The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 63: Eibu Haman's eight major seats!

Ma Xiao cried for a while, and the grievances and pressures in his heart were released almost, and this slowly stopped. Turned to the front of Qin Dong, looking at Qin Dong's eyes, full of solemn words "East brother, this time really thank you! If it is not you, I am afraid to lose Xiaoyue and Feiyan sister Good sister, and living in life and suffering. You saved me!"

After listening to the words of Ma Rong, Qin Feiyan was very strange and asked, "Small, you said that Xiaodong saved you?"

Ma Rong nodded and looked at Qin Dong's gaze. He was more and more grateful. "Yes! I was at the gate of the campus early in the morning, but I really didn't have the courage to come in. Just when I want to choose to escape, When I was ready to leave, Dong Ge stopped me and trusted me and encouraged me. I had the courage to step back into the classroom."

Ma Yin’s words made Qin Feiyan’s eyes look even more and more, and he felt more and more that the Qin Dong in front of her eyes was very different from the Qin family’s second master. A ** surprise, in her heart shocked, so that Qin Feiyan has an incomparable curiosity and interest in Qin Dong. [

"Well, Ma Rong, everything has passed. Now the top priority of our class is to help you rescue your brother." Qin Dong vibrates and immediately caused a positive response from the class.

Shi Xiaoyue said, "The people at Tianwu College are so mean, we must not let their conspiracy succeed. Xiaoyan, you can rest assured that we all will help you rescue your brother. But how can we save it?" Shi Xiaoyue's frowning A group.

Qindong Road "Tianwu Academy first kidnapped Ma's brother, and then he also dealt with Shi Wenqing. This shows that it was directed at the Longyuan martial art. I think we will inform the Longyuan martial art of this matter. Let them be vigilant, don't let Tianwu College's similar conspiracy succeed. Secondly, Ma's brother is their comrade-in-arms, they have no reason to sit back and watch. With their help, we are more likely to save our brother-in-law. ""

At this time, Qin Dong has become the leader of the high-eighth class. When the words came out, everyone nodded.

"It is not too late! Ma Wei, you will go to Longyuan University with me."

"Xiaodong, I will go with you." Qin Feiyan said in a hurry.

"You? Are you still forgetting?" Qin Dong glanced at her and shook his head.

Qin Feiyan asked with amazement, "Why?"

Qin Dongshen "color" is a bit uncomfortable. "Lin Feidong, that guy, is obviously interesting to you. I don't want to watch you take the initiative to send it to the door."

"Ah?" Qin Feiyan heard one.

Shi Xiaoyue was giggling and laughing. The playful way, "Fei Yanjie, Dong Ge, this is jealous, oh..."

Qin Feiyan's face was red, and she glanced at her. In her mouth, she said, "Go and go! Then talk in disorder. See if I don't tear your mouth." Although the mouth is saying this, Qin Feiyan's heart can't help but rush. 』A little sweet feeling, no longer insist.

"Qin Dong, where are you going?" When Qin Donggang stepped out of the classroom, he met Fang Xianer.

The beauty of Fang Xianer is definitely a shocking thing, so that Qin Dong can't help but lose some.

"Oh! Teacher Fang, you are here, I am with Ma Rong, I have something to ask you for a vacation."

"You and Ma Wei?" Fang Xianer flashed a trace of suspiciousness in his eyes.

Qin Dong was afraid that Fang Xianer misunderstood and hurriedly shouted, "Fang Fang, we are innocent, you don't think about chaos."

Qin Dong shouted, and immediately gave a burst of laughter in the classroom of the high-eighth class. The horse was even more shy and his face was red. Where is there like Qin Dong, this is not to find it.

Fang Xianer couldn’t help but smile, saying, “I don’t think Hu Si’s chaos. I’m afraid that Hu Si’s “chaos” person is you?” After a pause, he said, “You are going back soon.” But before the afternoon, you must come back, I want to take Qindong to a place."[

"Where to go?" Qin Dong asked in amazement.

Fang Xianer smiled and smiled. "You will know when you get there."

Long Yuanwu Group enjoys a high reputation at Longyuan University. In Longyuan University, there is an exclusive building. This is the treatment of other clubs in Longyuan University that do not dare to think about dreaming.

At this time, at the top of the building, the eight major seats of the Long Yuanwu regiment, except Ma Jinpeng, were all present.

A long table is placed in the middle of the room. Sitting on the seat is a handsome and elegant man, very chic. As the head of the eight-day grand bench of the Longyuan martial arts, Hualong Pavilion was originally a handsome guy named Zhenlongyuan. I don't know how many Huachun girls to make, night can't be embarrassed.

As the head of the right seat, Hualong Pavilion has such strength. When I was so young, I had already reached the realm of the early days of the day, and I was proud of it.

