Chapter 421: I Can Make It Right
"I'll count to three and if your eyes are not open by then, I will cut your hair," Ruru warned and Malika let out a gasp.
Surely that was… extreme?
"You wouldn't," Malika said as if to remind Ruru that Hawi had never had her hair shaved for years on end and that she had the longest hair in the realm.
Messing with that would bring even the wrath of the goddess to Ruru and there was no denying that it would be another messy session.
Perhaps Ruru was just bluffing, but why did it seem like she was dead serious about whatever she had planned for Hawi? This was wild on so many levels but maybe, just maybe, it was the only thing for her, right?
"Wanna bet?" Ruru asked Malika and Hawi tossed and turned like they were just making noise for her. She was doing her best to even her breathing, but the fact that Ruru was this close to her, and she was breathing in Ruru's scent was fucking with her mind.
Her mate was subconsciously seeking her out and even Hawi wasn't strong enough to deny a call from her mate. She wouldn't ever be able to say no to the woman she loved with all of her.
"No one touches my hair," Hawi grumbled as she sat up and Malika stared at Ruru who simply gave Malika the 'I told you so,' look.
"What's wrong with you? You look down and something is eating you up. Don't lie to me because I'm your mate and I can feel the turmoil in you. What was that growl about, and don't you dare lie to me," Ruru said.
Hawi turned to Malika, the silent plea in her eyes, begging Malika to save her from whatever this was. But then even Malika couldn't help her out this time. Ruru needed answers and Malika also needed those answers.
Someone had to explain what the fuck had happened here because none of this was making any sense to her too.
Malika had expected the shift in emotions because of how high the stairs they were supposed to get through were, but it wasn't supposed to be this compact. This itself seemed like a cry for help from Hawi and Malika couldn't play with that.
Something was bothering the white wolf and she needed to know what it was this time.
"I'm just hungry, but other than that everything is going on so well. In fact, we can rest for the night and keep going up the damned stairs when the sun comes up," Hawi said and Malika arched a brow at that.
Surely this wasn't the same woman who had almost chopped their heads for not hurrying up the damn stairs tight? This couldn't be the woman who had given thirty-six hours to get to the last step of these long stairs.
Something was froing and it was getting more obvious with every word that came out of Hawi's mouth.
"Hungry? You? Hungry?" Ruru asked, the disbelief clear on her face.
Your journey continues on empire
Long before she had had the courage to know Awuor Hawi better, Rukiya had heard about the crazy Sicario girl who had gone for three weeks without food because she was training herself for any rough days.
She had heard that girl had made sure that not even a drop of water made it to her lips and somehow she had survived an entire month without food or water and that too in the summer.
She was unhinged, and probably that was one of the many reasons people had decided to steer clear of the path that she walked. That girl was right here, now telling her that she was hungry because they had been at this for barely six hours?
That was absolute bullshit and Rukiya wasn't buying into it. There had to be another thing for Hawi here.
"Can't we be hungry on the mission with the insufferables? Besides we have endured a lot and need to get rest for the evening my idea earlier was just to motivate us to get this done with even though I knew it was impossible that fast," Hawi said.
Malika sighed defeatedly as she stared at Hawi.
She knew Hawi had been serious earlier and if whatever had happened to Hawi hadn't happened they would have been still rushing up the damned stairs as they hoped to find their answers there.
It was just not that easy and they knew it so she wasn't buying into it too.
"You were talking to someone earlier. It seems too intense, so who was it that triggered you? The familiarity was there and you sounded offended. What the fuck was that about, sweetheart?" Ruru asked softly, hoping to the goddess that her soft tone would make her mate open up.
However, a part of her already knew that there was never going to be such a case. Perhaps she could wait it out and keep hoping that life would get better for the both of them, but what were the odds of that when Hawi didn't want to talk about anything at all?
"It was no one. I was just encouraging you both to keep running and look where we are. I came here earlier than the both of you, even when you cheated and got her through the portal, something that even I court figured out!" Hawi shined and Ruru sighed.
Hawi was avoiding talking about the situation, and that was also how she knew that something different had happened. Hawi looked fatigued, even as she forced a smile on her face.
Ruru needed to know what it was because she was desperate to be of help to the love of her life. But then the longer she looked at Hawi's passive state, the more she realized that maybe they needed to give her time to come to terms with whatever it was.
Ruru could only hope to the goddess that this didn't turn disastrous for Hawi because then they wouldn't know what to do. She always wanted what was best for the girl and nothing would stop her, not even herself.
"Alright… alright baby. I won't ask anymore. Stay with me alright? You wanna sleep, then we'll sleep. Do you want food? Malika will make us some," Ruru said as she looked at the protector, "right?
Malika looked at the two mates and she was tempted to breach and look into Hawi's unconscious. She had sensed that there was something blocking the mind link they shared but at the same time, she couldn't invade Hawi's privacy.
The woman would kill her without asking any questions and that wasn't what Malika was trying to turn Hawi into. No matter what happened at the moment, they just needed to work this out bit by bit.
"Of course. I'll get on with it. Make sure not to stay on the edge of the steps. We can't go back down," Malika said.
Ruru just nodded defeatedly, as she held Hawi in her arms. Everything had gotten a little complicated but hey, they were the only ones who could decode a lot of complications at the same time, right?
"I'm sleepy, Ruru," Hawi whined and that was also how Ruru knew this would be a long night.
Hopefully, along the way, they would get how to open up to them right? After all, it couldn't be as bad. But how would Ruru react to the possibility that the woman she loved was close to the grave with each moment?