The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 23: Since there is so much food, let's raise pigs!

Marin never thought that he would be distressed by too much food, yes, Marin is now distressed by too much food ...

At the harvest last fall, Marin had stored a total of 500 million pounds of new and old grain and did not sell it. Then, Marin immigrated so much that the total population of East Friesland reached 150,000.

However, 150,000 people ate food openly, and after one year, they only consumed 100 million pounds of rye, leaving 400 million pounds of stock ...

This year, the entire lower Frisian class was very happy. Because bread is enough! Because there is too much food, Marin will not allow the food to be mixed with other things. "Kohler bread" doped with straw bran also reduced the amount of doping.

150,000 people, eat 100 million pounds of food, the average person eats 666.6 pounds of rye per year-what a terrible figure in Europe in this era!

Now, the nobles of East Frisian Lambert have launched a new business-that is, to exchange stock rye for 5 times more expensive wheat, and then eat white bread made of wheat flour ...

In other words, the rich East Frisian nobles no longer seldom eat rye bread, but instead eat white bread made of wheat flour more favored by medieval nobles ... Then, when eating white bread, they must be coated Enough butter, with enough cheese ...

Undoped dark bread was once the favorite of the nobles and soldiers of East Frisian Lambert. However, when they were rich, they disdain to eat dark bread. Only eating wheat bread can show your identity-this is really the thinking of the local tyrant ...

Actually, Marin knew that, not to mention the taste of dark bread, it's really nutritious, which is better than white bread made of wheat flour. However, he can not stop the behavior of his tyrants. After all, when people are rich, there must always be a way to show their local tyrants, otherwise, it will be uncomfortable ...

As Xiang Yu said, "Wealth does not return home, like Jinyi Yexing, who knows?" ......

For the same reason, for these nobles, "Whoever does not eat white bread, who knows me local tyrant?"

Don't talk about these nobles, Angela and Sister Ferris also think that it is time to eat white bread ...

After all, the other royal families are all made of white bread. We still eat black bread, which is too expensive and does not meet the status of a local tyrant ...

Then, Marin followed the crowd and ate white bread with it, dipped it in butter, and put cheese in his mouth ...

It's just, don't you worry about getting fat when you eat like this?

Not to mention the local tyrants whose homes are full of food, Marin himself has accumulated too much food. Last year, 400 million pounds of grain were stored, and 480 million pounds were newly added to the warehouse this year ... Apart from the 200 million pounds that were going to be sold in Southern Europe, there was still 680 million pounds of excess food ...

In order to preserve food, Marin built another outer city north of Aurich city, which was connected with Aurich city. In this outer city, no people live, only food ...

Because cement began mass production, Marin built the wall and built a new granary, all cement ... The granary is made of cement and brick, and the wall is reinforced concrete ...

Establish an outer city to store food, except Marin, no one ...

680 million pounds of grain, but that is 300,000 tons of grain, Marin has a headache how to consume these grains ...

Although he wanted to use food to attract immigrants. However, he dared not tell others that he had 680 million pounds of stored grain! If you say that, there will definitely be nobles teaming up to rob ... Qiu Fu's people will be there in all ages. Whether it's the poor or the nobles ... 680 million pounds of food, if sold at the price of 1 fenny per pound, is worth 10 million gold coins. Such great wealth, even those big nobles, also have red eyes ...

Therefore, Marin can only keep secrets and not talk nonsense. Fortunately, exchanges between East Frisian Lambert and foreign countries mainly take place in the port of Emden. On Aurich ’s side, there are very few people in other countries. Because, even if it is a businessman, Aurich is a businessman of the Chamber of Commerce formed by Marin. Moreover, Marin ’s capital is so strong that foreign businessmen simply cannot get into Aurich ’s business activities ...

Moreover, when Marin builds an outer city to store grain and transports grain, it is tightly covered. The grain transport trucks are equipped with wooden cars, and outsiders can't see that the transport is all grain. Many people still I thought it was a building material ...

Not only that, the Beiwai City, which is dedicated to storing food, has no civilians in it. They are all militia guards formed by Marin ’s own serfs. They are more reliable and do not use hired mercenaries.

However, Marin really does not know how to dispose of these grains ...

