The Road to Martial Arts BOSS

Chapter 1102 The Misfortune of the Demon Realm

Chapter 1102 The Misfortune of the Demon Realm
"Ding, the host has obtained the magic energy of Yuanshi, "Who is the devil in the devil" has been completed 3/6, and the magic way will be rewarded once in a phased exclusive draw. "

The mechanical sound of the system rang in my ears.

"Huh? Is the half way of primordial magic energy considered complete?" Qing Yu looked at the magic energy in his hand thoughtfully.

Because the Sword God cut the Hu halfway, half of Yuanshi's magic energy was obtained. Qing Yu originally thought that this time it was a waste of effort, but he didn't expect half of the magic energy to count.

"It's also possible that the nature of the devil energy is not damaged." Qing Yu speculated.

There is only one real Heavenly Demon in the world today, and that is the Sword God of Myriad Tribulations Heavenly Demon.For the rest of the heavenly demons, only the demon energy remains in the world.

In terms of power, these remaining demonic energy are not of much benefit to the strongest. Only the inheritance left in the magical energy has the greatest value.

"System, use the magic way exclusive lottery draw." Qing Yu said.

"Exclusive lottery draw for Magic Dao, the draw is in progress..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a five-star and a half item Emperor's Hate."

At the end of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, King Zhou of Shang was defeated and the court song was broken, so he set himself on fire in Lutai.

Before he died, he felt boundless hatred and cursed the injustice of heaven and the world's unintentional, which attracted 29 emperors and heroic spirits in the Yin and Shang ancestral tombs to resonate with him, turned into fire souls, broke out of the tomb, flew to Lutai and threw himself into King Zhou In the flames of self-immolation.

Thirty generations of emperors' hatred intertwined with the Heavenly Demon Orb, melting King Zhou's crown armor and saber, using the magic beads as the source of evil power, and using the scales of King Zhou's crown and armor as handles, the resentment hearts of the thirty emperors were forged Become thirty sharp blades, and eventually become the hatred of the Heavenly Demon Soldier Emperor.

"Emperor hates the magic sword," Qing Yu took out the demon weapon, "the right hand of the ancestor demon..."

The ten celestial demon beads are all transformed by the essence of the body part of the ancestor celestial demon.Qing Yu had obtained the magic beads transformed into the left hand, left foot, right foot, double horns, and the ear of the Heavenly Demon before, and now the Emperor Hate Demon Saber is formed from the magic beads formed from the essence of the right hand.

"That's it, become a part of me."

The source of rebellious magic condensed into a dark cyclone and enveloped the emperor's hatred, and the invisible force made the emperor's hatred creak, and the scarlet red blade continued to make a sound that did not dare to bear it.

"I hate!"

"Hate hate hate..."

The fire souls of the thirty emperors in the emperor's hatred were stimulated and emerged from the blade, emitting a whirlwind of hatred and burning darkness.


One of the fire souls clings to the edge of the cyclone, shouting loudly: "The law of heaven is not fair!"

Obviously, these emperor souls were unwilling to disappear and turned into Qing Yu's merits, and they still wanted to make a final resistance.


"The way of heaven will not care about the rise and fall of your dynasty." Qingyu exerted his strength, rebelling against the source of magic like the source of the devil, swallowing all things, and crushing the emperor's hate magic knife.

If good and evil are rewarded, there must be selfishness in the universe.Qing Yu didn't know what King Zhou's world was like. Anyway, in his world, the way of heaven was a rigid procedure.

The reason why he was on the blacklist of Tiandao was not because of his repeated killings, but because Jiutian and his party wanted to break through the blockade of Tiandao and go against the sky.

If it weren't for this matter, with Qing Yu's heavenly heart, maybe he could still compete with the Taishang Daoist for the position of spokesperson for the Dao of Heaven.

So, the way of heaven is neither good nor evil, and the rise and fall of dynasties in the world has nothing to do with him?


