The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

22: Let’s try going to the elves

"Seriously, lady Yurishia, can't you hold back a bit? Cleaning that room after you have your fun times is a real chore."


"Sorry, Nelia. I got carried away."


After my fun time with Bessie, Nelia scolded me a bit. To be honest, I understand what she feels. I wouldn't wanna clean after that either. She may be my slave, but so far she has proven very useful, so I don't have to be a complete jerk.


"Anyway, you spent quite a lot of money. Wouldn't it have been better to get more slaves?"


"All of them were no good. Their spirit was completely broken. They had no fight left in them so besides Bessie, they are all useless to me."


"This is a predicament then. Were shall we head next?"


"I already know where to go. We are close to the elven shores. So let's head there."


"Umm… lady Yurishia, I don't know if that's such a good idea. Elves don't take so kindly to the idea of slaves."


"I'm not asking for your opinion. This is an order. Take this ship there."


"Okay okay… you don't need to force the contract on me. But do you have a plan?"


"I might be able to talk this out with an old acquaintance. Elves have such a long life span so I'm sure I can still find her."


"Her? Who are you talking about?"


"You'll see once we get there."


So, as instructed, we headed towards the land of Elvenheim. The land of the elves. 




Elves were creatures that lived in harmony with nature. They respect all forms of life and worship mana, the source of all life. I once visited their kingdom, so technically I could simply teleport there, but that would cause too much commotion. So we ended up walking through the great Duskwood Forest.


The forest was endless, bright, and ancient. Its canopy was reigned by sequoia, apple trees, and syndraya, a tree species found only in this world. A small beam of light that made its way through the canopy allowed for a motley of saplings to grow in the green grass on the earth.


Silent critters dangled from many trees, and the variety of flowers, which were found in the most quiet places, added playful elements to the otherwise brown and green landscape.

A variety of animal noises, most of which were birds, echoed in the air, and formed a chaotic orchestra with the rustling of the leaves and branches of the tree tops in the wind.


"Aneue, this place looks so vast and peaceful."


"True. Nature if undisturbed can be a splendid sight."


But we aren't here for sightseeing. 


*Sniff… sniff*


"Hmm? What's wrong Bessie?"


"I smell… smoke!"


Demi-humans have sharper senses than most. But it's weird. Smoke in this forest shouldn't be normal. So we ended up following Bessie's nose. And what we saw felt like a horror movie.




"Stay away…"




A bunch of elves were being killed and thrown into the air like ragdolls. Small fires were spread across the ground around it. What the hell is that thig? It looks like a salamader, but it has no eyes at all. Spikes on it's shoulders and a muddy skin color. Not to mention it's as big as a truck.


"No way… that's an A class threat dimensional monster!"


A class, huh? Well it's definitely stronger than the one we fought in the cave. 


"What do you want to do, lady Yurishia?"


These guys are just toys for that beast. It was fast. Their arrows can't pierce it's skin. Their swords and daggers are high quality and could actually cut it, but they lack the strength to push the blade deep enough. What to do? I have no obligation to save these guys. It might be dangerous to step in. Normally my Ruin Eyes are able to discern a foe's strength, but I can't get any reading from these monsters.


Then again we are close to the capital. If I save them, maybe I can get a word with their ruler. Eh. I hate going out of my way, but no matter what obstacle arrises, as long as I reach my end goal, I will crush it. Let's save these losers then.


"Fine. I'll draw it's attention. You guys fish the survivors. This is an order: whatever you do, don't engage that thing. I'm probably the only one that can handle it."




First I need to get it to target me. Let's see how tough it really is. I jumped from behind the trees. I extended both my hands. 


"[Dark Lightning]!"


Violent electric sparks flew from my hands and assaulted the monster. 




It let out some kind of shriek, but it wasn't injured. The monster in the cave seemed capable of some form of speech, but this thing is just roaring. Nevertheless at least I got it's attention. It was charging towards me now.


I extended my hands to stop it's charge. When his face collided with my hands a powerful shockwave was formed and the ground under my feet cracked.


"Kuh… tough."


I stopped his charge for a few seconds, but then it started pushing me back. Crap! I know I only have half my power… but this thing is actually overwhelming me. As it started to push me a trail of earth started forming from my feet that were planted in the ground. Not good. I had no choice but to jump out of it's way.




"You fool!"


By shouting towards me the monster just switched targets to her. It's sharp claws were quickly aimed at Sylvia. This bad! She'll get killed.




I drastically increased my speed and took the impact in her place. The claws pierced through my flesh. Fresh blood scattered. 


"Lady Yurishia!"


"This what happens when you don't follow my orders. Now get out of the way and let me work! A… fight that puts my life on the line… it's been a while since I experienced something like this!!"


I say this but it won't be easy. Using heavy firepower spells isn't recommended. I'll just end up burning the forest. And the elves won't forgive me for that, regardless of the reason. Darn it. I really don't want to use that move, but it seems I got no choice.


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