The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 84 The Monster Howls for Killing and Freedom 2

Chapter 84 The Monster Howls for Killing and Freedom 2
Snow on February 1
It's not an illusion, my legs actually hurt.

The bone I broke last month hasn't healed yet, I can feel the soreness and numbness there, as if the bone is growing.But there is still no feeling elsewhere.

What a miracle.

Snow on February 1
How did the miracle happen?
My hunch told me it might have something to do with the viral video on campus.

Snow on February 1
I went to ask my neighbor to borrow the computer again.

That feeling came back when I turned on the viral video.

Headache, nausea, nausea, body aches.

It hurts, really hurts, but my leg hurts's a miracle.

In fact, after watching it for a long time, I don't think those monsters are so scary anymore.I even think they are gods and saviors, I should believe in them, and I should be with them.

When I got home, I found that I could move four of my toes, and I had some feeling back in my legs.

But the fractured area doesn't hurt much.

By the way, when my mother came home, she seemed surprised to see me hang up.

She said my face seemed a little different.

Something different?
Snow on February 1
When I asked my neighbor to borrow a computer, he looked at me with contempt and disgust, but finally agreed.

Those viral videos that came out of nowhere actually healed me.

I can lift my legs slightly.

In the chat group I haven’t been in for a long time, some students said that this is a demonic virus spreading from hell, so our school has not been able to solve it.

I'm a little angry.It is not the creation of the devil, but the gospel of the gods.I am willing to serve him, I am willing to believe in him, and I am willing to dedicate everything to him.

My mother said my face had changed again and told me not to go out tomorrow.

She seems scared, why?
Snow on February 1
I stole the computer.

I have been serving my god, it is painful, but I feel peace.

In what language should I pray to my gods?

Mi... what?
I'm not religious enough.When I am devout enough, God will reveal to me.

By the way, I can stand up now.

Snow on February 1
Mi gardas…

God, please forgive me, I still can't get the name of divine revelation.

Please forgive me.

Please forgive me.

Please forgive me.

Snow on February 1
They tarnish the revelation, they say they want to destroy the revelation, how dare they, how dare they, how dare they.

Mi gardas…

(cross out) I seem to be crazy.

(strike out) I actually went to the school and wanted to kill the people who tried to destroy the Apocalypse.

(strike out) I don't know if I ended up killing him, but when I stood behind him and saw the family photo on his desk, I suddenly woke up.

(crossed out) Looks like I changed the "stab" to "knock"... I hope he survives.

(cross out) I'm really crazy.God gave me revelations, healed me, and got me back on my feet, and I couldn't fight the faith that power brought me, and I couldn't help believing in my gods.I know, I understand, but I can't resist, I'm even genuinely happy and exultant, I want to embrace pain, embrace death, sing madness and decay, howl murder and freedom.

(cross out) There is a monster in the mirror.

Mi gardas…

Snow on February 1
I will serve the supreme god.

Mi gardas Kapri…


This is the last diary entry.


This is the god.

This is pollution.

This is the fanatic.

Pollutants are corrupt, dying creatures, but at the same time they possess the most powerful and incredible vitality in the world.

Even smashing, scorching, and radiation can't kill them. What is the "disease" of mere paraplegia in front of the pollution force?
So, Sheron Sen, the "waste", willingly embraced the painful pollution power.

"So, is that so?" Caroline looked down at the diary that fell on the floor, and muttered to herself.

If it weren't for this pollution incident, she would never have known that there was such a secret hidden in the so-called "car accident".

His father was a murderer on the run.

And those who were hurt by his father, in turn, put anger and hurt on him, retaliated with an eye, and blood for blood.

He silently accepted the revenge, perhaps because of cowardice, perhaps for redemption.

He thought that he would spend his life peacefully like this, but he didn't expect that the power of pollution healed him and corrupted him.

It's a miracle, but miracles come at a price.

His spirit and body were twisted and polluted, he uncontrollably believed in his gods, and fell into the abyss with the crazy gods—even though he knew that his gods never cared about the beliefs of ants.

Caroline has killed many pollutants, but most of the pollutants she encountered in the Cold Leaf Forest were mutated wild animals, which made her only have a superficial understanding of pollutants, and she always felt that they were It's similar to things like zombies and mutant beasts.

This is the first time, she really felt this heaviness.

And weakness.

To watch one step into madness and powerlessness.

But in the next second, her gaze became firm again.

This polluter is hopeless.

Kill him to prevent the contamination from spreading again.

It is the best salvation for him.


"You have to fanatically believe in the gods, you have to serve the gods devoutly, you have to prostrate yourself under the gods, and you have to dedicate your spirit, blood, and flesh to the gods." Sheron Sen lowered her head and watched quietly The woman struggling and wriggling under her feet whispered in a hoarse voice, "Mi gardas Kapri..."

He still couldn't get the full revelation.

But it doesn't matter, even incomplete believers can spread the glory of the gods.

Under his feet, the girl let out an indistinct howl, her body rapidly mutated and decayed, and in the blink of an eye she turned into a rotting pollutant that was half a fish and half a sheep.

It howled lowly, its pupils emitted a bloodthirsty red light, twisted its body, and crawled towards the others.

"No, don't come over, don't!" The fat man sat slumped on the ground, watching the pollutants crawl towards him in horror.

He got up on the ground with hands and feet, trying to escape in embarrassment, but soon because he stepped on the wet blood, he slipped and fell to the ground, his nose and eyes were swollen.

Contaminants crawled up his back and began to chew on his flesh.

In the desperate screams, howls, and cries, the man's struggles gradually weakened, and the curses and curses gradually turned into wild and joyful prayers—he also became a pollutant.

Finally, dragging its bloody remains, it prayed devoutly together with the monster that bit it: "Mi gardas Kapricornon."

Xie Lun looked at everything in front of him, showing a cheerful and crazy smile.

 Baa Baa diary:
  Someone actually said that my bleat diary is better than the main text, and I was so mad.

  Do you still have the heart, woo woo woo——

(End of this chapter)

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