The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1: Lancers and Wall Charge

Time has entered March 1501. Marin's recruits of 10,000 troops have launched vigorous military training in the remote rural areas of eastern Teton. There is Schwarz, a seasoned military general who is experienced in military training, and there will obviously not be too much problem with military training there. The only problem is probably that Marin's "invented" "wall charge" needs more groping. After all, this thing is now also the first time. Even Marin himself has only heard of relevant theories on the Internet in his previous life and has not seen them.

According to the previous post on the Internet, the cavalrymen stood leg by leg, shoulder to shoulder, using a neat, slow formation to raise the knight's straight sword and attack the enemy.

Because there is no gap between cavalry, there is no room for the enemy cavalry to hedge against it, and the skirmish of the local cavalry can be slashed by the skilled horse art, and there is no resistance to the cavalry. Possible. Because the local cavalry is too dense. You have blocked a cavalry's bayonet attack, and you can't stop the bayonets of other cavalry next to you.

Moreover, the wall charge, because the cavalry is next to each other, there is no need to worry about falling off. Therefore, this formation is very suitable for the rapid-formed cavalry selected from the farmers. They don't have to learn horse art for many years, as long as they know how to stab the enemy cavalry in front with a straight sword on their horseback.

Of course, this is the choice when the cavalry is mostly farmers. If these cavalry were skilled in horsemanship and mastered the art of martial arts immediately, they would not have to move forward slowly. The equestrian knights can fully maintain a neat and dense formation and launch a fast wall charge. For example, the elite Prussian cavalry of Frederick the Great can line up in a wall formation to launch a quick and orderly charge against the enemy cavalry ...

Not only that, because when the wall charge was launched, the cavalry were next to each other, and everyone did not have to worry about falling off. Therefore, at this time, the martial arts knights do not need to use the knight's straight sword to charge, but can use the spear to initiate the charge like the Polish Lancers. In this way, with the use of spears, horse battles are even more advantageous. After all, "one inch is long, one inch is strong" ...

However, not every cavalry is suitable for using a spear. Spears require both hands, and are not superb riders, unable to adapt. Therefore, the farmer cavalry in modern Europe had to pull the reins with their left hands, and straighten their knights with their right hands to charge.

Only the Polish Lancers, who were born in the knight family and have a tradition of martial arts, can flexibly use lances / lances to fight on horses. In addition, if the lance / lance breaks off or disengages because of the huge reaction force, the lancer needs to decisively pull out the saber or the knight straight sword to continue the battle.

Therefore, the requirements of the cavalry are very high. According to records, the Polish Lancers serving in the Napoleonic Army had to perform 55 different training programs, 22 against cavalry, 18 against infantry, and 15 basic training.

This level of complexity is by no means capable of rapid prototyping of farmer cavalry. Therefore, during the war, cavalry powers such as France and Austria had only a few regiments of cavalry.

However, these projects may be difficult for civilian farmers, but for wandering knights from the knight family, they are all instinct ...

The reason why the European countries can only equip a few regiments of cavalry during the war is because the knighthood has completely declined in the 16th century. By the end of the 18th century, it was already difficult to find a knight who was skilled in martial arts. Therefore, even cavalry powers such as France and Austria can only equip five or six regiments of cavalry. Even the French cavalry, the main source of troops came from Poland, where wing cavalry prevailed.

However, in this era, just in the early 16th century, plate armour knights are still everywhere in Europe. In the German region, wandering knights with high martial arts are wandering everywhere. In this era, it is not too simple to form modern cavalry. Not to mention 6 regiments, 100 regiments are not a problem, as long as you can afford it ...

This time, Marin planned to recruit 1,000 people first to form two cavalry regiments and try to use a cavalry to launch a fast wall-mounted charge ...

The cavalry who launched a rapid charge in a wall formation has a huge lethality. This kind of offensive, whether it is cavalry or infantry using a spear, is difficult to resist.

If you use a one-handed knight straight sword to launch a wall-type charge, you can only defeat the opposing cavalry. For the infantry phalanx with a spear like a forest, there is no way to use the knight straight sword cavalry. Because, before your knight's straight sword stabs the infantry spearman on the opposite side, the opponent's spear has already stabbed your horse.

Although Marin had never been to a military academy, as a military enthusiast, he also knew the theory of competing arms. Generally speaking, heavy armoured knights are more restrained in melee cavalry. However, it can defeat melee light cavalry, but it cannot be eliminated. Because, can't catch up ...

And melee light cavalry, but more restrained archery cavalry or musketeer cavalry. Because, under the high-speed pursuit of melee light cavalry, the bow cavalry or musketeer cavalry had no time to reload ammunition or arrows. If they face each other, they will soon be caught up by the melee light cavalry and hacked. If it is an escape, the difficulty of turning around and shooting while running is too high to achieve. Approximately, only the savage Mongolian cavalry during the Genghis Khan period could calmly run while turning around to shoot (Mangu). Other bow cavalry or musketeer cavalry can only be chased by melee cavalry like a dog ...

