The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 47

Shen Yu propped himself up against Shang JunLin's shoulder and looked at him carefully. "What more does Your Majesty want?"

"Move in with this emperor."

"But don't we already live together?" Shen Yu was puzzled. "Yuzhang Palace and the emperor's chambers are both in the imperial palace. What difference does it make where we live?"

Shang JunLin looked at him expectantly.

Somehow, it was a little like a big dog trying to coax its owner.

Shen Yu coughed lightly, shook off of the strange image in his mind, and wrapped his arms around the man's neck. "Your Majesty knows that a person who's having a baby can't just move to an unfamiliar place, right?"

Shang JunLin obviously hadn't expected this response, and his eyes widened.

"Hahaha." Shen Yu couldn't help laughing.

Shang JunLin wasn't able to come up with a reply. Shen Yu must have said it on purpose.

"Why don't you want to move in?" Shang JunLin leaned forward, and the tip of his nose gently brushed Shen Yu's cheek.

Shen Yu turned his head slightly. "Yuzhang Palace is comfortable."

Shang JunLin was helpless. Not even the emperor could change Shen Yu's mind. Sometimes he couldn't help wondering what made Shen Yu agree to enter the palace in the first place.

The Shen Yu he knew wasn't the type of person who was ever at the mercy of others.

Shang JunLin decided to skip this topic and return to the memorial. He told Shen Yu what the Hidden Dragon Guard had found.

"Young Lady Fang is the only child of Minister Fang, and her temperament is similar to his. The King of Yue was her first love affair, but it was still in the early stages."

Shen Yu: "Fortunately she found out in time. I hope those women weren't deeply in love, or it would be an even bigger crime."

Shang JunLin: "When they return home, the true face of the king of Yue will soon be made clear."

Shen Yu: "What is Your Majesty going to do with him?"

This question was the primary reason for Minister Fang's petition. First he criticized the King of Yue's behavior in the sharpest terms. Then he concluded with righteous indignation: The King of Yue must be severely punished!

Shen Yu agreed with him.

"This emperor intends to leave the matter entirely to Minister Fang," Shang JunLin replied indifferently.

Shen Yu couldn't help but pat Shang JunLin on the shoulder and praise him. "Good idea, Your Majesty."

Since writing the petition, Minister Fang had been pacing around the courtyard. He knew that His Majesty wasn't likely to cover up the King of Yue's faults, but he was worried that His Majesty would hesitate and decide to handle it lightly because of the legacy of the previous emperor.

Young Lady Fang was bored and toyed with the fan she was holding. "Really, Father, can you stop walking in circles? You're making me dizzy."

Minister Fang stopped like an angry puffer fish. "Can't you tell who I'm worrying about?"

"This daughter knows Father is worried about me." Young Lady Fang quickly smoothed his fur. "Didn't Father say that His Majesty wouldn't let the King of Yue off?"

"What do you know!" More than that, however, Minister Fang refused to say.

Minister Fang had been working with His Majesty since before he ascended the throne, and he knew some insider stories from the early years. For example, certain things regarding the King of Yue.

Before his death, the previous emperor gave strict orders that Shang JunLin should not take the life of the King of Yue for any reason, unless he committed the grave crime of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. How else could the King of Yue have lived so freely despite all the things he'd done over the years?

The older courtiers who followed Shang JunLin knew the previous emperor had left many things to the King of Yue. Among them were a few that could shake the foundations of the empire. They already knew Shang JunLin wasn't well-liked by his father, but after the previous emperor gave his order, they had an even deeper understanding of his opinion of Shang JunLin.

If it wasn't for the fact that Shang JunLin controlled most of Da Huan's army and had made great achievements in recovering its territory, the previous emperor never would have relented and passed the throne to Shang JunLin.

Even if the throne eventually passed into Shang JunLin's hands, the previous emperor still used all available methods to hinder Shang JunLin and his allies.

Over the years, Shang JunLin turned a blind eye to many things, not because he was ignorant of them, but because it wasn't the right time to respond.

Afterwards, they continued to search for the secret forces left behind by the previous emperor. Unfortunately, those people hid too deeply, and they never found anything.

Minister Fang sat down opposite Young Lady Fang and sighed. "If you were a man, you'd be able to serve His Majesty too."

His biggest regret in life was that his daughter couldn't work for His Majesty. His daughter was intelligent, resourceful, and brave. How was she any less capable than a man?

"Father shouldn't worry. Who says that being a woman means I can't serve His Majesty?"

