The Road to Martial Arts BOSS

Chapter 1107 Watch

Chapter 1107 Watch

It is better to do more than to say more, hands are always more intuitive than words.

Qing Yu came here to fight the sword god, and the battle will not end just by talking.

Qing Yu didn't say any more, the metal blood vessel was inserted into his arm, and the blood flowed into the magic knife, "If you cut the wind and the moon, no one will be left behind."

The swift and sharp blade light made the sword god raise his eyebrows.

At this moment, he finally became interested in Qing Yu's saber technique, "Break it in two."

The most direct sword fight, the most direct collision of sword energy, the sword that dominates the world, and the sword that is entangled in killing and robbery.

Different knives have the same dominance.The knife is known for its dominance.


In the clear sky, the saber gas collided with lightning sparks.

The two people from one day to the next greeted each other with knives at the same time, and the passing figures left a cross-shaped knife mark in the air.

"Boundless forever."

Qing Yu's figure shuttled through the void, appearing and disappearing from time to time, without leaving any trace, and now it was an earth-shattering blow.

He didn't make unnecessary temptations, but directly pushed the battle to a fierce climax (anti-harmony).

The elusive figure, the ubiquitous saber gesture, cut a gap in the saber gesture of the sword god that radiates all things like the sun, allowing Qing Yu to come and go.

"it is good."

The sword god gave a praise, and swung the saber named "Broken Sword" in his hand. It was ingenious and clumsy. The seemingly simple path of the sword was so impenetrable. No matter where Qing Yu's sword came from, it was as if it was here. The sky-like knife path was frustrated.

The swordsman, with one blade facing outward, cuts all over the world.The sword god has brought the domineering of the sword to the extreme, cutting the world with one sword, and has always been offensive but defenseless.

But today, the sword god showed a defensive posture that is not weaker than the attack, can release and retract the sword posture, and defends all Qingyu's attacks.

This can be regarded as a disguised proof of Qing Yu's strength, and it can make the sword god who has always cut the world with a single sword go on the defensive, which shows that the sword god is vigilant about Qing Yu's strength.

However, defense has never been the style of Dao Shen.The blade moved lightly, a small change, but it brought extremely murderous intent.

God of Swords, it's time to attack.

"Slash the world with a knife."

The blade went straight into the void, clashed with the doomsday myth, intertwined and swirled, the raging blade energy cut through the space, and at the same time, forced Qing Yu to appear.

'Sharp perception, or knife sense. '

This thought flashed in Qing Yu's mind, the myth of doomsday circled around him, and the wind suddenly rose, "Let the wind of the sky cover the moon."

The martial arts of Yin Yin and Zhu Wu actually have deep traces of the moves of the gods, just like the six-point essence of the haze of the gods when the sky is covered by the wind and the moon is bright.

And in the hands of Qing Yu, who has practiced the move of a god, this saber technique has been completely enhanced.

The sky wind sweeps, connects the sky and the earth, attracts the sky clouds to swirl and turbulence, and sucks the sea water to swirl into a vortex.Amidst the violent whirling sound, even the saber energy was torn apart by the wind.

But the sword god is never someone who gives in easily.Since he has already started to attack, he must be overbearing to the end.

"Break the world."

The earth-shattering sword light slashed down in an instant, the sound of the wind and the sword light colliding could be heard endlessly, and lightning bolts appeared at the place where the two collided, making the situation turbulent.

"The heaven and earth Xunfeng."

In the midst of the hurricane, Qing Yu urged the ten directions to destroy the divine energy, summon the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and resorted to the move of natural disasters, "The wind breaks the ground."

The wind was getting tighter, and the sky was no longer the same color as before, but dark clouds continued to rise.

Shocking thunder, raging winds, a gloomy situation between the sky and the earth, a doomsday-like scene descended on this sea area.

In the midst of natural disasters, the God of Swords fought forward with a knife, the wind knife cut his body, and the lightning struck him, but he couldn't hurt him at all. He opened the way with the knife, broke into the hurricane brutally, and confronted the Taoists inside.


The doomsday myth separated the broken sword, and the scarlet blade scraped against the broken sword, making an ear-piercing rubbing sound.

The God of the Sword's movement of the sword rebounded, and the two swords met head-on again, and the strength of the sword rose violently.


Scarlet and blazing white, two blade lights pierced the hurricane, and as Qing Yu and the sword god wrestled with each other, they cut the hurricane in half obliquely.

Sweeping, chopping, poking, cutting, sweeping, smashing, chopping, and thrusting, Zhijian's knife style exerted the most extreme power in the hands of the two.

Qing Yu and Dao Shen Dao kept coming and going, from top to bottom, they fell straight on the island reef that looked like a dragon. At the same time, it also divides the sea level.

"Severe world with one blow."

The sword god held up the broken sword and slashed it down. The edge of the blade drew a pitch-black fan shape, and the space was also wiped out under the sharpness of the blade.

With one knife, the doomsday myth with Qing Yu lying in front of his head was cut, and the unstoppable strength of the knife made Qing Yu plow two deep marks all the way on the island and reef, and hit the dragon's raised head straight.


The dragon's head collapsed in an instant, and the saber energy overflowed from the ruins, cutting the rocks and the sea water below into mist.


