The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 193: On the Mediterranean

While Marin continued to stay in Rome, Marin had arranged to go to Venice to take over the captains and sailors of paddle sailing boats and rowing slaves.

The team led by Arte, who traveled the Venice route, transported beauties to the Kingdom of Naples, and Egypt, and was very familiar with the situation on the Mediterranean. This time, when he opened the Crimean Khanate route, Marin gave him the task.

At this time in the Mediterranean, there was no such horrible thing as Barbary pirates. Right now, Turkey is still a dry duck and has little naval power. Therefore, it is Venice that dominates the Mediterranean. Of course, the Mediterranean Sea on the western side of the Italian peninsula is dominated by the fleets of Spain and Genoa. From the east of Sicily, the Mediterranean Sea is completely dominated by the Republic of Venice.

The Republic of Venice has 33oo large oars sailing across the Mediterranean. Many of these oars can be converted into warships during the war. After all, in this era of the Mediterranean Sea, it was still the era when the ship jumped to help cut down. Merchant ships can also be used as warships.

The Turks were only on the 6th floor at this time, at sea, and could not afford Venice. However, Venice does not dare to provoke Turkey. why? The reason is similar to the relationship between Spain and Portugal. Venice is like Portugal, strong at sea and weak in 6 places. Turkey is like Spain, with weak seas and six tigers. Therefore, despite being able to hang Turkey at sea, Venice is not willing to provoke Turkey to avoid Turks going crazy and attacking Venice from 6 places.

In fact, there is a reason why Venice and Turkey can live together at this time. Because, at this time, the 6 main traffic routes in Europe and the east-Egypt, were still under the rule of the Egyptian Mamluk dynasty. The relationship between the Mamluk dynasty and Venice is not bad. Arab merchants first transported spices from India by sea to the port of the Red Sea, and then by road 6 to Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt. Then the Venetian merchants came over to buy spices with the Egyptians.

Before the Indian route was revealed, this was how European spices were monopolized by Venetian merchants. Later, after the Portuguese were on the Indian route, the merchants of Venice panicked. In order to combat the Portuguese, the Venetian merchants dismantled their paddle sailboats and sent them to the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt. Then, the Egyptians transported the dismantled Venetian ships to the Red Sea by way of No. 6 on the Sinai peninsula area, reassembled them Towards India, the joint Indian fleet launched a famous "Dieu Battle" with the Portuguese.

Unfortunately, the Venetian guidelines for naval warfare have fallen behind, and the Portuguese have widely used artillery. The Venetian is also immersed in the backward thinking of "jumping gang to cut". Therefore, the Portuguese battle was won by the Diu ...

Of course, that's still nothing. For now, Venice is the absolute overlord in the Mediterranean Sea, especially in the eastern Mediterranean.

Crete in Greece and Cyprus near Turkey are also colonies under the control of Venice. Moreover, the most important thing is that Turkey has not captured Egypt, and the trade routes between Venice and India have not been cut off. Therefore, Venice is still strong.

In the Eastern Mediterranean, as long as the flag of Venice is hung, you can basically walk sideways. At least, no well-known forces dare to move you. As for the errant little pirate who is not afraid of death, I will not mention it. However, the kind of stunned pirates who only dared to attack the merchant ships that were ordered, and did not dare to provoke them when they encountered a group of merchant ships. After all, those who dare to come out to sail this year do not have a good stubble, and they are all daring bets.

In order to avoid trouble, Marin is only Alte and established a chamber of commerce in Venice-Sherlock Chamber of Commerce ...

In this way, Marin's paddle sailing team can reasonably fly the flag of Venice. There are legal procedures even when encountering an inventory of a Venetian warship. If there is no legal proof, the flag of Venice will be casually hanged and the ship will be confiscated if caught ...

Speaking of this Sherlock Chamber of Commerce, there is also a history. For the name of Sherlock, Marin borrowed the name of the Venetian profiteer in Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice".

After obtaining the legal procedures, Alter took his men and drove a 2o paddle sailboat, leaving Majestic from Venice, passing the Adriatic Sea, passing through the Cretan Sea and entering the Aegean Sea ...

In the Aegean Sea, Alter's fleet was indeed investigated by the Venetian fleet. However, Arte's fleet is complete and is also affiliated with the "Sherlock Chamber of Commerce" in Venice. Naturally, the Venice fleet will not be embarrassed, so let them continue to the north. It ’s just, to warn Arte that the Turks do n’t mess with ...

On the way, Alter's fleet also encountered the battleship of the "Hospital Knights" still stationed in Rhode Island. At this time, Rhode Island was still under the control of the Hospital Knights and had not yet fallen into the hands of the Turks.

The warships of the Knights of the Hospital saw that the fleet was flying the flag of Venice, so they were naturally reluctant to go around and passed by directly. After all, the hospital knights who stick to Rhode Island also need to transport various supplies through the merchant ships of Venice. Offended Venice, the end is terrible. They just want to catch a few Turkish warships to hit them, and grab some supplies by the way, but they are not willing to provoke the people of Venice.

After arriving in the Turkish Strait, the situation changed dramatically ...

Because, this is already in the control area of ​​the Turks ...

The Turks ’current naval strength is indeed not strong, but the Turkish Strait is the lifeblood of the Turks. Even if they do not want the Mediterranean Sea, it is impossible for them to do so. Because, in the Turkish Strait, there is the present capital of the Turks-Istanbul (Constantinople).

If the Turks do not control the Turkish Strait and put enemy warships in, then the enemy ships can directly drive down to the city of Istanbul and attack Turkey.

Therefore, just after leaving the Aegean Sea and entering the western section of the Turkish Strait-the Dardanelles Strait, the fleet was surrounded by a group of small and medium-sized Turkish ships ...

However, Alter is not in a hurry. He sent people to lower the flag of Venice and raised the flag of the Crimean Khanate ...

"What's going on? How did the opposing fleet raise the Crimean flag?" Uruman, commander of the Turkish squadron, was very surprised.

"Is it deceiving us? But ~ ~ It's silly to change the flag under our eyelids ..." Uluman's adjutant didn't understand.

"Why don't you, send a small boat to ask what's going on!" Uluman waved his hand and sent someone to ask.

After a while, the messengers sent back a parchment paper, written in Arabic. Uluman took a look-oh my god, it was actually an autographed document by the great Khan of the Crimean Khanate ...

Urumman suddenly dared not make the decision, so he sent someone to use the Clippers to report the matter to the commander-in-chief of the Turkish Strait.

However, the headquarters of the fleet is in Istanbul, and it takes a few days to come and go. In desperation, Alter had to stay with the fleet first, accept the supervision of the Turks, and wait for the echo from Istanbul ...

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