The Shining Wyrm



Jewel attempted to not fidget throughout the meal despite the awkwardness and the pressure it represented. There were appearances to be kept with guests such as these.

Mother managed a few understanding glances and took charge with keeping cordial conversation going. Mostly by encouraging Alexander to speak his mind and curiosity in regards to Lothlar’s journey and drag further embellishments and even more fantastical expositions that from experience Jewel knew were quickly moving from the factual nature of the early reports and into the more proper boasting.

Nevermind that when he first told them the boar had been hardly larger than Alexander, now it was twice Jewel’s length and sporting seven tusks made of solid steel.

Even his first telling it had been quite riveting stuff: there was an impressive number of mountains and quite a few truly bewildering caverns to pass through between Rochford and what they learned was the citystate of Garmendan.

But now, he was making it sound like the journey had trespassed through the outermost edge of the world. As you do when you were a knight, Jewel supposed.

However, the wizard sitting next to her shared certain details from their home that drew Jewel into conversation at last.

Apparently the place was distant enough that they had not been involved at all in the Tyrant War!

Which meant Jewel could assist with Mother’s duty by holding her own conversation with their guests. Still, among the wizards it seemed like only the Bog Weird was interested. Still considering how personable the most physically disturbing of the trio was, Jewel found she did not mind.

“Truly, Lady Jewel? A war with a dragon monarch? I mean there are rumors and legends, but there was actually a proper war just over and under a few hills from my bog? I never imagined it.”

Jewel was mostly over the all-consuming attention of that incredibly gooey chunk of oversized eye that peered out from one side of the nose like a particularly large and ocular wart.

“Yes indeed, Weird Tsulogothulan. Although the proper address, if you must, is to call it the Tyrant Wyrm if you need mention it at all.”

But the way that Tsulogothulan twisted and spun at far more places than just the neck still made her hide tremble in disquieted ripples. However as long as the bog wizard was not needing to turn their gaze too abruptly, or handle the cutlery for reasons that still left the wyrmling a bit baffled.

“Fascinating, my dear lady, In the Uloghai Bog we heard little to nothing of such. Our road was quite removed, I suppose, but I find myself bereft of such news quite… disquieting.”

It’s not like the bog wizard took any bites or chew, just ‘blinked’ and food and drink was vanished away and swallowing ensued. But still Tsulogothulan moved a knife along their? plate daintily and cut up its? food into small portions. Then fluttered their eye at the plate and with wet slapping sounds the portions were replaced with sudden absences.

“Uh, well according to the histories it was four hundred and twenty years ago by the Reichlan calendar. So I can’t say it was particularly recent. Rochford was a Marquee at the time of the Tyrant wars even. Instead of rather more middle of the heartlands.”

Which caused the posture of Jewel’s conversation partner to do something disquieting like a partial deflation into a less attentive holding of shoulders and arms.

“Oh, well that would explain it. A good three hundred years before I was even born.”

A distinct sound of wind and rustling leaves cut over Alexander’s latest interrogations of the Knight and Father’s encouraging words to his heir.

It was the closest sound to words that Euewyn had made since her arrival and Jewel could not quite place what was even said.

But whatever it was prompted a chuckle from Fizzbunches as he licked at a paw. Every scrap of meat was stripped from the skeleton on his plate.

“I always forget both of you are so young... Although I myself was still only an apprentice when news of the rebellions first reached my alley. They did not call it the Tyrant war then. Was not until close to a century after it was done and over that name reached my ears.”

That drew the attention of Father.

“It was no rebellion, the Tyrant claimed land not owed them and my family was never under its sway. We held the marque against invasion and rallied with our rightful liege in defense with honor.”

His voice was a little sharper than Jewel had ever heard with any guest before.

He had been stern with some rowdier knights of course but not so intensely cutting as that!

Father was very careful with that voice; she had only heard it on very rare occasions.

Four times when he reprimanded the footmen for their conduct with the village or serfs.

Thrice for criminals under sentencing for murder or assault.

Twice with Alex, the first time when he had cut her with a knife while playing knight and wyrm, and the second when he talked her into flying with him after she had first grown big enough to manage it.

And even once with herself when she had snapped at Alex during her first year out of the egg.

But he had never used this tone with an honored Guest.

No one who brooked that tone outside the family had ever had the right to their table.

Just what was going ON with these wizards?!

Fizzbunches mrowed and dipped his head in assent to father’s authority, a sign of supplication that somehow didn't quite work when a cat seated on cushions performed it.

It dripped with insincerity from each whisker despite how soft and acquiescent the words that carried with the bow.

“Of course my Lord Rochford, it was simple travelers tales and hearsay and I was quite young so very long ago. Not even landed or lordly at the time. I’m sure it was just a common mistake. Perhaps I misremember in fact?”

Father fixed the Lord Sorcerer, Wizard, and Cat with a frown normally reserved for when a hard year was going to prove a terrible harvest for the fields.

Then spared a glance to the rest of the table.

Father stood and as was proper Jewel, Her Family, the Knight and the three wizards followed him from their seats. Jewel with some relief to no longer have to avoid damaging hers.

“We’ve supped and now I think those without business with myself and my Daughter had best retire for the evening. We’ve set aside rooms for you all. My staff can see you to them Sir Knight.”

Mother nodded and shooed the protesting Alexander from the room as one of the footmen led Lothlar away.

After they left, the dishes and remains of dinner were taken away to be washed and some of the extra furniture removed to storage.

