The richest man in the leisurely country

Chapter 79 The Arrogant BMW

Chapter 79 The Arrogant BMW
Now that the car has been bought, Su Mu is in a good mood, and took advantage of the time to watch Su Chengjun and his house building progress.

After a few days, the foundation of the house has been laid and the concrete pillars are being laid.

Seeing the orderly progress of the construction site, Su Mu was very satisfied with it.

As long as the foundation is good, the future construction will be much faster, so that the house can be almost completed in a short time.

Now I am waiting for the house to be built, and then I will really become a family with a house and a car.

Moreover, the house is still a small villa, and the car is okay. At any rate, it costs more than [-] yuan and it is turbocharged. The most important thing is that it is all worked hard by myself.

Unlike most people, who seem to have a house and a car on the surface, but actually owed hundreds of thousands of debts when building the house, and had to work hard to make money to pay it back.

There are also cars, many of which have only paid the down payment and have to repay the mortgage every month. No matter what Su Mu thinks, he feels that it is right for him to go back to his hometown and work hard.

Of course, the five spirit beads are indispensable for this.

Now everything is developing according to the normal rhythm, Su Mu is not in a hurry, he just needs to wait patiently.

Occasionally, I go to the field to help take care of the vegetables. After the newly planted vegetables are planted, I use the five spirit beads to make some celestial leaves to water the vegetables, and the fruits on the mountain are about to ripen again.

The chickens, ducks and geese in the shed also grew up a lot, and Su Mu hatched many chicks with eggs.

Every day, black wolves and civet cats help drive them to the mountains to peck grass and eat insects. Su Mu only needs to get some food occasionally to feed them.

"Well, you have worked hard during this time, I will kill a rooster to make up for you."

Seeing nothing to do, Su Mu came to the mountain and saw that the raccoon cat and the black wolf were working hard to help him take care of the poultry. Su Mu touched the heads of the black wolf and the raccoon cat with a look of satisfaction.

During this period of time, they dare not eat too many eggs, because they will be left for Su Mu to incubate chickens. Although they will occasionally catch wild game to eat by themselves, it is time for them to eat meat.



On this day, Hei Lang and Lihua Mao waited for a long time.

When they heard that Su Mu was going to kill chickens for them to eat, the two guys couldn't wait.

Especially Hei Lang jumped up and rushed towards the flock of chickens. After a while, he came with a big rooster weighing four to five catties.

"Fuck, little son, you are too impatient."

Seeing Hei Lang like this, Su Mu almost scolded his mother.

In fact, Su Mu was just talking. He hasn't decided which chicken to kill. He never thought that Hei Lang couldn't wait.

The most important thing is that this girl really has eyesight. What she bit was a very fat rooster. It is estimated that this chicken is not pleasing to the eye.

After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. It is estimated that the rooster and the hen love each other on weekdays, and the black wolf has long been unable to bear it.

Since the black wolf beheaded first and then played, Su Mu had no choice but to take the chicken back to let the blood out and pull out the feathers.

Although it was made for the black wolf and the civet cat, Su Mu still followed the usual practice instead of letting them eat it raw.

After finding some dry firewood, Su Mu went to his second uncle and aunt's house to get some salt, monosodium glutamate and other condiments, set up the killed roosters, and started to make roast chicken for them.

Seeing Su Mu raising the fire to roast the chicken, Hei Lang and Lihuamao couldn't help it, so they squatted beside them and stared at the chicken on the fire.

After roasting for more than an hour, the chicken began to smell delicious, so greedy that the black wolf and the cihuamao kept licking their tongues.

"Okay, let's eat."

After seeing that it was almost roasted, Su Mu took the roast chicken off the fire grill, put it in front of his nose and smelled it carefully.

Although it was the first time to cook roast chicken, it was not bad, it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the aroma was so fragrant that Su Mu didn't even feel his mouth watering.

In front of Hei Lang and Ci Huamao, Su Mu tore off a piece of chicken leg and took a bite.

As expected, it is raised with fairy dew. It is fat but not greasy, with silk in the meat and full of chewiness.



Seeing Su Mu eating in front of them, the black wolf and the raccoon cat couldn't help it, and rushed towards Su Mu screaming.

Fortunately, Su Mu reacted in time and avoided the scramble of a wolf and a cat.

"Don't grab it, eldest son, this chicken leg is for you, Hei Lang, it's yours."

Seeing that they were so neither big nor small, Su Mu scolded angrily, then threw the chicken he took a bite of to Lihuamao, and broke off another delicious chicken leg and threw it to Heilang.

Su Mu didn't favor anyone, he divided the chicken into two halves and put them on both sides.

The chicken head was so delicious that even the chicks who were eating grass and pecking insects were almost crying.

It's just that when they thought that it was their companions who were killed, each one of them didn't dare to have the slightest idea.

Seeing the black wolf and the cihuamao eating with gusto, Su Mu licked his lips, feeling the urge to snatch them.

But since I said it was a delicacy bestowed on them, I held back after thinking about it.

At worst, I will catch another hen later and let my second aunt kill it and stew it to eat. The hen tastes better and is more nourishing.


Just as Su Mu watched Heilang and Lihuamao gobble up, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Take it out and have a look, it is Lin Lan calling.

"Xiao Su, do you remember the Golden Hotel? They just called and said that a vice president is coming to talk to us about vegetable supply."

As soon as Su Mu connected, Lin Lan's excited voice came from the other side.

Ever since what happened to Wu Lian last time, Lin Lan thought that the vegetable supply business with the Golden Hotel would fail.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the other party took the initiative to call and make an appointment.

But Lin Lan thinks it's better to let Su Mu make up his mind about this kind of thing.

"Oh, that's it, then let them come over, I'll come down right away."

As soon as he heard that someone came to order vegetables again, Su Mu naturally would not delay.

The last time I didn't cooperate with the Golden Hotel was mainly because I couldn't understand Wu Lian's stupid behavior of enriching her own pockets. Now that Wu Lian is out of class, and now the vice president came to talk in person, who would have trouble with money?
Although the supply of vegetables is a bit tight now, Qinghua Private School and Deep Blue Hotel ordered a few thousand catties last time, but the output can still keep up.

The business at the fruit and vegetable store is too hot, and it is sold to everyone. Su Mu also wants to relieve Lin Lan's pressure.

After hanging up the phone, Su Mu didn't delay, went home to wash his hands, and then drove his brand new car to the city.

It is much more convenient to have a car, at least it is much better than riding a tricycle.

It's just that I didn't expect that when Su Mu drove to the wide road leading from the town to the county, a BMW [-]-series convertible sports car rushed up from behind.

Driving on the road, being overtaken is a common occurrence.

It's just that before the BMW convertible came up, it actually showed off its driving skills to Su Mu, swerved in front of him, and then drove away with a kick of the accelerator.

If it weren't for Su Mu's timely response, he would really be nervous by his other car.

If he hadn't considered that he was a new car and hadn't installed a driving recorder, Su Mu would have rushed up to this kind of other car behavior, and it would have been a collision if he caught up.

Meow meow, and dare to be arrogant in driving the most trashy convertible car.

Su Mu, who was taken aback, looked unhappy, and continued to move forward at his own speed. After walking about a kilometer, he reached the traffic light.

In front of the zebra crossing, just as Su Mu stopped the car, the owner of the second-series BMW convertible next to him rolled down the window and gestured to Su Mu with contempt.

Seeing the other party's arrogance, Su Mu immediately pressed the car window, squinted and smiled at him.

"Brother, don't block the fast lane when you drive a broken domestic car. Your skills are not good, are you a novice?"

(End of this chapter)

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