Even if the population of East Friesland reaches 300,000 people, everyone can eat 200 million pounds a year ...

And Marin did not dare to squander food in the local area to prevent being targeted by intentional people. Therefore, how to consume food has become a heart disease of Marin ...

So, in order to relax, Marin took a few guards to play in his manor ...

Came to a manor not far west of Aurich. Marin rode his war horse Karl and walked into the manor with ease ...

Suddenly, two wild boars chasing each other from the bushes on the roadside, scared Karl a big jump ...

Wrong ... that's not a wild boar, what's special like a domestic pig ...

"Whose pigs aren't closed properly, they all ran out and chaosed!" Marin was a little angry. Suddenly two pigs emerged from the roadside, that is, in the manor, if they were in the wild, wouldn't they scare the dead? You know, wild boars are fierce ...

Fortunately, Marin ’s mount Karl and his guard ’s mounts are both war horses, which are not easily frightened. If you change to a horse, you might be scared to run wild ...

Marin's bodyguard was unhappy, so he quickly called the manor in charge to speak. The village chief who was in charge of the manor (Marlin ’s special post, the village chief was actually a serf, but the head of the serf) replied tremblingly:

"Master Earl, our pig breeding here is free-range, it has been like this for thousands of years ..."

Marlin was surprised for a moment, and he suddenly remembered that the pig breeding in medieval Europe was indeed free-range, unlike the East, which was captive ...

Why is this so? Not because of food problems ...

Orientals raise pigs in captivity, as long as the pigs are in the pigpens, waiting for the owner to feed it the pig grass, grain bran, wheat bran and other food by-products.

The grain output in ancient China has always been high, and the yield per mu is basically two to three hundred pounds, and grain bran and wheat bran are also sufficient. Therefore, they have enough food by-products to feed pigs.

However, Europe is different. Because of the long-term low grain production, there is no condition to feed pigs with wheat bran. Because, wheat bran is eaten by people themselves ...

Black bread, let alone wheat bran, there is a lot of soil ...

Therefore, Europeans simply cannot afford to feed pigs with wheat bran ...

Therefore, they chose to free-range the domestic pigs, run wildly in front of their houses, and look for grass to eat like sheep ...

Of course, in order to prevent these pigs from damaging crops, many pigs are driven into the forest and kept away from cultivated land ...

But in this way, many pigs become wild boars after they get lost in the forest ... Of course, they are wild boars without fangs, and their temperament is between wild boars and domestic pigs ...

For example, the famous Spanish ham, the pigs used in it, are stocked in the oak forest. In addition to eating grass, these pigs usually eat acorns that fall under the oak forest. Then, the Spanish black pig who has eaten acorns for a long time will have a special meat taste. And another name for Spanish ham is also "acorn Iberian ham" ...

However, Marin knew that it wouldn't be fat for pigs to run wild in the wild all day long. After all, where do pigs that exercise all the time gain weight? If you can't get fat, there will be no oil or water. The ancients liked to eat fatty meat. Because the ancients are not like the modern people, they have salad oil or sesame oil to eat every day. They usually lack oil and water. When they eat meat, they will grab the fat to eat to supplement the body's oil and water ...

Moreover, pigs are raised in Europe in this era, and hogs are not castrated. Pigs that are not castrated not only have odors but also restlessness. Because boars have male hormones and sows have estrogen, it will make the pigs restless. Then, spreading field cannons in the wild became their way of consuming excess energy. However, this is a fat ...

And ancient Chinese pigs were castrated by veterinarians, whether they are boars or sows, as long as they are raised as hogs, they are castrated if they are slightly larger. After the castration, the pigs have no desire, no hormones, where can they still move? Coupled with the obstruction of the pigsty, they will be in a small pigsty, eat and sleep, sleep and eat ... Then, the body grows very fast, all are fat ... and the smell of pork is gone. ...

After Marin Fugui, he has been eating more beef and mutton. Moreover, even if they eat pork, most of them choose the pork of the younger pigs (the hormones are not secreted before the pigs develop, and the pork naturally has no smell), so he forgot to castrate for a while ... until Now, I suddenly remembered ...

Moreover, even if Marin thought before, it was useless. Because there is not enough food to feed the pigs ...

