The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 10: Midnights reward

Midnight was waiting for me when I entered the lab ‘what happened you master’

“I ran into some problems Midnight”

‘Was It that Ada woman can I eat her now’ Midnights mouth started to drool.

“No Midnight it wasn’t Ada’s doing, probably some outside party, but we have work to do in three days a black version of the Flash is doing a race and a lot of people will be there” I started to take off my clothes.

‘You have a very sexy body master’ Midnight started to drool.

“Can we focus on the matter at hand Midnight” I scoffed. “In three days I need to build two dispersal units and I need to pre place those units in two separate locations” I started to wash my face and arms in a sink. “So now I have to find a second location for my attacks” I scrolled through the list of upcoming events. There’s the Valentine’s Day parade, the orphan fundraiser party held by the wealthy elites of the city. Or the massive shopping centre that’s doing their grand opening.

‘Fuck I can’t decide’ “Midnight if you don’t turn around right now or I’ll turn what ever eyes you have into paperweights” I started putting on my spare clothes. Midnight exited through the sewer entrance and I started turning the experimental T virus into a usable product. ‘Now how am I going to disperse this in a gas form?’ 

Then I remembered my bag of parts I bought a wicked smile spread across my face ‘the world is going to receive a wake up call. I started making the dispersal device ’lets see If I hook that up to this it should increase the spread of my gas by tenfold’ 

Pov Homelander

I casually sat on my couch resting my head back. The TV was on the news channel “and todays top story a double homicide has rocked the local community of Manhattan the police have released this statement” Just then a elderly policeman appeared on the screen.

“We need witnesses to come forward anyone who saw anything strange or suspicious on 19th and west at five fifteen in the afternoon” A noise drew my attention from the TV to behind me.

“What can I do for you Madelyn?” Her face was pissed off.

“So you saw the news then hum?”

“Yes there was a terrible double homicide” I smiled at her. “You wouldn’t be involved in that would you?”

“Fuck you you prick this only happened because you couldn’t be bothered with picking up a man who looks like a child”

“I’ll remind you It’s beneath me”

“Well now we have to find some other way to get him”

“Why don’t you send Black Noir” Madelyn looked at me curiously.

“And tell him what oh yeah could you capture this seemingly innocent child looking man for reasons you don’t need to know, yeah I can see that working out perfectly” I decided to get up.

“You will send him otherwise I will go and I can’t guarantee that he will be in one piece.” I decided to rip the head off the picture of the child.

Pov Leon Scott Kennedy 

I looked at my partner and he looked at me “why are we here Leon?”. We were sat in our squad car outside an apartment complex.

“We’re here to collect Angelina Gracehart” Just then we both heard a loud scream coming from the apartments. “Shit we need to go in!”

“Wait Leon we need backup” I quickly rushed into the apartment complex. I quickly rushed up to the fifth floor and noticed at the far end of the hall was an open door. A woman was stood in the doorway looking extremely distraught. 

“Lady what’s wrong?” she started to splutter words and just pointed inside. I could hear my partner running up the stairs. 

“What part of wait for backup don’t you get” I ignored him and drew my Glock 19 and proceeded to enter the apartment. A rancid smell wafted up my nose and nearly made me puke. My partner entered with his gun unrhoisdled “what the fuck is that smell”.

I entered the bedroom and found the source of the stench “call the techs Smith looks like we won’t be bringing Angelina in for questioning” a youngish woman with reddish hair was laid on the bed. Her throat had been slit and her blue eyes were glazed over‘I wonder if this is the same person’.

Pov Ada Wong

I sat in my favourite cafe and started to drink an americano as I gazed out into the streets. ‘Why can’t I get more peaceful moments like this’

“Excuse me Ms you have a guest” the waitress guided a man to my table. He was a tall gentleman with short brownish hair and fair skin. His emerald green eyes glared at me, he wore a long maroon trench coat and a matching fedora. He sat down at my table “what can I get for you sir?” 

“I’ll have a black coffee no sugar please” the waitress jotted the order down. Then the man turned to face me “you haven’t been returning my calls Ada?”

“I didn’t know I had too Marcus” I glared back at the man his hand started to move closer to my hand.

