The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

A New Adventure

In the city of Sintara, a group of cloaked figures moved like shadows through the dimly lit streets. Dressed in black robes, their faces hidden beneath hoods, they were a sight that struck unease into the hearts of passersby. The air was thick with tension, a palpable energy that whispered of secrets and dark intentions.

They headed towards a secluded underground chamber, a place shrouded in mystery, where their daily ritual took place—a thanksgiving to their god for granting them a new life.

"Blessed be the Crazy Skull, the harbinger of our rebirth," they chanted in unison, their voices reverberating off the stone walls, creating an echo that seemed to ripple through the very fabric of the chamber. "Through chaos, we find order. Through darkness, we find light."

The ritual concluded with a final chant, their voices fading into a haunting silence. They didn't have to worship this new deity, but they found solace in him, a new god who offered them purpose when their original creator had long since abandoned them.

This god was none other than the Constellation of the Crazy Skull god of calamity.

Asnexis Nèons.

In 314 CY, he had fallen from the celestial realm where all the other constellations resided. The assembly of gods had once gathered to discuss his ambitious plans—a vision that stirred chaos among them.

"Listen to me, my fellow constellations," the Crazy Skull proclaimed. "Imagine a world teeming with creatures born of our essence, each one a testament to our power. They would be our legacy, our mark upon Nelion."

"Crazy Skull," the Dragon, God of Wrath, interjected, his voice deep and filled with authority. "You speak of unleashing chaos. These creatures could bring destruction and imbalance to Nelion. We cannot allow that."

The Fanged Tiger, God of Envy, added, "Your plan reeks of ambition, Skull. Ambition that could turn against us. Do you truly believe you can control these beings once they are unleashed?"

"Control?" Crazy Skull retorted, a glint of defiance in his eye. "I intend to set them free. They will evolve and thrive. My creations will be a tribute to our divine power."

But his fellow constellations were unconvinced.

"Your arrogance blinds you," the Snake, God of Pride, warned. "These creations would be too powerful, too unpredictable. They could challenge our own dominion over Nelion."

"And what of the inhabitants of Nelion?" the Proud Peacock, God of Lust, asked, his tone laced with concern. "They are fragile, not prepared to face such formidable creatures. Your creations would bring nothing but suffering."

Crazy Skull shook his head, undeterred. "You underestimate the potential of evolution. The beings of Nelion will adapt. My creations will be a catalyst for their progress."

But the Nine-Tailed Fox, God of Gluttony, countered, "Evolution is fraught with peril and pain. We are guardians of Nelion, not harbingers of chaos."

The Three-Horned Bull, God of Greed, added, "Your plan threatens the balance we have maintained. It is driven by your desire to create, not by the needs of Nelion."

With each argument, Crazy Skull's resolve deepened. "You are all too cautious, too content with the status quo. Progress requires boldness—a willingness to disrupt and rebuild. My vision is the future."

Owl, God of Knowledge, shook his head, a frown creasing his brow. "Your future is one of uncertainty and risk. We cannot endorse a plan that jeopardizes the stability of Nelion. Your creations are a threat, not a boon."

The Goddess of War Maiden, stood firm. "I will not stand by as you unleash chaos upon this world. We must protect Nelion from harm, even if it comes from one of our own."

"Then you leave me no choice," Crazy Skull said, his voice a low growl. "If you cannot see the brilliance of my vision, I will pursue it alone. Nelion will know the power of the Crazy Skull, with or without your support."

"Your defiance will not be tolerated," the God of Divine Judgment warned. "If you proceed with this madness, you will be cast out from Asnexis Nèons."

"Go then, Skull. But know this: we will not stand idly by if your creations threaten Nelion," the God of Battlefield Lunatic warned, his tone grim.

With unwavering ambition, Crazy Skull turned his back on the assembly. He descended from Asnexis Nèons to Nelion, determined to bring his vision to life, regardless of the opposition he faced.

Now on Nelion, he needed a disguise to interact with the fickle inhabitants of the land. Thus, he embodied the Grim Reaper—a skeletal figure cloaked in darkness, exuding a foreboding aura.

He became known as the Dark Order, the god of the Netherborne Covenant—an organization of individuals not necessarily criminals but far from innocent. Their singular goal was to realize their god's vision for the world, ruthlessly eliminating anyone who dared oppose them, surfacing only when news of fallen gods or powerful monsters reached their ears.

"Make our plans commence," an unknown figure commanded, a sinister smirk playing on their lips.

Forest of Tivaria

"What did you see?" Drac asked, concern etching his features.

"I'm not sure…" Nyx replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Describe it to me, Nyx," Drac urged, leaning closer.

"I hope it isn't anything bad," Len added, worry creeping into his tone. He wanted Nyx to stop meditating, fearing it might scare her.

"It says 'Great Seons System,'" she finally said.

Both Drac and Len breathed a sigh of relief, a chuckle escaping them.

"You don't have to be afraid," Drac reassured her, his tone lightening. "That is the system created by us, the constellations, to assist the people of Nelion. It tells them about their skills and abilities. It's important."

"What's a constellation?" Nyx asked, her head tilting in curiosity.

Drac's demeanor shifted; he abruptly shut her down. "None of your concern," he replied sharply, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

"Today's lesson is over. You will continue meditating to get used to your magic, and once you do, I'll teach you how to use the magic molecules to see around you."

"Len, ensure she doesn't go anywhere and feed her," he instructed, stomping off into his cave without a backward glance.

"Did I say something wrong?" Nyx asked, her voice small, a hint of sadness creeping in.

"No, you didn't, Nyx. It's just… that's a sensitive topic for him. He'll come around…" Len reassured her, trying to soothe her worries. "Eventually," he muttered, not entirely convinced.

"Okay," she replied dejectedly.

"Come on, let's go eat," Len exclaimed, trying to lift the mood.

They ventured to gather some fruits and vegetables, well, only Nyx did since Len couldn't eat—being a magical spirit and all. But watching her enjoy her meal filled him with a warmth he couldn't quite explain.

Hours passed, and as night fell—though it always felt like night in the forest—they decided it was time to stop playing and rest. Despite the ruckus they'd made, Drac hadn't emerged to scold them.

Nyx had asked Len to pick some flowers for her, and she could only imagine their beauty from his excited descriptions. Their petals were emerald green, dusted with silver, shimmering in the dim light.

Tentatively, she entered the cave after bidding Len goodbye. She navigated the familiar layout, her hands reaching out until they brushed against Drac's tough scales.

"Drac…" Nyx called, her voice steady but laced with concern. There was no response.

"I'm sorry if I upset you," she continued, her sniffles echoing in the quiet space.

She held out the flowers, her tiny hands trembling slightly as she hoped he would acknowledge her gesture.

Drac felt a rush of guilt wash over him. He hadn't meant to lash out; it was unfair to take his frustrations out on her. Slowly, he turned to face her, gently rubbing his head against her small form, offering a silent apology.

"I'm sorry for lashing out like that," he murmured. "It wasn't fair to you."

"Would you ever forgive me, my little one?" he asked, his voice softening.

"Of course I will, Drac. We are a family, and families always forgive each other," Nyx whispered, her heart racing as she hugged him tightly.

In that heartfelt moment, both felt the weight of their earlier tension lift, replaced by warmth and understanding.

"Who told you that?" Drac asked, breaking the silence, a hint of curiosity dancing in his tone.

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