Pigs need to grow well, and food is indispensable. There are many pig farms near the later cities. The owners of the pig farm drove the car every day, went to the city restaurant to collect the swill that the restaurant had dumped, and then pulled it back to feed the pigs. Although it is unpleasant to smell, the swill water is actually food. Therefore, the pig is very fat.

Now, Marin is worried that there is too much food to consume. Then, he met the pig ... no, it was ... but he, anyway, thought of the pig breeding thing ...

Marin was also a rural child in the past life. He knew that before the professional feed came out, pigs always eat grass bran to maintain their lives. When they need to increase fat, they feed high-nutrition grain bran and wheat bran. Of course, in the spring and summer, it is also necessary to cut fresh and juicy pig grass to feed pigs.

Anyway, now there is a lot of food, and these manors are all their own. So, Marin decided-to start promoting captive domestic pigs ...

After repairing the pigpen, Marin will find a veterinarian to castrate those pigs raised as hogs. As for where to find a veterinarian? Is there anything better than Mozhgen and Battle?

Mongolian doctors are universal, they can cure not only people but also animals ...

Of course, both Mozhgen and Battle are court doctors, and they are always asked to castrate their pigs. So, Marin decided to let Mozhgen and Battle, from among his disciples, choose the ones that could not be turned into veterinarians, to be responsible for castration of pigs. The two teachers first demonstrated and then guided the disciples who failed. In the future, this will be done by their undisciplined disciples ... Of course, during castration, Marin will be equipped with alcohol to clean the wounds to avoid death from pig infection ...

As for the pig's usual feed, it is naturally the ryegrass crushed straw. Then, Marin will let the mill of his own estate separate the rye wheat bran as a fine feed for pigs when grinding the noodles. And the black bread eaten by serfdom, wheat bran can't be used anymore--who is called Marin has more grain ... whether rich or grain, can be capricious ...

In addition, Marin plans to grow more alfalfa. Usually, when alfalfa is harvested, some alfalfa can also be cut and fed to pigs. At least, these alfalfa grasses are more nutritious than those of wild grasses. Used to feed pigs, the effect must be very good ...

So, this matter was settled. Many estates began to build special pigsty for pig breeding. Then, Marin invited Morzhgen and Battle to castrate the pigs ...

Two Mongolian doctors heard Marin asking them to castrate pigs, and their faces were blacker and more carbon-like. Fortunately, Marin explained that in the future such things will be given to those who are not good at medical science. Otherwise, two highly skilled Mongolian doctors will almost turn their faces on the spot ...

Although Mongolian doctors are also very good at veterinarians ~ ~, seeing people, especially nobles, is ultimately taller. To treat animals, always have a short doctor. As a court doctor, they went to castrate the pig, it was a little humiliating ...

But Marin has no choice, because at this time in Europe, doctors who treat people are not reliable, not to mention the veterinarian who treats pigs? Therefore, he can only invite the two masters. Of course, they are not allowed to do it often, just a demonstration in the early stage. In the future, it will be the group of disciples under their name who are the most discouraged ...

Both have received hundreds of disciples separately, but not everyone has learned medicine well. Some people are very talented, learn well and quickly, and will definitely become good doctors in the future. There are also those who have learned very poorly and may be eliminated in the future and unable to see people.

Such a thing, Marin feels it is a pity to be eliminated, it is better to arrange to help the serf of the pig farm to castrate the hog ...

So much so that Marin later divided the more than two hundred disciples of Mozhgen and Battle into three levels-the first level, which is the best in medical science, and they will see people in the future; the second level, for learning Generally, they will treat cattle and horses in the future and become veterinarians. At the third level, the worst learners are not even veterinarians. They can only be counted as half veterinarians. They are specifically responsible for castration of hogs, and of course they are also responsible for treating pigs. Can't figure it out, I went to the second-level veterinarian ...

In this way, Marin built more than 3,000 separate single pens in his own estate in East Friesland (more pigs in the pen will fight and consume physical strength, there is only one pig in the pen, and you can only sleep more) More than 3,000 hogs are raised. And Mozhigen and Battle also selected the 30 most promising disciples, and later served as low-level veterinarians for castration and treatment of pigs ...

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