The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 76: Serafall Leviathan Redux Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Serafall is finished off. But what does that really mean both for her and for the future? Hmmm...

He lets Serafall recover from her latest explosive orgasm first. Because he’s magnanimous like that. Continuing to thrust into her from behind, filling the gorgeous Leviathan with his cock time and time again, Issei watches as she bucks and shakes, trapped between him and his beloved Fallen Seraph. Finally though, her spasming dies down once more and so Issei puts his plan into action.
Reaching out for Serafall’s pigtails, he grabs hold of them from Gabriel, the Fallen Seraph giving him a wicked grin as she happily hands them over. Gleefully, even. Perhaps she knows exactly what he intends… or perhaps she simply trusts him enough to know that what he intends is something she’ll find very enjoyable indeed.
Yanking on the pigtails hard, Issei pulls the Leviathan’s mouth out of Gabriel’s sopping wet muff. Immediately, the bedroom is inundated with Serafall’s cries of ecstasy and delirious pleasure, no longer muffled or confined to his beloved’s cunt. The lewd noises coming out of her mouth contest with the slapping of flesh against flesh as he continues to fuck her doggystyle like the bitch she is.
Of course, Serafall isn’t so far gone that she doesn’t feel embarrassment once she realizes what’s happening. Quickly, she reaches up and claps a hand over her mouth, trying desperately to quiet the involuntary sounds coming from her throat back down. Normally, Issei would take offense to this and force her to sing for him… but this actually works for him because he had some things he wanted to say to Serafall anyways, and it would have been annoying having to shout over her debauched cries just to be heard.
As Gabriel fingers herself mere inches from Serafall’s face and Issei drills into the powerful female devil from behind, he leans forward, molding himself to her back. His eyes are on Gabriel’s face, but his words are meant for Serafall as he delivers them right into her ear.
“The Dragon Emperor is getting close to cumming, Satan Pink. I could fill you up. Coat your insides with my seed. Make you one of my Dark Magical Girls for REAL. Look at how much my little Fallen Seraph enjoys belonging to me. Don’t you want that? Do you want me to creampie you, you horny little bitch?”
For a long moment, Serafall doesn’t answer. He keeps fucking her of course, not slowing down his pace even slightly. And she keeps her hand over her mouth, squeaking and moaning wantonly into it intermittently. He even starts to wonder if she maybe didn’t hear him… but no, finally, she pulls her hand away from her mouth and amidst the moans and mewls coming from her lips, Serafall quietly gives in… or rather ‘Satan Pink’ gives in, because Issei is still coaching this all in terms of Serafall’s ridiculous magical girl roleplay, allowing her to sidestep responsibility.
“P-Please… please cum inside, Dragon Emperor… m-make me one of your Dark Magical Girl…”
An admission certainly… but not good enough. Not by Issei’s metrics. Smirking at Gabriel, enjoying the way the Fallen Seraph gleefully grins right back at him, Issei tightens his grip on Serafall’s hair, yanking her head back even further and forcing her to arch her spine some more.
“Oh? I wonder, Leviathan, if you’re only okay with giving in because of the notoriously low fertility rate among devils. Do you think that it doesn’t matter if I cum inside of you, because there’s no way I’ll manage to get you pregnant?”
Serafall doesn’t immediately answer as he speaks, no doubt experiencing some whiplash from him suddenly breaking the roleplay and addressing her as herself. But Issei doesn’t give her a chance to gather herself. He leans in again and continues on with a lustful growl in his voice.
“You should think again, Serafall. Because I’ve knocked up both Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima already. Two devils, one Pureblood and one Reincarnated, impregnated on the same night by my loins. Did you know about THAT, hm?”
This time, when Serafall remains a quiet, quivering mess beneath him, Issei snarls and pulls back enough that he can deliver a harsh spanking to her already reddened ass while continuing to pound into her from behind.
“That question was not rhetorical, Leviathan. Answer me!”
Squeaking, her pussy walls clenching around his pistoning prick, she whimpers and moans before finally replying.
“I-I knew… I knew Rias and Akeno were pregnant. I just… d-don’t know how you did it…”
Issei blinks, a little surprised at that admission. Because it means Serafall did know what she was risking when she told him to cum inside. She doesn’t even know that Ravel or her elixir is involved, so she was doubly risking actually getting impregnated right here and right now.
… That changes things a little bit. Her willingness to truly submit to him, to actively admit that she knew he could knock up both Pureblood and Reincarnated Devils seemingly whenever he wanted… while he was ball’s deep inside of her… well, such honesty deserved to be rewarded in turn, didn’t it?
