The Reincarnated Vampire Just Wants to Enjoy Her New Life

Chapter 162: Setting Off and Another Perspective

After talking, I went out and did some shopping.

The original plan to take the single women with their children had suddenly increased in numbers by a significant number.

Thinking about it, it was amazing how Philia took care of so many kids by her self. Sure, the older ones helped out, but in the end she was caring for several dozen kids as the only adult.

As it was late, the various stores were getting ready to close, especially the grocers. But thankfully that also meant that the store owners were quick to give me discounts as incentive to buy as much of their older products as they could offload before they risked them going bad.

As things didn't rot in my dimensional pocket, this very fact was actually quite a good thing for me, as I was already going to buy in bulk.

Though, it wasn't like I was hurting for money. If the coins I had wasn't enough, I could always just go and exchange one of the divine gold coins and have more cash on hand than I knew what to do with.

In the end, I purchased a crate of various food, disappeared into an alley to put it all away, then went back to the main street to buy more from another grocer.

As for if it was enough or too much, I wasn't too sure. Everyone back home ate different amounts, and many ate deceptively larger amounts than I would normally think. But if it became a problem, I could always just fly back or home and pick up more food.

Once I was finished, and went back, I checked up on Epione's group and confirmed our plans, including giving them the update that Philia and her kids were going to come as well. The overall reception to that news was quite positive as it seemed they had quite a good impression of the elderly orphanage director.

Then when I returned to the orphanage, I was greeted by all the kids once again.

It seemed like Philia had explained everything and even sent a few of the older kids to talk to the ones who've recently left the orphanage to invite those who wanted to come with us.

Not like I minded. They were people Philia raised and trusted. Even a few dozen more wouldn't bother me. There was already over three hundred to begin with.

That evening, everyone did what they could to pack their things up. Though because of the way things were, they could only bring what they could carry, and most of them were kids, so that really didn't amount to much.

Though then again, this was an orphanage. There wasn't that much in terms of personal belongings in the first place. Almost everything was shared, so personal belongings were mostly just changes of clothes.

The older and stronger kids carried what few toys they had, while I would deal with things like the beds. They were still using the furs I had donated years ago, and while they did look a bit worn, they were still in good condition.

Thinking about it, we really would need a lot of things once we got back home. Not only a place for everyone to sleep, but beds, clothes, and plenty of other daily necessities.

(I haven't thought through this at all.)

But I had already decided I would follow through with my responsibilities. I had declared myself responsible for these people, so I would make sure they would get what they needed, even if I had to spend days farming for the materials in the dungeon myself.

For actually turning those raw materials into things that could be used...I would have to owe a lot of people quite a few favours.

That evening, in between preparations, I enjoyed some casual talk with the kids and Philia. Alicia and Fate had another staring contest with that one girl, Flix.

Eventually the sun set and everyone else went to sleep, turning it into private time for me and my babies.

Not even Claret or Orphne was around for once.

I kissed the two of them on the cheek before letting them onto the ground. The last day they spent the entire time in my arms. And while they didn't hate it, or rather they enjoyed being held almost as much as I enjoyed feeling their body warmth.

Almost immediately once their feet touched the wooden floor boards, did they both excitedly start exploring the place. Their first time being allowed to do what they wanted in a new place.

That being said, they still held my hands, refusing to let go as they pulled me along.

*Tot tot tot tot tot*

They went to the left. Looking around and under an old dinner table.

*Tot tot tot tot tot*

They went to the right. Looking inside the mostly empty area underneath the main staircase.

*Tot tot tot tot tot*

They went though the door. Looking at the communal bathing room I had made for everyone years ago.

The two of them showed curiosity beyond which I had ever seen before from them. The fact that they were outside of our home must have been quite interesting to the two of them.

All the meantime, they refused to let go of my hands, causing me to waddle around as they went around under their own motive power.

On the occasion, I had to active [Spirit Form] so I could phase a part of my body through some furniture that the two decided to go around different sides. Or sometimes I had to stop them from going upstairs, as everyone else in the building was sleeping.

Or stop them from going outside.

Despite the hardship though, a smile filled my lips the entire night until the sounds of people upstairs reached my ears.

"Do you have everything?"

"Is anything missing?"

"Put that securely in your bag. Carrying it by hand will only tire you out."

"Don't forget to use the washroom before going as well!"

Philia rapid fired questions and instructions to the kids while I did my best to go around to make sure that everyone seemed to be ready. Their shoes laced up, their bags in good condition, and looking out for anything else which might be a problem on the way.

We really didn't make any time to prepare, so there wasn't a shortage of things that we were realizing were problems at the last minute, but holding off the departure didn't feel like a good idea. As long as the journey was going to be, we actually had a lot of leeway, thanks to the fact that the fairies would be meeting up with us in Edgeworth Village, along with the fact that some of us could always head to the nearest settlement to get anything we had forgotten.

