The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 44: Gabriel the Great Seraph

In the end, Issei had been noncommittal towards Griselda’s request, even as he’d cum all over her face and tits. The older woman had been a bit sullen about that. Not the facial part, but the part where he refused to promise to play at pretending to be something he was not. Still, even if he didn’t say it out loud… Issei had resolved to try and be a little better, all the same.
And so, the day had arrived, and Issei found himself sitting down at a table across from Gabriel the Great Seraph, just as he had done with Sister Griselda before her. And just as with Sister Griselda before her, Issei’s previous conquests are sat off to the side, lined up in place. Not just Griselda, Xenovia, and Irina though either… but Asia, Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt as well.
He’d invited the Fallen Angels and excommunicated nun along not as a provocation, though Griselda had fretted that it might be seen as such. No, he’d done so because they were involved whether the Church liked it or not. Not only were they involved with him personally, but they were involved with the Excalibits as well, and that whole plot involving Kokabiel and that idiot he’d killed, Valper Galilei.
And so here they all were. The three Fallen were sat on the left side of the table, while the exorcists took up the right side. Asia, meanwhile, was sat right next to him, at his right hand. And across from them, on the other side of the table all on her lonesome… was Gabriel herself.
… Issei could understand why Griselda might have been concerned about him. The Great Seraph was absolutely gorgeous, possibly the most beautiful woman that Issei had ever seen. He had to bite his tongue to avoid making a comment about her beauty, because frankly, it just didn’t seem fair. Luckily, he had Ddraig in his head, hearing his thoughts and backing him up.
I know precisely what you mean. Devils are supposed to be the temptations, right? So what the fuck was God thinking, making such a superb physical specimen, and then declaring that any who dared indulge in sexual desires would Fall? Talk about set up to fail, am I right?
Yes, she was definitely right. Issei didn’t even have to worry about Falling or anything like that, and he was struggling right now. Of course, what he did have to worry about was the possibility, spoken by Griselda, that Gabriel might decide to wipe him off of the face of the Earth and try her luck with the next Red Dragon Emperor instead.
And… sitting across from her here and now? Issei got the impression she could do it rather easily. This Seraph before him was as powerful as she was beautiful. Her strength both reminded him of Serafall’s real power, and at the same time not. Serafall’s power had been crushing, what little glimpse of it he’d seen. Gabriel’s was no less encompassing, but at the same time surprisingly warm and comforting.
Even the Fallen and Asia were basking in it, though Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt all looked a little discomfited by how much they were enjoying Gabriel’s presence. Indeed, judging by their blushes, they were trying to contain their own dirty thoughts regarding the Great Seraph. Xenovia and Irina weren’t much better, though not QUITE as beset by their desires as the Fallen. Griselda, meanwhile, just looked worried, her eyes darting between Issei and Gabriel with no small amount of concern in them.
Throughout this silence, Gabriel sits with her hands tucked into her lap, smiling softly as she gazes at them all. Looking them over, for what Issei knows not, the Great Seraph eventually seems to come to a decision… and nods happily.
“Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittelt. Tis good to see you again. I do so hope dear Azazel is treating you well.”
Her eyes then slide to Asia.
“Asia Argento… I’m glad you’ve found a place for yourself next to this man.”
And then, to the exorcists.
“Griselda, Irina, Xenovia… I am happy you are not in shackles. But then… why are you still here?”
From her words, Issei rapidly realizes a couple things. First of all, Gabriel’s voice is as beautiful as her face. It sings to him in a way Issei has never experienced before. Second of all… the Great Seraph is unbelievably humble, polite to a fault… and is that a note of naivety Issei detects, despite all of her power?
While Xenovia and Irina both look down in shame, Griselda is left to answer for all three of them, even as she blushes profusely.
“We choose to stay, Great Seraph.”
Hm, pretty much the truth, though Issei notes Griselda doesn’t make any mention of the challenges and wagers that she and her charges had made that got them into their current position and opened them up to the world of pleasure that Issei had to offer them. Heh, that was nice of her, he supposed.
Accepting this with startling ease, Gabriel just smiles and bows her head in acknowledgment, before finally looking to him directly. Having her focus on him was… a challenge to be sure. Fuck, she was beautiful.
“How do you do? I am Gabriel, one of the Four Great Seraphs.”
Remembering his decision to be… at least a little diplomatic, Issei bows his head right back.
