The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

Authority Of The Tiger

Nyx and the others reached the Tiger’s territory, a vast expanse of wild beauty. Tall trees with silver leaves swayed in the gentle breeze, their roots wrapped in thick vines.

The ground was a mix of moss and stone, with small streams weaving through the landscape, giving it a peaceful yet dangerous feel. The entire area seemed to glow under the fading sun, like it was alive with magic.

They walked further in, taking in the scenery. Len glanced around, impressed. “This place feels… different,” he remarked.

Nabi nodded, her voice hushed. “It’s beautiful, but intense.”

As they neared a large cave, they noticed a massive rock formation with a wide opening at the top, allowing sunlight to pour in. The light hit the center of the cave perfectly, like it was designed to spotlight the being lounging above them.

The Tiger, gigantic and radiant, was waiting at the top, his white, black, and silver fur shimmering in the light. His size was overwhelming, a reminder that, even though he’d fallen, he was still a god. His two long fangs glinted in the sunlight, and his sleek, muscular form radiated power. His tail swished lazily from side to side, the black tip cutting through the air.

He watched them approach, his golden eyes narrowing with interest. Nyx felt his gaze lock on her, a mixture of curiosity and amusement in his expression. As they reached the base of the rock, the Tiger cocked his head, his voice rumbling, “So, you’ve returned. And… with friends?”

Nyx straightened and greeted him, a little more confidently than she felt. “Hello again. Yes, these are my companions.”

Suli stepped forward, bowing slightly. “It’s an honor to meet you.”

Nabi and Guerim followed suit, offering polite nods. Len, perched on Nyx’s head, gave a small wave, clearly trying to mask his nervousness. “Uh, hey.”

The Tiger's gaze lingered on them for a moment before turning back to Nyx. “And why bring them here?”

Nyx smiled awkwardly. “Drac said they have to come with me wherever I go. For, um… security.”

The Tiger chuckled, a deep, rolling sound. “Security? From what, I wonder?” He shook his head slightly. “I don’t mind their presence. They can amuse themselves.”

He gestured with his paw, and the others, sensing the dismissal, hesitated before bowing again and stepping away to explore the cave.

Len lingered for a moment longer. He leaned close to Nyx and whispered, “Don’t push yourself too hard. And… be careful, okay?”

Nyx smiled at him, appreciating his concern. “I will. Thanks, Len.”

The Tiger descended gracefully from his perch, his massive form casting a shadow over Nyx as he came to stand before her. Up close, his sheer size was even more intimidating. His aura, too, was overwhelming—an ancient power that pressed down on her, making her feel small.

Nyx swallowed, trying to steady her nerves. The Tiger leaned down, his large face inches from hers, his breath warm against her skin. His golden eyes glinted with something that might’ve been respected.

“You’re braver than most, I’ll give you that,” he murmured. “Blind, yet you stand here with no fear. I’m impressed.”

Nyx felt her cheeks flush, but she stood her ground. “Thank you,” she said softly.

The Tiger straightened up and smiled slightly, a rare expression on his fierce face. “For your courage, I’ll give you something valuable. You’ve earned the Claw of the Eternal, a skill fit for one who fights with the will of a god.”

A prompt appeared in Nyx’s mind:

You have been given the authority of the skill. Claw of the Eternal

– S-Rank.

Permission Yes/No?

She blinked, confused. Authority? Why was that word used instead of “blessing”? She accepted the skill, but the question lingered. Looking up at the Tiger, she asked, “Why did it say ‘authority’? What does that mean?”

The Tiger’s eyes gleamed. “Authority is far more than a blessing. It means you hold the power to control the skill as if you were a god. A blessing simply lets you use a skill. Authority grants you mastery over it.”

Nyx was taken aback. “Are you sure you want to give me something so powerful?”

The Tiger chuckled. “You’ve proven worthy. Besides,” he added with a grin, “your hair is quite striking. I’m sure it hides even more surprises.”

Nyx blushed at the compliment, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Thank you,” she said quietly. “For everything. And I’m sorry I was rude before.”

She gave permission to the skill.


When Nyx gave her permission for the skill, her body glowed with a faint purple light, casting a soft, ethereal shimmer around her. It was as if her very essence was aligning with the power she was about to gain.