As for myself, I went around to deal with the things which the others couldn't. Namely, the soap making equipment, which was far too large and heavy for anyone to carry, was broken apart and anything valuable was put away for safe keeping.

The bedding as well was put away. While the quality wasn't very high, it would be a waste to simply leave it and have the kids suffer not having anything decent to sleep on until new ones could be made.

There was also the metal tablets I had left here as well. The ones that had my magic theory written on it so the kids could learn some magic. It seemed like it was a success, as I saw the occasional kid use magic for everyday things like starting a fire to cook meals with.

Basically, anything of value that wasn't a part of the building's structure was being taken with us. Either to be used at their new home or to prevent them from falling to the wrong hands. As to who's hands was wrong, I had no idea. But it was better to be safe than sorry.

While the final preparations took a while, once it was all over and everyone had breakfast, we headed out to the building where Epione and her people were waiting.

A few of the kids were pulling a series of simple hand carts I had made for today on the side while playing with my babies. It was nothing more than a frame of metal tubes with a wire mesh to hold a load, along with a pair of wire wheels. It was a simple design sometimes seen on Earth, but it was extremely light thanks to how little metal was used in its design.

With a little bit of testing, we were able to confirm that even a child could easily pull the cart while loaded with food despite the lack of a few key components, like rubber to pad the wheels.

"Miss Scarlet! Miss Philia! Good morning!"

When we arrived, Epione answered the door.

"Hey. Morning."

"It's good to see you are doing well."

"Yes, it's thanks to the two of you. We're ever so grateful."

"No, I only found you a place to stay until Scarlet got here. She's the one who deserves all the praise."

I glared at Philia, who retreated from the spotlight as fast as she could.


"Ah, Miss Scarlet. You've saved us so many times, there's no way we can even start to repay you. But if there's anything we can do..."

"It's fine. I just do what I want. If you want to repay me, then make sure your kids grow up strong, healthy, and happy."

"Miss Scarlet..."

Epione looked like she was choking up with tears.

(Shit, did I just make things even worse?)

I glanced to my side, only to be greeted with the sight of Philia's smile that was so warm that it felt painful.


"A, anyways. Are you all ready?"

"Ah, yes, we are. All our things are packed and the wagons have been prepared."

"Then let's head out!"

And so, we all made our way as one giant congregation out of the alley and through the western gates, much to the surprise of everyone around the gates.

"And, and, Miss Scarlet!"

We were all walking as one giant group along the narrow dirt road west of Linsington City.

Everyone's expressions were bright despite the long walk.

While it was difficult to measure based on my own experiences travelling across this road, but it should take two or three days to get to Edgeworth Village. Maybe a bit longer since we were going as a large group with lots of little children.

The youngest were riding on the larger wagons which Epione's group had brought with them all the way from Parietina Village where they lived until a few months ago. Thanks to their size and the fact that they had horses to pull them, the kids were able to ride without much issue.

Though those horses didn't look like they were in that good condition. Their fur was rough, and you could see the ribs on some of them. One of them even had patchy fur.

But as long as they lasted the journey, it was all that mattered. So maybe it was right for them to get these horses that looked cheaper. It wasn't like there would be much use for them once we got to the Hourai Commonwealth.

The horses would be allowed a nice retirement. Whatever horse retirement looked like.

Maybe being allowed to run around wherever they wanted? To eat all the grass they wanted?

Maybe become steak?

Horse populations were probably at an all time low on Earth, so I had no idea how horses that had no use were treated. Before coming to this world, I barely had any memories of even seeing a horse in person after all.

But long before that, I had a different problem to confront.

"So this is how much I've become able to do!"

Flix stuck close to me and talked whenever she could.

Her eyes sparkled the entire time as she told me about herself, her life, or asked questions about me.

It was quite adorable, though at the same time headache inducing. Alicia and Fate's guards have gone up even further since they first met her. It didn't look like things would get better between the three of them for the foreseeable future, and the journey was going to be long.

I could only sigh inwardly at the thought as we made our way along the dirt road.


I love mommy!

Mommy's the best person in the whole world!

I remember, a long, long time ago, mommy saved my life.

I was cold, and everything was dark. But suddenly things were warm.

I didn't know it at the time, but it was mommy's warmth!

Mommy was so warm, I loved it so much!

I used to live with other people, but while they were warm too, they only sometimes shared it with me. I was cold a lot of the time before mommy.

But since mommy saved me, I was always warm.

I love mommy most in the world!

Lots of things happened, then I got sick.

No, I think I was sick even before I met mommy, but...even though mommy was warm like always, it hurt.

At the end, mommy and I became one.

It was one of the happiest day of my life! Right after the day I met mommy!

But somehow, even after everything should have gotten cold again, it didn't.

I could still feel mommy's warmth!