Tilting his head in consideration, he holds Serafall by her hips, letting her head fall forward as she gasps and pants, moaning and mewling. Thrusting into her, he once again looks to Gabriel, this time with much more meaning in his eyes. After a moment, the Fallen Seraph’s smile widens a fraction and she gives him a nod, confirming that she agrees with his current thoughts and what he intends to do.
With that… Issei reveals the truth. Somewhat, anyways.
“I have a pet alchemist, Leviathan. And that pet alchemist has developed an elixir capable of increasing the fertility of female devils by a hundredfold.”
There’s a brief pause as Serafall processes that information. Then, to Issei’s shock… she gasps out a name. The correct name at that.
“… Ravel Phenex…”
Issei comes to a dead stop for a moment, only to realize he’s just given it away by reacting in any way. He quickly picks up speed again, fucking Serafall even harder as a growl of frustration at himself and at the powerful devil wells up in his throat. He’s half-tempted to Boost again in this moment, just to properly take his irritation out on her.
But… no. Fuck, she was good wasn’t she? Even in this moment, even having properly been dominated at long last by his cock and his power, Serafall Leviathan was still quick as a whip and so damn sharp. He’d known on a basic level that Serafall’s magical girl act was just that… an act. It was an act that she absolutely adored putting on to be fair, and an act that she got quite a lot of joy out of performing… but it was still an act.
And yet, he’d let himself get suckered like so many others. He’d KNOWN she was more than she seemed and he’d still underestimated her. Well, the game was already given away by his reaction. Serafall hadn’t said anything else in the moments since as he fucked her from behind some more, but Issei knew better than to try to deny it.
Panting heavily, the Leviathan immediately responds, likely having been waiting for the question.
“Your… c-connection to Ravel Phenex is, mm, well known, Red Dragon Emperor. As is her love for alchemy… a-at least to certain individuals like m-myself. And it has… long been theorized that P-Phenex Tears might be capable of more than just… healing. That they might be able to… stimulate in other ways too.”
Well, when she put it like that, it wasn’t all that surprising that she’d immediately named his ‘pet alchemist’ wasn’t it? Issei lets out a sigh, resisting the urge to rub his face with his palm for a moment. Instead, he continues to drive into Serafall from behind, allowing the satisfaction that comes with finally PROPERLY conquering the Great Satan wash away some of his embarrassment and irritation instead.
Then, he leans forward again, reaching around this time to wrap a hand around Serafall’s throat. He doesn’t grip down too hard; he just rests it there firmly. This still causes her to tense up a little bit, her inner walls squeezing along his cock most enjoyable.
“I can give you a dose of Ravel’s elixir, Serafall. Do you want that? I think you do. I think if you knew from the very beginning that I’d already knocked up Rias and Akeno… then that admission of wanting me to cum inside is evidence you want to be bred by your new Master.”
A shudder runs through Serafall. Before she can answer, Issei delivers an ultimatum, making it clear what he expects from her.
“If you want it… you’ll have to beg.”
And then he leaves it at that. Continuing to rail her from behind as Gabriel fingers herself and watches from right in front of Serafall, Issei pounds the Satan’s pussy with reckless abandon. Silence falls save for the continued sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and the squelching noises of his big fat cock drilling in and out of her clenching, clinging cunny. And for a long moment, Issei wonders if she’ll manage to hold onto her pride.
At least… a small amount of it anyways. Given her current position, one might think Serafall Leviathan didn’t have much pride left. It was a far cry from his previous experience with her and Sona in the Student Council Room. That had been… hmph, dissatisfying. Issei was man enough to admit it now. Looking back on that moment, in hindsight, he didn’t like that he wasn’t strong enough at the time to put Serafall in her place properly.
But he was strong enough now. And whether she begged him or not, they both knew the new status quo between them. He’d won, wholly and utterly. Still, she might not beg. She might not be that far gone. She might-
“… p-please…”
Issei blinks… and then grins wickedly. Tilting his head to the side, he hums out a question.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you Serafall. Speak. Up.”
He punctuates each of those last two words with powerful, deep thrusts that jolt Serafall’s entire body forward, damn near almost sending her back into Gabriel’s waiting cunt. Not quite though. And once the order is given, the dam breaks and she can’t hold back any more.
“Please! P-Please give me the elixir! Make me drink it! Turn me into a Dark Magical Girl! Break me on your cock and breed me silly! Make me your BITCH! MAKE ME YOUR BROODMARE!”
