The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 80: Gabriel’s Plan Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Also if you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would really mean a lot!

A/N: Bath Sex Time. And then...


It would be a lie for Issei to say he wasn’t reeling from everything Gabriel just told him. And yet, in that moment it doesn’t matter. He holds her to him and the two of them kiss, their tongues intertwining with one another as she begins to properly bounce up and down on his cock. In spite of all of the bombshells she just dropped on him, it’s obvious that Gabriel doesn’t actually expect them to get to work right that second.

Which is good, because Issei will definitely need at least a few minutes to come to terms with everything he just learned. Not much more than that though… because in the end, his conviction is absolute. He knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s going to help Gabriel. Even if it means his death. He can’t do anything else. He can’t back down from this.

Gabriel was his and he was hers. They were intertwined now and if that meant risking his life to try and make her happy, then so be it. As he kisses her all the more deeply, as he drives his cock up into the Fallen Seraph from below, Issei reflects that he honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

Heh. So sappy.

Oh? Was Ddraig going to try and talk him out of it? Most of his attention is on Gabriel and making her happy right now, of course. Their coupling in the bath is hot and heavy now, no more words being exchanged between them as they fuck each other eagerly. But Ddraig’s voice isn’t just in his ear nor his head, its in his very soul itself. So if she has something to say, Issei can’t very well stop her from saying it.

… Nah. Not gonna try to talk you out of it. Little irritating to learn that I was all part of that bastard’s ‘ineffable’ plan of course… but eh, I’m already over it.

Issei has to hold back a snort at that, even as he abruptly lifts up and turns himself and Gabriel around. Laying the Fallen Seraph on her back at the edge of the tub, he pulls her legs up into the air and fucks her even harder, causing her to moan wantonly as her beautiful breasts bounce and jiggle all over the place.

Besides. You’ve already put me in my place, haven’t you? You’ve made me your bitch… literally. Why should anything I say have any consequence to you?

Now that just wasn’t fair. Issei valued Ddraig’s opinion, even if they’d had their differences in the past and he’d dealt with those differences quite… decisively. Groping Gabriel’s breasts, he sends a small bit of hurt and disapproval towards Ddraig, prompting the dragoness to let out a bark of laughter in the back of his mind.

Hah! Fine brat. You want my words of wisdom? Know this. You are the most capable wielder I’ve ever had. You are the one most worthy of the title Red Dragon Emperor of all of my users, all of my bearers since becoming the Boosted Gear. If anyone is going to sit on the Throne of that bastard and take over, it should be you.

Oh. Well then. That was actually very nice. Of course, Ddraig falls quiet after that. She doesn’t say another word, even as he rails Gabriel until they both cum in unison, his seed filling the Fallen Seraph’s womb as her inner walls clench and flex and milk him of every last drop.

Once he’s done draining his balls into her, Issei pulls out and watches as she lifts herself up onto her elbows and gives him a truly wanton grin.

“That was wonderful, beloved.”

Chuckling, he gives her a crooked smile right back… and then tilts his head to the side.

“I assume you have a plan for getting us into Heaven and to the Throne of God, yes? Because I doubt they’re going to just let us in if we ask nicely… they’re going to try to stop us.”

Gabriel’s eyes twinkle at that.

“Undoubtedly, my beloved. But you’re right. I do have a plan. It should be… fun~”


Michael did not consider himself a particularly wrathful person. In fact, he had always, in almost all of his interactions, tried to show nothing but kindness and compassion to those around him. After his Father’s death, Michael had taken over as leader of Heaven and Guardian of the Throne. He had then attempted to follow his Father’s example in all ways, by being the man that he thought God would want him to be.

Even Devils and his Fallen brothers and sisters were not so beneath him that Michael could not be courteous and polite to them.

… Except, as much as Michael tried to show compassion and consideration to all living creatures, he was not perfect. Sometimes he wondered why his Father had made him… any of them really, to be less than perfect. But when he wondered such things, he was quick to put them out of his mind. It was not his place to question God. His place was to guard the Throne of Heaven and do his level best to maintain Christianity in the wake of his Father’s demise.