In his right and left hands, he sat in the eight major seats of the Longyuan Wushu, Du Yuntian, who ranked second, and Zhou Xiang, who ranked third. Both of them and Hualong Pavilion have a very close relationship, known as Hualong Pavilion's right arm. This iron triangle is optimistic by countless people in Longyuan. They have not been out of the university's school gate, they are already very popular. Hualong Pavilion can enjoy today's status, and the selfless dedication of the two is absolutely inseparable. Both of them are the realm of the true Yuanfeng.

In addition to these three people, Wu Xiong, Shi Wenqing, Lin Yide, and Lin Feidong, who sat down in the end, were seated.

Don't look at Lin Feidong. In front of other people, it is an idol. It is a big name, but in this room, he is a little Akasaka, only to listen to it.

Hua Longting’s expression today is a bit dignified and serious. Du Yuntian and Zhou Xiang should know something. The gods of the two men were not affected by the seriousness of Hualong Pavilion. However, Wu Xiong, Shi Wenqing, Lin Yide, and Lin Feidong were four people who were restless.

Especially Lin Feidong, he was the first time to participate in such a high-profile meeting, even more nervous.

Hualong Pavilion has not yet opened, but first turned his attention to Lin Feidong. Although Hualongting’s eyes were very peaceful, Lin Feidong couldn’t help but feel a tight shudder.

"Lin Feidong, you are a newcomer, let me introduce yourself to everyone."

Hualong Pavilion’s voice is very stable and quite a kind of general style. In fact, people who have been seated here have already known Lin Feidong, and they simply don’t need Lin Feidong to introduce themselves. The reason why Hualongting had to go through this process was to give Lin Feidong a chance to speak, so that he could integrate into the team. After all, the competition between Tianwu College and Longyuan University is just around the corner. As a whole, no link can be made in any way.

Lin Feidong stood up a little, and smirked at the six people in the room. "Everyone... everybody, my name is Lin Feidong. I am a first-year freshman. I also ask the seniors to give me more."

It’s hard to finish these words. Lin Feidong’s forehead has already had sweat. The heart is even more remorseful. I knew this before, and he would not hesitate to challenge Luo Yuanba.

"Hey!" A cold cry suddenly came, Lin Feidong looked at the sound, see Lin Yide, the heart complained.

At Longyuan University, no one knows, Lin Yide and Luo Yuanba are iron buddies. Luo Yuanba was taken away by Lin Feidong for the glory of the eight major seats. Of course, he would be unfair for Luo Yuan, and would hate Lin Feidong?

"Kid, don't be proud! Although you have won the Yuanba once, you don't think you can sit on one of the eight major seats. It won't take long for Yuanba to take everything you take from him. I will take it back." Lin Yide gnashed his teeth and said with three points of hate.

"A good demon! I know that you and Luo Yuanba are buddies, but you can't be biased against Lin Feidong. Lin Feidong is a bright and fair, fair competition, defeated Luo Yuanba, he won this position, completely relying on His ability. He should not get your hostility, but should be respected by you. From now on, we are all comrades-in-arms. If we can't be united, we can only be humiliated by Tianwu College." After the Hualong Pavilion finished, look at Lin Feidong, the voice is steady and powerful, full of sincerity. "Lin Feidong, as a comrade-in-arms, I welcome you to fight side by side with us!"

Hua Longting’s words only talked about Lin Feidong’s heart. Let Lin Feidong be greatly moved, and hurriedly stood up, loudly "Thank you for your head!"

Hualongting nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand to let Lin Feidong sit down. [

After being taught by Hualong Pavilion, Lin Yide’s face was not pleasing to the color, but he was no longer hostile to Lin Feidong. It can be seen that the prestige of Hualong Pavilion is by no means high.

"Boss, are you calling us today to compare with Tianwu College?" Wu Xiong, ranked fourth, is a good war. When you mention the contest, your eyes will shine.

Hualongting nodded and said, "The competition with Tianwu College is related to the ownership of Wulongling. It is related to our long-distance reputation in Longyuan University. We naturally have to deal with it all. However, I am convening everyone today to One thing. Didn't you find out that we are missing one?"

"Jinpeng!" Shi Wenqing realized it at the beginning, but he thought that Ma Jinpeng was late, not in his heart. At this time, Hua Longting said that Shi Wenqing could not help but mention the eyes of the blind.

Hualongting nodded and said, "According to our intelligence, Ma Jinpeng should have been kidnapped."

"What? Who is so bold, even one of the long seats of the Longyuan martial arts group dare to kidnap?" Shi Wenqing and Ma Jinpeng had a good relationship, and screamed at this time.

Du Yuntian frowned and sighed. "The boss is skeptical, it is done by Tianwu College."

"Yes, it must be Tianwu College! These rabbits are the most shameless, and they love to make some unspeakable means. Yesterday, I almost got their calculations!" Shi Wenqing nodded and said with a sigh.

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