“Don’t worry about it,” the Tiger replied, his tone lighter. “Now, enough talk. Let’s begin your training.”

He explained the Claw of the Eternal—how it would enhance her hand-to-hand combat skills, allowing her to fight with both speed and precision. As he spoke, his tail flicked out, and with a surprising amount of finesse, he began demonstrating how to parry and strike using only the movements of her arms and body.

Nyx watched, wide-eyed, as the Tiger’s massive tail moved with a grace that belied its size. “You’ll learn quickly,” he said, his voice a deep rumble. “Let’s see what you can do.”

And with that, the training began.

Later that day

Nyx’s training with the Tiger was a mix of intense effort and fascinating discovery. The Tiger’s massive form towered over her, his fur a blend of white, black, and silver that seemed to ripple with every movement. During their practice, he’d sometimes lift his tail high, just out of reach, challenging Nyx to keep up. “Higher! You need to be quicker!” he’d command, his deep voice resonating in the cave.

While Nyx was busy with her training, the others had ventured out to find something for her to eat.

They returned with a variety of fruits and nuts, which Nyx ate gratefully during a short break. As the evening shadows lengthened, she realized it was getting late. “I have to get back to Drac’s cave,” she told the Tiger. “It’s getting dark.”

The Tiger nodded. “Alright, we’ll continue tomorrow. See you then.”

With a wave of goodbyes, Nyx and the others teleported back to Drac’s cave. Nyx was practically buzzing with excitement as she arrived. “Drac, you won’t believe the day I’ve had!” she exclaimed.

Drac raised an eyebrow, curious. “Oh? What happened?”

Nyx launched into her story with animated gestures. “The Tiger didn’t just give me a skill—he gave me authority over it! He said it’s like controlling the skill as much as a constellation does. And he used his tail to help me train! It was incredible!”

Drac’s expression shifted from intrigued to a bit jealous. “That’s impressive!”

Why is the Tiger going to such lengths for her? He felt a pang of jealousy as Nyx continued to rave about her training. I’m happy she’s excited, but…

Nyx, completely absorbed in her excitement, demonstrated some of her new skills. “Look, Drac! See how I can—” she showed off a few moves, clearly thrilled with her progress.

Eventually, Nyx decided to take a bath. Exhaustion hit her hard, and a huge yawn escaped her as she dried off. Feeling completely worn out, she shuffled over to Drac and settled close to him. “I’m so tired,” she murmured before falling asleep.

The others, following her lead, found their own spots and soon were drifting off as well. Drac watched Nyx, feeling a mix of pride, concern, and that lingering hint of jealousy. As the cave grew quiet, he couldn’t help but wonder what the next day would bring.

Back at the Tiger’s territory

After the others left, the Tiger settled into his space, relishing the solitude. His moment of peace was abruptly interrupted by an unfamiliar presence. He felt it approaching from a mile away and sighed, curious about what could be so important.

As the presence drew nearer, the Tiger addressed it, his voice laced with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. “And what do I owe the pleasure? Coming back from your new conquest?”

It was the Peacock God of Lust, another fallen constellation. His feathers shimmered with a blend of purple, pink, and white, creating an aura of alluring charm that was both calming and exhilarating. The Peacock’s presence was hard to ignore, and his beauty was almost hypnotic.

“Is the dragon here?” the Peacock inquired, his voice dripping with intrigue.

The Tiger chuckled softly. “It’s not the dragon. It’s my human child, Nyx. You know, the little blind girl. She agreed to keep me company while I teach her a skill. She’s quite impressive.”

The Peacock pouted, clearly taken aback. “I can’t believe you got to her before me,” he said in disbelief.

“Do you think the dragon would allow me around her, given your nature?” The tiger asked in an amused tone.

The Tiger’s eyes twinkled with amusement.

“She’s just a child. What harm could I possibly do?”

The Peacock defended himself with a hint of indignation.

The Tiger didn’t answer, choosing instead to smile at the absurdity of the situation.

The mood shifted as the Peacock’s tone grew serious.

“Anyway, I have news. They’re coming soon.”

The Tiger’s interest piqued.

“Did you manage to get through to them?”

“No,” the tiger replied, his tone indifferent.

“They’re not answering.”

An uneasy silence filled the air, thick with tension. The Peacock broke it, saying, “We should at least inform the others.”

The Tiger nodded. “I will.”

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