Chapter 417: You Chose Everyone… Over Me
"Hawi! You okay?" Ruru asked when she noticed her mate was not following the as they had expected. Hawi was always competitive, always, and there was never a day she had posed a challenge just to lose, high right now, she used to be the one losing.
Rukiya had never seen this state so she was worried about her mate's welfare, especially when she saw how Hawi was making slow steps. It was like she never wanted to catch up with them, but then that wasn't supposed to be the case, right?
"You should be focusing on the steps, Ruru, I am much faster than you, my beautiful or do you not want that ten-minute break?" Hawi asked and Ruru let out a laugh as she gave her mate a thumbs up.
It seemed like Hawi was okay and yet at the same time, Ruru had a feeling that there was something more to this. However, she didn't ask or even push on because she was sure if Hawi wanted her to know, she would.
After all, it wasn't like the woman was in danger when left alone, right?
"You used to hate your middle name… now you use it?" Luna Eniola asked when Ruru disappeared and Hawi picked up the pace up the stairs. She knew they had been slow enough and Hawi didn't want to be faced with questions that even she couldn't answer.
She refused to be part of that at the moment.
"People change mothers," Hawi said and Eniola stared at her daughter, the disbelief clear on her face. She didn't trust Hawi when it came to that.
In their culture, the name Hawi meant blessing and Hawi had never seen herself as one to her family. she always felt like the outcast, the person people feared and the woman that everyone never wanted to interact with for fear of what she could do to them.
Maybe that was why she had decided to use her first and last name all the time with everyone except for the Savasci knights.
The Savasci knights made her feel like she was worth something, like she was someone who could be fought for. They made her feel wanted and belonging. She was safe with them, always and she never doubted that.
"Not that fast, baby. I am your mother, I know you more than you know yourself," Luna Eniola said and Hawi scoffed at that statement. Surly her mother couldn't be trying to get to her like that right? There was just no way.
"Oh yeah? Are you sure about that?" Hawi asked as she turned to glare at her mother.
"You don't get to call me that. Not right now, not ever. You never get to call me that because you're not allowed to. Never," Hawi growled as she landed a punch on her mother's face, only for that action to remind her that it was all just a hallucination.
This was a costly hallucination for her in so many ways. Nothing was ever going to be the same, but that was something that Hawi had gotten used to.
No one would ever understand her and now her mother's ghost was making her life a little harder than she had anticipated. This was the kind of shit that she didn't need, not when she was here.
"You're climbing the damn staircase when you know very well that none of your powers are left when you came on the island. You know you can portal into the temple but you're not dining it. You can get there in an instant and yet you hold back.
"You're holding yourself back, Awuor. You're not letting yourself reach your full potential," Eniola said and Hawi let out a loud growl.
She didn't care that she could be heard by the entirety of the island. That didn't matter because right now, she wasn't ready to face that truth with her mother; Not like this. Her mother was dead and she needed to be dead.
"Shut up, alright? Shut the fuck up!!" Hawi growled again as she fell to her knees, the pain in her heart worsening with every minute. The world was going around and she wasn't even a part of it, or maybe she was out she didn't feel like she belonged.
Her mother's ghost showing up was never supposed to happen but yet here they are. She missed the woman so much that her subconscious decided to help her through it by creating something that was not real.
There were consequences to that and Hawi knew it, but why did it make her feel worse than she already was at the moment?
"Tell them the truth and I will leave, Hawi—" Luna Enila said and Hawi cried out in pain.
"You always leave, Mother," Hawi whimpered as she sank her head between her knees.
She was tired of everything, sick of whatever was happening, she had been healing, she had been trying to survive and over the years she had survived. Her friends had helped her, her mate had held her hand and Hawi had been certain that she was fixed. Find more chapters on empire
Funny how the only thing it took to undo all of that was the woman who was beside her, watching her in silence, someone that no one in the world could see except for her and it was eating her up.
"You always leave. You say you know what's best for me, and yet you left. You chose to leave me alone in this world. You knew what was bound no matter what happened. You saw what I would turn to.
"You knew it would ruin me if you left, and yet you still left anyway. You let them take you away from me. All you had to do was be my mother, and yet you didn't even have the guts to do that. You abandoned me like they all did, Mother.
"You were supposed to protect me, to be the mother I needed and yet you chose to leave. SO no, mother. You don't know what's best for me. You didn't know how hard I worked to pick myself up.
"You have no idea what you took from me. You took everything, everything mother. The person who was supposed to love me the most, broke my heart into shreds, and didn't even think of what that would do to me," Hawi cried out as she locked herself with her magic.
She knew that her friends were coming down as she knew the protectors had heard her growls, not to mention the Russels who were possibly on the island were already tipped off. But what could Hawi do?
What the hell was she supposed to do to make herself feel like this wasn't all in her mind? How the fuck was she to express that everything still hurt even though she was so close to healing?
She had accepted her mother's death and faced her truth as the cursed child. So why did it still hurt? Why the fuck was it so hard for her to forget and focus on what mattered to her?
"You know I mean well, Awuor. You know that," Eniola said as she bent to hug her daughter. She hated seeing her daughter like this but what else could the mother and daughter do? She was just a figment of Hawaii's subconscious in the end.