The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 42: Rei Hino (Serafall’s Queen)

After a long, indecisive moment, Sona glances down at her sister, still kneeling there in front of her, and gets an interesting and altogether mulish look on her face.
“… Do it. She deserves to know that Sera… that Sera sold her out.”
Releasing her grip on Serafall’s hair, Sona all but thrusts the older devil away from her. Serafall Leviathan mewls, her eyes fluttering… and yet, while she’s definitely putting on the façade of a lust-drunk, broken down magical girl who doesn’t know what’s going on, her response gives away the fact that she’s in complete control of her mental faculties, and has been listening to every word.
“S-Sona! Noooo~ You m-must fight the Red Dragon Emperor’s corruptive influences! You mustn’t give in!”
Flushed, Sona glances between him and her sister for a moment before doing something he never thought she would. Grabbing Serafall by her pigtails, she yanks them back, forcing Serafall’s gaze up and her spine to arch.
“Shut up. I belong to the Red Dragon Emperor and so do you. You l-lost Satan Pink. Now call upon Satan Red, so that my M-Master and I might partake of her s-supple flesh.”
As Sona gets into character, Issei swears he sees Serafall’s eyes light up, even as she tries to maintain her own character. Still, there’s no hiding that wiggle in her shapely hips, even as the would-be magical girl mewls and whimpers shamelessly. When Serafall hesitates a moment too long, Sona goes so far as to backhand her sister across the face.
“Do it!”
Whining, even though that blow couldn’t have done any real damage to her, Serafall immediately crumples like a house of cards.
“A-Alright! Alright, I’ll d-do it!”
Issei and Sona watch on, as Serafall makes a big show of taking out an over-sized heart-wand and waving it through the air. Sparkles come off the end of it, but Issei can tell that there’s no extra magic to the wand itself. Instead, it’s a bit of misdirection. While she’s waving her wand with one hand, Serafall’s other falls to her waist, where she flicks and activates something that seems unassuming, but is MUCH more magical.
“Satan Red! As Leader of the Satan Girls, I summon you!”
There’s a beat… and then a flash of light as the middle of the room lights up with the now-familiar look of another magical teleport. When the light clears and the teleport ends, there’s another woman in the room with them… another shrine maiden, not to be confused with Tsubaki, still passed out over on the couch.
There, in the center of the room, is a woman with straight, long black hair that goes all the way down to her ass. She’s wearing the signature red and white shrine maiden attire, and as she slowly stands up and turns to face them all, he notices that she’s actually quite short, definitely a few inches below five and a half feet.
Issei is expecting surprise or shock when she finally lays eyes upon the lot of them. After all, it’s not every day you get to see a Great Satan knelt on the floor, having very clearly been defiled by her younger sister and her younger sister’s friend, right? And yet… Rei Hino looks at them all with a look of resignation in her purple eyes.
“So then… this is the future we ended up in.”
Blinking, Issei is a little taken aback by her dead tone. Only to have Sona lean in close and whisper in his ear.
“S-Sorry! I forgot to mention, she’s a powerful precog!”
Wait, what? Issei throws Sona an incredulous look. That was the sort of thing one should mention ahead of time, right?! But then, didn’t that mean Rei already knew what was going to happen here? She’d seen this ahead of time… and came anyways? Well, to be fair, with Serafall calling, her Queen didn’t exactly have a choice.
As Issei is reeling, Serafall cries out.
“Satan Red! They ambushed me and forced me to summon you! You must transform and defeat them! But you have to be careful! My little sister isn’t in her right mind! Just don’t hurt her overly much!”
For a moment, Rei’s eyes linger over them all… before she lets out a short sigh.
“… Very well.”
Pulling what looks like an overly stylized pink pen off of her belt, Rei clicks the top of it and does a twirl. A moment later, a transformation sequence begins, one that fills the room with even more light. Issei tries to watch as much as he can, but it’s hard to see through. That said, Rei’s shrine maiden attire disappears quickly enough, leaving her naked but also shining so brightly it’s impossible to make out the details.
Then, that energy begins to wrap around her, and as she twirls about, it coalesces into her… magical girl uniform. She looks nothing like Serafall’s Satan Pink outfit, Issei is quick to notice. Instead, she’s wearing a white sailor leotard, with a red collar, a red skirt, white and red arm-length gloves, and a big purple bow covering her chest. Completing the ensemble is a tiara atop her brow, and a pair of red heels.
