The Resetting Lady

Chapter 64


“Anyway, I don’t want to expect too much. I don’t want to be disappointed. I’m sure she won’t give me a proper answer, given that my mother didn’t connect with him anyway. It’s just something like this. Nothing’s happened so far, so nothing will happen in the future.”

“Is that so?”

Raymond answered, taking Karen, who was ringing, to the carriage. After sending Karen, she goes to kill again. Karen said she didn’t expect it, but her eyes were twinkling with excitement. I hope that expectation doesn’t break. Raymond wished so in the spirit of handing the toy to the child.

“Go up.”

There was no foothold this time, but Karen didn’t have to step on people. Raymond re-emphasized Karen by lifting her to the carriage.

“Once again, don’t get too close to Prince Gwiz. Always be with the ladies. It’s dangerous to be alone or alone.”

“What kind of war am I going to go to or flee?”

Raymond repeatedly warned and pledged to Karen, but when he heard it, Karen tapped her shoes and glared at her from below. He doesn’t seem to like treating himself like a child. But Raymond didn’t even lift an eyebrow and went on. In comparison, she was right.

“And I left my will to the lawyer, so please find it as soon as you hear the obituary.”

“Oh, by the way. Lord Raymond, you will never die!”

I hope so. But Raymond just kept his mouth shut and grinned at the girl who was sure he would never die. I hope so. She is the main male character and was born to love her. There’s nothing to be afraid of because the future is scheduled.

“But how good is life if it’s so easy?”

Raymond was depressed about it. If what she says is true, why suffer in her life? Why is there hardship in her life? You’ll never die? Raymond has never gone to war without a suicide note.

There were countless things that escaped from the brink of death. “If I had gone east, not west, if I had drunk the well, if I had not killed the prisoner.”

Just think of Raymond’s survival from countless options as a trinket. If the world is a book made for her, why does that happen? Why do people die on the streets and the war never ends? It is arrogance and deception. It is a childish delusion that believes the world will go away for itself.

“Lord Raymond will be here in three days.”


“It’s real.”


But when you see those certain eyes, you want to believe that you won’t die. Nothing sad will happen in the world and I think I can do everything for you. Even if it’s a madman’s nonsense.



“I know you want to put your hand on your head, but it took six hours to make it.”


Raymond lowered his hand awkwardly. Karen smiled and grabbed Raymond’s collar and pulled down her neck.

“I’ll pet it instead.”


It’s not like six hours, but I’ve been nervous for an hour. Karen doesn’t seem to know that men as well as women put a lot of effort into her hair. It is clear that she is mistaken that she has lived 100 years. Still, he was given the right to pat his hair generously as an elder. Karen stroked Raymond’s head and smiled proudly. He seems to like the hair he made.

“Still, have a safe and sound.

I want to believe it.

I want to believe her mistake.

But I can’t believe it. Raymond kissed Karen’s hand without a word.


The night Karen collapsed at Evans’ residence. Duran, who was brought to Raymond, said, “It’s ridiculous.

“He, do you believe that?”

“What else can’t you believe?”

Raymond shrugged and looked down at Duran. Duran checked the condition of Karen, who was asleep, and woke up. When he got up, Raymond knew he was taller than he thought. His waist was bent and small, but he was quite big when he stood up and looked into his eyes. If he were his subordinate, he’d roll him to straighten his back. Raymond bowed to Duran, holding back his desire to meddle.

“Excuse me, Bride. I couldn’t hide my nervousness to save people, so please understand.”

“…I do, I do.”

Raymond literally rammed Dulan, who had dragged him by the collar, into Karen’s bed. Contrary to the quite heartless remark that he doesn’t need to go further if he’s already dead, he carefully checked Karen’s condition and gave her a new drug. I feel much easier to breathe. Raymond sighed with relief.

“It won’t take long, my lord. And I want to respect her. I hope so, too.”

Even if you’re being polite and handcuffed. Raymond didn’t say anything behind his back. Karen could have committed a murder. And Duran is also her helper, maybe he’s the murderer. Raymond remembers that Duran’s servant was the first to shout that there was a fire. In the end, the cause of the fire was not properly identified. Investigators concluded it was from the kitchen, but the fire spread too fast.

Maybe we should put both of them in. Raymond thought so. But Dulan’s seemingly shameful behavior was clearing him of the charges. Duran seemed to hate Karen for breaking up with him and disgracing him. The same is true of the moment when he was dragged.

“Lord Raymond, you’re a good man.”

But there was too much emotion on his face….


“Lord Raymond, I thought you were finally asleep, but I’m sorry. I thought you’d enjoy your life with that famous fiancee by now. You’re destined to grow old and die as an old bachelor.”

“Lord Zion, be quiet.”

“Wow, that’s a nice way of talking, isn’t it? Do you speak so well in front of women?”

“Shut up.”


Zion grinned and gave Raymond a sarcastic consolation.

“How long does it take to get there?”

“It takes six hours. In the meantime, I’ll show you how to infiltrate, so you can rest now to rest.”

“How long can I rest?”

“10 minutes? I’m kidding. I don’t have time. Let’s get started.”

Sion rustled things out of the shelf.

Raymond closed his eyes for a moment. When I closed my eyes, there was darkness and stillness. And three seconds was enough. allay anxiety Erase one’s thoughts. Soldiers don’t think. He does not judge himself. There is only one thing to think about now. How to accomplish the mission. Raymond opened his eyes.

“What about the map?”

“Here you are. And the route that goes in is the red line that I marked.”

Raymond frowned at the floor plan with his hand. The route is strange.

There would still be a lot of ordinary people left if it was for the maneuver. How many people are there? And how many of the contracted mercenaries remain?”

“There is no information.”

“Did you figure out how many soldiers the Duke has left?”

“We don’t have that information.”

Raymond looked at Zion’s face. But his face was not joking. It was a little hardened out of place. That’s why I said something unseemly from the beginning. Raymond asked again, looking down.

“Are you sure the Duke is inside?”


Zion himself knows how far this order is. And I know how strange the mission is for him, who is scheduled to be a senator soon. But the two did not talk about it. What difference does it make if you question it? Soldiers do not judge. If you tell me to die, I’ll die.

“…yes. Then do you know what happens when you go up the waterway? I need a cross-sectional view and details here.”

“The capital?”

Xian asked, organizing Raymond’s words at once. Raymond nodded.

“It’s impossible to go this way. I don’t know how many people there are. Or you’ll have to kill them all and go in, but there’s a limit to the gunpowder you can carry alone. I want to reduce the number of people who come across the Duke’s room. How’s the waterway?”

Raymond wondered how diverse his work was. He was a regular layman, a sniper, and was now given a role to infiltrate and assassinate people. It hasn’t been years since I got used to being a sniper. I thought it was a good thing that I left Xenon tied to the stable to follow. I’m sure it was just a load, let alone a hand. The fewer people there are in this job, the better.

“…yes. You’ll have to hold your breath for about 10 minutes. But since it’s been raining there for a while, there will be less risk of being caught. Please wait a moment. I’ll do it again. And, Lord Raymond, take this.”

Raymond received a new gun from Zion. The heavy weight pressed Raymond’s hand with that much pressure.

“Your Majesty would like to test a new weapon.”

Clearly Karen knows little about it. And it’s clear that all of her claims are naive delusions. Raymond tried to suppress his thoughts.

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