However, the bow cavalry and musketeer cavalry, in turn, can restrain the natural enemy of the melee cavalry-heavy armor knight. Because the heavy armor knight is too heavy to run the horse. Although the defense and attack are amazing, it is difficult to catch up with the escaping light cavalry. If you encounter a melee light cavalry, the heavy armor knight cannot catch up. But if you encounter bow cavalry or musketeer cavalry, then it's over. Especially in the case of Musketeers (that is, black shirt knights), heavy armor knights will definitely be abused as dogs. Can't catch up, can't run away. There is no choice but to wait for death. Unless, there are friendly forces to rescue ...

Is also a modern cavalry who uses a wall charge. Different weapons have different restraints and restraints. The quick-formed farmer cavalry using the knight ’s straight sword is only suitable for ill-treatment of melee light cavalry, such as Hungarian hussars, Arabian scimitar cavalry, and Italian pick-up cavalry. Called Hu Cavalry) ... If you face a Swiss mercenary with spears like Lin, the modern cavalry who use the knight's straight sword will definitely be grilled by the opponent's spearman (mainly horses, because modern cavalry horses do not wear horse armor) ) ...

However, if the modern cavalry who initiated the wall charge was a lancer, it would be different. The same use of spears, when encountering a spear array, it becomes a mutual injury, rather than one-sided slaughter.

It's just that Marin is not a mentally disabled person and will never let his cavalry captain spear array charge. In fact, Marin formed the modern cavalry to attack the enemy light cavalry professionally.

Although it is said that if a cavalry using lances and spears is lined up in a wall-type formation, it will not be a challenge to fight against the plate armor. However, the result is too tragic, and the casualties must be huge. Basically, this is to hurt each other and trade for life.

As a traversal from the future generations, Marin, who reads many military posts, would not do such a stupid thing. You know, every soldier who is suitable for being a cavalry is a master who has practiced riding and martial art for more than ten years. I do n’t know if I ’m stupid or hard.

Therefore, Marin's arrangement for cavalry is-black shirt knights professionally attack plate armor knights and use "kite flying" tactics to kill opponents' plate armor knights. However, the black shirt knight is more afraid of the opponent's melee light cavalry. The melee cavalry who meets the other party's large shares can only escape like a dog for the family.

However, the modern cavalry who used the "wall charge" were prepared for the melee cavalry (hussars). Once the black shirt knights are targeted by the enemy's hussars, the modern cavalry will be lined up in a wall formation to overwhelm the enemy and chase the hussars chasing the black shirt knights. The modern cavalry who used the knight's straight sword had an overwhelming advantage when charging the cavalry. And the modern cavalry who used lances or spears to launch the wall-type charge, against the scattered cavalry, it was a one-sided slaughter ...

Therefore, Marin intends to build these cavalry from the 1000 wandering knights into modern cavalry, professionally used to cover black shirt knights.

Because, in this era, the main force of the European cavalry is still the plate armor ~ ~ Of course, there are also a large number of hussars. The black shirt knight is mainly responsible for attacking the opponent's plate armor knight, because the plate armor knight is the main charge of the army of various countries. Killing their plate armoured knight equals half of the opponent's martial arts. If the opponent is not convinced, send Hussars to retaliate, and the modern lance cavalry who will wait for them will send their Hussars to see God ...

At this point, after possessing the modern type of cavalry, Marin ’s army formation was complete enough.

According to the design, the artillery is mainly used for attacking; the Spanish phalanx can be used for both offensive and strong defense effects; the black shirt knight is mainly used to deal with the enemy's plate armor; and the modern type cavalry is mainly used to cover Black shirt knight, destroy the opponent's auxiliary light cavalry.

Of course, when the opponent's battlefield is defeated by Marin's phalanx, no matter whether it is a black shirt knight or a modern type of cavalry, they will launch a chase against the fleeing enemy in the form of a scattered line, turning into a "head harvester" ", In order to fully destroy the energetic forces of the enemy ...

This design was mainly made in response to the characteristic of the Spanish phalanx "short legs". In the previous decisive battle with the army of the Principality of Saxony outside Lyle County, the army of Marin, because they were basically infantry, had "short legs" and could not catch up with the enemy. If the battlefield had not been designed in advance, and there were rivers on all sides, so that the main force of the Saxony army could not escape, Marin might not have captured many captives at all. Just like the 15,000 Sachsen people on the south bank of the Leda River, because Marin lacked enough light cavalry to catch up, the 5,000 people who ran fast did not run directly, leaving Marin depressed for a long time ...

With enough cavalry, it can be used not only to intercept the opponent's hussars, to protect the black shirt knight, but also to use it to chase down the enemy's vital forces or to capture the captives during the victory. It has many uses and has a huge effect ...

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