The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 12

Chapter 10: One-Handed Knot Printing Attempt

Uchiha Kiyoshi was not interested in the samurai’s body forging method itself. He was too interested in the reason for the samurai’s lifespan.

“Yes, it is also a system that can be cultivated to the shadow level. I have never noticed the cultivation system of the samurai before. I can only say that the samurai has really declined and has been replaced by the relatively fast-paced ninja system.”

On the way home, Uchiha Kiyo was also thinking about his gains for the day.

Compared to when he went, the current Uchiha Kiyoshi is no longer so heavy, and much lighter.

Finally found a breakthrough, Uchiha Kiyoshi naturally will not let go, thinking carefully, in which step is the samurai system, the body is nurtured, which leads to an increase in lifespan.

“Samurai…I haven’t noticed before. What is the power of a samurai? Is it the so-called qi? It is also possible, but, what is this qi? It can’t be created out of thin air, right?”

Uchiha Qing kept thinking and gave the concept of qi, but where did qi come from?

Just like chakra is the fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy, qi should also have its own source, is it physical energy?

Um? Body energy!

“Physical energy? That’s right. Only by exercising frantically can a samurai make progress. Physical energy is reasonable.”

At this point, Uchiha Kiyo has basically found his way.

“I studied body energy before, but I didn’t study the effect of body energy on the body. Yes, I was negligent.”

Uchiha Qing smiled bitterly.

But then, it occurred to me that the energy of the body is actually uncontrollable, even when I was researching it, I could only constantly perceive it and could not control it at all.

Is it only possible to exercise the qi through the method of the samurai?

No, there must be other methods, try slowly, and you will always succeed.

Uchiha Qing doesn’t think about this anymore, and now I feel a little bit stunned, I’d better take a good rest and continue to study this tomorrow. Thinking about it, Uchiha Kiyoshi didn’t ink either, so he went home for dinner, practiced the knot for two hours, applied the ointment, and fell asleep.

The next day, Uchiha Qing got up full of energy, remembering yesterday’s harvest, a smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha’s mouth.

“Ah! It’s a beautiful day, beginning.”

Perhaps it was yesterday’s discovery that finally solved the knot, and Uchiha Kiyoshi was in a good mood today.

While exercising every day, I am also thinking about how to control the energy of the body to nourish the body.

However, when it was time for Yuyin research, Uchiha Qing put away these thoughts and concentrated on studying Yuyin.

“Now Yuyin’s research is on the right track. Although many things can be researched, but there is not enough ninjutsu, and it is difficult to understand the meaning of each cycle, so instead of worrying, insist on researching for an hour every day. That’s it.

It is a one-handed knot, which can be done. After all, it can be used anytime. ”

Kiyo Uchiha reduced the time to study the seal to an hour, so that he could train himself with more time left.

Since the end of the special training, Uchiha Kiyo hasn’t trained Kunai throwing for more than half a month.

Now just a portion of the time is being spent trading kunai throws.

After three months of special training, Uchiha Qing has been able to basically guarantee to hit the bullseye. Of course, it is only a fixed target. If the target is moved, it can hit the target.

However, the foundation has been laid. As long as he trains step by step, Uchiha’s throwing skills will improve very quickly.

Of course, today’s temporary decision was made to shorten the study time of Yuyin, so today I won’t go to training Kunai.

With the extra time, Uchiha decided to try the one-handed seal. See if you can sum up the corresponding handprints.

Regarding the one-handed seal, Uchiha Qing also has his own research ideas.

The seal itself is nothing more than mobilizing chakra. As long as you find a set of one-hand seals that can replace the chakra mobilization in the two-hand seal, you can initially complete the one-hand seal.

The real difficulty is to summarize all the one-handed summaries into the most concise system.

However, Uchiha Kiyoshi did not intend to do so.

On the one hand, it is too troublesome to do this, it takes a lot of time, and the cost performance is not high.

Second, Uchiha Kiyoshi was just trying, and he only needed a few common ninjutsus to be able to use one-handed knots.

