The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 5: The Slaughter

“Raynare, you’re finally back! Where the hell have you been? Wait, isn’t this the brat you were- hrrk!”
The first sign of trouble Kalawarner gets is Dohnaseek’s raised voice as the male fallen is the first to notice their ‘illustrious leader’ returning from her self-imposed mission. When he’s cut off in the middle of his exclamation with a choked gurgle, the blue-haired, buxom fallen angel decides to investigate, stepping out of her room just as Mittelt does the same across the hall from her.
What they both find waiting for them in the hallway is shocking indeed. Raynare is there, yes, as is Dohnaseek. And then there’s the boy with Raynare, the boy that Raynare had specifically told them she was going to take care of personally. Except… except the boy isn’t just a boy, not if the massive draconic arm and claw he currently had poking out through Dohnaseek’s back was any indication.
The male fallen chokes and spits up blood onto himself as the brown-haired boy flicks his arm and sends their dying comrade to the ground, just like that. Then, he turns his eyes onto her and Mittelt. For the first time in a long time, Kalawarner feels distinctly… small. For a Fallen Angel, this is not a common occurrence. Their leadership are seductive, cajoling types more often than not. At least, Azazel is, and Azazel is the one that Kalawarner loves with all of her blackened soul.
And yet… and yet…
“These are the two you spoke of? You said their names were Kalawarner and Mittelt, correct?”
The boy speaks, and he does so with a confidence that sets Kalawarner’s nerves alight. If she’s being honest, a very large part of her wants to kill him, right then and there. He’s hitting her S button HARD, and the blue-haired fallen is nothing if not a cruel, manipulative sadist at heart. Having him talk down to her like he so clearly is… she wants to hurt him. She wants to tear him limb from limb.
She doesn’t move, though, even as he flicks some of the blood off his claws, splattering it across Dohnaseek’s body. She doesn’t move, even as he begins to walk forward. And she certainly doesn’t move as Raynare answers him with her head bowed and her gaze averted, blatant fear but also something else (lust, the whore!) in her voice.
“Yes, Master.”
Kalawarner doesn’t move, and she doesn’t speak… but Mittelt does.
“Dohnaseek?! Raynare, what the FUCK?! Who the fuck is this? What the fuck is going on?!”

Despite her gothic Lolita style, despite her young appearance, the stream of curses emitting from Mittelt’s mouth could have come right from a sailor. Of course, at the end of the day, no matter how young the blonde looked, she was a fallen angel, and just as old as the rest of them. That doesn’t stop the boy from eyeing her up and down with a slight frown.
“You’re just a girl.”
If there was one way to trigger Mittelt, it was to treat her like an immature brat. The others, Kalawarner included, teased her with that as much as they liked, but for a stranger to do it… well, the light spear was manifested in Mittelt’s grasp within a second, and then the blonde was lunging forward, aiming to slam it into the face of this intruder.
His reaction happens too fast for Kalawarner to properly track. One second, Mittelt is about the drive the light spear into him. The next, he’s slid out of the path of the lunge and planted his fist deep in the blonde’s gut, leaving the petite Fallen Angel folded over his arm like a piece of paper. However, as Kalawarner watches all of this, still frozen, she notes that he doesn’t go straight through Mittelt’s chest, as he did with Dohnaseek.
He’s holding back with her. Holding back because… Kalawarner’s eyes flicker over to Raynare, and her first reaction is pure disgust. The other fallen isn’t currently naked, but she might as fucking well be. From her head to her toes, Raynare is a bundle of nerves and lust and arousal that Kalawarner can smell from where she’s standing.
The bitch had probably been taken down just as fast ad Dohnaseek and Mittelt, and then she’d submitted to this… to this BOY just like that. What a pathetic, worthless worm. It made Kalawarner sick to her stomach. But at the same time, as disgusted as she was, as much as it made her look down on Raynare for being so weak… she still couldn’t move her legs.
His eyes turn towards her then, and alongside the desire to hurt this boy, Kalawarner feels the sensation she’s been trying to ignore all this time creeping further up her spine. It won’t let her pretend she’s not feeling it any longer. Fear. Unbridled terror. Kalawarner shivers as the boy cocks his head at her.