Naturally, nothing but spotless platters were before Jewel for the staff; she never wasted food and preferred to make the dish washers and maid’s lives easier when she could.

He gestured for attention and declared to the hall and the remaining footmen.

“Everyone, you can be at ease for the night. And it will be a rest day tomorrow for all that worked tonight, call up the spare hands from the Village to relieve those normally on duty and tell the elders of the village that for the day the manor’s stores are open to them for their sacrifices this evening.”

And then with a flick of his finger he called them all to follow him and strode confidently back to his study.

Ironically the very room Jewel had been to that morning for the start of her scholarly studies with Alex.

Only the slightly different tilt of the old helm to indicate anything having been at all out of order before.

Father took his seat behind the solid old desk and gave a sigh, smiling softly to Jewel before his face turned harder as Fizzbunches had found his way to sitting imperiously upon father’s desk. Dangerously close to an inkwell. Tail sweeping languidly from side to side.

Jewel was getting good at noticing the very distinctly arriving corners that the cat wizard made use of but was still not very certain precisely how they happened.

Or where exactly it was they went when Fizzbunches was not in need of one.

Before father could begin in what she was sure would be an interrogation of the Wizards and their business with her, the Cat saw fit to figuratively pounce into the conversation.

“Before we begin, Lord Rochford, I must offer compensation and beg apologies, for I have betrayed custom and failed to act as befits a guest under the aegis of hospitality and honor to your house and my station.”

Which caught father rather off-guard, though he hid it very well, his face and body barely moved towards the shape they wanted, but Jewel knew her father and he had smells aplenty to betray him. There was a single nose twitch from Fuzzbunches; she suspected he smelt the shock too.

“A betrayed custom Lord Sorcerer? I admit your entrance was rude, but it was hardly-”

“No my lord, I mean the trespass and circumvention of proper decorum, before the welcoming feast and proper introductions had been made I, through my own will and sound if foolish decision, did seek out your daughter for an audience before my introduction. A mistake I assure you from an aged mind, and it was thanks to the keen insight of a servant of yours and the lady that I was informed of the violation before it was compounded.”

Jewel blinked at that, the tone of voice was sincere, contrite even, but there was not a single thing in that posture that read as anything but smug superiority and the assurance of a well laid plan coming together precisely.

The Bog and Autumn Wizard both fixed their individually unsettling stares at the cat in obvious surprise.

The wet slimy slaps of Tsulogothulan’s lids clapping together and the slight rasp of lashes dragging through each other on the rebound was especially distracting in the silence that followed.

Jewel settled herself by letting her wings and coils press a bit more intensely into the thick woven rug beneath her. Pressing hard enough she could feel the whispering encouragement of the stone and earth below that.

Father finally found his voice, although he was cautiously neutral. On edge in his own way, and just as intense as Jorge had been.

“If the Lord Sorcerer deems it necessary. The Barony of Rochford will accept the recompense for this insult and all will be forgiven.”

Which was not how Jewel felt Father should have been sounding to this revelation, he did not take insult from anyone lightly. Not even from Alexander in jest.

Patiently? Yes!

Kindly? If it was appropriate and possible.

But not with words so carefully put forth that he sounded almost as acquiescent as a serf before their lord!

Not even the Countess Bathory had earned the right to that from Father!

Just what was the rank of these three Wizards that they could bring father to this?!

There was admittedly only sparse word of Wizards in the histories Muriel had tasked them to read so far.

But were three really so dangerous?

“When, by chance, did the Lord Sorcerer find the time to intrude upon my daughter for this audience? You only arrived this afternoon seeking an audience with me.”

This afternoon?! Before Alex and Jewel had even left this very study!?

“Well that is what I meant by the time addled and aged mind of mine — I had sought her out as soon as we had secured the hospitality and acceptance to stay and treat with your lordship Rothford. A mistake and misunderstanding of the local custom I assure you. Such will not happen again.”


They had only settled the arrangements right before he showed up while she was bathing?!

Jewel kept her posture full of poise but she could feel the hairs of her mane standing on end and the muscles in her wing shoulders were tense holding them from flaring up and back. Her jaw was clenching to keep from widening to show her teeth. Neck with little trembles wanting to arch back threateningly.

Father’s gaze turned towards her and a slightly raised brow was met with the finally slightly shamed flaring of her wings which further gave a tensing of his shoulders in commiseration and understanding.

Yes, Father the cat before you had interrupted your daughter while she was bathing.

And with a stiffening of his lip and brow furrowed, he considered the cat on his desk with more of the solid back demeanor she had been expecting from him at the beginning!

Lord Fuzzbunches did not seem perturbed at all.

“I see, that does clarify much, Lord Sorcerer. I hope you are offering something substantial in apology given your trespass.”

The smug cat with his tiny spectacles and floppy red hat set Jewel’s teeth to itching.

The Wizard’s voice of pure contrition, even lilting with genuine and sincere apology just was not at all matched with his countenance or posture.

“Why of course, as recompense for such I offer you, Lord Rochford, Your Heir, Family, and Your Court the service of and loyalty of a single Wizard. Consecutively and without interruption to not exceed Seventeen years. To command as your vassal in warfare and peace, in defense and attack, in honesty and subterfuge with all the obligations so entailed, aligned solely to you and yours and no other noble above you irrevocable and without renegotiation until under no duress that you or your surviving heir so release this pact, as is sworn by the right of my magic and lore.”

Jewel had never seen a look enter father’s eyes of quite so acute wonder and abject surprise before.

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