The utter skimpiness of her skirt surprises him. Her long legs, previously covered by her shrine maiden outfit, are on full display. Her skirt is so fluffy that it feels like he could see everything if she so much as bent over, or a half-powerful gust of wind came through the area. Frankly, she looks less like a magical girl and more like a magical slut. But hey, what does he know, right?
“Beware, fiend! You face Magical Girl Satan Red, the second strongest of the Satan Girls! Your defeat is assured!”
Blinking, Issei peers at the transformed devil for a moment. It’s hard for him to reconcile the fact that this is a two hundred year old woman, with her current attire and attitude. But before he can reply, Sona steps up, placing her hands on her hips and smirking easily.
“You won’t lay a hand on him, Satan Red! Because you’d have to go through me first!”
Wait, what? Even Rei looks a little nonplussed, for a moment.
“Sona? Stand down, this is between me and the Red Dragon Emperor. Sona, what are you doing? Sona, s-stay away!”
But Sona doesn’t back down. Sona just grins as she advances on Rei… and like that, it’s already over.
“Oh! Oh, you’re big fat cock is ravaging my insides! Oh! No! Stop, fiend! Nnngh!!!”
… He didn’t feel like he’d earned this. Was this what Instant Loss was like when you were the party involved with it? And yet… here they were. Serafall’s Queen had lasted even less time than she had. Rei Hino had given up almost immediately, once Sona had tackled her to the ground and began molesting her.
‘Satan Red’ had ended up on her back, and Issei had soon been directed by Sona to begin ravishing her. When he’d gotten down on his knees between her legs, Rei had tried to kick at him, but it was clear there was no strength to her kicks, no effort put into her attempts at resisting him and his… thrall? Honestly, Issei didn’t mind roleplay, he really didn’t. This was all just a little odd for him. Very… fast-paced.
Still, when he’d put his hands up under Rei’s skimpy red skirt and discovered she had no panties on under her leotard, he’d begun to understand everything a bit better. Pushing aside the crotch of her leotard and thrusting his cock into her warm, wet, inviting folds had simply been the obvious next choice. And so, he’d buried himself inside of ‘Satan Red’, and began to fuck her right there on the floor of the Student Council Room.
Serafall had corrupted her Queen into a hedonist, hadn’t she? The disinterest before, acting like she didn’t want to do this, pretending like she didn’t want to be here… that’d all been the lie. The truth of Rei Hino was this… she wanted it. She was the kind of magical girl who wanted to be vanquished and defeated and fucked.
Had Sona known? Issei glances up at the Student Council President. She’s kneeling on either side of Rei’s head, blushing beautifully as she holds the magical girl down by her wrists. Satan Red isn’t going anywhere, so long as Sona is holding her at bay. Or at least, that’s the roleplay they’ve got going, from the look of it.
… Maybe that’s it. Maybe that’s why all of this is a little confusing to him. Issei isn’t the main player on this stage. Oh, he’s the one bringing a cock to the table, and he’s getting to have lots of fun fucking some very beautiful, very powerful women silly. His ‘combat’ with Serafall had been truly engaging. However… however, right now, Sona is the main character.
It’s true, and as he realizes it, something loosens inside of him, something that he hadn’t noticed. He begins to relax, even as he watches Sona blush at the view of him fucking one of her long-time idols silly. This really isn’t about him, it’s all about Sona. Serafall, and to a similar extent Rei, both had quite a lot of love and affection for Sona.
Serafall wanted to be with her sister in a taboo way but was too ashamed to act on her feelings… until now. Rei, likewise, clearly thought the world of Sona, if she was willing to go along with all of this. In fact…
“I’m breaking! I’m breaking upon the Red Dragon Emperor’s big fat cock!”
Rolling his eyes, Issei meets Sona’s gaze.
“Sona, can you shut her up for me? I think we’d both prefer her mouth be put to better use.”
Sona’s eyes are really wide for a moment, before she glances down to see Rei has gone silent and is equally red-faced as her. A moment later, and that face is covered up beneath Sona’s ass as the bespectacled, lithe young woman proceeds to promptly sit on it. A moment later, and Sona is moaning wantonly as she rides Rei’s face, while Issei… Issei no longer has to listen to the two-hundred year old Shrine Maiden hamming it up.
