The richest man in the leisurely country

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
"Hehe, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Su Mu didn't expect Chen Anran to say that suddenly, and smiled smugly.

This girl, who was obviously out of breath by herself, started to provoke others.

"Bah, brag you, who is blind would fall in love with you, pretending to scare people all day long, no wonder that Lin Mei's door-to-door blind date didn't fall in love with you."

Chen Anran was furious and didn't give Su Mu any face.

Her behavior made Su Mu feel dizzy.

I was just teasing her for fun, and it was really no one to lose such a big temper.

"Hey, I said you don't want to eat chicken fir today, do you?"

As a last resort, Su Mu had to threaten her with the chicken fir in his hand.

Su Mu, who has rich experience, knows very well that he must never get angry with girls, otherwise he will always be the one who suffers.

It's okay to tease them occasionally, but if you really make them angry, the consequences will be quite serious.


"I'm telling you something serious, don't threaten me with chicken fir, you can't laugh at me like that again, you know?"

Chen Anran said, with his hands on his hips, looking at Su Mu with resentment.

She really felt that the more familiar she was with Su Mu, the worse he would be.

He clearly knew that he wanted to eat chicken fir, but he had never tasted chicken fir, yet he threatened himself with this at a critical moment.

He is still a foodie, of course Chen Anran will not admit it.

"Okay, then let's go down the mountain after you rest, and let my second aunt cook something delicious for you."

Su Mu had learned about Chen Anran's scoundrel, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.

After Chen Anran had rested and had the strength to walk, the two of them went down the mountain.

Back at his second uncle's house, Su Mu gave the chicken fir he picked up to his second aunt Li Lanhua.

This was Chen Anran's first visit to the house, and the second aunt Li Lanhua was overjoyed, that's called enthusiasm.

The pickled chicken fir is about two catties, and it can be used to cook two dishes.

There are many ways to eat chicken fir, and the most common way in the countryside is to fry or make soup.

Su Mu's favorite is to cook chicken fir and meat soup together, the taste is, tsk tsk, very tender.

Chicken fir is the king of fungi, with many nutrients, including calcium, iron, scale, protein and other nutrients, and the content of amino acids in it is as many as [-] kinds.

It also has the functions of invigorating the spleen and stomach, improving immunity, lowering blood sugar and preventing cancer.

Moreover, it has a unique curative effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids, which can be said to be a tonic among tonics.

After handing the chicken fir to the second aunt, Su Mu, who hadn't eaten chicken fir for a long time, couldn't help but ran to the kitchen to help cook together.

First soak the chicken fir in warm water, cut the pork, and prepare the onion, ginger and garlic.

Make a pot of high soup, boil it, put the washed chicken fir, ginger and garlic in it, then adjust the taste, cook for about 10 minutes to half an hour, then put in the pork slices that are evenly mixed with soybean powder and salt, add Condiments such as scallions, monosodium glutamate, etc., can be cooked after being cooked.

This is Su Mu's favorite soup with sliced ​​chicken fir and pork. In addition, there is fried chicken fir.

After it is done, a pot of chicken fir soup with tender meat, white as blemishes and delicious taste is out of the oven.

The taste was so good that Chen Anran almost cried.

Su Mu, second uncle Su Daming, second aunt Li Lanhua, Chen Anran and Lin Mei, a total of five people sat around and ate with relish.

Especially Chen Anran, who ate chicken fir for the first time, was amazed by the smooth and tender chicken fir.

A good countryside is a treasure land, where you can get all kinds of unexpected things, and the taste is very good.

For example, the chicken fir they picked up today is not only delicious, but also a kind of tonic. After eating, it will be beneficial to people without any harm.

If it is harmful, it is that if you eat it, you want to continue to eat it, and you can't wait to eat it every day.

Especially this kind of wild chicken fir, which tastes a hundred times better than those artificially grown, and its efficacy is even more incomparable.

Even Su Mu has thought about planting chicken fir, but it is quite difficult to grow chicken fir.

To plant chicken fir, you must have termites, because chicken fir grows on the top of termite nests, is a fungus, and has very high requirements on climate and other environmental conditions.

In fact, chicken fir is rare in the market. It is only available in summer, and it is only available in specific places with good climate and environment.

It can be said that people in most parts of the country have never eaten chicken fir.

Only Su Mu and the others here, because the climate is warm and humid, which is suitable for the growth of chicken fir, can be eaten at a specific time.

As for the planting of chicken fir, Su Mu plans to write it down first, to see if there is a chance to get some termite nests in the future, but the living conditions of termites are very high, and then we have to find a way.

The most important thing right now is naturally the experimental planting of his own Chinese medicinal materials.

Su Mu had just finished dinner when his cousin Su Chengjun came to the door unexpectedly.

Tell Su Mu that the house is about to be completed and the roof will be capped soon. They have already done all the materials and preparations. When the cap is capped tomorrow, Su Mu will have to go to the roof to pour the first bucket of mortar himself.

When he heard that the top was about to be capped, Su Mu was also taken aback. To be honest, the progress of this project is already very fast.

These days he was busy with Chinese herbal medicines, and he didn't go to the new house to check the situation.

That is to say, after the roof is capped tomorrow, wait for the slabs poured in two days to dry, and in about a week or two, remove the shelves, and then the whole house will be built.

During this period of time, they can help Su Mu to make changes in the surrounding environment, such as building up the courtyard walls, and digging the parking lot at the entrance, and the fish pond that Su Mu wants.

As long as the house is built, the rest will be very fast to be honest, because the ground is flat, it is just simple building walls and digging soil.

When they heard that Su Mu's house was going to be built, the second uncle and aunt were very excited, and even Chen Anran and Lin Mei were happy for Su Mu.

The next day, Su Mu got up early and drove to the town to bring firecrackers and fireworks worth thousands of dollars.

Firecrackers and fireworks are not allowed in the city, but Su Mu and the others don't have this rule yet in the countryside.

When Su Mu came back, Su Chengjun and the others had already done the preparations, the mortar had been installed, and they were waiting for Su Mu to pour the first bucket of mortar.

Seeing that Su Mu bought so many things for celebration, Su Chengjun and the others hurriedly helped take out the firecrackers and placed the fireworks around the house one by one.

Originally, the capping depends on the day, but Su Mu doesn't pay too much attention to these, as long as it is a good thing, any time is a good day.

After everything was settled, Su Mu came to the roof with a bucket of mortar, walked to the middle and poured out the mortar.

As soon as he finished it, others came up with mortar.

At the same time, firecrackers and fireworks were lit at the same time.

Bang bang bang, the scene is so lively.

Seeing the workers busy on the roof, constantly pouring mortar on the roof, Su Mu's eyes were inexplicably sour.

It's not easy, after a period of hard work, my house is finally going to be built.

Of course, compared to other people, my hard work is nothing to be honest.

You know, there are so many families in the village, and it costs at least tens of millions to build a house. They work hard outside, let alone a few months, and they can't raise that much money in a few years.

On the contrary, Su Mu, who made money quickly, had a house of his own just a few months after graduation.

Not only Su Mu's eyes were red, but also his second uncle Su Daming was filled with emotion, and his second aunt Li Lanhua couldn't help crying.

"You said you, today is the day when Xiao Su's house is closed to the roof, why are you crying on such a good day?"

Seeing his second aunt Li Lanhua crying so hard, his second uncle Su Daming couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but teach him a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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