Moreover, Uchiha Kiyoshi is more concerned about Muji Ninjutsu.

Even if he didn’t do much research, Uchiha could think that it would be extremely troublesome to make a one-handed seal, and the required fingerprints were definitely far more than the twelve seals of both hands. Therefore, in addition to the inconvenience of two-handed seals, or the need to hit the enemy by surprise , Uchiha Qing also does not need a one-handed seal.

“The research on one-handed knot printing should not be too invested, and at this stage it is just an attempt.

After learning ninjutsu, it is enough to research the corresponding one-handed knot seal method for the most practical ninjutsu. ”

Uchiha Kiyo split the twelve patterns of the two-hand print, performed it with one hand, and recorded the corresponding chakra response.

The whole thing, plus an hour of research on hand seals, is no different from the time used before.

After the research, Uchiha Qing went to the reference room again and continued to search for information.

After coming to the door of the reference room, and bowing to the master at the door to say hello, Uchiha Kiyo entered the reference room under the strange gaze of the other party.

Uchiha Qing couldn’t figure out the other side’s strange gaze, but these were not important, so check the information first.

When he came to the medical area, Uchiha Kiyo did not go to find any information about the samurai.

Uchiha Kiyoshi, who has already obtained his direction from the samurai system, now needs a method that can control the energy of his body, and the samurai set actually does not have much reference.

According to Kiyo Uchiha’s understanding yesterday, the samurai’s body forging was actually just unintentionally cultivated into the body, and he didn’t realize how this process was carried out, and he didn’t even know when it started. So Uchiha Kiyo didn’t waste time on the samurai set, but focused on medical ninjutsu.

Although there are no real medical ninjutsu scrolls here, some relevant information can still be found.

Uchiha Kiyoshi remembered that he did not know where he came from, but he saw a saying that the ultimate yin escape is mental energy, and the ultimate yang escape is physical energy.

It should be a certain doujin. Uchiha Kiyoshi doesn’t know if it is correct, but this does not prevent Uchiha Kiyo from finding a way from medical ninjutsu.

Medical ninjutsu is a method to quickly heal the wound by stimulating the human cells at the wound, which is a certain degree of squeezing the potential of human cells. However, Uchiha Qing still noticed something from it.

“Ninjutsu itself has no therapeutic effect, and the cells are stimulated to produce corresponding therapeutic effects, so how is this treated?

It should be stimulated to the cells, UU reading cells began to divide, and then the wound healed. However, the newly-born cells are very fragile, especially for large-scale wounds. After treatment, they are all newly formed tissues. Compared with other places that ninjas have trained over many years, their strength is more than one step. How to solve this? Is it true that it is all about the ninja to get back to training?

Could it be body energy? The cells produce a lot of body energy, and then the cells at the wound catch up with the original cells in a short time. No matter how bad it is, they should be able to get stronger, without relying on the ninjas themselves to exercise. ”

Uchiha Kiyo continued to reason, and at the same time was looking for information on medical ninjutsu.

“Finally found it, “The First Solution of Medical Ninjutsu”, eh? The author is from the Qianshou clan? What’s the situation?”

Uchiha Kiyoshi was surprised when he saw the author’s name on the book, but he quickly reacted.

“It should be the spoils of war during the Warring States period. As long-standing rivals, the war between Uchiha and Chishou has occurred frequently, and it is natural to get some basic scrolls from the other side.”

Immediately, Uchiha Kiyo stopped thinking about it and started to study this book.

Just when Uchiha Kiyo was studying “The First Solution of Medical Ninjutsu”, what he didn’t know was that Uchiha Yu who was at the door also looked back at him, especially after noticing the book he was holding, he seemed relieved Like, showing a happy smile.

“It seems that yesterday was just the book on the samurai body training method that this kid happened to see, and then you are interested?

Learning medical ninjutsu is better than watching those samurai stuff.

The Uchiha family has not yet produced a truly powerful medical ninja. If this kid can achieve something in this regard, it can be considered to make up for a weakness of the family. ”

Ask for collection! !

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