“Are you going to fight me as well?”
Her legs give out on her then, and the blue-haired beauty finds herself crashing to the ground, just like that. It’s not… it’s not fair. This… BOY is not Azazel. He’s not even close to Azazel’s perfection. And yet, he’s so beyond her that she can barely comprehend the sheer scope of his power. Kalawarner has always been a bit more capable of seeing to the heart of the matter than her comrades. She can imagine that Raynare attacked this boy and was as easily defeated as Mittelt was. But she? She can’t even bring herself to raise a hand against him. He’s just too strong.
That doesn’t mean she hates him any less though, doesn’t mean that she’s going to just vacate her loyalty to the Governor General of the Grigori. Still, she doesn’t have to die here. Not if… not if she can survive and be of further use to Azazel by submitting instead. She just needs to live to fight another day. As the boy looks down at her with those apathetic eyes of his, like she’s nothing more than trash, Kalawarner can only tremble in response, until finally, he nods and looks away.
Of course, it’s in that moment that the door at the end of the hallway bursts open, and the excommunicated exorcists that Raynare had gathered to them spill out into the corridor. The collection of corrupted holy men take one look at the sight before them, from Raynare practically cowering, to Dohnaseek with a hole in his chest, to Mittelt still hacking from the punch to the gut and Kalawarner knelt on the floor, defeated without so much as a fight.
Needless to say, being what they are, the goons rush forward into battle one and all, roaring and howling their rage as they charge at the only unknown in the room. The ensuing slaughter can’t really be called a battle. More like a massacre, in which Kalawarner learns a lot about the dragon who managed to tame Raynare. Not a boy, she reflects, as arterial spray splatters across her face for the umpteenth time. Not a boy at all… a monster, more like.
They submit for now, but at the first chance they get, they will betray us.
Issei sits on a large couch in the lounge area of the fallen’s base, staring down at his two newest servants. Kalawarner and Mittelt both work away at his cock with their tongues, slurping and sucking his member in the same way that Raynare did just a little while ago. He hums to himself, even as he sends a mental acknowledgment back towards the dragon currently resting in his soul.
Obviously, he didn’t trust any of these fallen angels half as far as he could throw them. Which, to be fair, he could probably throw them all pretty far. Hell, as small as Mittelt in particular was, he could likely punt her across the damn city with one kick. Still, the point stood. He didn’t trust these women. He couldn’t trust them; he couldn’t afford to.
Raynare was scared, but he could certainly imagine her turning on him the moment that he showed an ounce of weakness. Mittelt was much the same way, and even now he could see the sadistic, cruel desire to get back at him for his comment on her appearance, buried beneath her terror and her submission, and even her arousal. Much like Raynare, as much as she hated him, she was also turned on by the power he had over her.
The same, however, was not true of the last member of the group, the only Fallen Angel he hadn’t had to physically strike down. Kalawarner did not feel an ounce of arousal over her current circumstances. She loved another, if he was reading her correctly. She loved another, and she was likely only pretending to serve Issei so that she could perhaps spy on him and report back to whoever it was she was so enamored with.
That was fine… though it did make it odd that Kalawarner turns out to be the first to take things a step further, rather than Mittelt. Suddenly standing up, the blue-haired fallen grabs at her short, maroon skirt and tears it off of her body, exposing the fact that she’s not wearing any panties underneath. Then, she places a hand on top of Mittelt’s head, and pushes the blonde away, just like that, climbing aboard Issei’s lap and burying his cock in her cunt, just like that.
Despite the fact that he KNOWS she’s not really interested in him, Kalawarner still manages to somehow be wet down there, as she begins to bounce up and down on his member, moaning and panting heavily, her face quickly growing flustered and red. Mittelt lets out a belated ‘hey!’ from the floor, but the blue-haired fallen just looks at her like she’s a bug and scoffs.
“You snooze, you lose Mittelt.”
When she turns back to him, however, Issei decides he’s tired of being completely passive. His hands come up, and he rips Kalawarner’s top open, causing the fallen to gasp as her breasts spring free of their confines. It doesn’t matter what her intentions are at the moment, Issei has decided. He’ll handle her inevitable betrayal later. For now… he’s going to enjoy her to the fullest, if she’s willing to just GIVE him her body like this.