“Now Ada you know I’m not a patient man and my father doesn’t have all the time in the world so I want you to get that cure and I won’t take no for an option” Just then the waitress returned with the black coffee.

“Here you go sir I hope it’s up to your standards” Marcus did his signature smile and thanked the waitress before his attention focused back on me.

“I will give you until the A-Train race otherwise I’ll resort to much more extreme measures and you won’t receive your pay” I finished my americano and signalled the waitress for the bill.

“Keep your money Marcus, I prefer to keep myself alive”

“Ha the great Ada Wong is scared of some child ow how you have fallen” I started to laugh which puzzled him.

“He is no child I’m not even sure he is human, If you want to kill yourself Marcus there are a lot of good tall buildings to jump off”

“You will regret this Ada”

“I’ve regretted many things in my life Marcus this won’t be one” I got up and put my coat on “If you come after me Marcus I will release those pictures of you and your little lover boy on the internet, I wonder how your catholic Italian father will react when he finds out his son likes men?”

Pov Midnight 

‘Stupid Chinese woman trying to seduce master’ I continued to speed through the sewer system. ‘What has she got that I don’t have’ I pondered my thought carefully. ‘Well she is human and she has a pulse, that can be changed though’ I rubbed my scythe like appendages together. ‘No master would be disappointed in me’ It is hard being me. I made a sharp left ‘I’m everything master needs I’m strong, I’m pretty and I can give him plenty of children’

Just then I ran into a couple of men they were dressed in ragged clothes and smelled like they hadn’t bathed in at least a year. “Yo dude this pot is dope man I’m seeing this crazy ass giant bug” his companion looked at me.

“Yeah dude I can see it as well are we having a joint hallucination dude” the pair laughed and stumbled past me. ‘Damn junkies they say there are crocodiles in these sewers but no I had to run into a pair of dumb asses’ I didn’t want to eat them because I didn’t know were they had been. The image of master naked crept into my mind ‘what I wouldn’t give to get a piece of him umm’.

‘Midnight how goes the operation?’ 

‘It’s going fine master I’ve kept the target in constant smelling range’ 

‘That is good has anyone seen you in those sewers?’

‘Yeah just two junkies that thought they were tripping from some pot they took, master you know when you said I would get a reward?’

‘I vaguely remember that conversation’

‘Well I thought what I want’ I took a right then a left before coming up to a opening to small for me to fit through.

‘Well what do you want then’

‘I want to become a human’ I could hear master choking on something.

‘You want what?’

‘I want to become a human’

‘We will talk about this when I come back I’m going out soon to Hell’s Kitchen’

‘Okay master’ I chittered happily ‘I wonder how many kids we will have ten no twenty no a hundred and when that Chinese bitch tries to seduce master I will eat her’ My mouth started to drool.

Pov Luke Valentine somewhere in Hells Kitchen 

Three hours had passed since my conversation with Midnight. ‘I wonder why she wants to become human’

You can read her thoughts and memories Host why don’t you.

“System it’s a little thing called privacy, just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it”

Anyway why are we in Hells Kitchen at night time Host.

“Ever since I killed those people system a hunger has started to grow and grow” I scratched my neck remembering the sweet taste of human blood and fear. My shoes were dirty and muddy I took great care into making sure no one had seem me.

New situation mission: Consume 10 F class villains or Consume 10 F class heroes.

Rewards for consuming 10 F class villains: The location of 1 D class villain, 10 fame and the new storyline opens: Devil in times of need 
Rewards for consuming 10 F class heroes: The location of 1 D class hero, 10 Infamy and the new storyline opens: Devils in the detail. 

“System how do I know if someone is a villain or hero”

Creating skill Eyes of good and evil
This skill will allow Host to see the rankings and info on people For example this could be what you would see.
Name: James Morgan    Rank: F Hero
Age: 25
Spouse: None 
Children: None
Crimes: 1 Speeding ticket issued last month
Deeds: Helps out in homeless shelters and donates half his income to charities that help abandoned dogs.

More information will become available after this skill is levelled up happy hunting host

A wicked smile crept on my face ‘Oh it will be system’

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