Chapter 189: The Mimicry Spell
The empty spots in the forest clearance team were filled with people Tristan personally selected, who neither rejected the assignment nor showed any enthusiasm for it. These were the adults Damian could understand—unlike the younger ones around him, whose reckless actions were starting to give him a headache.
With the meeting concluded, Damian, Mira, Royce, and Sam headed toward the dining area. They would meet again after lunch, this time just the forest clearance team, to discuss the plan in detail and determine which strategies would be viable based on the people involved.
Damian sat down at the dining bench with the three captains and Sam. Though the area was large, Einar and Yovan soon found them and joined their side. The cousins were on guard duty again. Valoris likely hadn't given them the two any new duties since they had just arrived and were still unfamiliar with things.
"A captain at 11 years old... That breaks any known record for the youngest captain in the army, by far," Royce commented, eating his food.
"And recommended by the commander herself, no less," Mira added.
"I'm sorry for asking so bluntly, but I just can't understand it... What the hell happened? Last time I left, you were in chains and sentenced to be punished," Valoris said, his face a mix of confusion and amusement.
"Nothing much. I just helped out—same as I've been doing these past two days, And they understood how adorable I was.." Damian replied calmly.
"Yeah, in just two days, we killed more Ashenvale soldiers at the perimeter than in the last two months combined," Mira chimed in, supporting Damian's statement.
"Wait a second! Did I hear that right? Captain... who?" Yovan exclaimed, eyes wide. Einar, sitting beside him, stared at Damian in equal shock, his mouth wide open.
"Right?! They even gave him a sword as a gift and everything," Sam complained, rolling his eyes.
"You accepted the offer?" Einar asked, his eyes widening even more.
"Yes," Damian answered, meeting Einar's gaze.
"That means... you're staying? You'll be riding with Lady Vidalia into battle tomorrow?" Yovan asked, sounding a little worried.
"No. We're going to clear a path through the forest," Sam replied in Damian's place, while Damian nodded in agreement.
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Einar and Yovan turned to look at Valoris in perfect sync, staring at him so intensely that he paused with his spoon halfway to his mouth, unable to continue eating.
"Fine, fine. You've earned enough credit to transfer wherever you want—provided the captain agrees," Valoris conceded.
The cousins broke into wide smiles, turning back to Damian.
"There won't be much glory in it, you know. No great loot either. All the lords and knights are with the commander. And let's not forget, we're literally walking into the mouth of a hidden tiger," Damian warned, feeling the need to explain what they were signing up for.
"It's not glory I'm after," Einar said with a smile. "Besides, I have a feeling you'll be facing a lot of enemies on your own."
"Oye! Don't jinx it!" Damian shot back, then looked at Yovan he added.
"There will be no Eldorians with us..," A hint of seriousness in his tone.
Yovan gave a small smile. "You're worth fighting for too, Maximus. Besides, I have a feeling you'll use plenty of interesting spells. How could I miss that..?"
Later that day, Damian and Sam attended a meeting with the 12 captains and vice-captains preparing for the forest clearance operation. As the highest-level and most well-known captain among them, Royce was selected to lead the group. It wasn't an official rank, but something all present had agreed upon. While there were older captains, none were as high-leveled as Royce.
Tristan's plan was simple, they all move as a single entity surrounded by four more units from enough distance for the mages of each unit to be at the edge of each other's mana sensing spell. And they would move in one direction like that, clearing out, leaving no place for Ashenvale soldiers to hide and then move forward continuously.
By staying near they can help each other when ambushed continuously creating a safe path forward.
However, the plan had some flaws. First, the enemy could simply return after the unit moved past. Second, they didn't have enough mages to keep the sensing spells active 24/7. Most of their soldiers were mundanes; only about 50 in each unit were first-rankers, and the number of mages was even fewer. Tristan's plan would have been their only option if Damian weren't present.
But Damian was here, and he had an idea. He had been mulling over it for days but wasn't sure where to begin.
"Does anyone here specialize in mimicking spells?" Damian asked, addressing the room.
"Mimicking spells?" Royce echoed, looking confused.
Damian nodded, his gaze sweeping over the group, silently asking the question to each person.
"You mean the spells that mimic parts of beasts, granting temporary enhancements?" an older mage captain asked.
"Those are pretty ancient and hardly anyone uses them nowadays," added a young female captain with blonde hair.
"I don't specialize in it, and it barely works, but I do know the spell," said another captain, who had been the first to stand up after Damian sat down earlier. Damian had noticed him; he was older—likely in his 40s or 50s—and built like a tank despite being a Spellsword.
"Good. Can you show me?" Damian asked.
The mimicking spell, as its name suggested, mimicked the characteristics of beasts. However, it didn't work on humans and was quite complex to master. It also required the beast to be present in order to copy its traits.
"I have an idea, but it depends on whether or not I can make this work. You all discuss the other details—we'll test this quickly and return," Damian said. Royce nodded, recognizing the need to explore all options. While the others continued planning, Damian focused on one of the most critical issue they were facing: detecting their enemies.