“Greetings, Great Seraph Gabriel. My name is Issei, and I am the Red Dragon Emperor.”
They already know who the other is, of course. But some things are expected. Gabriel’s smile remains on her face, even as she peers at him a little closer. She doesn’t lean forward, not physically, but Issei tenses for a moment at feeling the weight of her gaze truly on him for the first time since her arrival. She’s peering into his very soul, and after a moment, she blinks and leans back, her presence receding.
“Ah, forgive me for my presumption. Yes. You are the Red Dragon Emperor. Never before have I seen someone so intertwined with the Great Welsh.”
Oh? She could tell just how far along Issei and Ddraig’s… relationship was?
Heh, she’s not wrong. You’re definitely in the top five for best wielder ever. And at such a young age too…
Cocking his head to the side at Ddraig’s musing tone, Issei focuses on the matter at hand.
“I thank you for the acknowledgment, Great Seraph. Please understand… I have no desire to quarrel with your Church. But the Excaliburs in my possession were claimed via Rite of Conquest, and if I am to give them up, I must be given something of equal value in turn. After the trouble I went through to get them, what with all that nonsense with Kokabiel…”
Issei trails off, as Gabriel’s eyes close shut in a moment of honest, earnest mourning. She seems so very… gentle and kind. So pure and innocent. Issei can’t help but be surprised by just how GOOD she is, for all her power. The old phrase ‘power corrupts’ comes to mind, but apparently that doesn’t apply to a being like Gabriel…
“Ah, Kokabiel. To have fallen so far.”
From the way she’s talking, it’s almost as if she differentiates between Fallen Angels… and whatever Kokabiel had become. Indeed, when she’d addressed Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt, she’d certainly seemed warm to them. Towards Kokabiel, she seems sad and not quite cold, but also not warm. So even Gabriel’s forbearance and mercy had its limits.
Hm, perhaps Griselda was right. Would the Great Seraph had struck him down if she’d decided he was in any way out of line, or in some way harming the girls at the table with them? Perhaps. Regardless, Gabriel opens her eyes again, gazing upon him earnestly.
“The Excalibur Pieces must make their way into the right hands. They were Holy Swords one and all and should be wielded by the Pure of Heart and the Sure of Purpose. It is within my power to offer you much, Issei Hyoudou, Red Dragon Emperor. And so, the question falls to you… what is it you want from me?”
It takes every single ounce of his being not to ask for HER right then and there. He wants to, oh by the Heavens he fucking wants to. But that would probably be a bad idea. Right? Fucking Gabriel sounds amazing, but just asking for her might provoke her wroth. She hasn’t shown a single ounce of anger so far, nor of rage or displeasure, but as warm as her overwhelming presence is, Issei can tell he doesn’t want to piss her off… if she even can be pissed off.
Still, it’s funny. He, uh… hadn’t thought he would get this far. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting Gabriel to be like, but this wasn’t it. This kind and gentle woman, this humble and polite angel… was just too cute and pure. More than that, she had made no demands of him. She actually WANTED to make a deal.
He probably should have planned for this. Probably should have figured out what he wanted ahead of time. Money, perhaps? The Church could probably provide him with loads. But Issei was already sort of rich. His hoard of maidens was filled with some very rich heiresses, and Sona and Rias were usually more than happy to help him replenish his funds. So, that wasn’t a problem.
But if not wealth, what else? What else besides Gabriel herself? Nope, still probably a bad idea. And yet… he couldn’t quite shake it.
Clearing his throat, Issei comes to a decision.
“Would you mind… stepping away for a moment, while I discussed that with these women? I find myself in need of some advice.”
Gabriel blinks, but then smiles a broader smile than ever before. Clasping her hands in front of her, she bows her head in agreement as she rises.
“But of course. It pleases me, to know that you would seek the counsel of others in this time.”
Indeed, it sounded to his ears like he’d actually won some brownie points with the Great Seraph by acknowledging the women he’d surrounded himself with. By making it clear he valued their opinions, he thought he might have risen his esteem in Gabriel’s eyes. Watching her walk gracefully from the room, Issei swallows thickly and opens his mouth to speak, only to be preempted.
“I think you should fuck her.”
… He truly had ruined dear, sweet, innocent Asia Argento, hadn’t he? The excommunicated holy woman’s tone is matter-of-fact in nature as she speaks the moment Gabriel is out the door and has exited the room. Her words are like a bomb set off in the middle of the table, with everyone, Issei included, turning to look at her incredulously.
