The Scion

Chapter 273: Chapter 273

As the darkness consumed every part of the dense forest, Ramiel tightened the straps on his thermal imaging. He gripped the 16-inch dagger firmly and waited until he saw the heat signatures of countless hellhounds from afar running toward his direction. 

He could feel the menacing presence of the beast lurking in the shadows. He followed his instincts and navigated through the darkness, with only the faint sounds of rustling leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl breaking the eerie silence. The only source of light was the dim glow of his thermal imaging goggles, allowing him to see any heat signatures within his vicinity.

Suddenly, a roar pierced through the stillness, sending chills down those student spines who were hiding. He quickened his pace, knowing that the monster was close. As he approached the clearing where the beast was coming from, its sharp claws and fangs were glinting in the moonlight.

Without hesitation, Ramiel charged towards the creature, his dagger glinting in the darkness. With swift movements and calculated strikes, he managed to strike one at its neck on its right side, and with a twist of his hand, it severed the head from its body.

The creature let out a deafening screech before collapsing to the ground, lifeless. Ramiel ran again and just attacked the hellhounds that were standing 3 feet tall on their four legs. With adrenaline running through his veins, he recalled the sensation of the battle experience he gained while engaging this type of creature in the forsaken forest.

Many tales have been told of the ruthless nature of hellhounds in mythological stories, They were said to hunt in packs, with one after the other chasing down their prey until it was caught and devoured. This leader was the largest and most fearsome of them all, possessing strength and cunning that surpassed even his own kind. Some legends even claim that these hellhounds were created by the devil himself, bred for destruction and chaos.

As the first hellhound appeared, Ramiel took a deep breath and prepared himself for the fight. The creature lunged at him, its massive jaws ready to tear him apart. But he was quick, dodging the attack and delivering a swift kick to the hound's side. The hellhound let out a fierce growl and charged at Ramiel again, but this time he was ready. With lightning-fast reflexes, he pointed his 16-inch dagger and plunged it into the hound's chest. As the dagger pierced through the hound's chest, a deafening howl filled the air, echoing through the desolate landscape. The hellhound writhed in agony, its fiery eyes dimming as it collapsed to the ground,

The other hellhounds, sensing danger, surrounded him, their eyes glowing with fury. But Ramiel remained calm and focused. He knew that he couldn't let his guard down for even a second. He moved with grace and precision, using his martial arts skills to take down one hellhound after another. His dagger moved like an extension of his arm, finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

But the battle was far from over. The hellhounds were relentless, and their numbers seemed to be endless. he was starting to tire, his muscles aching from the constant fighting. Yet, he refused to give up. He had come too far to let these creatures defeat him.

As the last hellhound charged at him, he let out a fierce battle cry and launched himself into the air. With a swift kick, he sent the hound flying into a tree the sounds of its bone breaking were deafening. The remaining hellhounds rushed toward him, however, their simultaneous attack was short-lived as Ramiel quickly resumed his attack with even greater ferocity.

He kept avoiding and parrying the monster's terrible attacks while the struggle dragged on. He would strike the attacker with his free hand while stabbing it to death, combining several Butterfly Twist Kick and Flying Back Kick Whip Kick combos before carrying on with his attack. 

As Ramiel continued his relentless assault, the remaining hellhounds grew increasingly desperate. Their attempts to overpower him were futile as he skillfully dodged and countered their every move. With each strike, he aimed for their weak spots, delivering fatal blows with precision. The battle seemed never-ending, but Ramiel's determination remained unwavering as he fought on, determined to defeat every last hellhound in his path. 

He was covered in blood from the hellhound, and from his own, he was still unable to elude all the beast attacks. But it was not fatal; his 16-inch dagger was worn out nearing its limit, and his thermal goggles battery was at 40 percent capacity. When a 10-foot chimera suddenly appeared in the darkness and attacked him with its claws, Ramiel was able to protect his body from the strike using his dagger but at the same time shattered it into many pieces.

The collision was too great, causing him to fly backward, smash into the ground, and roll until he struck a tree. Ramiel understood swiftly, as he scrambled to his feet, that he was now vulnerable to the chimera's counterattack. He groped feverishly for something on the ground, running out of time.

He grabbed what he felt was an obsidian rock, hoping it would serve as a makeshift weapon against the chimera. With the rock in hand, Ramiel braced himself for the imminent counterattack, determined to defend himself and overcome this formidable opponent. and used it to bash the chimaera in the right eyeballs while using his quickness and acrobatic skills to evade its assaults.

With all of his muscle power, he would leap and dodge, sidestep, and sprint as fast as he could while striking the same spot on the lion's head. He would also use his armguard to protect himself from the chimera snake's intended bite.

With a thunderous cry of anguish, the chimera lost its equilibrium for a minute, allowing Ramiel to attack again. Seizing the moment, he seized the beast's mane, climbed up on top of it, and, still holding the rock, struck it repeatedly in the forehead as hard and forcefully as his arm could manage. With each stroke, the chimera's strength decreased. As the chimera weakened, 

He could feel victory within his grasp and pushed himself to strike even harder, channeling all his remaining energy into each blow. With every hit, the beast's resistance waned, hid relentless assault eventually wore down the creature, until it finally collapsed to the ground, defeated. With a triumphant roar of his own, Ramiel stood victorious over the vanquished chimera, knowing that his agility and quick thinking had saved him once again. Ramiel's relentless assault caused the chimera's skull to crack open, revealing a stream of dark, viscous blood flowing from its head


The vanquished beast lay inert, its once-dangerous roar reduced to a weak moan. He was well aware that the chimera would always hunt in pairs, as soon as he recognized how little his victory would last. He swallowed painkillers fast because the pain from his wounds and actions was compounding. When another chimera approached within range of its deceased buddy, the monster's thoughts were filled with rage.

