Chapter 296: Chapter 296
Ramiel was hoping that they would approach him in a more reasonable and honorable manner, but using emotion as leverage was dispicable and only showed that the tenth realm was willing to stoop to any level to achieve their goals. Ramiel knew he would need to tread carefully in order to navigate the dangerous political landscape of the tenth realm. Their mindset was one of ruthless ambition and unwavering control over any situation.
Queen Sheaira Liluth Demiurgos would stop at nothing to ensure she maintained her power and influence. Her toxic sibling rivalry toward her other siblings was out of control, and at times, the unbalanced dynamic and personality of each sibling were different as they came from different mothers , creating a dysfunctional sibling rivalry among those who see themselves as less than the other,
even though they all held immense power and were considered nearly godlike in their own right. Ramiel now saw firsthand the lengths that Queen Sheaira would go to in order to maintain her position as the ruler of the tenth realm. Her manipulative tactics and ability to play on people's emotions were a dangerous combination that had kept her in power for centuries. However, Ramiel refused to be a pawn in her game.
He had his own agenda and goals for the tenth realm, ones that did not align. Especially the part where they will open the kingdom toward other realms for trade and diplomacy, fostering alliances that would benefit all realms involved. Ramiel knew that in order to achieve his vision, he would have to navigate the intricate web of politics and power that Queen Sheaira had carefully crafted and controlled over many years.
Her hatred toward his mother, Allatou, was deep-rooted and would make forming an alliance quite difficult. He wanted to know the reason behind this hatred, but whenever he would ask his mother the answer was always
"Son, I really don't know why she hates me."
"Even when we were younger, she would always create problems and blame me for them."
"She was manipulative and conniving, always trying to turn others against me."
"But I was a gifted fighter, and I never let her get the best of me."
The Demiurgos clan was foremost a warrior clan, figting and waging war runs deep down into their very core,and Allatou was no exception. She was a fierce warrior, known for her cunning tactics and her expert swordsmanship. But with her skills came a thirst for power and control. She would do anything to gain more power and would often manipulate those around her to suit her own agenda. Her relationship with her son's father, the leader of the clan, was tumultuous and filled with constant power struggles. And when her son was born, she saw him as a threat to her position and control within the clan.
As she grew older, she would constantly belittle and undermine the young Allatou, trying to prevent her from becoming a powerful warrior like their patriarch. But despite her efforts, young Allatou proved to be just as skilled and determined as her Gehana mother. This only fueled Sheaira's hatred towards Allatou, as she saw her as a constant reminder of her own weaknesses and insecurities.
But what truly fueled her hatred for Allatou was the fact that she was always in competition with her. Sheaira saw her younger sister as a rival, constantly trying to one-up her and gain more influence within the clan. This caused deep-seated resentment towards his other siblings, and she would often use young Allatou as a pawn in her schemes to gain more power.
Despite their patriarchal attempts to keep the peace between the other siblings, their relationship remained strained. Allatou could never understand why she hated her so much, and she longed for a day when they could form a bond and work together for the good of the clan. But as he grew older and took on more responsibilities within the clan, he realized that this may never be possible.
Sheaira Liluth hatred for Allatou had become a part of her identity, and it was something that she would have to accept and navigate if she wanted to lead her own clan successfully. But deep down, Allatou couldn't help but wonder what had caused this deep-rooted hatred towards her and if there was any way to mend their broken relationship.
Sheaira always thought she was the favored child; with her sharp wit and unyielding tenacity, she was used to getting her way and having everything handed to her on a silver platter. She never had to work for anything and had always been surrounded by material wealth and luxury. However, as she entered her teenage years, Sheaira's attitude began to change. She started to become more rebellious and defiant, constantly pushing the boundaries and testing her siblings patience.
She always taught that she was destined to be the center of attention and that her siblings were simply there to serve her needs. On the other hand, Allatou, being the youngest, was seen as a wild and reckless spirit, often getting into fights and causing chaos wherever she went, but her actions were roted in honor as she never started a fight , and most of the time she would challenge those who were bigger , stronger, faster , agile, and more skilled than her.
Sheaira resented her younger sister for not taking her responsibilities seriously and for tarnishing the family's reputation. and her eyes, she was the true gem and embodiment of their family's values and traditions.
Sheaira didn't know that Allatou was struggling with her own inner demons, feeling constantly overshadowed by her five much older sisters's success, and always trying to find her own place in the supernatural world. She had always looked up to Sheaira, wanting to be just like her, but the constant comparison and favoritism only fueled the flames of resentment within Sheaira .
As they grew older, their relationship only worsened, with Sheaira constantly belittling and criticizing Allatou, and she would always push back by being just herself. It seemed like there was no way to bridge the gap between them.
and Allatou had resigned herself to the fact that she would always be the outcast in her own family. and really didn't care that much about this rivalry her older sister created by herself; from what Allatou understood, she was just being herself, and any misunderstanding was simply a result of their differences in personality. Allatou found solace in her own interests and adventures, knowing that she didn't need her sister's approval to be happy.
So at a young age, Allatou was already facing powerful opponents. She would always come home with bruises and scrapes from standing up and challenging herself, but she never let it deter her from being true to who she was. Despite the challenges, Allatou remained resilient, gave up on any hardships, and carved out her own path in life. And because of her ability to adapt to any situation, she became strong and really an excellent figure. Her moves looked rough and chotic but in actuality they were fast, strong, swift, and very precise, earning her a reputation as the Marauding princess,
She takes everything without hesitation or fear; her every challenge is a wager between life and death. That is why many of those whom she deafened came to admire her. While this was happening, Sheaira and her other female older siblings were training themselves in a way that most nobles tend to do, with caution and precision, mastering the art of combat with grace and skill. Unlike their other male siblings, aside from Araqiel Semalion who was known to be an avid reader and wanted to become a scholar,
Their second-oldest child, Jaldabaoth, was similarly a voracious learner, primarily interested in learning how to defeat an adversary without jeopardizing his own security. This curiosity made him a dangerous foe in combat. All twelve have individual hobbies, just like the others, but Samael, like the other four—including Allatou—was made and born for combat.
As the oldest and strongest in terms of ability, power, and leadership, he stood out as the natural leader of the group, guiding and protecting his siblings in times of need. Each member of the Demiurgos family brought their own unique strengths to the table, creating a formidable force to be reckoned with in any battle they faced.