The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 64

Shen Yu's heart skipped, and his eyes darted from side to side. "Your Majesty should show me the results first."

"This emperor knew you wouldn't meekly admit defeat." Shang JunLin didn't move. He shouted, "Meng Chang, bring them in."

Meng Gonggong came in with his head bowed. He put the papers within Shang JunLin's reach, but he didn't dare to look up the entire time. After setting them down, he immediately withdrew.

Shang JunLin picked up the topmost sheet with one hand and flipped it open for Shen Yu to see. "Now is Ah Yu convinced?"

Shen Yu looked down. The first name he saw was Hè ChengYu, followed by Jiang HuaiQing.

"Your Majesty really couldn't wait a moment." Shen Yu gave a resigned sigh.

The ink in Shang JunLin's eyes intensified. As if to coax him, he called out, "Ah Yu… Ah Yu…"

Shen Yu put his hands behind him and slightly leaned back. Before him was Shang JunLin, who was drawing closer and closer, and on either side of him were Shang JunLin's powerful arms. It seemed that the man was determined to get his "trophy" today.

Shen Yu closed his eyes. With a great deal of resolve, he leaned forward and quickly touched the corner of Shang JunLin's lips.

Before Shang JunLin could react, Shen Yu retreated to his original position.

"Can Your Majesty let me go this time?" Shen Yu turned his head to the side. His red earlobes revealed his emotions at the moment.

Shang JunLin chuckled softly. Instead of letting go, he moved in closer. "Why is Ah Yu in such a hurry? What this emperor wants is this…"

His voice disappeared the moment their lips met.

Shang JunLin wrapped one arm around Shen Yu and pressed the back of Shen Yu's head with his other hand. He leaned over slightly with an irresistible aura and covered Shen Yu's soft mouth. After carefully tracing the line between Shen Yu's lips, he entered his mouth, entangling his lips and tongue.

Shen Yu's eyes were slightly closed. All his senses were focused on his mouth. His lips and teeth were invaded by Shang JunLin, who took hold of him insistently but gently as if to slowly swallow him up.

All perception of the outside world vanished. The only clear thought in his mind was the sensation on his lips. A trembling sensation spread throughout his body, and his legs gradually softened. But when he was about to fall, Shang JunLin held him firmly.

Everything in heaven and earth slowly blurred and faded away. Only himself and Shang JunLin were real.

Light and shadow flickered, and Shen Yu half-closed his eyes, as if everything was covered in fog.

He rarely had feelings like this. In his previous life, his health was poor, and he hardly ever had to deal with physical urges. The schemes he wove for the King of Yue exhausted all his energy. For all these reasons, he rarely had close contact with the King of Yue. At the time, he didn't think there was anything strange about it, but when he thought about it now, the mysterious power of the book really chose an unscrupulous way to tie him to the King of Yue's side.

Shen Yu was glad he hadn't done anything with the King of Yue. Otherwise he'd feel too disgusted.

"Ah Yu, focus."

The man's low voice called Shen Yu back from his thoughts, and then he didn't have a chance to think about anyone else.

It was like being lost in the boundless sea. All he could do was rise and fall with the waves.

With the hard tabletop at his back, Shen Yu's fingers clung tightly to the draping black clothes, leaving a trail of creases.

It wasn't clear how long it took before the waves finally receded. Shen Yu looked with some confusion at the man who was so close to him. His body was still trembling.

Shang JunLin took a spare handkerchief from the side and casually wiped his wet hand. He propped his elbow beside the young man's head and leaned over. "Does Ah Yu feel good?"

The man's voice was low and tantalizing, filled with undiminished desire.

Shen Yu's drifting thoughts returned a little. He recalled what just happened, and the crimson in his face deepened.

Shang JunLin didn't expect an answer. He arranged the young man's clothes, lifted him up, and laid him on the soft couch.

The young man with reddened eyes looked so pitiable that Shang JunLin didn't want to let go of him for a moment. He held Shen Yu tightly in his arms.

"Your Majesty…" Shen Yu moved uneasily. His voice was a little hoarse, and the tone was so different from usual that Shang JunLin's eyes darkened further.

Shang JunLin leaned into Shen Yu's ear and whispered, "Will Ah Yu help this emperor too?"

Shen Yu was a little uneasy. He'd just been helped himself, and though he wanted to refuse, he didn't think it was right to leave Shang JunLin on his own.

