The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 26: Borrow gun

The war in West Friesland has been fought for several months, which has affected the local farming and autumn harvest. Fortunately, the warring parties do not rely on local agricultural production, otherwise the army will be hungry.

After the autumn harvest began, the two sides suspended their military operations. At present, the West Frisian Resistance Army, under the leadership of Sivag, has occupied Leeuwarden, the largest city in the west of West Friesland, and based on the solid wall, resisting the attack of the Saxon army.

As for the area east of Leeuwarden, it was under the control of Duke George. However, due to lack of food, the two sides are currently in a truce. Duke George left a large army stationed in the east of Leeuwarden, and he himself took some people back to the Principality of Saxony to supervise the autumn harvest and collect military food. After all, tens of thousands of troops and many cavalrymen consume a lot of food.

The Frisian Resistance Army also sent people to the Principality of Geddes for help. The Principality of Geddes, as a country in the plains of the Lower Rhine, is naturally rich in food. Therefore, the armed forces of both sides will not be short of food.

It's just that the local people of Frisian suffered. Because of the war, it brought a devastating blow to local agricultural production. West Friesland, with a population of 200,000, has lost 20,000. Moreover, because of this year's war, 40,000 refugees were generated. If food is not available, most of these 40,000 refugees will starve to death.

Marin regarded these Frisian people as his own people, so naturally he could not sit and watch them starve to death. So Marin ordered Sauer's sentry to quietly enter Friesland and mix with the local victims, spreading the news that East Friesland had food. If you flee in the past and are willing to accept the manor employment (become a serf), you will get enough food.

So, the refugees boiled ...

Under the guidance of Sauer's whistleblowers, the refugees avoided the battlefield area and rushed east from the southern border ...

Duke George's men also discovered this, but they wanted to monitor the Frisian Resistance in Leeuwarden and they could not pull it out. Besides, why did you stop it? The military itself is short of food, is it possible to return food to the refugees? So, in the end they also opened one eye and closed one eye.

During the truce, the Frisian Resistance Army was not idle. At present, the area controlled by the Frisian Resistance Army is not large, only the area west of Leeuwarden. However, the passage from Leeuwarden to Harlingen, the western fishing port, was the most important supply route for the Frisian Resistance Army.

Now, the Saxon army stands by and stops attacking. This supply line is very smooth. So, the Frisian Resistance Commander Silvag quietly left Leeuwarden through this supply line and boarded the ship to Emden in Harlingen ...

On the third day, Siwag arrived at Oring, the capital of Marin, and saw Marin ...

"Sivag, you are not commanding the army on the front line. Why are you running me? Are you going to give up over here and come and mix with me?" Marin joked. Sivag stayed here for a long time in Marin, and he had some friendship with Marin.

"Master Earl, I'm here to ask for your help!" Sivag smiled bitterly.

"Ask for help? What do you want? First of all, I can't borrow troops. This is too sensitive!"

"Not borrowing soldiers, I want to ... borrow guns!"

"What?" Marin was taken aback—what is wrong with you, you have to borrow a gun, is this a violation of the gun management regulations? However, Marin reacted quickly-he was not in the previous China ...

"Yes, borrow a gun! Lord Count, before our army fought a battle with the Saxon army outside Leeuwarden. As a result, we lost ..."

"This is not normal ..." Marin pouted. Saxony's heritage is still very strong. Speaking of which, in the Battle of Lyle County, although he defeated the Saxon army, he did not kill many people, most of them were captives. After all, he did not have the courage to kill 400,000 people in vain ... These captives were fighting again after they were redeemed by the Principality of Saxony. So, except for some knights who were hammered on the spot, most of the regular Saxony troops are still there. Therefore, the combat power of Saxony's army has not decreased much, but it has been ruined because of compensation.

"The strength of our infantry is actually not bad. After all, I have learned some methods of training infantry here with you. However, we ca n’t stop the impact of the Saxony Cavaliers ... Maybe our army was overwhelmed by the Saxon Knights ... "Siwagg said with a lingering fear.

Marin's two pits and the inclined wooden point pile defense method can resist the knight's charge. During that battle, Siwag directed the Frisian Resistance Army under his command, digging two pits and inserting slanted wooden pickets.

However, the command of the 5,000 soldiers sent by the Principality of Geddes is not in his hands. The Gede people didn't learn Siwag to dig a pit, so their soldiers were overwhelmed by the Saxony knights and almost destroyed.

Fortunately, Siwagg took his men to the rescue, and finally protected the soldiers of Gede Si. But in the process of being shocked, Gede Si lost 5,000 people and lost 800 people ...

Fortunately, they were not far from Leeuwarden. Then, Sivag took the army and quickly fled back to Leeuwarden, and began to defend against Jiancheng ...

However, the defense is not easy, the Saxon Knight is too brave. They climbed the city walls, also fierce. Rushing into the city will also cause great casualties to the defenders.

It happened that Siwag heard from the Danish businessman who was docked in Harlingen during this time that the Swede had caused huge casualties to the Danish army besieging Stockholm with 1,000 firearms. So, his heart moved ...

Siwag knows that Marlin's army is generally equipped with muskets. In the 10,000 army, there are at least more than 2,000 musketeers. Therefore, he also wanted to borrow a gun to attack the Saxon knight wearing plate armor ...

Therefore, Siwagg personally rushed to East Friesland, hoping to borrow the friendship between the two sides, borrowing 1,000 matchlocks from Marin, or hundreds of them ...

Marin thought for a long time and weighed the pros and cons in his heart ...

However, he finally rejected the request to lend the active Musikt rifle to the Frisian Resistance Army. Because, this is too characteristic of East Frisian. At that time, the Principality of Saxony could tell at a glance that this was Marin's gun. After all, the Saxon army had previously suffered a big loss under the Musket gun.

When the time came, George, Duke of Saxony, had trouble in the Imperial Parliament, but he couldn't walk around. Perhaps he will be impeached by the Saxons and lose his position as an imperial congressman ...

So ~ ~ Marin cannot lend the guns of active musketeers to the Frisian Resistance Army. However, it is possible to build a group of muskets of different calibers for the Frisian Resistance, just like the muskets that supported the Swedes ...

However, these muskets can't come out for no reason. After all, West Friesland was right next to East Friesland and was too sensitive.

So, Marin demanded that-Sivag sent some representatives to the big cities where Cologne, Nuremberg and other excellent craftsmen gathered in the south to openly want to buy arson guns, and buy gunpowder and lead ... the money, the Marin Club Help out. To this end, Marin directly sponsored 30,000 gold coins ...

In fact, Marin asked Siwag to do this, completely clearing his suspicions-you see, people bought muskets in places like Cologne and Nuremberg, which has nothing to do with me ...

Moreover, Nuremberg in this era is indeed a gathering place for skilled craftsmen. It is said that the world's first practical rifle gun was born in Nuremberg in 1520 ...

Therefore, it is not surprising to buy a batch of matchlock guns in Nuremberg and Cologne, where there are many large craftsmen ...

Now, there are nearly a thousand artisans in Marlin's Musket Factory. They are all familiar with muskets and can produce hundreds of muskets every day. Even if the Frisian Resistance Army designs and produces a new-caliber matchlock gun, the manufacturing speed decreases, and one or two hundred pieces a day is produced, there is no problem.

Finally, Siwag left with satisfaction, and immediately sent people to Nuremberg and Cologne to buy muskets in public to cover Marin's support behavior.

On Marin's side, the artisans of the musket factory were also ordered to engrave the fake artisan marks of Nuremberg and Cologne on the barrel when making the musket, indicating that this was produced there ...

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