The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 33.1

Be Careful of Sparks (1)


-Hey. Newbie. It’s about the case you picked up yesterday. You said that her handphone was thrown away along with her clothes, right?

“Yep. What about it?”

-They’ve found the cell phone of the congressman’s granddaughter. But it had also been thrown away somewhere along with her clothes.

“…where was that?”

-Over at Incheon.

Bad feelings have a way of coming true.

With this, everything became clear.

Both Sae-Bom and the congressman’s granddaughter had been abducted by the Joongmae Gang.

While I was processing this, Black kept talking.

-The cases seem similar, right? No matter how you look at it, it seems to be a case of human trafficking…

“The Joongmae Gang. Tell them to go digging in their direction.”

-Hey now. How do you figure that? Well, even without your say-so, we’ve got them lined up as one of our top suspects.

“I can count on one hand the number of guys who’d strip their victim of all their clothes and possessions before kidnapping them. Along with the location of these kidnappings, there’s probably a high chance of it being the Joongmae Gang.”

I pretended to make the connection from the clues that I had picked up from here and there.

-However, since those guys are the type to wander around, it’ll be difficult to pin them down.

That was indeed quite the problem.

But as the saying went, if you want to catch a rat, then you just have to release the cat.

This meant that, as humans, we shouldn’t lower ourselves to try and catch a rat’s tail with our own hands.

-Hey. What is that sound that I keep hearing in the background?

He was probably referring to the sounds of Myeong Bo-Hoon retching.

I replied with a laugh.

“Nothing important. Just a cat making a racket.”


At club Exodus in the backstreets of Gangnam.

The neon sign advertising the club was still flashing, but it had been a long time since any customers had stepped foot inside its doors.

This was because all the VIP members had been arrested at the ‘Thugs and Drugs Party’ and the person who ran the club, Madam Shim, was also awaiting trial.

Fortunately, the employees who hadn’t attended the party were already in the middle of getting everything back up and running.

“Whoa. Look at all the dust.”

However, they had only been able to get back to work after the investigation had finally wrapped up last week.

Myeong Bo-Hoon had to cover his mouth as he entered the store.

It might be because the place was underground, but there was a strong smell of stale dust.

“Welcome. Do you have an appointment?”

A member of the staff greeted Myeong Bo-Hoon with a bright expression.

However, with the stage left abandoned in the dark, the club had lost what could be called its signature atmosphere, leaving Exodus with the air of a B-class Japanese Hostess Bar.

“I’m not a customer. Get your manager here, the one who’s running this place instead of Madam Shim. Go tell him that I need to see him for a bit.”

While confused, the employee still headed up to the office.

Soon after, a large-framed man appeared and took a seat in front of Myeong Bo-Hoon.

“What are you here for?”

A frown had spread across the man’s face as soon as he recognized Myeong Bo-Hoon.

He was one of the Guma Gang’s top executives, Min Seok-Gi.

“Between us, do I really need a reason to come and see you?”

“Stop fucking around.”

The Guma Gang had grown from its roots as a small gang by continuously branching out.

So even though a lot of branches had been destroyed following Ma Eun-Tae’s arrest and the supply of drugs having been cut off, there were still a few surviving remnants.

However, now that their monopoly of the drug trade had been lost, the organization would soon need to be renamed.

“You son of a bitch. I’ve heard all about how you’ve cozied up to the Joongmae Gang. After all these years, you want to cut all ties just because things are getting a little shaky for the organization?”

“Oh my. You need to put things clearly. Your organization isn’t just shaky, it’s completely collapsed. And it isn’t like we were the ones who decided to attach ourselves to the Joongmae Gang. It was the Cheonyonghoe who made that decision.”

At Myeong Bo-Hoon’s words, Min Seok-Gi snorted loudly.

For him, no matter who was responsible, the results were still the same.

“Enough. Let’s just get to what you’re here for. Can’t you see I’m busy getting the store ready.”

At that moment, the time was around sunset.

While it seemed certain that he wouldn’t be able to get the store even close to ready by tonight, Myeong Bo-Hoon didn’t take this lie to heart.

“Sure. I’m also in a bit of a hurry, so I’ll be straight with you. The drug trade with the Cheonyonghoe, you can get it back.”


Surprised by these unexpected words, Min Seok-Gi retorted.

“Those Joongmae Gang bastards, just because things are going their way, they’re getting real cocky. Can you believe that they’ve suddenly asked me to increase the number of kids I’m sending off to China? And they haven’t even offered to increase my split of the commission in return for all my hard work. Do they really think I’m a pushover?”

Myeong Bo-Hoon pulled out a cigarette and chomped down on the end of it in frustration.

Sensing that something unusual was going on behind the scenes, Min Seok-Gi took out a lighter and held it out to him.

As they say, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, so his initially hostile atmosphere gradually faded away.

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