Chapter 284: Chapter 284
Everything was set up, including extra security measures to protect the identity of the main guest, all available personnel, staff and from the lowest to the highest office were commanded by the patriarch himself, that they should be cautious around the guest or else face death it they failed to comply.
The patriarch's stern warning echoed throughout the entire organization, creating an atmosphere of tension and apprehension among the attendees. Limited information were given about the person , but with these past few days everybody were given strict detailed regulation to follow, information about the VIP guest has been controlled.
Only providing a certain amount of detail, and because they have to actual information the entire main family of the Liu Chen can only navigate as soon the main guest arrive, Guan Yu could only say that the Liu Chen family special guest was a highly influential and extremely powerful figure and her visit was of utmost importance.
Even the sub-facility staff and personnel underground base, that was connected under their main home, were given strict instructions to ensure the privacy during said event to maintain the confidentiality of the visit. The security measures included thorough background checks on all personnel involved and restricted access to the underground base during the guest's stay. Additionally, all communication channels were closely monitored to prevent any leaks or unauthorized disclosures about the nature of the visit.
Ramiel opened a small dimensional rift toward his second home, the energy he used was enough so he wound not get detected by dimensional scanners placed by the government all around the country, ensuring that his arrival would go unnoticed. As he Ramiel activated a blocking device that rendered the entire area with a two mile radius invisible to any advance surveillance systems, further guaranteeing privacy and preventing any potential breaches of confidentiality.
Soon, an elegant and beautiful woman crossed over and stepped through the rift. She stood five feet nine with long black hair below her waist, and her eyes were golden. Luxurious jewelry was adorned on her neck, wrists, and fingers. She exuded an air of authority and confidence as she gracefully walked towards a crowd of people. It was clear that her special guest commanded respect and held immense power within her realm.
She was Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgo, a upper hierarchy demon class, a Primal Emination, and the youngest of the 12 siblings, she was known for her fiery and unpredictable personality and was a battle fanatic when she was still waging war in the sovereign war I, displaying her strategic brilliance and unmatched combat skills. Her presence alone sent shivers down the spines of even the most fearless warriors, as they knew they stood before a brute force to be feared.,
Ramiel extended his hand to assist his second mother as if she was descending down from the Crimson throne. Allatou, however, was not one to easily accept help, especially from anybody she considered beneath her. But this time it was different; it was her beloved son, she delightfully accepted her sons gesture. As they walked together, Allatou couldn't help but reminisce about the day she encountered Ramiel inside the artificial void.
She was thinking about his openness, accepting the circumstances that brought his soul to the other realm, facing the unknown, and just hoping for the best, but those vital moment interacting and communicating with Allatou had given her a newfound sense of purpose, hope.and happiness.
she had never expected to find such a deep connection with someone she was the reason this young innocent soul was pluck from another realm, let alone someone who seemed so different from her.
Yet, as they shared their stories and experiences, Ramiel realized that they were more alike than he could have ever imagined. Their conversations became a source of comfort and understanding for both of them, creating a bond that transcended their differences and made them feel like kindred spirits.
She prayed that Ramiel's own soul might revive her son's poor spiritual energy, even if Ramiel had to be sacrificed to save Allatou's genuine son's feeble spirit. He was supposed to be the driving force behind Allatou's son's recovery. He understood that their connection was evidence that their paths had intersected for a purpose rather than merely a coincidence.
But certain circumstances had already unfolded, as her son was willing to get absorbed by Ramiel's soul, knowing that it was the only way to save what remained of his energy as it finally surrendered to the darkness of the eternal rest.
Allatou was devastated; accepting her son's departure was heartbreaking. She had held onto the hope that Ramiel could revive her son's weakened spirit, but now she had to come to terms with the fact that his journey had taken a different turn. Allatou knew she had to find solace in the belief that her son's sacrifice would not be in vain and that his energy would find peace in the eternal rest he had chosen. ,
Ahead of time, the young soul gracefully asked Ramiel to love his mother like his own, promising to watch over her and protect her in his absence. After hearing this from Ramiels voice, tears fell in her eyes like rain. Allatou embraced and openly accepted him as her own son because his son was now a part of Ramiel's soul. She felt a sense of peace knowing that her son's spirit would live on through him.
