The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 99 The Extraordinary History on the Slate 1

Chapter 99 The Extraordinary History on the Slate 1
Under the guidance of Shi Kodi, Yan Luge walked up to the sixth floor of Tongtian Tower.

He glanced at the royal secrets that occupied the entire floor of the bookshelf, and only picked up a few mudstone slabs that had been packaged and placed in the window—mudstone slabs from 5000 years ago.

Under the stern eyes of the ancient books administrator, Yan Lage put on gloves and a mask, sat in front of the workbench covered with a soft sheepskin mattress, and carefully removed the packaging outside the mudstone slab.

The Nishizawa Empire used cuneiform characters, and the characters on the entire slab were composed of triangles and horizontal lines. However, the ancient characters and today’s character system have undergone great changes, just like the oracle bone inscriptions in Tianzhou and modern simplified characters. , It is completely two concepts. People who have not studied it will only be at a loss when they look at ancient characters.

After Yanlvge got the mudstone slate, he read it quickly without much hesitation.

Shikoti was slightly surprised: "Can you understand ancient Xize language?"

"No, I can only understand 90% of it, and I can only guess the rest." Yan Luge pointed to a line of text, "The emperor was walking in the desert and met a giant beast with two heads, six claws and nine tails. The emperor used Nahan kills the giant beast, the giant beast dies, its blood turns into black sand, its flesh turns into rotten soil, and Nahan grows from its bones. What do the two words in the middle mean?"

Shikoti leaned over to look at the words of Yan Lv Ge, and said: "'The Great Emperor killed the giant beast with a scorching knife' and 'bone grass grows on the bone'. The former is a long knife burning with flames, The latter is a highly poisonous green plant that grows on the bones of giant beasts and glows at night."

The Nishizawa royal family has passed down the history and culture since the founding of the country.

As the eldest daughter of the emperor, Shikoti's history course included the translation and interpretation of the ancient Xize language.

"What about this sentence?" Yan Luge pointed to another line of text, "The emperor is walking by the river, and Nahan flows in the river. Nahan wrapped around the emperor's ankle, penetrated into the emperor's skin, and sucked the emperor's blood. The emperor What kind of snake venom was poured into the water, and Na Han was poisoned to death, and then the emperor was also poisoned and fell into a coma for three days and three nights. What the hell is this what and that what?"

"'Lishe Snake' and 'Blackwater River Pinworm Swarm'." Shikoti rummaged through his long-ago memories, and said with a headache, "Lishe Snake is a snake with black feathers on its back. Its snake venom is secreted through the feather glands. It is very poisonous and can kill mortals. The Blackwater River Pinworm Swarm is a kind of aquatic pinworm that lives in the Blackwater River. It usually moves in groups, so it is very dangerous They entangle creatures that enter the water, burrowing into their skin, sucking their blood dry, and laying eggs in their muscles. The eggs of these pinworms hatch before the corpse swells, and the larvae grow before the corpse rots. into adults."

"...All right. If no one interprets these demons and ghosts, I really can't understand them."

Yan Lvge took out seven mudstone slabs, most of which recorded that the emperor went to a certain place and killed some monsters.Or maybe the emperor went somewhere and found some treasure.

No wonder Shikoti says their historical records are exaggerated.

Anyone who reads these gossips won't think it's real.


"Are these all true?" Shikoti asked softly.

Shikoti was originally a staunch materialist.

But after seeing the extraordinary phenomenon with her own eyes, her thinking also changed, and she began to doubt her previous judgment.

"There is a high probability that it is true." Yan Luge said bluntly, "I would like to ask you a few questions. In your Caesar's history, how much time has been recorded as a myth? When did it start? The description about power disappeared?"

Shikoti thought about it for a while, and said: "In the first 1000 years of the founding of Nishizawa, there were basically descriptions related to extraordinary power. In the next 4000 years, after the construction of the Tongtian Tower, such myth-like descriptions suddenly disappeared. , the historical records have become really... ordinary.”

"That's right. The historical records of four of the five ancient kingdoms, the Tianzhou, the Maurya Dynasty, the Nile Federation, and the Caesar Empire, have all told me the same answer." Yan Lvge said casually, "Seablue Star In the ancient times of the world, strange beasts and superhumans were rampant, but 4000 years ago, the source of supernatural power - aura suddenly disappeared, and all inheritance seemed to be cut off overnight. Then it took several years or decades Over time, the extraordinary powers of all countries have completely disappeared."

Yan Luge raised his head and looked at Shikoti: "I want to read the story of Mangula Caesar, the master of ZTE Caesar, the builder of the Tongtian Tower, and the godslayer. Where is it?"

Under Shikoti's guidance, Yan Lv Ge got some clay slabs from 4000 years ago.

The cuneiform characters on the mudstone slabs have also changed a lot. It seems that the language system has become more and more complicated. The triangles and horizontal lines in the past can no longer be fully expressed, so the arrangement and combination of triangles, horizontal lines, vertical lines, and oblique lines has evolved. .

Yan Luge glanced at it and found that he could still understand most of it, so he started to read happily.

Shikoti looked at him with admiration: "How did you learn the ancient cuneiform?"

Even for her, it took a lot of effort to understand the ancient characters written in these ancient books.

You know, even in the Nishizawa royal family, only the heir to the throne needs to be proficient in all ancient languages ​​and characters. As for the other princes and princesses... just don't skip classes, it doesn't matter how much you score in the exam.

Li Ge's temperament is notoriously wild in the circle of the rich second generation. Since he was a child, he was famous for lying and skipping classes and not studying hard. He often couldn't even find him in the blink of an eye—his father would try to find him Looking for it, I don't even bother to look for it when I grow up. Anyway, who wants to be unfavorable to his son, and it will definitely not be his son who will be unlucky in the end-in short, this person is so crazy that he can learn such complicated ancient characters?
"Self-taught." Yan Luge said casually, "I can understand the mainstream languages ​​and characters in the world, do you believe it?"

"Extraordinary ability?" Shikoti could only think of this one answer.

"No, just take a look."

Shikoti didn't refute, but his eyes were clear - he didn't believe it.

Yanluge didn't explain either.

His memory is actually very strong, almost the kind of photographic memory.

After his researchers finished translating ancient books, they would usually present the original and translated versions to him for reading, and Yan Lvge would be able to read it from beginning to end...recite?Do I need to carry it?Don't you know the language after hearing it?Don't you understand after reading the text?
In addition, he has been running around the world all year round, saying that he understands mainstream languages ​​and characters, he is really not joking.

He skipped class because he didn't want to waste time. Before each exam, he flipped through the textbooks, didn't he always be the first in grade?
Although most people think that his father is rich and powerful, he got the answer in advance, and complained about the unfairness of the teacher and the school behind his back, but after that school was bought by his father, no one complained.

Because ever since he knew that he would not be expelled for messing around, Yan Lvge didn't even bother to take the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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