The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2880 Quick Negotiation with Dragons

Chapter 2880 Quick Negotiation with Dragons

Faced with Minos and the human women, the leader of the galaxy knew exactly why this boy had returned. Predicting a promise from Minos for the fragment of the legendary dragon from the sacred dragon area of this world wasn't exactly difficult for this level 124 Supreme.

Having been at the apex of his level for a long time, he had very easily perceived

Minos' journey through his world centuries ago. Now, with the return of this boy on a totally different level from back then, this immense figure was certain that today was a day for promises to be kept.

He, in particular, was happier than any other dragon. Being at the peak of his level, an advancement from Minos to the 13th stage and entry into the Upper Realm would guarantee the entire race, him included, a stage advancement. This would mean becoming a Celestial for him, his greatest wish in many years of life!

As such, the leader of the galaxy and this world welcomed Minos with open arms, using Minos' humanoid form to please the newly arrived boy. His fellow leaders of the tribe were in the same form, each of them looking expectantly at the boy with the long white hair.

"I imagine you're here to fulfill something you promised our ancestor, right?" asked the strongest of today's Divine Dragons.

Minos said in reply, "That's the case... During my last time on the planet, I became very strong and I promised your ancestor that I would take him to the Upper Realm with me."

The dragons' eyes lit up, loving Minos' words, but not quite understanding what he meant by taking their ancestor to the Upper Realm.

"It's good to hear that you plan to make this move soon," said the leader of the dragons before questioning the rest of Minos' words. "But what do you mean by taking our ancestor to the Upper Realm?"

"At that time, the ancestor asked that, before I ascended to the Upper Realm, I return to this world to collect his remains. He wanted me to take him to the Upper Realm so that he could rest for eternity in his native home," Minos said to the surprise of several of those race elders, while some didn't know if this would be good for the tribe.

"Home?" One of the elders asked, a strong man, like everyone else there, but with red hair and magma-colored eyes glowing with heat.

Minos looked at the dragon in humanoid form and said, "After a long time thinking about the conversation I had with your ancestor, I came to the conclusion that he was a native of the Upper Realm. I don't know his reasons for leaving, but he wasn't from our universe originally, or he wouldn't have reached level 129,"

Reaching level 129 was rare even in the Hell, the only place on the same level as the Upper Realm. Because of this, now with much more knowledge than he had when he passed through this world last time, Minos now understood more about the reality of the universe and that dragon.

Minos' eyes lit up as the strongest dragons were struck by his interpretation, just before the world around them changed. Even the strongest of them hardly noticed the action of Minos' mental ability beginning when they saw the scene of their ancestor awakening the rest of Minos' dragon powers at that time.

In particular, as they saw the majestic form of the great dragon, someone they had seen very few times in their lives, they heard the request of that divine existence in the race.

"As you can see from my memories, he asked me and I agreed to take him to the Upper Realm. But I won't take him there without your approval. If you accept, I'm willing to give something in return and even help one of you to enter the Upper Realm yourself." Minos offered something impossible to refuse.

The elders found themselves back where they were in their world, looking at each other both in recognition of what Minos had shown them and of his power and his offer.

Minos was so strong that he could easily take everything from this world and they would never be able to stop him. On the other hand, his offer was tremendous and even unnecessary, since the words of the ancestor of these dragons were absolute and should never be questioned.

Looking at each other, they came to a quick decision.

"Senior Minos, do what you have to do. We'll be grateful if we can help you with anything," said the race leader, without making any demands.

Minos smiled and said, "Choose one of you to accompany me. I can't guarantee that his rise will be swift, nor that it will come at the same time as mine. But I will help him evolve and reach the Upper Realm, eventually."

The dragons were delighted with this possibility, something that would double their chances of strengthening in the coming centuries and millennia. With two of their race entering the Upper Realm, their world could strengthen tremendously in no time! While some of them chatted among themselves, others who had heard about Minos directly from the dragons who had helped him on his previous passages around the planet approached the human quartet. With a smiling, gentle look on her face, a muscular-looking red-haired woman changed the subject.

"By the way, I believe some of your relatives came here after your departure, Senior Minos. Two girls passed through the planet alongside dragons of the race," said the woman as she recalled the information her subordinates had given her.

Minos' women opened their eyes as they imagined Lily and Hollie passing through this powerful world with their dragons.

Minos asked, "When was this? Did they leave all right?"

"That was decades ago, and yes, they both left well alongside their dragons. The one called Lily came with two dragons, while the one called Hollie came with just one. After just over a year each in our world, they left."

"I see... That's good to know. They are our daughters." Minos confirmed what the local forces already suspected, and couldn't help smiling at the thought of how his girls

were doing.

Another dragon approached Minos and asked, "Is there any other reason for Senior's trip? If there is anything the race can help with, we are at your disposal. Despite our different origins, we're all dragons and we'll do our best to help Senior."

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