The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

127: Draw?

"May I have your attention. The score is now 3-3. That means that the final match will decide the outcome of this tournament! From lady Yurishia's side, we have miss Nelia. And from the demi-human side, we have the mighty Ethan!"


Ethan was a humanoid bear demi-human wielding a large dual sided axe. I can't assess him well, but Nelia should be able to handle him. The one who wins this round wins everything. The surrounding air was filled with keen tension at once. Mutually watching each others slightest movements they even forgot to blink.


"Let the 7th match… Start!!!"


As soon as the signal for the start was given, Nelia slammed her hands onto the ground.


"[Earth Dasher]!"


Along with tremendous earth-shaking, a crack in the ground was advancing upon Ethan. And as the fissure spread wider and wider, it got mixed with blasts of stones and lumps of dirt from within that attacked him as well.


"Ugh… a sneak attack right off the bat? Don't think I'll just stand still."


Ethan put strength into his legs and jumped sideways to avoid the attack. Despite his bulky and muscular bear form, his speed was decent enough to avoid attacks like this.


"I was counting on that. [Trident Spear]!!"


Several pitch black tridents were born in Nelia’s surroundings. And thus the formation of spears rushed forward to attack the enemy.


"You think to little of me. Haaaa!!!"


Ethan swung his large axe one handed like a giant raging twister. All the spears that Nelia fired was skilfully intercepted and destroyed.


"Kuku. At least I managed to weaken you."


"What are you…!?"


Ethan took a look at his axe. A black colour steadily spread along his weapon. He immediately tossed it before the black color reached the hilt as he felt danger from it. He stared at the axe falling to the ground.


“Hmm, it would have been better if you hadn’t dropped your weapon.”


Nelia clicked his tongue while still floating in the air.


“……What did you do?”


“Kukuku, my Trident Spear is not any normal dark magic. Everything it touches turns black.”


“Tuns black……you say?”


“My dark magic incapacitates anything it touches. Your weapon, whatever power it had, is now gone……”


“Oh my! What a troublesome magic. So in other words, my axe is no longer usable after getting swallowed by the darkness?”


“No, you can use it. It is just that if those without the proper qualifications touches it, they will be eroded by darkness. Your body will get covered and until I remove the spell, you'll be no different than a statue.”


While saying that, Nelia got closer and lifted the big axe.


“Mu……you really have great physical ability to keep swinging this heavy thing around.”


She threw it back on the ground as if he lost interest in it.


“Well then, I wonder how you intend to stop my magic now that you’ve lost your axe.”


However, Nelia was partially bluffing. Trident Spear is a powerful and complex spell she learned from Yurishia. It drains a substantial amount of mana, so one can't use it indefinitely. Technically speaking, Nelia can only use this particular spell 4 times. Any more than that and the spell could either backfire or cause her mana intoxication.


But right now, Nelia saw an opening, so she jumped high into the sky and once again fired the Trident Spear.


Right now, Ethan doesn’t have a weapon to block the attack with. In that case, he would be forced to evade the attacks if he wanted to avoid being eroded like his axe.


"Like I said before, you are underestimating me!"


Ethan quickly drew a hilt with no blade attached to it, concentrating his power in it. Thereupon water focused on the sword after being born out of the air. A water blade was formed. Ethan directly scythed the sword down as if wanting to split the ground.


"[Water Faaaaaang]!"


 An edge of water was emitted from the blade, hitting the group of spears. And the instant it touched them, Water Fang brushed the tridents away easily.


Fuu. So it's not going to be that easy after all. Since demi-humans aren't good at magic, he's using an enchanted weapon to compensate for that.


"My turn. Eat this!"


Ethan held his hilt forward, and a powerful jet of water fired at high speed towards Nelia. It had the pressure of modern water cutter jet and completely pierced Nelia's abdomen.


"Hmm!? That is…"


Ethan was surprised because no blood came out of Nelia. Instead, her entire body became white and fell on the ground. It was a fake body created from Nelia's threads.


"You deceived me well."


"Looks like I can't full around anymore. So… I'm just gonna end it here with all my might!!"


"Oh, Darkness that dwells in the Abyss of the Beginning,  I summon thy fragment of power upon me…"


"Wha!? Not good! I won't let you!!"


"Pierce hiiiim!!!!"


Ethan rushed towards Nelia. The magic attack that Nelia prepared… she had no choice but to fire it at point blank.






 Both of them mutually put all their effort into breaking the other one’s spirit.




 A tremendous explosion emitted from the the impact.


Those who were watching the duel from the surroundings also felt the explosion’s might and were at a loss of words. Even though the force of Nelia's spell would normally destroy her opponent on contact, Ethan tried breaking through it. But the generated explosion blew away both contestants.


When the smoke clears, both Nelia and Ethan were lying unconscious on the ground. Vanis immediately leaped down and checked both of them.


"Ladies and gentlemen, fear not. They both are alive. However both sustained large injuries and neither one is able to continue. There can only be one verdict here.


The 7th match… ends in a draw!"


Honestly I don't care about that right now. As soon as he ended the match, the only thing I cared was reaching Nelia. I need to heal her. That's the most important thing right now.

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