The sword god followed closely behind, and the tip of the knife drew a long trajectory on the ground. After his figure passed by, the ground was divided into two parts.

The stone mist and water mist could not affect the sight of Dao Shen, and he could clearly perceive the existence of his opponent.


"Qing Yu's strength is definitely not inferior to anyone in the current world. And compared to seniors such as Dao Shen, Qing Yu's strength should still have room for improvement."

On the sea a hundred miles away, two figures stepped on the waves, watching the world-shattering battle from afar.

"But this is also an opportunity, an opportunity to see the details of the two."

A deep voice came from a ball of bright yellow light above his head, with unworldly majesty, judging the strength of the two, "Qing Yu and Dao Shen are both people who will go their own way to promote the catastrophe. The enemy. The more details you know about these two people, the greater your chances of victory in the future."


Another voice came out of the ball of light, "Judging from the current confrontation between the two, these two are worthy of the name of the pinnacle Xeon, their skills are perfect, and the changes in their moves can't actually provide obvious weaknesses. "

"Water accumulates into a puddle, gathers armpits into fur, even a slight change may affect the final outcome. Although Gu and others have the Xing Lie clan's fighting body, they cannot underestimate these future generations."

"Yes, such a strong man is an undisputed strong man even in the period when Gu waited. Even when Gu was in his prime, he was not an opponent of either of them."

One voice after another rotates, but what remains unchanged is the emphasis on the two.

"Huh?" The Fifth Emperor's fierce voice said suddenly, "Besides us, there are other people."

"Looking at this Qi mechanism, it's a bit like the Taishang's Qi mechanism." Nine generations of emperors said.

The Nine Emperors are one, Li Sha can sense it, and other human emperors can also sense it.In terms of perception ability, the Human Sovereigns who originated from the human will can be said to be the best in the world. Qingyu's backstab was stopped by the Human Sovereigns.

"There is a hint of inexplicable air, it seems..." Eight generations of human emperor hesitated.

"It's the way of heaven," said the fourth generation of human emperors, "when Gu was integrated into the will of humanity, the first generation of human emperors had not yet fallen asleep, and Gu felt the breath of heaven from him.

It seems that this master master leaned towards the way of heaven. "

"It seems that this master master wants to be the one who breaks the catastrophe." Li Sha said in a deep voice.

In his words, there was endless killing intent, obviously he had a strong killing intent towards this master.

The emperors did not want the catastrophe to be completely set off, because that would mean the loss of life and the disaster of the common people.In order to achieve his goal, the Supreme Master must first reach the final stage of the catastrophe. This is undoubtedly against the will of the emperors.

"If it wasn't for the fact that Xing Lie's fighting spirit hadn't ceased, and the sixth generation hadn't completed its remodeling, today the grand master would have to die on the spot." The fourth generation emperor said coldly.

"There will be a chance."

These Human Sovereigns suddenly quieted down, quietly watching the battle between Qing Yu and Sword God.

There is no way, I don't have the strength now, and it's useless to just play tricks. I'd better wait until the future to fully integrate the Xing Lie clan's combat body, and then let all the Nine Emperors wake up, and then concoct this super uploader.

At the same time, the Taishang Daoist was obviously aware of the existence of Renhuang, Mu Cangsheng and others, and his aura became more and more hidden, even the Renhuang could not detect it.

'Qing Yu's aura is a little weaker than last time, it seems that he has been vigilant around. '

In the sea, a cloud of invisible air is attached to the waves, drifting with the waves, but staying within three inches.This is the form of the Taishang Daoist at this time. He disperses his body with the magical power of dispersing and forming qi, and only survives with qi.Coupled with the cover of the power of heaven, it can be said that basically no one can detect it.

Moreover, compared to the observations of the emperors who gained very little, the Taoist Master Taishang has gained a lot from studying the method of Taishang Wubai.

'Inexplicable sense of voyeurism...'

The Taishang Daoist suddenly seemed to feel something, and his breath gradually disappeared until it disappeared completely, and he became one with the heaven and the earth.

In the Imperial City of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, in the newly completed Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Father, Father, what was that shadow just now? Why did it disappear?"

Feng Xi pulled Qing Yu's sleeve, and Bai Shengsheng asked while pointing at the mirror hanging in the air.

In the sky of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, hangs a strange mirror with an amber crystal frame as the frame and a mirror surface like water, which is showing the scene of the North Sea.

Zhou Huang and Feng Xi, as well as the gods on the left and right sides, observed the surrounding scene of Bei Hailong's head raised through this mirror.

Relying on the sense of disregarding space between Qingyu's three souls, at this time Qingyu's three souls have been sweeping around Beihai, taking everything into their eyes.

"That, it's a shameful water mouse." Zhou Huang answered the little princess's question with a smile.

"Father is lying, you are looking for that shadow on purpose, you are a water mouse!" Feng Xi wrinkled her little nose, dissatisfied and authentic.

Although this little guy is young, his mind is precocious, if he deceives a child, he can't fool her.

"Father didn't lie to you." Zhou Huang rubbed Feng Xi's little head, smiling all over his face, "To Father, he is just a shameless water mouse."

Hiding in the dark and not daring to see the light, isn't that a shame?Too high Taoist.

(End of this chapter)

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