I was happy, but it felt like a dream. Like I was dreaming.

Eventually, I found out that I was inside of mommy!

But not like a baby. I could talk to mommy, and see through her eyes!

Light was so amazing! I couldn't understand what I was seeing for a long time, but mommy was patient and I learned!

I got to see so many things! The adventures mom had were amazing!

Though it was painful sometimes, I bore with it. I was a good girl so I didn't cry when it hurt.

One day, mom asked me if I wanted her to be my real mommy.

Of course I said yes! Mommy wasn't my real mommy yet, but if she wanted to be my mommy, I really wanted it!

But I was worried. Maybe mommy didn't want to actually be my mommy. Maybe she was saying she'll do it because she was so nice?

One day, mommy said she wanted to be my mommy.

All my worries were gone! I was so happy!

I was a little worried that she only said it to make me happy, but when I thought about it, she seemed to really want it. She wanted to be a mommy for herself!

So soon after, mommy did a lot of work, then I fell asleep.

The next time I woke up, I could feel my own body!

I couldn't move very well and it was hard to even think, but I was so happy!

I loved looking at mommy's face, feeling her warmth, being together always!

Even if I couldn't see her face very well. Everything was very blurry, not like when I was using mommy's eyes.

But I could tell it was her. Even when it was the first time I've ever seen it, I've touched it so many times.

But there was one face I saw that I didn't recognize. And I kept seeing that face.

Eventually I found out that the face belonged to my twin sister Fate.

I didn't like Fate.

Mommy gave her part of my attention to her.

Mommy didn't have to only look at me, but I wanted to be the one mommy was with the most.

The one to feel mommy's warmth the most.

The one for mommy to smile at the most.

And in turn, I'd be the one to give back to mommy the most.

That was what I wanted the most.

I didn't need anything else.

But my mouth didn't work so well.

Talking was hard.

I could say 'ba boo', but 'don't look at her' couldn't come out as real words.

But at least I got to be with mommy almost all the time.

She was so soft, and warm, and smelled nice.

Blood smelled nice too.

But I was scared of drinking it.

What if mommy stopped holding me so much if I started to drink blood?

I didn't like that, so I threw the blood away every time mommy tried to give me blood!

Claret looked tasty though.

I didn't know why.

Mommy didn't like it when Claret's fingers came close to our mouths though.

I didn't know why either.

But Claret's nice.

Sometimes I can see right through her though.

I don't know why.

There's a lot of things I don't know about her, but I like her.

But I still didn't like Fate.

But mommy didn't like it when I hit her.

I'm sorry Fate.

Mommy said I had to say that.

But I still hate Fate.

But I love her too.

When I make her cry, I feel bad.

But I still hate it when she tries to get mommy to look at her more.

I'm the older sister. Mommy looks at me first!

Though that aside, mommy has lots of friends now.

Before, it was just mommy and me.

No, mommy had the little spirits as well, but they couldn't talk.

Amazingly, they were the first thing I saw, as mommy taught me how to see them before I was reborn!

The spirits were so cute!

They were small, and fluffy, and warm, and looked tasty.

But mommy would be sad if I put one in my mouth, so I didn't.

But telling Fate not to do that was hard, and she cried a bunch of times when I stopped her when mommy wasn't looking.

Fate wasn't like me.

She was a normal baby.

She didn't know.

So I had to teach her when it was just us two.

I was the big sister after all.

But even still. Mommy was too nice.

Mommy was nice to everybody.

And because of that, they wanted to see and talk to mommy a lot.

But mommy always made time for us, so it was okay.

And Orphne played with us sometimes. Though she usually just played that doll game that mommy made.

I didn't really understand what was so great about it, though some of the dolls were pretty.

One day, mommy got a message.

Someone wanted to talk to her.

When we went to find out who it was, it turned out to be some people mommy helped before.

They needed mommy's help again, and mommy was too nice to say no.

But I felt bad for them.

People were being mean to them, so they ran away, but now didn't have anywhere to call home.

There were a lot of little kids there too, though they were bigger than Fate and me.

They were the first people I've ever seen who had red eyes like mommy and Fate.

Maybe they were similar to us?

So we were all going to go back home together!

But they weren't the only ones to come.

One of mommy's old friends, and the kids she cared for, were going to come as well.

This old friend treated mommy a bit differently from most people. I wasn't sure why she smiled the way she did, but mommy didn't get angry.

Rather, mommy smiled back as well, in a way that I never saw before.

I was a bit worried that this person was special to mommy, but there was someone else that I was even more worried about.

It was a little girl who kept trying to talk to mommy all the time.

I didn't like her at all.

She wanted mommy's attention all the time.

Fate could tell as well.

She was dangerous.

She wanted to hog mommy all to herself.

But mommy was ours.

We wouldn't let her get her way.

Mommy was too nice.

But I still loved mommy more than anyone in the world.

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