"What are you going to do?" Minister Fang was instantly vigilant. "I'm warning you—don't think about anything you shouldn't, let alone interfere with His Majesty's feelings for the noble monarch!"

It wasn't surprising that Minister Fang had such a strong reaction. Since ancient times, there were only a few ways for a woman to acquire power. The most convenient one was to enter the palace, use her beauty as bait, and make use of her position in the harem to influence the workings of the dynasty.

"Father, what are you thinking?" Young Lady Fang was stunned by her father's brain malfunction. "Do you think I'm confused enough to want to enter the harem? What I mean is, since men can enter the court as officials, why not women?"

"But there's no precedent."

"After me, there will be." Young Lady Fang calmly stated something that would have shocked everyone who heard it.

Minister Fang was speechless for a while.

Shang JunLin didn't send anyone to Young Lady Fang. He knew if she was interested she'd come to the door herself.

Aside from dealing with some memorials that needed to be handled, Shang JunLin accompanied Shen Yu around the city the rest of the time.

Shen Yu had talked about going on a spring outing, which made it necessary to visit the most popular places in the suburbs of the capital.

After leaving the palace, Shen Yu wasn't in a hurry to go to the village. When he and Shang JunLin went out, they didn't bring Mu Xi and Meng Gonggong with them.

"Your Majesty, give Meng Gonggong and Mu Xi a holiday too. It's not easy to find time to leave the palace. Let them enjoy themselves."

Shang JunLin nodded indifferently.

Shen Yu hooked his finger. "That way Your Majesty and I will have more time alone."

Shang JunLin immediately ordered them to go on vacation.

Shen Yu took Shang JunLin's hand and slowly wandered out the door.

Leaving Mu Xi and Meng Gonggong to exchange glances with each other.

Meng Gonggong was a eunuch who closely served Shang JunLin. Under normal circumstances, he was never too far from the emperor. If his master wanted to be alone, Meng Gonggong would follow from a distance.

After Shang JunLin's succession to the throne, however, he was different from other emperors. In the first few years, Meng Gonggong hardly saw his master. It was only in recent years that Meng Gonggong spent more time with the emperor.

"Does Lady Mu Xi want to go somewhere in particular?"

Mu Xi nodded hesitantly. "I'd like to visit some sisters I used to know. I haven't had a chance to see them after entering the palace."

Mu Xi went by herself to meet her friends in the Zhenbei Marquis' residence. Along the way, she smoothly exchanged information with the people Shen Yu had outside the palace.

"Lady Mu Xi?"

A slightly hesitant voice rang out behind her. Startled, Mu Xi turned to look.

"It's Gu, I mean, Dr. Gu."

"Did Lady Mu Xi come out with Young Master Shen?" Imperial Physician Gu had some medicinal materials in one hand. The other was on the sleeve of a young man in black beside him.


Imperial Physician Gu divided out a portion of the medicine he was carrying and handed it to Mu Xi. "Just in time. I prepared a new prescription. I'll ask Lady Mu Xi to please take this to your young master."

Mu Xi accepted it. "I see. And who is this with Dr. Gu?"

"It's my didi, Gu Huai."

After Mu Xi left, Gu Huai looked at the people around them and asked, "Gege, was that Noble Monarch Shen's maid?"

"Keep your voice down." Imperial Physician Gu covered Gu Huai's mouth. "Yes, that's the noble monarch's maid. He must have left the palace too."

"Is that so?" Gu Huai lowered his gaze and suppressed the thoughtful look in his eyes.

Shen Yu and Shang JunLin walked side by side down the street. Instead of going to Yingxing House again, they went to a small street that was specially opened for examinees.

Shen Yu dragged Shang JunLin around to stop and look at everything. He was constantly attracted by things in the street stalls.

The most popular items sold here were all kinds of books.

"Gentlemen, come and have a look. We have the study notes written by the top three Juren graduates. For this much"— the vendor held out his hand to specify a number— "You can choose five copies to read."

"Ah Lin, let's go take a look." It was the first time Shen Yu had seen something like this. He went over with great interest.

The stall was doing good business, and there were a lot of people crowded in front of it. Shang JunLin put his arm around Shen Yu's shoulders to protect him as they made their way over to the stall.

After they paid the money for two people, the stall owner smiled and came out with a pile of books. "Please, young masters, choose at will, choose at will."

Shen Yu picked one and opened it. The title page indicated that the book was the notes of so and so in a certain year. Shen Yu looked through several more. Without exception, there was a similar label on the title page of all of the books.