Seeing him relent, Shang JunLin persisted, "Nothing difficult. Just like what this emperor did just now, all right?"

Shen Yu automatically wanted to say no, but before he could speak, Shang JunLin was already holding his hand. Shen Yu couldn't do anything but be led by him.

Meng Gonggong waited outside for a long time. When he heard Shang JunLin call for water inside the room, he hurriedly summoned the palace attendants.

Hot water was already prepared. Meng Gonggong personally led the servants into the room. He kept his head down the entire time and didn't dare to look at anything.

The attendants of Yuzhang Palace had just witnessed a show of force. They were perfectly obedient and didn't overstep propriety for an instant.

The room was dimly lit, and layers of bed curtains concealed everything. Meng Gonggong brought the servants inside with the hot water. In a low voice he asked, "Does Your Majesty have any other orders?"

"There's no need to serve here. Go and prepare some hot food. You can bring it later."

"Yes." Meng Gonggong escorted the others out.

When they were gone, Shang JunLin got up and lifted the person into the steaming hot bathtub.

Hot water relieves tiredness. After soaking for a while, Shen Yu felt much better and returned to bed.

Shen Yu lay down for a while. Then he suddenly thought of something. He sat straight up and turned to Shang JunLin. "Your Majesty, the final results haven't actually been released yet, have they?"

Unfortunately, at the moment his eyes were red, and his face still had an abnormal blush. His regal aura was sadly diminished.

Shang JunLin looked at the young man who was "ready to send punitive forces to denounce him" and just wanted to hold him in his arms.

Without restraining his hands, he said, "What does Ah Yu want?"

What else was there? Shen Yu gave him a sideways glance. He'd already paid off the bet with interest.

"If Jiang HuaiQing ranks first when the results of the palace exam are announced, this emperor will abide by what I promised before. How is that?"

"What if Your Majesty wins?"

"Then Ah Yu doesn't have to do anything."

Shen Yu was barely satisfied.

Seeing that Shen Yu's ruffled fur had been smoothed, Shang JunLin kissed his temple. "Does Ah Yu want to leave the palace on the day of the announcement?"

"Your Majesty promised me before. Don't backtrack."

"Very well."

The day of the announcement soon arrived. Shen Yu sent a message to Jiang HuaiQing in advance. As soon as they walked into Yingxing House, Jiang HuaiQing and Hè ChengYu headed towards them.

Today, Yingxing House was bustling with noise and excitement. The exam candidates had gathered together, full of eagerness and tension, awaiting the results.

Their group, in comparison, seemed particularly calm.

"Why does HuaiQing seem so relaxed today?" Shen Yu took a piece of tofu and put it in Shang JunLin's bowl.

Last time, Shen Yu noticed that Shang JunLin liked the tofu of this restaurant a great deal. Shen Yu thought the dish was well made too. Every bite was soft, moist, and tender.

"I was nervous a few days ago, but today it all seems far away. Anyway, the result is a foregone conclusion. Being nervous won't change anything," Jiang HuaiQing said.

"Even though I didn't take the exam myself, when you wrote to me a while ago, I got so nervous that Ah Lin actually teased me."

"Ah… Then it's my fault for making Yu Xiong anxious enough to worry with me," Jiang HuaiQing apologized.

"No matter. It's interesting to share the excitement once in a while." Whether it was in this life or his previous one, Shen Yu rarely felt anxious. Even when he was betrayed by the King of Yue and his life was hanging by a thread, he was able to plan calmly and snatch everything back.

They were sitting in the main hall of the restaurant again, and voices came from all around them.

"Did you hear? They say the Grand Commandant was given orders by the King of Yue."

"The King of Yue? Why was he involved? Shouldn't he be at home in his fief? Why does he have to meddle in the affairs of the capital?"

"Are you stupid? Just because he's in his fief doesn't mean his heart is there too. Maybe he has certain thoughts about…"

"That can't be. The King of Yue holds himself aloof from the world and always has. How could he be interested in power?"

"That's just a lie for simpleminded people like you. If the King of Yue was as uninterested as the rumors say, why would he seek to form ties with so many different families in the capital?"

As Shen Yu listened, his mouth widened in a smile. He wanted to see if the King of Yue could manage to "conform to the will of the people" and ascend the throne in this life.

The group continued to chat for a while. Then the sound of horses' hooves came from the street, and the restaurant gradually quieted.

The list had been released.

"Quick, let's go and take a look."

"This way, this way."