The magic knife turned into a ball of flames, and the last light bloomed, allowing Qing Yu to appreciate the last afterglow of the Yin and Shang emperors.

Then, they were swallowed.

A fiery air flow rushed into the right hand, fused with the flesh and blood, further strengthening the strength of the holy demon embryo, and also made Qingyu's strength a little more refined.

"The sixth demon soldier, the holy demon is further balanced, and it is short of the other four demon soldiers." Qing Yu said, shaking his right hand, feeling the situation in his lower body.

The sky crystal is holy, the magic bead is the devil, Qing Yu has already absorbed the nine pillars of sky crystal, and the holy energy is already suppressing the devil.

The current balance of the holy and demon is forced by Qingyu with the destruction of all directions and the rebellion of the magic source, and it takes a lot of effort to maintain it.This is also the reason why Qing Yu knew that the Heavenly Demon Bead was formed by Yuanzu's Heavenly Demon essence, but he refused to absorb it all the time.

Originally, he planned to gather all the heavenly demon soldiers to absorb them together, but because of the cultivation of rebelling against the magic source and the pressure of the Dao ancestor, he absorbed it in advance and forcibly balanced it.

However, if it wasn't for this, it would be impossible for him to greatly increase his skill, to use divine moves, and to have an invincible posture in one fell swoop.

"The next step is the Heavenly Demon Palace."

Qing Yu inhaled Yuanshi's demonic energy into his body, assimilated it with the source of rebellious demons, and looked directly at Hongzhou, where the demonic realm was that day.

Since practicing against the magic source, Qing Yu doesn't need to worry about the conflict of the heavenly demon energy, anyway, it will be attributed to the assimilation of the magic source, and there is no chance of conflict.

Xuanyin Jiansu and Xiao Qiye flew from afar, landed behind Qingyu, saluted and said: "I have seen Daojun."

After saluting, Xuanyin Jiansu said: "Mr. Dao, there is a big battle in Xuanzhou in the south. It may be that some powerful people attacked the capital of Hougan and fought against Emperor Shengde."

"Well, I sensed the aura of the "Scroll of Heaven" and "Scroll of Earth", it seems that Dagan took advantage of the civil turmoil in the Northern Zhou Dynasty to soften the persimmons. "Qing Yu nodded and said.

For the current Dagan, Hougan is a soft persimmon, and it is only because Bei Zhou does not want to lose the shield of Hougan that he has always supported the existence of Hougan.

Now that there is chaos in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and there is no time to take care of themselves, if Dagan doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to take over and do it later, Mu Cangsheng and other decision makers would be too stupid.

"Mr. Dao, what should we do?" Xuanyin Jiansu asked.

It is a foregone conclusion to destroy the country later, and it is irreversible. The sphere of influence of Dagan will further expand, and it will soon become a reality.

But you can't let the big work grow bigger, because Qingyu knows that letting go at this time will lead to the accelerated recovery of the Human Sovereign.


"Jiansu, you and Qiye will return to help Emperor Zhou quell the civil strife."

Qing Yu's figure slowly turned from reality to emptiness, "I went to suppress the Heavenly Demon Palace, and took Hongzhou by the way."

Lianjia, the head of Hongzhou's aristocratic family, can also be regarded as one of Qingyu's subordinate forces. With this local snake and Qingyu's cross-river dragon, it is not a problem to win Hongzhou.

"Yes, Lord Dao."

After the two saluted, Qing Yu's figure completely disappeared.

Heavenly Demon Territory.

In the solemn and majestic Heavenly Demon Palace, the light of the magic circle was lit up, and several figures fought fiercely in the formation, and the aftermath of the battle shook the palace guard circle.

"Lan Cang, the Heavenly Demon Realm has been sealed off, and you traitors have nowhere to escape."

Corpse air swirled like a vortex, the gray-haired, blue-eyed old man folded his palms together, and his handprints transformed into ghostly shadows, "The heavenly corpse breaks into pieces."