Then, the reactions begin starting. Some of them, Issei is unsurprised by. Some… he’s actually taken aback. Griselda pales massively, looking absolutely horrified by the prospect. That one is expected. But Raynare ALSO looks horrified, and Kalawarner looks conflicted. Mittelt, meanwhile, is soon sporting a wicked, impish grin of delight, showing HER thoughts on the idea. Meanwhile, Irina looks unsure… and Xenovia looks thoughtful.
Griselda is the first to speak up, of course.
“You should NOT, Issei. Even… even if Gabriel accepted your proposition rather than smiting you right where you sit, you would be making an enemy of the Heavens with this act!”
Raynare, to the surprise of everyone including Griselda, nods vehemently at this.
“Gabriel is the best of us! Us women, I mean! She’s literally the Seraph of Purity! She… you can’t possibly have sex with her! She’ll Fall, and… and I don’t know what will happen next!”
“Would it truly be such a bad thing?”
Xenovia’s voice sounds curious… and aroused, the blue-haired woman cocking her head to the side owlishly.
“God is dead. The Church is corrupt. Heaven can’t keep up with the changing world. Maybe… maybe Gabriel Falling is the wake up call they need that they can’t just keep maintaining the old, decaying system of a dead deity.”

Griselda looks floored that her daughter would say such a thing. Raynare isn’t much better. Mittelt, meanwhile, cackles and crows.
“The exorcist with the breeder fetish is right! Gabriel WAS the best of us… imagine if she Fell too! The rest of the Heavens would HAVE to acknowledge the inevitability! And if anyone is going to get her into bed, it’ll be HIM. Hah, oh man, the mental imagery is glorious! Hey, Issei! Did you know Gabriel’s breasts are the most perfect in all the Earth?”
It’s clear Mittelt is egging him on, but also clear she’s telling the truth and speaking from personal experience. At some point in the past, Mittelt has seen the Great Seraph’s tits. Judging by the sudden flaming faces of both Raynare and Kalawarner… so have they. Huh. That’s… well, now he’s very much fully erect. Shit.
Reaching out, Asia places a hand on top of Issei’s.
“She wants you. She just doesn’t know it yet. She doesn’t know what she’s missing. You could show her. You could be the one who helps her onto the next stage in her life’s journey… just as you were for all of us.”
That causes a certain silence to fall over the table, as every woman around it both Fallen and human, blushes profusely in embarrassment but also some pleasure at the memories that Asia’s words invoke. Indeed, Issei HAD dislodged all of these girls from whatever form of rut their lives had taken before he’d crashed into them and changed everything. Still…
“Are we sure he could handle Gabriel? Not as she is now… but after she’s Fallen? A Great Seraph… she’d be stronger than Azazel, wouldn’t she?”
Kalawarner finally speaks up, causing Raynare and Griselda to pale even further and nod in agreement, while Mittelt scowls.
“They both have twelve wings, don’t they? So, same strength, if she falls. Besides, I think he can handle it! He might not be as powerful as her, but he’s basically a god of sex! He can so control her!”
This results in a fresh round of disagreements and arguments and cautions from around the table, as everyone tries to get Issei to see their point of view. Until finally…
“I think you should make the offer, Issei.”
Irina finally speaks, and when she does, everyone falls silent.
“Gabriel deserves the right to make the choice herself. If she agrees, then she agrees. If she disagrees… then she disagrees.”
Frowning, Griselda shakes her head.
“And what if she disagrees… strongly and vehemently?”
Irina does a half shrug.
“Then we all do our best to protect Issei and have his back.”
Issei is surprised to realize that in that at least, everyone at the table agrees. Even the Fallen Angels, who had initially only submitted to him because of his overwhelming strength, now seem ready to step in and try and protect him if an even more overwhelming strength takes issue with his proposition. That’s… both an odd and good feeling.
Still, as he sits there, Issei has to wonder if he wants to risk it or not. The arguments for and again swirl through his mind, and he considers his best course of action carefully. Could he control a Fallen Angel Gabriel? Would she react with overwhelming firepower if he broached the subject in the first place? Should he just ask for money or something instead and be independently wealthy from his harem, and just be done with it?
Tch… could he REALLY justify passing up a chance to fuck the most beautiful creature in all of Heaven and Earth?

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