Shen Yu and Shang JunLin followed the crowd outside. There was already a boisterous atmosphere.

Shen Yu knew the result. From a distance, he watched the crowd rush forward to see the posted scores.

Not only were examinees there, but other observers as well.

Before long, the sound of excited laughter and dejected cries came from the crowd. Some people were happy and others were sad. Some people passed while others failed. Two very different emotions intertwined and spread.

After returning to the restaurant, Shen Yu smiled. "Congratulations to Hè Xiong and HuaiQing for doing so well on the exam."

A special staff member had been arranged to inform Yingxing House of the people who passed, and the staff soon learned of Jiang HuaiQing and Hè ChengYu's achievements. The waiter smiled brightly and came over with a pair of red envelopes. "Congratulations to the two young masters."

Jiang HuaiQing and Hè ChengYu accepted the gift. "Many thanks."

The first- and second-ranked scholars were both staying in Yingxing House, which was an honor for the owner and employees who worked there. Although many of their guests had won success before, this was the first time that the both of the top two examinees had stayed at Yingxing House.

After dealing with the people who kept coming up to them with congratulations, the two finally found a moment to relax and sat down.

Shen Yu and Shang JunLin were sitting in a quiet place. People came and went around them, and the sound of people giving congratulations could be heard continuously. The scholars who passed the exam were in high spirits and constantly wished each other joy.

Shen Yu had his left hand in his sleeve and wasn't using it much. Shang JunLin frowned. "It still hurts?"

Shen Yu nodded, but there were so many people around that it wasn't a good time to say anything. He pointed to a dish. "I'd like to eat some of that."

The dish was a little far away from them. Shang JunLin got up and brought some over to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu waited for the food to be put into his bowl, but he didn't think Shang JunLin would try to feed him.

"Ah Yu, open your mouth."

Shen Yu paused, then opened his mouth to accept it.

For the next while, Shang JunLin fed Shen Yu whatever dish he wanted. Shen Yu protested a few times in vain, and then he just went along with it.

When Jiang HuaiQing and Hè ChengYu left the crowd and came back, Shen Yu lifted his teacup. "How do you feel?"

"There are so many people." Jiang HuaiQing smiled reluctantly. "I was extremely excited at first, but now I don't feel it much."

Hè ChengYu nodded in agreement.

Shen Yu smiled. "I'll toast you with tea instead of wine. I wish you both a bright future."

"Thank you." They picked up the wine glasses in front of them and drank them down.

For a while longer they enjoyed the excitement at Yingxing House, and then Shen Yu and Shang JunLin said goodbye and left.

Jiang HuaiQing and Hè ChengYu still had to greet the people who came up to congratulate them and didn't ask the two to stay.

When they were sitting in the carriage, Shen Yu sighed. "After all this, I almost feel like I took the exam myself."

Shang JunLin squeezed Shen Yu's hand. "Tired?"

Shen Yu glanced at him questioningly. "I'm also tired because of Your Majesty."

In a good mood, Shang JunLin patiently rubbed Shen Yu's left wrist. I'll massage it for Ah Yu."

Shang JunLin had learned from previous experience. This time he used Shen Yu's left hand, which wouldn't affect his daily life as much, but it didn't change the fact that Shen Yu's hand was sore.

Shen Yu forcefully grabbed Shang JunLin's fingers. "Next time Your Majesty should exercise more restraint."

"That isn't something this emperor can control. Ah Yu will have to adapt."

TL Notes:

stuff about the bet – Shen Yu complained because the bet hasn't been decided yet. At the beginning of this chapter, Shen Yu points out that the results of the metropolitan exam haven't been announced. The palace exam follows soon after, and that's what will determine the ultimate first place and the title of zhuangyuan. The bet was made near the end of Ch 54, above the part with the swing. When they made the bet, Shen Yu merely said the "top scorer" (魁首), he didn't specifically say zhuangyuan (状元). However, in Ch 58, SY and SJL discuss the bet again, and they specifically talk about the palace exam, so SJL kinda jumped the gun here (but I don't blame him at all)

with a great deal of resolve – 心一横 – A phrase used when something is difficult to do and requires resolve or determination, or upon making a tough decision

witnessed a show of force – from 被敲打过 – experienced a beating

ready to send punitive forces to denounce him – 兴师问罪 – (fig.) to criticize violently; make a punitive expedition against; denounce sb. publicly for his crimes; go with an army to punish sb. for

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