case, this fig leaf was unexpectedly useful as a rag, and the dust on the wall was quickly wiped off, revealing the murals underneath.

This mural roughly tells the story between a dragon and a human girl.When the dragon was still an egg, it was picked up by a little girl. They grew up together and formed a deep relationship.However, the undead mage formed the undead army, attacked the girl's country, and the girl's home was destroyed, and the dragon took the girl to escape from the flames of war.Years later, the girl grew up, became a light mage, fought back with the dragon, regained her homeland, and became a queen.

The dragon has a deep relationship with the girl, and even if the girl dies, it will always guard the girl's grave.It's just that thousands of years have passed, even a dragon will die, but it still leaves its own soul to protect the girl - no wonder this dungeon is called Dragon Soul Secret Realm.

But although they understood the story and background of the copy, what should they do next?

There is nothing in the room except tables, stools and murals, and there is no passageway or the like.

"There should be an agency, let's look for it."

"it is good."

The two searched around the house, wishing they could take a look at the cracks in the floor, but they still found nothing.

"Give me the cloth you used to wipe the dust before." Ye Xiao said suddenly.

Ran Qi was taken aback for a moment, then handed the dirty cloth into his hands.

Ye Xiao wiped the dust on the table with a cloth, and then they saw a clear keyhole in the center of the table.

Ran Qi: "..."

Okay, after searching for a long time, the agency is actually in such an obvious place.

"You should be able to open it with a key," Ye Xiao said.

"But the key is still on the door..." The key just now couldn't be pulled out at all.

"Go back and get it, there is always a way to get it off."

"Okay." The two could only go back outside the gate.

It's just that this key seems to be determined to fight against them. If the door is open, it can't be pulled out no matter how hard it is, but when the door is closed, the key can be easily pulled out.

"Why don't we try another door?"

"That's all it takes."

The two opened the door in the middle again. After the door was opened, the key could not be pulled out, and as soon as the door was opened, a large number of skeletons roared and rushed towards the door. It seemed that there were hundreds of them densely packed. a large piece ofNo matter how powerful Ye Xiao was, he couldn't deal with the attacks of so many skeletons at the same time, so he had to quickly close the door again.

The Skeleton Legion rushed to nothing and knocked on the door.

Only the door on the right, the key can be pulled out directly after opening the door, but there are traps everywhere in this passage, they only took a step inside, and they were almost shot into hedgehogs by the arrows flying down from their heads.

Ye Xiao is now really convinced of Ran Qi's luck. The road Ran Qi chose is safe and straight to the destination, but the road he chose is full of dangers, comparable to the legendary road to the West.

"Otherwise, you still go the original way, and I will take the key and go this way." Ye Xiao said.

"No, it's too dangerous for you alone. If I follow, at least I can help you gain blood." Ran Qi insisted, "Anyway, if you are shot by an arrow, you will only lose some blood, and you won't die immediately."

Ye Xiao thought for a while, and felt that what Ran Qi said made sense, so he agreed, but still insisted on letting him hide behind him.

The two each ate a pie, put on their status, and rushed in.

Along the way, there were swords, swords and shadows, and there were many crises. Fortunately, the priest Ran Qi was there, and the two of them finally returned to the previous room without any danger, but they were very embarrassed.

Ran Qi inserted the key into the keyhole on the table, and the ground trembled and opened another passage.

Then they saw a half-human-tall toad jump out of it, stretched out its tongue and attacked them.

Ye Xiao immediately protected Ran Qi behind him, and then killed him with magic bullets and fireballs.

Just by opening this channel, they seemed to have opened Pandora's box. Monsters continued to come out of that channel, from toads, scorpions, centipedes and other small but highly poisonous beasts to jackals and tigers. Huge beasts such as leopards, elves and flower demons who can use magic, in short, all kinds of monsters emerge in endlessly, which is almost exhausting.

Fortunately, these monsters were generated by combining the levels of Ran Qi and Ye Xiao. All of them are elite monsters at level 27. It is not too difficult for Ye Xiao to fight, and Ran Qi can constantly help Ye Xiao increase his status. Blood, and a lot of mana-returning blue potions.Even so, after fighting for half an hour, the two of them finally got rid of all these monsters.

After continuous high-intensity fighting, even a ruthless person like Ye Xiao had to sit down and rest.

And Ran Qi looked at the corpses of monsters all over the place, endured it, and silently took out his harvesting knife, and started the great business of skinning.

Ye Xiao looked at Ran Qi helplessly and amusedly, thinking that he must have been a hoarder in his previous life.

"Let's go." After Ye Xiao had almost rested, he was ready to continue exploring the dungeon.All the monsters in the passage should have been cleared, just go straight down.

"Wait!" Ran Qi took a collecting knife and pried off all the night pearls on the wall, and then stuffed one for Ye Xiao, "Hey, now we have lighting!"

Ye Xiao chuckled and walked into the passage first.

It is indeed very convenient to have the lighting of Ye Mingzhu, and their speed of traveling has been accelerated a lot.Passing through the passage, they finally came to the queen's tomb.

The tomb is very large and is divided into three parts. At the entrance is a mountain of gold and jewels, followed by a large sarcophagus, and the innermost one is a sleeping dragon stone sculpture. Although its eyes are closed, its huge body and Sharp claws give it a lifelike look.Standing against the wall are rows of soldiers carved out of stone, their postures are very brave, and Ran Qi thinks they look a bit like terracotta warriors.

"Be careful and follow me closely," Ye Xiao reminded.

"it is good."

As soon as the two of them stepped into the tomb, the shell of the stone-carved soldiers closest to them shattered inch by inch, and then came out one after another skeleton soldiers exuding black energy from inside.

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