The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 26: Strike team Assault part 3

Pov Team Alpha

“Keep running keep run!” Leon yelled as he unloaded his last magazine of ammunition into the encroaching pair of monsters. “Fuck I’m out” Leon turned to Jill who just shook her head .

“Has anyone got anything left” Albert yelled to the group who just shook their heads. Leon looked around frantically for a way out.

“Take the next left there should be a manhole cover just a short run away”

“We won’t be able to get up that ladder if those things keep chasing us.”Everyone looked at Ike “one of us needs to distract those monsters for the rest to escape”. 

“Fuck it fine I will do it but if I die”

“We will tell your loved ones you loved them” Leon said.

“Fuck no I was going to say I’ll be coming back to hunt your asses”. The group came to a junction Ike ran right whilst the rest of the group ran left. The monsters turned right at the junction pursing Ike. “Come on you dumb lumbering fuck my grandma can run faster then you”. Ike heard a loud screech coming from behind him the monsters were even more pissed off then before. Ike felt something wet his back and he was knocked off his feet. “Get off me you fucker” Ike lashed out kicking at the creatures tongue. 

The creature had a smile on its face as it slowly recalled it tongue. Ike desperately reached out for a crevice to hold on to. Ike saw a lose rusty pipe and made a grab for it not to hold onto but to rip it off. The pipe was ripped from its place and Ike started to beat the ever loving shit out of the tongue. The tongue recoiled as the creature placed its left front foot onto of Ike’s chest. The snake monster hissed at the monster with horns 

The horned monster raised it’s right leg and started to shake it and the snake started to shake its tongue. After three shakes the snake curled its tongue into a ball and the horned monster made a V with its claws. The snake monster hissed happily as the horned monster released Ike. Ike could only look on as the snake started to devour him feet first. “Fuck you fuck don’t you dare” Ike started to strike at the creatures eyes. But it was no use as the snake swallowed more and more of Ike’s body. Ike could only struggle as he slid downs the snake’s throat.

Pov Yawn

The man I had devoured tasted absolutely horrible the sewer water and muck made him taste foul. I could feel him pounding on my stomach walls as he fought to keep his life. Jackson started to shift away from me so I quickly coiled around him. (In snake hisses) “and where do you think you’re going.”

(In lizard hisses) “to get the rest of those people” I coiled around him tighter.

(In snake hisses) “they are long gone” I used my superior length to restrain his movements. The serum master gave us had given us the ability to understand each other and I liked it. I heard my dinner scream inside me (in snake hisses) “you hear those screams doesn’t it make you absolutely ravenous”. I started to rub my head against his head as I flipped us onto our backs. 

(In lizard hisses) “get off me you dumb snake” Jackson tried to stab me with one of his horns. 

(In snake hisses) “you know it’s no use struggling we both know you like it when I coil around you”. I started to tighten around him and he let out a slight gasp.

(In lizard hisses) “What about him?”

(In snake hisses) “Don’t worry I’m using some of my muscles to stop us from crushing him and I’m getting him enough oxygen to stop him from dying of asphyxiation. So he can die nice and slow being digested as we mate.” I slithered up slightly so he could see the mans outline in my body.

Jackson started to lick the outline with his sticky tongue. (In lizard hisses) “that does sound hot but?” 

(In snake hisses) “no buts I’m having my dessert before finishing my dinner”.

Pov Team Beta at the same time as the other teams started their missions

“This is Team Beta making entry in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..” a group of five men and three women entered a house. 

“This is Beta Team Leader we have breached into the target’s residence commencing the operation”. The leader had a green stripe running down his dark blue helmet. The group heard moans and loud bangs coming from upstairs. “Fuck no wonder they can’t hear us entering” the leader nudged the man next to him.

“Lets bag and tag em I’ve got my kids piano recital in two hours”. Just then a small white rabbit came hoping towards them. 

“Arh isn’t this thing the cutest” the team leader picked up the little rabbit and brought it close to his face. “Who’s a cute little guy” the rabbit nuzzled close to his neck “I think it likes me.” The captain felt something sharp prick his neck, he looked down and saw the rabbits eyes glow bright red. “What the!” The captains words were cut off when the rabbit bit deep into his neck. He started to scream hysterically as his blood started to squirt everywhere. 

“Fuck what the fuck is that” yelled one of the men as they took aim at the now blood stained white fur of the rabbit. The rabbit tore away a sizeable chunk of the leaders neck and as the leader crumpled to the floor twitching the rabbit glared at the rest of them. “Shoot the fucker!” The men and women started to shoot at the fast ball of fur and teeth. But to their horror they saw the creature had started to multiply. 

“Fuck fall back fall back” yelled one of the men as he fired his shotgun at the squirming white mass. The soldiers kept firing but the rabbits multiplied faster then they could kill them.

“What is going on down here?!” Their target had come down the stairs. Hundreds of red eyes gleamed at “Zero come here now” the rabbits started to absorb each other until only one remained. It hopped towards him just as a giant woman appeared behind him on the stairs.

“I hope you’re going to pay for the door” she pointed to the door that was only on one hinge. The woman wore a lose fitting dressing gown and the target was wearing a pair of boxers. The group pointed their guns at the boy and woman.

“You’re coming with us” yelled one of the men, the rabbit grinned at the group and chomped its razor sharp teeth at them. 

“You’re with fucking S.H.I.E.L.D where the fuck is your warrant” the targets tail swayed menacingly. 

Pov Luke Valentine 3 hours later

“That mother fucker” I was extremely annoyed ‘those bastards had interrupted what was an amazing activity’. I had to call an ambulance for the idiot that bled all over my floor he was pronounced dead at the scene. I even made a phone call to the president to have a meeting with him. Ada and Midnight were with me along with Zero. We where currently in a jeep heading towards an undisclosed location to meet with the president.

 “We’ll have to carry our activity on after this mess is sorted out” Midnight was extremely annoyed as she spoke. A man opposite me shifted nervously away from me as I held Zero. 

He wore a black suit and black sunglasses with an ear piece in his left ear “we’ll be arriving any second now”. He gulped as the car came to a stop the doors opened and we were outside some building. More men in black suits and sunglasses were waiting for us. They quickly guided us inside and into a room with a large round table. A familiar man sat at the table Ada gritted her teeth.


“Ada” Fury remained calm as Ada sat down opposite him. A man entered the room accompanied by a small group of men in black suits. 

“Thank you for meeting with me Mr President” I shook his hand.

“No thank you my daughter is just like her old self before the cancer” he took one look at Fury. “Now I want to hear about this botched operation that happened a few hours ago.” 

“Well I will say this man killed ten of my men, we’re still trying to identify the chunks of seven of them and we can’t find one of them but from what my top agent said I’m sure he was eaten by his monsters.” My rabbit jumped onto the table and Fury immediately pulled his gun out and pointed it at her. “Mr President stay back this is one of those monsters”. I laughed and smacked the side of my trousers. 

“Monster that’s a good one no Zero here isn’t a monster she is how do you put it a guard dog” I snapped my fingers and Zero immediately jumped forward and bit the barrel off of Furys pistol. “Now down to business I want S.H.I.E.L.D to suffer the consequences of breaking into my house and warehouse.” Fury looked dumb founded as I said those words.

“You want to sue S.H.I.E.L.D what for?” He seemed very angry as I said this.

“How about breaking and entering, Assaulting three employees of mine with deadly weapons and espionage”. 

“What employees?” I pointed towards my rabbit.

“The other two can’t be here to protect their identities, and they probably couldn’t fit in the car.”

“We will hear about the justification of these accusations now” the President cut in.

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