"The Yin Immortal is urgent."

Lan Cang also raised his palm, and the gray-white energy evolved into a huge palm print, and the artistic conception of neither life nor death circulated on it, meeting the blow of the phantom.

The confrontation was very intense.Phantoms are flying around, like demons and ghosts, and the palm prints are neither alive nor dead, showing a strange atmosphere.

But when the figures of the two were misplaced, they struck the same palm, causing both of them to suffer a lot.

"Ahem," Lan Cang said, wiping the dark blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, "I didn't expect that you, an old ghost, would have such a powerful strength even if you became indestructible."

The master of Zunmo Palace led people to the Northern Zhou Dynasty to assist the Taoist sect in the rebellion. At this time, the strongest person in Tianmo Palace is the old ghost in front of him.

He is also a member of the Temple of the Corpse Yin, and also has no bones, but unlike Su Chengyu and other outsiders who have achieved no bones, this person was transformed by a dying member of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Before he became a boneless bone, he was the uncle of the demon king and the former master of the hall of the demon king.

"Hand over the secret treasures such as the Dark Demon Armor, and the old man will ask the Demon Venerable to leave you a whole body." The old monster Xuecheng, the former master of the Demon Palace, secretly put his injured arm under his sleeve and warned coldly.

Lan Cang has been studying the art of refining corpses for many years, and his achievements are not small.The old monster in Syracuse has always been ruthless, but at this time it is rare to show a little kindness, not because of sincerity, but because he consciously took Lan Cang, and the loss was too great.

"Mozun, hum," Lan Cang snorted and laughed, "Are you still thinking about Mozun?"

"You can't feel the transformation of the Heavenly Demon Palace, but we outsiders can feel it just now. The rope tied around our necks is gone."

"It's impossible," the old monster of Xuecheng retorted without hesitation, "the Yuanmo heart crystal is in the demon's personal space, and unless the demon is willing, outsiders cannot take out the Yuanmo's heart crystal. It is absolutely impossible for the demon to unlock it." Prohibited."

"Of course the Demon Lord will not undo the restriction by himself, but what if the space with him is broken? Was the Yuanmo Heart Crystal crushed by the space vortex?"

Lan Cang's words made the face of the old monster in Syracuse darken, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Of course, it is impossible for the Demon Lord to undo the restriction, but if the Yuan Mo's heart crystal is destroyed, the restriction will be released by itself.The portable space is shattered, and the space vortex produced by it can't help the Xeon, but it is still possible to destroy an item left by the Xeon.

That is to say...
"Demon Lord—" Lan Cang shouted loudly, and his voice spread everywhere, "He's dead!"

"Mozun, dead!"

The four bones that were still alive also shouted in unison, and the voice echoed throughout the Heavenly Demon Realm, causing many people to stop subconsciously.

"You're talking nonsense, kill me!" the old monster in Xuecheng yelled, "Kill these traitors!"

Regardless of whether the Demon Lord is dead or not, now is not the time to worry about these things. The most urgent thing is to kill Lan Cang and other traitors, and then discuss other things afterwards.

"What's the use of deceiving yourself?"

Lan Cang relied on the Dark Demon Armor to defend himself against the attack of the old monster in Syracuse, while moving closer to the other immortals, "Today, not only the Demon Lord will die, but the Heavenly Demon Palace will also become history."


"he came."

As soon as the words fell, a piercing voice came from mid-air, "Crunch——"

The murderous old monster of Xuecheng shuddered in his heart, and a sense of ominousness surged in his heart like a spring, and he immediately turned his head to look at the source of the voice.

Then, he saw the ominous source, saw the shattering of the sky.

The dark red sky in the Heavenly Demon Realm was cracked with black marks, and ugly traces like spider webs spread in the sky.


The sound of a mirror shattering sounded, and the gap as deep as a black hole was expanding.

(End of this chapter)

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