When he saw a familiar name, Shen Yu picked up the book and asked, "Boss, are these really the notes of Minister Fang when he was preparing for the exam?"

Obviously, this wasn't the first time the boss had encountered such doubts, and he was comfortable explaining. "What do you mean? We've been in business for more than ten years. It's absolutely authentic. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many people coming here to read them, right?"

"Don't worry, young master. The books here are guaranteed. Before I went to the capital, my senior at the academy specifically told me to come here."

"The same for us."

Shen Yu looked at the people who'd just spoken and saw a group of young students. They were brimming over with wild energy, and their faces were unrestrained.

Shen Yu gave a scholar's salute. "I see. Thank you for clarifying."

"Are the two young masters also here to take the exam?" When they saw Shen Yu and Shang JunLin's extraordinary bearing, several of the young men pushed and hooted at each other and came over.

But Shang JunLin's aura was so overwhelming that the young men didn't dare to make random comments. They thought Shen Yu must have a high level of scholarship, and they didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet him.

Upon seeing the book in Shen Yu's hand, one of the young men who was familiar with it spoke up: "That book was written by Minister Fang in his early years."

Shen Yu nodded. "Minister Fang hasn't lost any of his skill since then."

"We think so too!" Several people nodded in unison. "Especially in the case of Imperial Censor Zhang. Minister Fang handled it beautifully."

Shen Yu looked at the young men as if they were children. "You heard about the case, too, then?"

A young man grabbed the book from his companion's hand and gave it to Shen Yu. "It's written here."

Shen Yu flipped through it. The book discussed not only the case of Imperial Censor Zhang but also several others.

The more they pestered Shen Yu, the lower the air pressure around Shang JunLin grew.

Several of them tried to convince Shen Yu to talk with them longer, but they couldn't endure the cold air surrounding Shang JunLin. Eventually they took their leave.

Shen Yu pulled the cold-faced Shang JunLin into a corner and boldly poked his icy face. "Your Majesty is a grown man. How are you still jealous of a few children?"

When Shen Yu thought of how Shang JunLin found secret ways to declare ownership just now, while the children didn't even realize what was happening, he wanted to laugh.

Without a word, Shang JunLin pulled Shen Yu into his arms. Faced with that delicate skin, his eyes gradually deepened.

"Your Majesty, hah—" Shen Yu felt a sting in his neck.

He was bitten.

The author has something to say:

His Majesty is too jealous and can't stand to be provoked~~~

TL Notes:

turn a blind eye – 睁一只眼闭一只眼 – keep one eye open and one eye closed – turn a blind eye to; Eyes Half Shut; Overlooking Purposely

shock everyone who heard it – 震惊四座 – shock the four seats – shock everyone north, south, east, and west – surprise everyone in the audience (Baidu)

the top three Juren graduates – from 前三届举人大老爷 – the top three Juren masters – The proprietor seems to be referring to people who passed the upcoming metropolitan exam – See the note below for Juren

Juren – 举人 – recommended man – A scholar who successfully passed the triennial provincial exam. These are the candidates who are eligible to take the metropolitan exam (Chart)

low air pressure – In meteorology, low pressure often means clouds and precipitation. Wind blows towards areas of low pressure. So this an idiom that means trouble is ahead~

jealous (of a few children) – 醋都吃 – eating vinegar, jealous – Usually I try to keep idioms, but "eating the vinegar of a few children" would have sounded strange. The origin of this idiom is supposedly from the Tang dynasty. According to the story, the emperor sent several beautiful young concubines to a favored prime minister as a gift, but the prime minister didn't dare to accept them. The prime minister’s wife was known for her interfering and henpecking ways, so the emperor decided to test her. The court eunuchs brought the wife a pot of poisoned wine and told her that she must either accept the concubines or drink the poison. The woman drank the "poisoned wine" without any hesitation only to discover that, instead of poison, the cup was full of vinegar. Since then, eating vinegar and tasting sour things have become a metaphor for jealousy and envy. (Baidu)

Transliterated names, places, and titles—new in this chapter:

sisters (I used to know) – 小姐妹 – xiǎo jiěmèi – young female friends / sisters or siblings

Dr. Gu – 顾先生 – Gù xiānshēng

Dr. – 先生 – xiānshēng – teacher / husband / doctor (dialect) / Mr. – In the modern era, 先生 means "Mr." I went with "Dr." because of his profession

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