Serafall and Rei… they only act normal when they’re allowed to pleasure Sona, he’s noticed. There’s a lot less ridiculous Magical Girl roleplay, when they’re occupied with tonguing out the younger devil’s cunt. It’s a little wild, and utterly ridiculous… but he’s finally figured it out. A glance over to the Leviathan herself all but confirms his suspicions.
Serafall isn’t so much as looking at him and doesn’t notice him looking her way. Instead, still leaned back against the front of her sister’s desk, the Great Satan is touching herself vigorously, staring intently at the point where Sona’s cunt currently covers Rei’s face. She’s enjoying the view, enjoying watching the moment just as much as Sona and Rei are enjoying being a part of it.
Sighing, Issei continues to enjoy Rei’s cunt wrapped around his cock. Even if he’s not the star of the show, there’s something very pleasurable about fucking ‘Satan Red’ there on the floor, plowing her pussy as her legs kick up into the air, her toes curling as her red heels have long since been flung off.
Still, he’s not entirely sure how to feel about being some strange form of therapy for Sona and her family. Honestly, he’s feeling… used. Hypocritical of him? Maybe, but it’s still a strange feeling. For the moment at least, Issei settles in to enjoy the moment for what it is and focuses on his pleasure as well as Sona’s. That means leaning forward and wrapping a hand through the back of the young devil’s hair, pulling her into a deep tongue-filled kiss.
Squeaking in surprise, Sona jerks but then kisses him back, humping away at Rei’s face all the harder until she cums a moment later upon Satan Red’s eager mouth. This in turn provokes an orgasm from Rei as well, and the centuries-old shrine maiden shudders around his cock, clenching and squeezing at his dick in a way that makes Issei tip over the edge too.
As he cums inside of her, filling her with his seed, Issei ponders how he wants to approach things for a moment… before ultimately coming to a decision.
Pulling out of Rei Hino’s freshly fucked, freshly creampied pussy, and disengaging from his lip lock with Sona, Issei pulls back and stands up. Sona’s eyes go crossed as she takes in the sight of his messy prick, but before she can lean forward to begin cleaning it, he moves away. Instead of having HER lick him clean, Issei moves over to Serafall.
He smirks when she glares at him for just the briefest moment as he cuts off his view of her darling So-tan, riding her Queen’s face. For that brief second, the Great Satan Leviathan shines through past the Magical Girl Façade, and Issei gets an idea of who he’s truly been dealing with all this time. But he still doesn’t back down, as he waves his messy cock in front of Serafall’s face, cutting her off before she can muster up any further inane babble about Satan Pink this or Satan Red that or the other Satan Girls.
Because Issei realizes now, if he lets Serafall get away with it, she’ll use him to get her entire peerage involved in a messy love polyhedron with Sona Sitri… and he just can’t be bothered to deal with all that drama.
“It’s the least you can do, after how you used me.”
Understanding dawning in her eyes, the Leviathan offers the smallest of smirks before leaning forward and tonguing his cock clean. The entire time, her gaze remains fixed on his face, sending a shiver down Issei’s spine. It’s less a gaze of adoration or submission, and more one of a shark, hunting through the water for its prey. Still, he doesn’t back down even then.
As soon as she’s done cleaning him off, Issei steps away and gathers his clothes, before looking to Sona, who has pulled away from a dazed Rei and is looking confused.
“You and your sister need to have a talk, Sona. One that’s apparently long overdue.”
Serafall freezes, and so does Rei. Neither of the powerful, older devils thought he would just come out and say it, he supposed. Sona, meanwhile, looks confused for a moment… before glancing at both Serafall and Rei.
Sona Sitri is not an idiot. She’s a very smart girl, in fact. Incredibly intelligent. But sometimes it can be hard to see the forest for the tree, or something. Still, with Issei shoving it right in her face… Sona gets it. Her eyes widen, and she begins to stammer a bit as she looks at her older sister and the Queen she idolized.
Issei hesitates at seeing that. Really, this all is none of his business. Serafall and Rei used him to get to Sona, made him into a bridge so that they could finally be with the younger devil. But that was for them and her to hash out, and since this sexual encounter had definitely placed Sona above them, resulting in her sexually dominating them both, Issei figured she should be able to take it from here.
… But maybe he shouldn’t just leave? Maybe he should stay for emotional support? Eh… he’d never been very good at that, if he was being honest. Still, maybe he owed Sona that much…

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