In the end… even the strongest female devil is still a female devil, and as Issei has confirmed through the scientific method again and again and again, devils are all horny for stronger lovers. They can fight against it with all their might, but if you can overcome them in raw power and show yourself to be better than them… they submit. They submit EAGERLY and GREEDILY.
Smiling as Serafall continues begging, her words turning into almost gibberish, he nods to Gabriel. The Fallen Seraph is also smiling almost motherly down at the broken Leviathan, pulling an elixir out of seemingly nowhere and uncorking the vial. Issei tilts Serafall’s head back and the she-devil opens her mouth and lolls out her tongue, gulping down Ravel’s concoction as Gabriel pours it into her waiting maw.
She drinks every last drop of the elixir, increasing her fertility beyond what was ever meant to be possible for devils. Then again… the fertility elixir was a devil-made thing, and its not-so-secret ingredient was literally a devil secretion. So maybe it was always supposed to be possible for devils? Maybe their own infighting and greed and small-mindedness had simply kept them from a discovery that could have changed everything for them.
Either way, once the vial is emptied and Serafall has consumed Ravel’s elixir, Issei settles back in and fucks her the rest of the way to completion. She moans and squeals, cumming all over his cock again and again, but there are no more words exchanged between them. Issei doesn’t have anything left to say to Serafall, and the Leviathan seems to be too lost in her own pleasure to even be able to form coherent sentences at this point.
Finally, a few minutes later, he lets himself cum at long last. He grunts, pumps in one last time… and then fills Serafall’s overly fertile womb with a load of his seed. He cums and cums inside of her, making sure to pack her womb to the brim and then some.
With that, it’s done. ‘Satan Pink’ is defeated. More importantly, Serafall Leviathan has been well and truly broken and bred on his cock…
In the aftermath, Issei finds himself sitting on the end of the bed that Grayfia is still sleeping on, feeling somewhat like a king on his throne. But then given his usual activities, any bed really is a ‘throne’ for him in a way. And he’s not a king… he’s the damn Emperor.
Regardless, he sits on the end of the bed while Gabriel kneels behind him, the Fallen Seraph happily hugging him from behind and rubbing her tits into his back as she nuzzles into his neck like an overly affectionate bird. Meanwhile, down below on her knees before him is Serafall Leviathan. The Great Satan licks her and his combined sexual fluids off his cock, swirling her tongue this way and that rather diligently as she works.
Still… the Leviathan might be broken, but she’s far from mindless. Pulling her tongue back from his spit-polished cock after a moment, she looks up at the two of them and smiles slightly. Issei raises an eyebrow back at her.
“… What’s going through that head of yours now, Leviathan?”
Giggling, Serafall shakes said head.
“I’ve learned the folly of my ways. And it seems I’ll be having your child, Red Dragon Emperor. You don’t need to worry about me anymore, though I will admit I came here with every intention of making a mess of things. I wanted… to make things difficult for you. But it would seem that was never necessary. You’ve already succeeded at making things difficult for yourselves, haven’t you?”
Issei narrows his eyes at that but stays quiet as Serafall explains.
“… You do realize your troubles are only just beginning, yes? The moment word of an elixir like this gets out, there will be pandemonium. Not just from the Underworld but trust me they’ll want this… but also from every other faction. My people will want to control the source of the elixir at all costs… because everyone else will want to destroy it at all costs, along with the knowledge of how to create it.”
Issei stiffens at that thought. Admittedly, he hadn’t really considered the overarching ramifications. But before he can say anything else, Gabriel giggles from behind him.
“You don’t need to fret, Leviathan. There’s a plan in place. You yourself were only one part of it.”
Serafall blinks… and then nods, seeming to take this at face value. Issei on the other hand is left wondering what plan Gabriel is talking about. Sure, he knew about THEIR plan to conquer Serafall… but an overarching plan to take on the entire Supernatural World when they came after them and Ravel for her creation?! This was the first he was hearing of this…
Before he can speak, however, the door to the bedroom suddenly opens up, producing Griselda’s head as she peeks into the room. If she’s taken aback by what she sees, the former exorcist and now pregnant servant to the Red Dragon Emperor doesn’t show it. She doesn’t even blink as she makes eye contact with Issei.
“Issei, there’s a Lady Venelana Gremory waiting in the other room for you. She wishes to meet with you… privately.”
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Demand answers from Gabriel immediately, even if it means making Venelana wait longer - 13%

[X] Trust that Gabriel will tell him what he needs to know when he needs to know, go meet with Venelana - 87%


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