Which was why he’d had to make some tough decisions over the centuries. It wasn’t always enough to be kind, compassionate, and courteous to all those around you. Because sometimes people would take advantage of your considerate nature. Sometimes even those closest to you would begin to stray.

Michael didn’t regret what he’d done, all those centuries ago. He could see it in Gabriel’s actions, he could tell by the way she was moving around their Father’s vast creation that it was coming. And… and as much as Michael still felt compassion for their Fallen Kin, he could not allow Gabriel to Fall as well. To lose a Great Seraph at a time when they needed her most… it couldn’t happen.

Fortunately, their Father had known this sort of thing would eventually come up. Or so Michael assumed, because why else would God give him such control over the Heavenly Host? He didn’t use it as much as he could have to be fair… but in the end, when he DID use it, it was always necessary. Gabriel had been much too close to succumbing in the same way that Azazel had, Michael was sure of it.

Oh sure, she hadn’t lain with any human men in the same way Azazel laid with a human woman, but Michael was confident it was only a matter of time. Especially when his sister had been caught spying on the humans from afar over and over and over again. Her excuses were never satisfactory either. It was blatantly obvious she was hiding her interest in humanity behind her words.

So yes, Michael had done what needed to be done. He had secured Gabriel against the threat of Falling. He had helped his sister give up her flights of fancy concerning the humans, and he had refocused her mind to the task of securing and supporting Heaven above all else. It was necessary. Gabriel was necessary to Heaven’s continued survival.

… Case in point, Heaven was in an uproar ever since his sister had Fallen. They’d lost one of the Great Seraphs, how could it not be? Already, there was an uptick in angels falling. And Michael… Michael could do nothing about it. Gabriel had made her… anger over what he’d done quite clear that day when she’d saved Issei Hyoudou from Heaven’s Fury. Michael was rarely such a wrathful creature, but the moment he’d felt his sister Fall, he’d lost his mind and tried to smite the source right on the spot… only for Gabriel to block him.

To say Michael was angry that he’d lost his sister to some perverted Boosted Gear User would be an understatement. To say his patience was being sorely tempted would be a joke and a half. It was past that point.

… And yet… and yet, Heaven needed a win. It needed a victory above all else. With the number of fresh Fallen Angels growing by the day ever since Gabriel Fell, Michael knew they needed something to stem the tide. And also, a way to keep the Church in line. So far, the humans who followed Christianity did not know about Gabriel’s Fall. And if Michael had his way, most of them would never learn it, in the same way they did not know God was dead.

Some things were not FOR humans to know, Michael had long since decided. The secrets of Heaven and his Father’s Systems. God’s Death. And now Gabriel’s Fall.

Regardless, on the subject of needing a win… Michael found himself descending from Heaven itself on what would have been quite a fine day if not for the circumstances. Because his sister had finally contacted him and told him that she was ready to parley… specifically regarding the multiple Excaliburs STILL in her new paramour’s possession.

To say Michael was annoyed by how much it had cost them to get the Excalibur Swords back, only to fail in their retrieval, would be an understatement yet again. Losing the exorcists to Issei Hyoudou’s perversion was irritating but somewhat expected. The Church hadn’t fully understood what sort of Red Dragon Emperor they were dealing with. That, or they’d overestimated the abilities of their own exorcists. But then to have Gabriel Fall as well in the attempt to get the Excaliburs back… tch.

Well, obviously Michael wouldn’t be following in their footsteps. Having arrived at the Hyoudou Mansion in Kuoh Town, he waits in a large sitting room, fully prepared to get the Excaliburs by any means necessary and then get out. Retrieving the Excaliburs would hopefully go a long way to staunching the massive gaping wound left behind by his sister’s Fall, he figured.

… There was just one problem with his plans.

“Hm. You know, I’m used to power plays and all that, but this is getting a little ridiculous, isn’t it? Just how long do they intend to keep us waiting? Serafall?”

Michael was not alone in trying to gain the Excaliburs. He also was not alone in the sitting room. Indeed, the table that he was sat at was actually filled with three other people. Two of them were Great Satans in fact, while the third was the Governor General of the Grigori himself, Azazel. Outside of the room and down the hall, Raphael was waiting in case he needed back up. Two Great Seraphs for two Great Satans. It had only seemed right, especially since Azazel and Gabriel were of similar power and represented the Fallen.

