The Reincarnated Cop Who Strikes With Wealth

Chapter 21.3

Please Set the Table (3)

Everything was going according to plan.

Firstly, I had purposefully fed Dal-Gon some false information.

The facts that the Guma Gang had already taken all of the Fork Gang’s money and that the police were about to capture the Guma Gang soon.

Even though he had pretended disinterest at the time, just look at this.

He’s spilling everything to his friend.

Of course that’s just what the Dal-Gon I know would do.

I knew that he would want to repay the guilt that he felt due to his betrayal.

“So that’s Song Dae-Ak’s right-hand man? Noh Gil-Sik.”

“It looks that way. He’s probably the only one who knows where Song Dae-Ak is hiding.”

“How did you know he was coming to visit?”

“Dal-Gon gets on well with his superiors. He’s quite the charmer. So I hoped that someone would be coming, but I didn’t know that it would be him.”

The truth was, I knew of this visit because I had heard about it from Dal-Gon in my previous life.

When he went to jail in place of the boss, there was only one person who had come to visit him.

But to think that person would be Noh Gil-Sik.

It seems like this would work out better than I had expected.

After staring quietly at me for a moment, Black asked.

“But are you okay with this?”

“Me? Okay with what?”

“It seems like Dal-Gon is quite a precious friend to you, but are you okay with using him like this? Even though he doesn’t know about it…”

I shrugged my shoulder in dismissal.

“If I really am a true friend, then I should do my best to prevent him from going down the wrong path. Right now, I’m actually helping Dal-Gon.”

“Is that so? You’re right. Being friends with a cop is better than being friends with a gangster.”

At that moment we heard Mong-Doo’s voice through a speaker.

-Noh Gil-Sik’s car has stopped. Are they here for the Emperor Motel? Well, they’re heading in that direction.

So it’s the Emperor Motel.

That’s probably Song Dae-Ak’s hideout.

While organizing the photos on the desk, I said.

“Just keep an eye on them. Until we let them know about it, they shouldn’t have any proof that Madam Shim has already pocketed the slush fund.”

-Ahhh. I can’t arrest them even though they’re right there. It’s really frustrating.”

“Ha ha. Just hold on for a bit longer. After all, you can’t catch a fish without scattering enough bait.”

Inside a photo were the familiar faces of a man and a woman.

Although it was taken from a distance, you could clearly identify who the camera had been aiming at.

Ma Eun-Tae and Madam Shim.

The two regularly held secret meetings in the underground parking lot.

Particularly intimate meetings at that.

It was the shining moment of Black’s hard work, having stealthily followed her for the past ten days

“Unless the Madam suddenly finds her conscience and confesses her sins, Song Dae-Ak will have no choice but to nurse his suspicions while remaining in hiding.”

-Still, Noh Gil-Sik doesn’t look very happy.

We have to foster all sorts of doubts in his mind.

Only with that will there be an immediate effect once we inform him of Madam Shim’s betrayal, and it would make his entrance on the day all the more intense.

I chose only the most provocative photos and set them aside.

Now all we needed to do was send these to the gang’s office in Hwanak District once the date of the party hds been set.

Under Dal-Gon’s name, of course.

“However, what should we say to make sure that these guys arrive exactly on the date?”

“We have to persuade them to go for Madam Shim and Ma Eun-Tae at the same time. As the money has already been handed over to Ma Eun-Tae, there’s no way for them to get it back with just the woman in their hands.”

“Oh. That’s a good idea.”

Over the past ten days, we had been working undercover without a moment’s rest.

Team Leader was on the drugs, Black was on Madam Shim, and Mong-Doo was on the gang’s office.

And finally, I was watching Dal-Gon.

This was the start of the most important phase.

We needed to carefully manage all their moves like we were balancing delicate pieces of glass.

Since we couldn’t let them see a single trace of our handiwork in this.

Anyhow, until the party date comes out, we wouldn’t be able to move on to the next phase..

At that moment, my handphone received a message.

[Exodus is pleased to announce the date of the party.]

Finally, the table had been set.


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