She vowed to honor her son's memory by cherishing the bond she now shared with Ramiel and continuing to love him as if he were her own flesh and blood. and watched as Ramiel's selflessness and love for her grew stronger, realizing that their connection was truly extraordinary. She couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that this sacrifice would bring about a miraculous transformation for her son's weak spirit.
As Ramiel introduced his second mother, Empress Allatou Estrith Demiurgos, to his biological earth mother Amelia and his younger sister, Ariella Laila, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy. Seeing the two women who meant the world to him finally meet and embrace filled his heart with a sense of completeness. In that moment, he realized that family wasn't just about blood ties, but about the love and connections forged through shared experiences and unwavering support.
Ramiel with a dignified presence he introduces the rest of his earth family, FROM Grandpa Tand and Grandma Mao, his new Father Guan Yu,elder Dr YaXiu Fang, Gong Renshu, Zixuan Xú and his wife Mrs. Sersi Mikhailov Xú , Mrs. Lin Siniang her husband Ya Zuo guard Lieutenan serving Guan Yu directly, and head dean of The Ethereal Academy Ms. Dolores Tesfaye.
As Ramiel introduced each member of his earth family, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the love and support they had shown him. Each person had played a significant role in shaping him into the person he had become, and he knew that he was truly blessed to have such a diverse and caring group of individuals by his side.
At first, Allatou was a little bashful and spoke in an elegant but gentle manner. Ramiel smiled as he realized that his second mother was doing her best to act and maintain her humility. As time went on, Ramiel witnessed the genuine bond forming between Allatou and Amelia. Their conversations became more comfortable, and their laughter filled the room, creating a warm and loving atmosphere. Ramiel couldn't help but feel grateful for the presence of both his mothers, knowing that they were united in their love for him and his sister.
As the two women exchanged pleasantries, Ramiel could see the similarities between them. Both were strong and independent women, with a fierce love for their families. Amelia, with her warm and nurturing nature, and Allatou, with her regal and commanding presence, made a powerful duo. Ramiel couldn't help but feel proud and blessed to have two amazing mothers in his life.
Amelia welcomed Allatou with open arms, expressing her gratitude for the Demiurgos Empress accepting Ramiel as her son. She also couldn't help but be in awe of Allatou's beauty and grace. Allatou, on the other hand, was humbled by Amelia's kindness and warmth. She had never experienced such genuine love and acceptance from a human before.
As the introductions continued, Ramiel's younger sister Ariella approached Allatou cautiously. She was a shy and reserved girl, but something about Allatou's gentle aura drew her in. Allatou smiled warmly at Ariella and introduced herself, instantly putting the young girl at ease. Ramiel couldn't help but notice how well Allatou was handling the situation, making everyone feel comfortable and welcomed.
Soon, the rest of Ramiel's family joined in, and Allatou greeted each of them with the same grace and poise. Ramiel's grandparents were in awe of her beauty and wisdom, while his cousins were fascinated by her mysterious background. Allatou answered their questions patiently and with a smile, earning their admiration and respect.
As the day went on, Ramiel's family and Allatou spent time getting to know each other. They shared stories, laughed and bonded over their love for Ramiel. Allatou was amazed by the love and warmth she received from his family. She had always thought of humans as weak and fragile beings, but this experience proved her wrong.
By the end of the day, Allatou had formed a special bond with Ramiel's family. She had opened up to them, sharing stories of her world and her people. Ramiel couldn't have been happier to see his two mothers getting along so well.
As they said their goodbyes, Allatou thanked Ramiel's family for welcoming her with open arms and making her feel like a part of their family. She promised to visit them again soon and invited them to her kingdom in the twelve realms of Sheol.
Ramiel was grateful for the love and acceptance his family showed towards his second mother, and he couldn't wait for them to visit the Sheol and meet the rest of his family in Arcane. As she entered the dimensional rift Ramiel knew that this meeting had only strengthened the bond between his two families, and he was filled with love and gratitude for both his mothers.