Grabbing and squeezing her tits in both hands, Issei fucks up into Kalawarner with deep, penetrating thrusts, rapidly taking control of the situation as she moans and bounces up and down on his cock like a bucking bronco, her voluptuous body jiggling in all the right places as a result. It doesn’t take long for him to bring her to climax, despite the fact that she started out only pretending to enjoy it.
In fact, Issei makes a point of forcing Kalawarner to orgasm around his cock at least three times. She might have submitted the easiest, at least outwardly, but inwardly, he knew she was the most dangerous of all of them. The zealous fanatics always were. Only once she’s moaning and twitching with her eyes crossed in a most humiliating manner does Issei finally deign to fill the blue-haired fallen with his seed, before almost contemptuously tossing her away from him.
Then, he turns his eyes onto Mittelt. After all, at this point he’s had Raynare, he’s had Kalawarner… no point in not completing the set, if Mittelt is willing to submit. Of course, the pint-sized blonde isn’t going to make it easy on him, is she?
“I suppose you’re going to fuck me now, aren’t you? Of course you are, you pig! Hmph, you and your big fat cock, like that somehow makes you special or something! You c- eep!”
As he manhandles her into position, the tiny blonde fallen finds herself suddenly folded in a full nelson, with her cute little wet pussy hovering over the bulbous head of his massive cock. Issei pauses for a moment to let the gravity of the situation hit her… and then, right as she’s collecting herself to continue on with her rant, he drops Mittelt down onto his member, impaling the centuries-old fallen angel on his dick without pause.
She squeals like a stuck pig, of course, and her entire body shakes and trembles. She’s even wetter than Kalawarner was, but then, unlike Kalawarner, she’d actually been getting off on all of this all this time, just as Raynare not-so-secretly had. As such, it’s no wonder that the very first thing Mittelt does upon being impaled on his cock, despite all of her bluster and bravado, is climax along his shaft.
Issei doesn’t let that slow him down for even a moment though. He immediately begins to bounce Mittelt up and down on his dick again and again, fucking the pint-sized fallen nice and hard, thrusting up into her extremely tight cunt with all his might. She’s a lot quicker to cum then Kalawarner was, with a hair-trigger that Issei presses on again and again as she tries to collect herself, as she stutters and stammers half-hearted curses at him, through her moaning and wanton, pleasured screaming.
When he’s done with her, she’s in a much worse state than Kalawarner, with her eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She’s the picture-perfect image of ahegao, as he drops her to the floor and lets out a soft sigh. Raynare is between his legs in moments when he sits back down again, her tongue and lips working over his shaft almost enthusiastically. It’s obvious though that she’s more afraid of him replacing her with one of her subordinates than anything else.
Still, Issei appreciates the act, even if the thought is built on self-serving fear, so he allows it to continue. Now that he was here, he supposed he had taken over this base. He’d subjugated three Fallen Angels, killed a fourth, and then decimated a bunch of excommunicated exorcists. Only one of those mooks had been even remotely interested, pausing in the middle of the battle to scream about how he was going to rape Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner all at once, once he saved them from Issei.
… Yeah, that’d been a bit odd. Not that that exorcist had been any more difficult to kill than the others. His head had certainly splattered across the cobblestone of the Church Catacombs easily enough. Now though, now Issei had to make decisions. He had to make… plans. Somehow, he’d ended up going from choosing Yuuma over Akeno or Tsubaki to avoid getting involved with Devils, to getting involved with Fallen Angels instead.
It wasn’t Issei’s original intention, but now here he was with three submissive fallen… and apparently an excommunicated holy woman of some sort arriving soon in the city. It was all very… taxing. He really just wanted to take a nap if he was being honest. Or better yet, go home, pass out, and forget this all ever happened.
Alas, he didn’t think that was going to be a possibility. His draconic blood had been awakened, ever since Ddraig had started talking about hoards. He wanted to save the girl, yes… but he also wanted to keep her. Was that a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not. All Issei knew was that he needed to decide what he was going to do next.
How was he going to handle this Asia Argento?

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