The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 40: (1)

The Rising of Tanaka - 40 Part 2

We Can’t Win Against Those Monsters

Haburunayo, a transit town located in the western part of the Purin Kingdom. A short distance away from the town. There spread wastelands that seemed to expand endlessly. And there was a group of three passing through such a place.

One of them was dressed in fine armor. Equipped with also no less splendid sword and shield was a young man. He was Kamui, the hero of the Purin Kingdom. It had been a little over a year since he was summoned from another world. As he traveled around the country, he had gained exceptional power and unparalleled fame. He didn’t belong to the guild, but he was no less powerful than the A rankers of the guild.

And then there was a blond-haired beauty who was walking, snuggling up to him. One of the best magic users in Purinism, her name was Kaltovich (CultBitch). The chest part of her neat white garb never ceased to sway as she walked, guiding Kamui in the teachings of Purinism at the same time. She also didn’t belong to the guild, but she possessed power equivalent to those of an A-ranker.

A little girl was walking a little ahead of the two of them in vigilance, Tetsujin (IronMan). Of the three, she was the only genuine A-ranker belonging to the guild. Despite her small stature, she boasted power that propelled her into the youngest A-ranker in history. One of the few small countries that existed between the Purin Kingdom and the Haru Empire. She hailed from the Principality of Banaana, a satellite country of the Purin Kingdom.

This party of the hero. Initially, it was planned to dispatch capable personnel from the military, but this plan was cancelled due to their lack of experience in monster warfare. Given the circumstances that there were very few capable guild members in the kingdom, they opted to scout members from Purinism and the guilds in other countries. This plan couldn’t be said to be progressing smoothly, but that didn’t change the fact that the few recruited members all possessed power worthy to be called the pinnacle of the world. At the moment, they were endeavoring to spread their fame in the vicinity of the transit town of Haburnayo.

「There’s something nearby….」

Tetsujin, who was generally a girl of few emotions, warned the other two in a voice devoid of emotion. Upon proceeding ahead a while longer, two shadows could be seen under the shade of a boulder in the wastelands.

It was a pair of existences that could only be referred to as bizarre.

One of them was a mysterious man with a huge body that was decorated with muscles and clad in nothing but black underpants. His distinctive features were his crew cut and moustache.

The other one was an eerie existence clad in a black robe. When they looked closely, they could see that the visage peeking out of the robe was that of a skeleton.

The hero party promptly got into battle stance as they faced the two extraterrestrial beings. With a moderate sense of tension, they took their usual respective position. Kamui was the vanguard. Kaltovich was the rear guard. Tetsujin was taking a hit-and-run stance a little farther behind the two. Just as they finished their arrangements and were getting ready to commence the battle, it happened.

The descent of a pressure that threatened to freeze their spines. It was an enormous amount of magical energy leaking out of the huge man. The hero party was frozen in place, as they were faced with such an enormous amount of magical energy that they’d never experienced before. And the next moment, they were beset with inhumane eerie presence emitted by the robed existence. It exuded pressure that weighed no less as heavily on them. Such a presence of abundant power radiated off of an overwhelming existence was something they’d never encountered before. Promptly coming to her senses, Tetsujin made her move.

「I’ll go….」

Without waiting for her companions’ reply, she took a few steps forward. Lowering her center of gravity, she darted toward their opponents like a bullet at lightning speed. Her movement was like that of a wild beast that was pouncing on its prey out of instinct. She appeared as though about to challenge the two to a close range combat, but then she suddenly burst sideways right in front of them. The next instant, in multiple chanting, wind blade magic was unleashed from the tip of the sword wielded by her. She carried out a preemptive move as she was unable to gauge the power of her adversaries. The first part was a feint that leveraged her strongest point of swiftness. Followed by multiple chanted wind blade magic attacks that were imperceivable to the eyes. It was her surefire combo which she rarely ever unleashed.

At the same time as Kamui was surprised to witness Tetsujin’s seriousness, he was convinced of the demise of their opponents. However, just as the thought of their opponents being torn apart by the wind blade magic crossed his mind, their figures suddenly vanished. It was so sudden that it felt as though everything had been no more than an illusion… Unable to understand what was going on, Kamui was dumbfounded. Kaltovich, who was standing next to him, couldn’t even perceive Tetsujin’s movement to begin with. The only person who understood what had transpired was the person in question, Tetsujin. No, perhaps even she herself didn’t understand it either. The main reason why she was able to become an A-ranked warrior at such a young age. Her unparalleled intuition, it was the one which guided her movements.

Before she could even perceive the darkness that suddenly emerged right in front of her, Tetsujin had already pulled her body back. There, she keenly sensed that death had passed by the place where she had been until just a moment ago. She didn’t know what had happened, but she did know that death was standing right in front of her. She couldn’t help but notice that the blade of the short sword in her hand had disappeared from the middle. While the short sword might be something not quite on the same level as divine armaments, it was still nonetheless a legacy from the age of gods, created with high quality materials and advanced alchemy. It was an item of value equivalent to a noble’s fortune that was enough to build a castle. Said magic sword, however, was destroyed so easily.

「Tetsujin, step back!」

As though taking her place, Kamui stood in front of the darkness. It was originally his job to confront the enemy heads on. With his overwhelming stats, he acted as a wall, and at times, the starting point of attacks. Carrying the confidence in his ability that was even capable of exchanging blows with a dragon head-on, he faced the enemy. A magic sword in his right hand and a divine shield in his left. The thought of losing never crossed his mind. However this time, the opponent was simply too abnormal.

The darkness instantly appeared in front of him. He held up his shield out of reflexes to protect himself, but the next moment, shock ran through his entire body. Although his divine shield wasn’t destroyed, his arm shattered and the joint on his shoulder dislocated as they were unable to bear the impact. The overwhelming violence that disregarded his defenses sent Kamui’s body flying like a bullet. His body continued to fly toward the direction of a large boulder, before finally stopping as he crashed into it. Kamui, whose bones in his whole body shattered after receiving consecutive impacts, couldn’t help but fall forward.

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