He was certain that the second chimera would surely seek retribution for its deceased friend, so he had to get ready for the combat that was about to occur. With the intention of using the deceased chimera's fangs as a weapon against the impending threat, Ramiel grabbed hold of them with his enormous, powerful fangs and forced them out of the creature's mouth.

With each passing moment, his anticipation grew, knowing that his next move would determine whether he would emerge victorious once again or fall victim to the vengeful chimera. He was nearing his own physical limit, but he had no choice but to push through the pain and exhaustion. The fate of his life and the safety of those around him depended on his ability to defeat the chimera.

When somebody ran quickly passed his left side, and lunged toward the beast and stabs it on its neck, Ramiel was filled with a mix of surprise. The unexpected intervention from someone gave him a momentary advantage, allowing him to catch his breath and reassess his strategy. The person that stabbed the Chimera flew upward leaving the dagger still inserted in its neck, it was hurt but still standing. Ramiel seized the opportunity and swiftly maneuvered to retrieve the dagger, realizing the weapon was able to puncture its artery,

Ramiel dashed toward the creature and gave it a hammer fist strike on its left face and plunge the fangs into its cheek, and left it there, and as his feet touched the ground Ramiel gave a focus hooked punch on the right face and he lower his stance and gave a palm strike where the dagger was located, the force of his strikes caused the Chimera to stumble backwards, blood gushing from its wounds as the dagger opened the wound, Ramiel quickly followed up with a series of precise rapid kicks and combination punches, aiming to kill it , ,while The other person who helped him was recovering from throw and the fall , she saw Ramiel was brutally attacking the beast until it succumbed to death,

Amahle Zadzisai suffered a broken arm and a minor fractured of her lower rip cage, she walked toward Ramiel covered in the Chimera's blood, Ramiel turned around and finally saw who it was, he was about to get mad recognizing her facial structure from the thermal imaging goggles, after risking her life to help him, but her concerned expression softened his anger. He realized that she was just trying to help and that her actions were driven by genuine care and concern for his well-being. Ramiel's initial anger quickly transformed into gratitude.

But they were still in trouble, the screams were slowly dying down, Were all the students dead or they were able to run or hide to safety? Ramiel's heart raced as he glanced around, searching for any signs of life. He couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over him, fearing the worst. However, he knew they had to stay calm and think of a plan to ensure their survival.

Amahle Zadzisai. Was about to say something when Ramiel covered her mouth and pointed at her left side, a few meters away a horde of goblins were following the tracks of the hellhounds, Ramiel crouched down and pulled Amahle Zadzisai. Down with him, he placed his mouth near her ear, Amahle blushes but this was not the right time, he instructed her to go back to the other students move from their hiding place run toward the sounds of a river, and try to navigate alongside its banks in the other direction of the water flow.

Ramiel continued to whisper to Amahle,

 "Stay hidden until you reach a certain part of the river where you can hear insects humming. this means the place is safe,"

" Make sure to stay submerged in the water as much as possible to mask your presence."

Amahle Zadzisai nodded but before leaving she gave Ramiel another medicine kit and left the dagger with him, she never questioned him nor acted out of fear or worse ego. She trusted Ramiel's guidance and knew he had her best interests at heart. With a final reassuring smile, Amahle disappeared into the dense foliage, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

The fact that Amahle was different from those who were more of a nuisance than a true helper pleased him. He had come across a number of people who were too careless to the point where they were not genuinely helpful because they were not using common sense. 

Joining her and returning to the other students would leave scent traces and their actions would be rendered useless, so the only sensible way to keep his plan working would be to give them enough time, him to eliminate the goblins who were, fortunately, using illuminating crystals, his thermal imaging gear was at 12 per cent, slightly seeing the target in the dark was a blessing, the hunters will now become his prey,

he took his time and just waited silently, his body was wounded but it was tolerable, the cuts on his arm were superficial and the suit he was wearing was doing its job perfectly, without it, he could already have lost his arm, or worse his life,

he climbed up a tree that was in the opposite direction of the wind and positioned himself high above the ground, ensuring that his scent would not be carried towards the hunters. From his vantage point, he had a clear view of the surrounding area, ready to strike when the perfect opportunity presented itself.

Ramiel knew one of those savage 3-foot child-sized monsters would have a decent weapon on them, and he needed to eliminate them quickly before they could cause any harm. As he cautiously moved towards the goblins, Ramiel strategized how to take them down without alerting the rest of their kind. He was still covered with blood from the hellhound and the Chimera, he knew these monsters, even if they came from different races, he knew they would never join forces with each type of creature as they were all natural enemies among each other, it only meant that are all under the control of a single leader, it might be the lich,

Because the stench of rotting flesh was overwhelming, a sign an elder lich is leading this horde The hunter knew that defeating these monsters would require careful planning and stealth. He suspected that there was a single leader, possibly an elder lich, orchestrating the horde's actions. The overwhelming stench of rotting flesh only reinforced his suspicions.

Ramiel used his tactical rope bracelet tied it securely at the pommel and gave it a firm tug to ensure it was secure. With his weapon at the ready now he can throw it and retrieve it by pulling the rope tied to it and quickly get it back. 

This would give him an advantage in the upcoming battle, allowing him to strike from a distance and maintain his stealth. He took a deep breath, preparing himself mentally for the fight ahead, knowing that his success depended on his ability to outsmart and outmaneuver the elder lich and its horde.

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