Sirzechs Lucifer is the one who just spoke up, and while Michael can’t help but be a little annoyed that his fellow leader is even here in the first place, he’s also glad that the Great Satan asked the question. It wouldn’t do for his impatience to be too obvious, after all.

Meanwhile, Serafall blinks at Sirzechs’ question and just shrugs.

“Ah, well, I’m sure they’ll be here soon enough. They just had some business to attend to.”

Michael’s eyes narrow at that. This whole… meeting was such a farce. Not least of which because he’d been in secret talks with both Sirzechs and Azazel for months now to try and create a lasting peace between their three factions. And yet, what did the two self-serving, scheming, opportunistic bastards do the moment something came up? They arrayed themselves against him, of course.

Basically, Gabriel hadn’t just offered the Excaliburs to him and Heaven. No, she’d decided to offer them to all three factions. That was why Michael, Sirzechs, and Azazel were all in this room. They were here to effectively outbid one another. Did Gabriel know about Michael’s plans for peace with his other two rulers? She shouldn’t have. And yet… it certainly seemed like this whole situation was designed to pit them against one another.

Though that last line Serafall just gave… who’s side was the Leviathan even on, exactly? Sirzechs seemed to feel similarly, because a frown spreads across the red-haired devil’s face.

“Business to attend to? Where, exactly? I had thought they were merely cloaking their presence but… are you saying they are not even on the premise?”

Michael’s eyes widen at that and he expands his senses outwards. Admittedly, he’d kept them fully restrained for fear of ‘witnessing’ some truly debauched happenings elsewhere in the mansion. He’d figured that Hyoudou MUST have been fucking his women close by while forcing them to wait for the past two hours.

But… no. There’s no one. Literally no one save for the other Great Seraph that Michael brought with him, who’s waiting nearby. Raphael. Michael suddenly stands up, his jaw clenching as he finds himself warring between his kind and compassionate self… and the anger he’s now feeling.

“The mansion is empty. The grounds are empty. What is the meaning of this?”

Sirzechs looks at him with the barest hint of surprise that Michael didn’t already know. And now Michael is starting to feel… trapped. He’s not, of course. Even if they all ganged up on him, he’s sure he and Raphael could escape. Probably.

To his consternation, Serafall and Azazel suddenly exchange a glance. Michael’s senses tingle with anticipation of an ambush… but it never comes.

“Probably been long enough by now, right?”

“Well… hm, I suppose so.”

With that, the two turn to him and Sirzechs. The Lucifer himself stiffens up right beside him, making it obvious he was just as kept in the dark about all of this as Michael was. Cold comfort though, given the words that come out of a suddenly grinning Serafall’s mouth.

“What is the meaning of this? Simple, dickhead. This is a distraction.”

What? Michael blinks and finds himself caught up in his own thoughts, even as distantly, he hears Sirzechs asks Serafall for clarification. Distraction? What could that-


He flinches as Uriel’s voice suddenly rockets into his mind.

Uriel? What is it?

They came through Sixth Heaven. It took me far too long to notice. And before I knew it… they’d made it into Seventh Heaven!

What? That wasn’t possible. Seventh Heaven was where his Father’s Systems were all stationed. It was where the Throne of God rested. It also had a defense system that automatically teleported any trespassers away, one that Michael himself didn’t fully understand even after all these years. But then to be fair, his Father was ofttimes said to be… ineffable.

That said…

Who is they?! Uriel, who could possibly have entered Seventh Heaven?!

… Its Gabriel, Michael. Her and the Boosted Gear bearer.

No. No, that… Michael blinks as he looks at Azazel, still sitting in his chair looking insufferably smug. He looks at Serafall and Sirzechs, watching the two Great Satans arguing. And he realizes… as much as he wants to say it’s not possible, it very much is.



The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Go with an Issei POV for the raid on Heaven - 24%

[X] Go with a Gabriel POV for the raid on Heaven - 76%


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